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New Million Dollar Concept This Could Be A Powerful Income Producer! (from #date_start# till #date_end#)

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Date: 2024-09-28 22:22:24 EDT

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Brian Cathcart, Hacked Off’s director, welcomed the new politicians’ charter, saying it would provide “better protection for the public from the kinds of abuses that made the Leveson inquiry necessary”. One thing we can be quite certain of is that it will do nothing of the sort. In the unlikely event that the crimes of The News of the World were ever repeated, their exposure and investigation would still have to be a job for the police, not a press regulator.


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2019-05-10 09:10:48

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2019-05-10 09:11:15

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2019-05-10 09:11:27

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2019-05-10 10:38:42

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2019-05-10 10:39:17

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2019-05-10 10:44:41

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2019-05-10 10:44:56

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2019-05-10 10:46:35

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2019-05-10 10:46:48

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2019-05-10 10:47:15

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2019-05-10 11:09:03

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2019-05-10 11:35:29

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2019-05-10 11:35:43

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2019-05-10 12:04:51

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2019-05-10 12:06:56

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2019-05-10 12:07:21

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2019-05-10 12:08:07

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2019-05-10 12:08:16

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2019-05-10 12:09:56

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2019-05-10 12:10:37

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2019-05-10 12:26:06

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2019-05-10 12:26:14

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2019-05-10 12:26:52

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2019-05-10 12:33:08

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2019-05-10 12:33:22

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2019-05-10 12:33:44

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2019-05-10 12:33:59

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2019-05-10 12:34:20

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With the addition of players from continental Europe to the Great Britain-and-Ireland side in 1979, the power balance began to shift. Of the 14 matches since 1985, Europe has won nine, in several cases by lopsided margins, and halved another. Last year's dramatic European comeback in the Sunday singles matches to win at Medinah, Ill., reflected the passion, pressure and high-stakes for players' reputations that nowadays characterize the rivalry.


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2019-05-10 12:58:44

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2019-05-10 13:29:05

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2019-05-10 13:29:16

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2019-05-10 13:29:47

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2019-05-10 13:31:04

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2019-05-10 13:34:02

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2019-05-10 13:34:36

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2019-05-10 13:34:59

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Despite an indepth study, the scientists are still in doubt whether Tamu Massif is one single big volcano or a group of smaller ones joined together. Speaking about the discovery, William Sager, from the University of Houston, US, a co-author of the study, said: “We don’t have the data to see inside them and know their structure, but it would not surprise me to find out that there are more like Tamu out there. One interesting angle is that there were lots of oceanic plateaus (that) erupted during the Cretaceous Period (145-65 million years ago) but we don’t see them since. Scientists would like to know why.”


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2019-05-13 14:40:52

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2019-05-13 14:40:56

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2019-05-13 14:41:02

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2019-05-13 14:41:14

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2019-05-13 14:41:20

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2019-05-17 18:06:38

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Eight of the top 10 grossing films this summer were sequels or franchises, including super hero action films and family oriented animated movies. Among the biggest disappointments were big budget original outings, like "After Earth," "White House Down" and "R.I.P.D." No matter what the critics say, the sky is the limit for "Fast and Furious" sequels.


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Republicans, who have repeatedly tried to derail or delaythe healthcare law since taking control of the House in the 2010elections, also demanded more answers about the scope of theproblems and how many people were signing up for insurance inthe federal exchanges.


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2019-05-17 18:23:27

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2019-05-17 18:30:05

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2019-05-17 18:39:24

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2019-05-17 18:40:07

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2019-05-17 18:50:29

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2019-05-17 18:51:03

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2019-05-17 19:19:51

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2019-05-17 19:20:00

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2019-05-17 19:27:25

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2019-05-17 20:08:58

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2019-05-17 20:54:32

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Syrians will still have to apply for visas, a measure introduced this month after media and some officials accused Syrian Sunni-Muslims of joining Mursi's supporters in their clashes with the military. More than 100 people were killed in the clashes.


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The event is inspired by the annual running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. Some have criticized the treatment of bulls in the runs. Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States says he's attending the Virginia event to ensure there's no mistreatment.


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Katrell Christie is the owner of Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party, a small but lively tea shop in Atlanta. In 2009, Christie traveled to India with a longtime customer to participate in a volunteer project. The Atlanta tea shop owner decided to continue on alone to the Darjeeling region of northeast India to explore the tea plantations. In her time there, Christie encountered a group of young girls who were being forced out of their orphanage for exceeding the age of sixteen. With no families to return to, Christie knew the girls would likely face grim futures in poverty and exploitation.


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2019-05-19 16:22:36

Very interesting tale http://al4a.fun/al4avideos/ al4a videos “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security” … It is amazing what we all put up with, and whilst no one would deny that Manning broke the rules, no doubt with the thoughts above, what justice is there for the non combatants that were executed because of two derelict airmen, who forgot they had a duty to follow the rules also, which the leaked video shows clearly. The direct use of an anti material weapon on anyone not posing an immediate threat of life and limb is, under the conventions of war, cruel and unusual. Their remarks as they are killing clearly unarmed people, discerning children from adults but not tv cameras from RPG’s, are pure filth from what is expected from an officer. Whilst we all watch the rabid process, that allows those in power to further push for more laws, more control, I put it to you that Manning’s character is upheld, and we are thankful for it.


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Until Friday the regatta had been dogged by winds that often exceeded the limits set by the organizers, which were lowered for safety reasons after a sailor died when one of the 72-foot America's Cup catamarans capsized during practice in May.


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There was tightened security outside the federal court in Boston. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev the man accused of the Boston Marathon bombings is set to appear in the court and come face-to-face with victims of the attack for the first time. It’s expected the court will be packed for his arraignment.


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Then, everything crumbled. Brown broke his leg in the preseason finale. Coughlin cut Torain after training camp, leaving a very inexperienced group. Then Wilson had his two-fumble performance on opening night, throwing everything into disarray. The Giants were suddenly so desperate — and so afraid of an inexperienced trio of Wilson, Da’Rel Scott and rookie seventh-rounder Michael Cox — that they brought back 31-year-old Brandon Jacobs, who had barely played in two years.


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Chairman Sir Andrew Green said: "This decision has to be right. We now have a labour market of 500 million in the European Union, it simply makes no sense to bring in unskilled workers from outside.


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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a strongly worded statement on Saturday, saying he told Egyptian authorities it is "essential" they respect the right to peaceful protest. He called on all sides to enter a "meaningful political dialogue" to "help their country take a step back from the brink."


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Researchers have solved part of a medical mystery about a new virus that infected two Missouri men in 2009, confirming the pathogen in lone star ticks near where the patients were infected, then hospitalized, after they were bitten by ticks, according to a study today.


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"We have to respect the process," A-Rod has said again and again and again during his minor-league rehab assignments every time he has been asked about his ties to Anthony Bosch and Biogenesis, his way of saying he doesn't want to answer any questions about Biogenesis.


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While the deficit is still forecast to fall from around 4percent of GDP this year to a sustainable 2 percent in 2015, itwill then start rising again. CBO projected that with no changesin tax and spending laws, the deficit will reach almost 3.5percent of GDP by 2023 and hit 6.4 percent by 2038. Public debtwill make a similar dip to 68 percent in 2018 before risingagain.


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JPMorgan Chase & Co is tuning up its business,albeit less radically. Ita decided in July to sell its physicalcommodities business after concluding profits were too slight tojustify the demands the company would face from regulators tokeep it. In September, JPMorgan said it willquit making loans to students.


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UKFI, which manages the government's stakes in Lloyds andRoyal Bank of Scotland, said it had agreed not to sellany more shares in the bank for a period of 90 days. Thegovernment is expected to sell the shares in several tranches.


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More than a third of the women surveyed (37%) further revealed they have experienced workplace discrimination from both men and women, and just under half (47%) believe it's impossible to ‘have it all’ by combining a happy home life with a fulfilling career.


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* Continuing with this week's battery of data, traders willalso focus on the advanced reading of the second-quarter grossdomestic product and revisions for the last years, expected at8:30 a.m. (1230 GMT). A Chicago survey of business activity isexpected at 9:45 a.m. (1345 GMT).


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Sources that have met with the administration in recent weeks said the agency has likely revised its earlier proposal to provide separate standards for natural gas and coal plants, and also raised the emissions limits for coal plants.


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Todd Starnes gave a talk to Sam Blackledge, along with attorney Jeremy Dys from First Liberty Institute, About how he was told to remove references to Jesus Christ from his valedictorian address to West Prairie highschool in Illinois. Blackledge explained why it was vital for him to mention his faith in his speech, While Dys explained why Blackledge should have the liberty to do so.

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"Their speech is coated by the First Amendment or maybe, As the Supreme Court put it so many years ago, Students do not shed their constitutional rights when they walk-through the schoolhouse gates and I'm pretty sure the graduation stage is on other side of those gates, Dys included in.


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In Sachsenheim, near Stuttgart, locals rallied against a planned shelter for 60 refugees. Although the shelter will still open, city officials restricted the number of refugees taken in to 37, with the rest going to other homes. Locals recently launched a petition drive against a new home for up to 200 refugees in Augsburg in Bavaria. And residents in Hamburg's Moorfleet district held a protest when the city announced it wants to turn an old school into an asylum center for 100 people.


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NEW YORK, Sept 25 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell on Wednesdayand the S&P 500 put in a fifth day of losses, its worst losingstreak since the end of 2012, on jitters funding for the federalgovernment would run out and after a drop in shares of theworld's largest retailer, Wal-Mart Stores.


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Obama and the Republicans must turn off the autopilot cuts and agree to robust structural reforms to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security over the long term. Having properly refused to negotiate under threat, Obama must now meet his bested foes in smart, thoughtful compromises aimed at reining in the $16.7 trillion in debt that’s compounding on the nation’s books.


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A major sticking point between Russia and Western powers has been whether the resolution is under Chapter 7 of the U.N. charter, which covers the council's authority to enforce its decisions with measures such as sanctions or military force.


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Danny Jacobs pulled up a chair. He had a story to tell. The middleweight boxer from Brownsville stopped signing autographs on Saturday and delved into his remarkable story — overcoming cancer, learning to walk again, learning to fight again and now confronting the question of whether he's still a world class fighter. That's a lot to swallow. But if there's anyone who can tell it — who can spin a yarn so smoothly it's as if he's tucking you into bed at night — it's Jacobs.


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Sieber’s reasoning for getting the babies involved in the celebrations was  simple: “His generation had to wait 20 or 21 years to make it into the playoffs,” Crytzer explained, “so how about we do a little courtesy for our babies upstairs and get them on the bandwagon now?”


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In early 2009, the system was still undergoing testing. Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England, about to leave office as the new Obama administration was settling in, wanted to make a final decision on whether to continue spending money to impose DIMHRS on a reluctant bureaucracy, or kill it.


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As Fisher points out, the Fed now owns $1 out of every $5 of Treasury notes and bonds currently in existence, and buys more than a quarter of all new bonds as they are issued. When it comes to mortgage debt, the gorilla that is the Fed weighs in at a bit more than the proverbial 800 pounds: owning a quarter of all outstanding mortgage-backed securities and buying more every month than the market actually creates net of those which mature or are redeemed.


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An accountancy practice http://9taxi.in.net 9taxi.com James met with representatives from the Knicks, Nets, Clippers, Bulls, Cavs and Heat before he decided to sign with Miami. It was Pat Riley’s presentation, which included the Heat president tossing his championship rings on the table in front of James, that impressed the four-time MVP the most.


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The expectation is that once Kidd does take the plea, the NBA will suspend him, at least for a couple of games; it means his career as a head coach in the NBA might start in the third Nets’ game and not the first. Small price to pay.


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Vedanta said average daily gross operated production of oiland gas at unit Cairn India, which it acquired in anambitious almost $9 billion deal in 2011, rose to 213.3 millionbarrels of oil equivalent in the quarter ended Sept. 30.


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Archivists at specialist record management company Iron Mountain spent five months first indexing and then painstakingly scanning by hand the soldiers' wills so they could be put onto a computer and then online.


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Faced with a gaping hole in the garden tableau in the middle of summer, you begin the goose chase for your shrubby/climbing inamorata: the RHS Plant Finder is consulted, phone calls are made, blanks are drawn. In desperation you start rooting about among the has-beens at random roadside nurseries, ignoring the voice in your head telling you this is the worst time of year for a full-on shrub-hunt, when the nurseries are having a quick nap, recovering from bedding-plant fever, before "October, the start of the gardening year", when they restock.


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An Irish minister on Tuesday criticised the internationaldrinks firm Diageo for inventing a "pseudo-nationalholiday" to market its products, not least the Dublin-brewedGuinness - part of a growing backlash against "Arthur's Day".


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This "new normal" Bronars refers to employment growth just keeping pace with population growth over the past year as the economy created 175,000 to 180,000 jobs per month. Bronars adds that the unemployment rate has fallen to 7.6 percent from 8.2 percent over the past year largely because people have given up looking for work and are no longer counted as unemployed. Meanwhile, the fraction of adults who are employed has not changed in the past three years because of relatively slow growth and the aging of the U.S. workforce, he said.


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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand is joined by WFAN's Sweeny Murti during the final day of the season at Yankee Stadium as they talk about Mariano Rivera's emotional Bronx farewell.


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Dr Dan Yeomanson, a consultant paediatric oncologist for Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust, said the study highlighted important gaps in the care of teenagers and young adults with cancer.


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Junkermeier told his friend that while Warwick was bleeding, he forced her to access her bank account online and write him a check for $1,500. Prosecutors say Junkermeier later deposited that money into his account.


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Then, too, the commission must grill the rulers of the Legislature and their staffs. Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver both benefit from the industry’s largess, and no bill moves without their say-so.


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The document made no specific mention of allowing access toblocked foreign websites such as Facebook or Twitter fromwithin the zone, as reported in some foreign media. However, aclause did say foreign companies might be allowed to offer"specialised telecommunications services" in the zone, andpermission to offer services that break existing Chinese lawsmight be granted on a case-by-case basis by the state council.


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Mr Grieve, a senior Tory, said he was "pleased" to see two jurors imprisoned for contempt of court, after one researched the background to a case and another posted a message on Facebook relating to a separate case.


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"I know you want sectors and numbers, but I don't have it," said Ed Black, president of the Computer & Communications Industry Association, one of the trade groups behind the letter. "Anybody who tells you they do is making it up."


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Britney Spears might be gracing the cover of OUT magazine, but don't worry guys, Spears confirmed, 'I only have eyes for men.' The singer is profiled in the magazine's first-ever Ladies We Love issue and willingly answered the questions many fans have been dying to ask her for years. One question was: 'What women (living or dead) could make you think twice about your sexuality?' While Spears garned up no names, she did admit that kissing Madonna during the MTV Video Music Awards in 2003 was 'cool.'


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The flaw has been disclosed to the GSMA, an association made up of mobile operators and other companies in the field that oversees the deployment of GSM networks. The GSMA has informed SIM manufacturers and other companies involved of the situation, who are all analyzing how to best deal with the flaw. With the "responsible disclosure" taken care of, Nohl will detail his attack method at the Black Hat security conference on August 1st. He also plans to publish a "comparative list" detailing the SIM card security of each mobile carrier in December. Hopefully by then the at-risk operators will have taken the necessary steps to neutralize the vulnerability.


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Zimmerman, 29, has been criticized for getting out of his car after he spotted Martin, 17, in his Sanford, Fla., neighborhood on Feb. 26, 2012, and called a non-emergency police number to report a suspicious person. The dispatcher asked Zimmerman to describe Martin and asked at one point, “What is he doing now?”


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The Yanks reached Giants righty Ryan Vogelsong for three runs in the third, set up by their 7-through-9 batters – Mark Reynolds, Brendan Ryan and Chris Stewart – loading the bases via two singles and a walk. The first two runs came via outs – Ichiro Suzuki's sacrifice fly and A-Rod's grounder to short – before Robinson Cano made it 3-0 with an RBI single to left.


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Lokshina said Snowden revealed he had received asylum offers from several South American nations, including Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador. Snowden said he accepts all offers and plans to eventually go to South America, as he didn't see Russia as a long-term option.


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The component was manufactured using selective laser melting. This method built up layers of nickel-chromium alloy powder to make the complex, subscale injector with its 28 elements for channeling and mixing propellants. The part was similar in size to injectors that power small rocket engines. It was similar in design to injectors for large engines, such as the RS-25 engine that will power NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket for deep space human missions to an asteroid and Mars.


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The city of San Francisco, which is often in the vanguard of national trends and movements, is paving the way in these arenas for working parents. David Chiu, president of the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors, has vowed to enact a law that would require local businesses to offer flexible work arrangements to employees. Under this proposal, business owners would need to have a process in place to handle employee requests for flex work if the employee is a parent or caregiver. Speaking on behalf of city Mayor Ed Lee, mayoral spokeswoman Christine Falvey was recently quoted in the SF Examiner as saying, "The mayor is supportive of policies that help working families in San Francisco and he will sign this piece of legislation."


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The family believed that they knew everything there was to know when the Macpherson Inquiry published its conclusions in 1998. It uncovered failings in the investigation of the crime and its 100,000 page report concluded the force was "institutionally racist".


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It's worth reminding readers why the healthcare law, known as Obamacare, is so divisive. Many Republicans are deeply opposed to this law, which aims to extend health insurance to all Americans, because they say the public disapprove of it, it will cost jobs and it will be hugely expensive. They also oppose the principle of the government compelling people to have health insurance. A key provision of the law was rolled out two weeks ago, as the shutdown got under way.


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At first, just the largest firms will have to meet the requirements. But by 2018, even the smallest registered UK companies will have to abide by these new laws. A total of 11 million people will be signed up, the Government estimates.


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2019-05-24 12:27:21

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According to a recent survey by Reuters and Ipsos, 26percent of the 807 people polled who had signed up for Pinterestsaid they do not use the service anymore and 9 percent of peoplewho signed up have since shut down their accounts. The resultshave a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of plus orminus 3.9 percent.


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Sharia is derived directly from the Koran and the Sunnah, or path, of the Prophet Muhammad. Originally designed to regulate a relatively small community of believers, as Islam spread and matured under increasingly complex state structures and ever growing diverse populations, it became difficult to address certain matters based on Sharia alone.


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The singer said she was only diagnosed about eight months ago, but she has been experiencing symptoms — like hand tremors and trouble controlling the muscles that allowed her to sing — since roughly eight years ago.


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"A teenager is dead," Florida state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda told the jury in closing arguments of Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial. "He is dead through no fault of his own. He is dead because another man made assumptions. Because his assumptions were wrong, Trayvon Benjamin Martin will no longer walk on this Earth."


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John Marinho, CTIA's vice president for cyber security and Technology, said that the group is more concerned about other potential cyber threats, such as malicious apps. He is not aware of any case where attacks were launched via femtocells.


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The speed of warming in the UK was highlighted in a policy note published on Friday by the ESRC Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, and the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics.


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Adjusted earnings per share for fiscal 2014 should be flatto down in the mid-single-digits in percentage terms from the$1.72 per share Hillshire earned in fiscal 2013, ended June 29.Analysts, on average, expected 2014 earnings of $1.78 per share.


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In the complaint, dated Oct. 11 and filed in a New Yorkcourt, Telus said AMC is using strong-arm tactics to renegotiateterms of a long-standing deal, and that, contrary to AMC'sclaims, it has never breached the terms of that deal.


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"At the moment, it's all about how to survive," said MichaelSchneider, fund manager at Deka Investment, which holds about0.5 percent in both E.ON and RWE. "There are too many problems:overcapacities, falling profits and stretched balance sheets."


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Prosecutors wrapped up their case against Zimmerman on Friday after nine days of witness testimony. Lead defense attorney Mark O'Mara said he hopes to rest by Thursday, meaning the case could go to the jury by this weekend.


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The regulator had already given rivals the go-ahead for such "tolling" arrangements thatallowed long-term business deals with electricity plants, and now Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (BoA-ML) wanted similar treatment as it aimed at becoming a top-three bank in thenatural resources supply chain.


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"As we have said for many years, we will sell any asset for the right price," KPN Chief Executive Eelco Blok said. "For a long time people have predicted this combination would happen and we're very, very pleased that we have reached an agreement."


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But the picture is less good in numeracy. When it comes to more advanced maths, the UK is well below average, significantly worse than the performance (again) of the quartet of Japan, Finland, Sweden and the Netherlands, but (hooray perhaps) still better than the US.


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-Elton John's Liberace tribute: On paper, this seems like an obvious idea. In execution, it was little befuddling. John said the song he performed reminded him of Liberace, but why? "Home Again" felt like a lesser retooling of "Candle In the Wind," and to honor the "consummate entertainer," it was anything but entertaining.


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But business groups including Britain's Confederation ofBritish Industry, the United States Council for InternationalBusiness (USCIB) and French employers' body Medef, expressedconcerns that business would face unreasonable administrativeburdens and risked having confidential commercial informationleak out to competitors.


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But Russia has made clear it believes authorisation of theuse of force would require a second resolution to be introducedif the Syrian government or its opponents are found to haveviolated the country's commitments on chemical weapons.


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A year ago, the Giants’ big-play production suffered a significant drop-off. In 2011 they had 67 passes of 20 yards or more and 18 that went longer than 40. Last year those numbers plummeted to 50 (of 20-plus yards) and 10 (of 40-plus yards). A lot of that was because Nicks was never healthy and wasn’t the big-play threat — or the draw for opposing defenses — that he was the year before.


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A near 10-fold increase over the past 12 months in the rate of refugees crossing Syria's borders into Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon pushed the total living abroad above 2 million earlier this month, the United Nations said.


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Hon Hai draws an estimated 60 percent of its revenue fromassembling Apple phones and tablets, and is expected to record ahigher net profit in the third quarter as it ramps up shipmentsbefore the new iPhone hits the market in September.


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Arsenal will be without defender Bacary Sagna for Sunday's Barclays Premier League trip to West Brom after the France international suffered a hamstring problem which could sideline him for three weeks.


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"Even though I'm vegan and cannot even eat insects, this is definitely a project I support because of its outstanding innovation and, even more than that, stewardship to the Earth," said Shiloh Green, one of the contributors, on the company's Kickstarter website.


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Jonathan Bruce, Managing Director of Prestige Nursing Care, said: “As the cost of care continues to outpace pensioner income, pensioners’ shrinking savings pots are contributing to the worrying financial conundrum of how later life care can be funded.


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Some disappointed voters expressed disbelief at the election outcome. "This is daylight robbery, but I think the MDC should have realized that, without violence, ZANU-PF would still do something to cheat," said McDonald Sibanda, a 34-year-old insurance salesman. "I'm disgusted by all this."


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The situations in North Korea and Nazi Germany were not"exactly analogous", he said. But "an image flashed across mymind of the arrival of Allied soldiers at the end of the SecondWorld War and the discovery of prison camps ... in the countriesthat had been occupied by the Nazi forces."


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In the first Phase III study, alirocumab, which has cut levels of LDL cholesterol by up to 72 percent in Phase II trials, is being tested against Merck's Zetia, which can lower LDL cholesterol by 19-24 percent. Deutsche analysts expect it to easily achieve its goal in the trial.


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Hungarian pharmaceuticals company Egis postedafter tax profits of 2.923 billion forints ($12.89 million) forthe third quarter of its business year on Thursday, down 43percent from the same quarter a year ago.


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"People all across the country will gather to show that we are not having a two- or three-day anger fit," Mr Sharpton said as he unveiled the plans. "This is a social movement for justice."


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Second, the frozen bat samples collected by Lipkin and his team weren't in pristine shape when they arrived at the lab. The "shipment was inadvertently opened at customs ... and sat at room temperature for 48 hours before transfer to Columbia University," Lipkin and his team write in the study.


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He was able to put an iPhone 5S on "airplane mode," cutting off iCloud's ability to communicate with the device to initiate the features. That bought him time to create a "fake finger" to fool Touch ID. 


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Belton had a generous heart, Todd said, and was always finding ways to help his friends. He was “full of vim and vigor,” Todd said, and despite his old age and declining health made time almost every day to have coffee or to dance with a friend at the Eagles Lodge or the Lariat Inn in Mead.


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The company predicted a rise in metallurgical coal outputfrom its Queensland, Australia, unit to 66 million tonnes by theend of calendar 2014. The division ran at an annualised rate of61 million tonnes at the end of June.


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The ruling is a victory for two Easton Area School District girls who challenged the school rule in 2010 with help from the American Civil Liberties Union. Easton is one of several school districts around the country to ban the bracelets, which are distributed by the nonprofit Keep A Breast Foundation of Carlsbad, Calif.


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Of course, the Yanks (51-42) have endured more than a hard time with injuries to key players all season. Jeter is out of the lineup again at least through the upcoming All-Star break; the captain suffered a strained quadriceps in his long-awaited season debut Thursday after missing the first 91 games with a twice-broken left ankle.


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"This email undermines Mr. Tourre's defense and will forcehim to try to convince the jury that what he said isn't what itlooks like - an effort to mislead a key institutional investor,"said Jordan Thomas, a former SEC lawyer at Labaton Sucharow.


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"It's undisputed that security forces killed three protesters, but the Sri Lankan government's knee-jerk reaction is to deny possible wrongdoing," said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at New York-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch.


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Smithhisler says FratPAC did contact Wilson about her bill. It's unfortunate, he says, that the PAC is being depicted as opposed to Wilson's legislation, whereas all it wants to do is make the bill better and more effective.


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After shutting down business in the financial center of Hong Kong and sinking a cargo ship, Typhoon Utor brought high winds and torrential rain to Guangdong province after making landfall Wednesday afternoon. These triggered flooding and mountain torrents that led to the casualties, the provincial government said Thursday.


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Obama, who is facing a Republican threat to eliminatefunding for the law or shut down the federal government nextweek, said the fierce opposition stems from the fear thatAmericans will embrace the program.


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Markets sold off after Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced the plan but have since been tossed this way and that by every subsequent utterance. For example, stocks climbed around the world on Thursday after Bernanke comments playing down the strength of the U.S. jobs market were taken to mean withdrawal of stimulus was further away than had been expected.


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Mr Cameron said he would highlight the OECD plan at the G20 summit in St Petersburg in September: “I will call on fellow leaders to get behind this action plan to ensure that we break down the walls of corporate secrecy, once and for all, and that all companies pay their fair share.”


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The abrupt drop in global demand for Chinese goods prompted them to backtrack temporarily and launch a mini-stimulus of higher spending on railway construction and other public works to prop up growth and avoid politically dangerous job losses.


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It is understandable, however, that the Premier League would take an opposing view as the bid was won on the basis of a summer World Cup and with the self-interest of avoiding disruption to their own competition.


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The problem is that things have gotten so hostile and angry on the Hill that people have moved to a default position of looking for things to fight about and to criticize each other for, instead of trying to find any kind of common ground or mutual understanding. It's not an excuse at all for what the boys wrote, but tying the adult officials to their children's behavior just exacerbates the divisions in Washington.


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The nine-year trial called TRACERx will cost about 14million pounds ($21.3 million) and enroll 850 newly diagnosedpatients from across the country. Samples of their tumors willbe taken before and after surgery and later if the diseasereturns. Genetic changes from different parts of the tumor andbetween patients will be studied, as will the effect oftreatment on the disease.


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Centrica chief Sam Laidlaw’s plan to build a second swimming pool in the grounds of his Oxfordshire home, as revealed to great interest at the weekend, isn’t his only environmental battle in recent months.


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Chandran says his company will spend around $77 million tobuild and run the facilities and will make its money from thosecases where a coroner demands a post-mortem. About 200,000deaths require autopsies each year in Britain, he said.


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ARM now owns Cadence’s PANTA line of display controller core designs, which should help it better support multimedia applications on high-resolution displays without sucking too much battery power.


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Democratic Senator Charles Schumer shot back that the Republican tactics were a "subterfuge" to avoid blame for a shutdown. "So instead of continued game-playing, we urge Speaker Boehner to reconvene the House, pass a clean CR (continuing resolution) and move on," he said in a statement.


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Ahmadul Haque, councillor for Tipton, said: "I think it may be a retaliation to Lee Rigby's funeral today. It seems like it was planned to go off at the busiest time of the day and if that's the case, we can only be thankful that the timings were wrong."


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"If approved, the proposed consolidation would see SingTel becoming the 100 percent beneficial owner of the only other nationwide fixed telecommunications network in Singapore, apart from SingTel's own network," the seven companies said in a joint statement.


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National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre responded Sunday on 'Meet the Press' to renewed calls for additional gun-control legislation following last week's massacre at the Washington Naval Yard.


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This Saturday, she plans to publicly endorse McAuliffe, who is running against Republican State Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, at a “Women for Terry” event followed by a fundraising reception the same night in the well-to-do enclave of McLean, Va.


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Kidd said it twice Tuesday: The Nets had no identity last season. They were an isolation-heavy team without a dominating voice, often boring and too eager to fold against the better teams of the NBA. Joe Johnson once declared that two periphery players – Gerald Wallace and Reggie Evans – were the emotional leaders, which should never be the case on a team with three max-contract players.


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The group of 30 does not include unsigned restricted free agent Derek Stepan. There have been no developments in the negotiations since GM Glen Sather took aim at Stepan's agent on Monday in an MSG interview for holding up the process.


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CHITA, Russia, July 17 (Reuters) - Russia has every chanceof securing a place in the Asian gas market even whilecompetition there is on the rise, President Vladimir Putin said,underlining Moscow's shift in energy policy towards Asia.


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On the way, he stopped at his house and asked Knight if she would like to pick up a puppy to take to her son, and Knight agreed. But inside, Castro restrained her with an extension cord, dragged her to the basement where he bound her with chains, put a motorcycle helmet on her and began more than a decade of rape and battering.


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A Florida condominium association won’t let unmarried couples purchase a home — after it released new restrictions this summer that barred couples “living in sin” from owning any property at the upscale complex.


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"Just as we did in 2012, the first aircraft will examine thelarge-scale environment that tropical storms form in and movethrough, and how that environment affects the inner workings ofthe storms," he said.


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By the time Johnson arrived in Seoul in September the interest in the men’s 100 meters, and his clash with American Carl Lewis, had attracted the level of attention usually reserved for a heavyweight title fight. In the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, Lewis had won the gold medal with Johnson taking the bronze. At the 1987 world championships in Rome, Johnson won the 100 with a world-record time of 9.83 seconds while Lewis placed second. The stage was set for their South Korean showdown.


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"I think politicians are afraid of the multinationals, saidPearse Doherty of the left-wing Sinn Fein opposition party, wholed calls for multinational bosses to face parliamentarygrillings similar to those in the United States and Britain.


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If it is deemed a coup, the part of this year's aid that has not yet been disbursed - about a third of the military aid and all, or nearly all of the $250 million in economic aid - would be blocked, congressional aides said.


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What Ake observed—and Davian could not explain—was that the ebbs and flows of the cash reserves in the fund’s brokerage statements tracked the fund’s expenditures on renovations for a new office space. Ake also supposed that perhaps some of the money was being siphoned off for Davian’s personal expenditures.


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"There is strong evidence that these elections fell short of Sadc's own guidelines and the Zimbabwean electoral law. As such, we are concerned about the potential implications for the region."


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Two infectious disease experts who were asked to comment on the Kawaoka study praised the comprehensive series of experiments. Marion Koopmans, DVM, PhD, with the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands, told CIDRAP News that although some of the study's findings have been described, "the combination is kind of an 'everything you ever wanted to know about H7N9' study."


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While both probes are continuing, Mr. Iksil is no longer a focus of investigators, people familiar with the situation said. Investigators still could decide to reverse course and pursue charges against him, but that is seen as unlikely unless new evidence emerges.


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But given that a new record date has been set for August 13 the special committee would argue that a court cannot ask the company to hold the annual meeting much earlier than October 17, the person added.


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Upscale fashion accessories maker Michael Kors Holdings Ltd (KORS.N) sued Costco Wholesale Corp (COST.O) on Friday, accusing the largest U.S. warehouse club retailer of running a "bait-and-switch" false advertising scheme.


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98.5 The Sports Hub host Fred Toucher invited Rick Pitino on-air for an interview Thursday morning, setting the stage for a number of possibilities. Maybe Toucher would ask Pitino about his infamous Larry Bird comments, question him about the Brad Stevens hiring, or go a different direction, leave played-out Celtics storylines on the table and spend 10 minutes discussing the Louisville Cardinals upcoming season (get to know the name Chris Jones, everyone).


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"I was working on my computer in the office. Suddenly I felt tremors. My table and computer started shaking. I thought I am feeling dizziness but soon realised they were tremors," said one Karachi resident, Mohammad Taimur.


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Some analysts say the talks over Syria's chemical weapons are unlikely to succeed, likely leaving Obama - who ran for president as an anti-war candidate - with an increasingly difficult decision on whether to launch a military operation in the face of a reluctant Congress and a disapproving nation.


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Elsewhere, Spanish gas grid operator Enagas reiterated 2013 growth and dividend targets on Tuesday after thecontribution from new assets drove a 9 percent rise infirst-half net profit to 202 million euros.


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The FIDH’s letter to Blatter reportedly quoted a statement from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which estimated that Qatar will have to recruit one million more foreign workers in order to prepare for the World Cup.


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According to the agency, which is part of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the decision was made following a thorough review of the latest scientific literature available. This led scientists to declare that there is ‘sufficient evidence that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer'.


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Five PDL government ministers told the party leadership they were willing to resign if needed, Senator Lucio Malan told reporters after the meeting, saying: "They entrusted their mandates to Berlusconi...We agreed to decide what to do in the coming days."


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In the 1996 he accepted the even more daunting challenge of filling the shoes vacated by Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck as lead guitarist with The Yardbirds, after the group was reconstituted by two of its original members, drummer Jim McCarty and rhythm guitarist Chris Dreja. Other members included lead vocalist John Idan and percussionist Alan Glen.


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The source, who declined to be identified, said Geithner remains firm in the view that he expressed back in January, when he stepped down from his post at Treasury, that the next Fed chair will be "someone else's privilege."


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He has no income or insurance, further complicating his treatment at Desert Regional. And he has little money he can access — only $180. He also has a few Chinese bank accounts but can only access one account, which holds $7, according to the newspaper.


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Serbia hopes to start talks on joining the European Union in January next year, a process that will require more work in resolving regional tensions two decades since Yugoslavia's descended into war. But, Byford said, it may also bring pressure on Serbia to confront the fate of thousands of Yugoslav Jews.


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The construction products supplier reported a widerquarterly loss for the second quarter due to expenses associatedwith debt restructuring. The company also forecast fiscal 2013results below analysts' estimates.


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Like soldiers and college students everywhere, Nyberg gets excited about care packages from home. She told Associated Press that something freshly baked would be better, but she'll settle for chocolate. Her husband, astronaut Douglas Hurley, arranged to have the package stowed aboard the Cygnus.


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April’s sales-tax increase will take about Â¥8 trillion from consumers’ pockets annually, a cost economists say will weigh significantly on consumption, at least temporarily. Some of Mr. Abe’s close economic advisers have called for a delay or a slower implementation of the tax increase, saying he might otherwise jeopardize the gains made by his so-called Abenomics policies.


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Dynamite blasts turned this Jonesport cottage into a pile of splintered rubble. Expolosions triggered by Paul Pierce killed Larson and Alice Kelley, the parents of Pierce's estranged wife, Cynthia Kelley.


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Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel addresses a crowd of teachers and politicans during an event to bring physical activity back to schools, hosted by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation in Chicago, Illinois, February 28, 2013.


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Hassan Hassani was on the battlefield in February 1986 when Iraqi fighter jets bombed Iranian positions. The 19-year-old clambered from the rubble of the building he was in but within an hour he and other soldiers experienced breathing difficulties and burning eyes and skin.


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“With the federal government shutdown entering its second week and no resolution in sight, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the impact of this forced hiatus will extend far beyond the 800,000 federal workers who are currently on furlough,” WalletHub CEO Odysseas Papadimitriou said.


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Avastin is approved to treat certain types of colon, lung, kidney and brain cancer. It was approved under the accelerated program for breast cancer in 2008. Subsequent trials showed only a small effect on tumor growth with no evidence that patients lived longer than those taking standard chemotherapy.


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Upward aspiration is the motto for this Micra. Where the K12 looked as if some giant bottom might have rested lightly upon its roof, the new car seems to be standing on tiptoe. The 16in wheels on the car I borrowed had the elevating effect of the lifts in Nicolas Sarkozy’s shoes and the roofline domed above my head in the driver’s seat by almost a handspan.


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But friends, neighbors and associates couldn’t comprehend how the fun-loving person they knew was suddenly dead and the subject of a joint investigation by the FBI, the Secret Service, Connecticut State Police, Stamford police bomb team and the State of Connecticut.


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Celgene Corp, up 8.4 percent to $135.56, was thetop boost to both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 afterthe company said a late-stage trial of its cancer drug Revlimidmet the main goal of improving survival in newly diagnosed bloodcancer patients.


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Webster, whom advocates of immigration reform consider one of 23 “swing” House Republicans, preempted immigration support organizations who had planned to target him the following day at a town-hall meeting.


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At 65 per cent and 70 per cent LTV, borrowers are allowed up to five County Court Judgements, although they are not allowed any in the past 12 months. At 75 per cent LTV, borrowers are not allowed to have had any CCJs in the previous 36 months.


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Marshal Cohen, chief retail analyst at The NPD Group, said the latest campaign won’t likely have much political effect because it lacks the kind of punishment that makes lawmakers think twice, like an impeachment drive.


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"Dias comes from a former Soviet-bloc region where police routinely are distrusted. Yet when authorities first approached him, he fully cooperated and for nearly 12 hours over two days Dias answered the FBI's questions without an attorney or a Kazakh Consular official present.


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The Amnesty report said the cases of civilian deaths "raise serious concerns that the USA has unlawfully killed people in drone strikes, and that such killings may amount in some cases to extrajudicial executions or war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law."


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"Homebuilding seems to be holding up decently in the higher mortgage rate environment, probably due to the support of strong underlying fundamentals - thin inventories and steady household formation," said Guy Berger, an economist at RBS in Stamford Connecticut.


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"Based on my recent contacts with several officials at Foxconn, they are still examining the industry to see whether the market still suits them, whether the market will become big enough for them to get in," said Jason Huang, a Shanghai-based solar analyst with Taiwan-based consultancy TrendForce.


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(Additional reporting by Lesley Wroughton in Bali, Mark Hosenball, Phil Stewart and Tabassum Zakaria in Washington, James Macharia in Nairobi, Patrick Markey in Tunis and Feisal Omar in Mogadishu; Writing by Alastair Macdonald; Editing by Philippa Fletcher, Christopher Wilson and Mohammad Zargham)


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Three elements commonly found at elevated levels in an Appalachian river polluted by runoff from mountaintop coal mining have distinctive chemistries that can be traced back to their source, according to a Duke University-led ...


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Led by former Indiana congressman Chris Chocola, Club forGrowth has heavily supported Texas Senator Ted Cruz, whose21-hour speech on the Senate floor last week helped set thestage for the budget fight.


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Colombia, Washington's closest military ally in LatinAmerica, and Mexico, its top business partner, joined the chorusof governments seeking answers after the espionage allegationswere published by a leading Brazilian newspaper on Tuesday.


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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.


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While his departure has been universally welcomed, Microsoft watchers will miss those entertaining Ballmer moments such as this one during a presentaton in 2000, the year he took the helm of the company. 


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The two best boxers who call Los Angeles home will step into the StubHub Center ring in separate bouts Saturday night in Carson, with the local power rankings, two world titles and perhaps a looming showdown all at stake.


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Woodson also hinted that he doesn’t expect to employ two point guards at the same time as he often did last season. Iman Shumpert, who took part in Monday’s scrimmage after being limited a few days by a sore shoulder, figures to move from small forward and start alongside Felton in the backcourt to facilitate a switch to Carmelo Anthony, Tyson Chandler and newcomer Andrea Bargnani up front.


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Garzon lived in the Galician city of La Coruna with hiswidowed mother who lost her other son, Garzon's brother, in acar accident, villagers said. But he maintained a flat inMonforte and often visited friends there.


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Weiner first acknowledged in a statement today that some of the allegations in the "The Dirty" report were true and he confirmed in a press conference that the messages continued after he resigned from Congress.


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Even Google, a company that preaches openness for its Android mobile platform, imposes limits on app spam. While it does not prevent anyone from downloading and installing apps outside its app store, Google frowns upon apps delivering repetitive content in its Play Store. Google requires developers to individually submit each app for approval, which works as a deterrent towards app spam.


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Egypt’s new prime minister was to begin forming a Cabinet on Wednesday that will face the difficult task of shepherding the deeply divided country through what promises to be a rocky transition period following the military’s ouster of the nation’s president.


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“But I think you’ve got to stay strong. I think a team that can deal with adversity and come out of it — and I know there are benefits to that — if we can get out of it, I think it will make us a stronger team and better for it.”


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It also emerged yesterday that the directors had considered making the bank the first in Britain subject to a "living will" – a "recovery and resolution plan" – set up in the wake of the financial crisis. Had the Co-op proceeded with the plan, its bank would have closed after more than 140 years.


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"This is a significant move for BMW," said Lincoln Merrihew,vice president of transportation at market researchers MillwardBrown Digital. "They're launching a new brand in a new segmentwith new vehicles ... And they're going all in."


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Silva, who grew up poor in the Amazon and worked as a maidbefore graduating from college, is very popular among youngerBrazilians, environmentally conscious voters and evangelicalChristians. She placed a strong third in the 2010 presidentialelection on the Green Party ticket, and has been rising in pollssince the June protests.


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A White House official said Obama told Boehner in the call that the American people had worked long and hard to dig thecountry out of the financial crisis and the last thing theyneeded was another politically motivated, self-inflicted wound.


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The proposed U-shaped building, which may be up to eight stories high and will take three years to complete, will cover the entire western block of Eighth Ave., from Fifth to Sixth Sts. It will include a cancer center, a dozen surgical suites, patient recovery rooms and an urgent care facility.


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“That got blown out of (proportion),” Lackey said. “I had somebody come to me and ask me ‘don’t you think it’s unfair that he’s playing?’ And I agreed with him. That was a little bit overblown for sure.”


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The U.S. government says 4.9 million barrels were spilled, while BP says 3.26 million barrels leaked. Both those totals include 810,000 barrels that were collected during clean-up that the judge has agreed to exclude.


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Schools should give more help to low-achievers from middle-income homes as well as the poorest, while the government should improve careers advice, give extra incentives for teachers to teach in the worst schools and pay colleges "by results they achieve for their students in the labour market - not the numbers they recruit".


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The decision followed meetings last month between President Obama and Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang. Obama pressed Vietnam to take concrete steps to improve its human rights record — a major sticking point in ties between the two countries.


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"We cannot have a peace agreement without discussing Jerusalem," Hatnuah MK Meir Sheetrit said. "No doubt in my mind, if we want to have the peace, we have to deal with Jerusalem, and come to conclusions with Jerusalem, and make decisions about Jerusalem. It's not saying whatever the Palestinians want, they will get, but I think there's a possibility to find a compromise."


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Normal cells actually have a built-in self-destruct function that is triggered when they become infected or damaged. However, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can disable this so-called suicide feature. Ciclopirox was shown to reactivate this ability while also sparing the healthy cells.


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Documents confirming the application ended days of reports that Snowden had indeed decided not to go on to his preferred South American refuge, and President Putin, who says he wants him to leave underlined no-one would be giving Moscow orders as to his fate.


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Premiums in the Part D drug program show why it can be so important to re-shop coverage annually. Prices are expected to rise only 5.1 percent on average, according to Avalere Health. But half of the ten most popular plans are raising premiums at double-digit rates.


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Perspectives from the suits above are invaluable. They're paid to build the rosters, to shape the answers of these questions every year. What they have to say, or in this case write, is worth far more than your average bar-stool conversation.


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"We had expected the bank to start raising the interest ratesome time this year, but with this downward revision of economicgrowth I think they will likely keep the rate steady until theend of the year," said Andres Pardo, chief economist atBogota-based investment fund Corficolombiana.


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Though the main event is just about done, advisers are still on alert. American expects to leaves bankruptcy and merge with US Airways Group Inc by year end, triggering distribution of about 9.5 percent of stock in the new company to pilots over four months.


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"I have had the personal and official privilege of meetingMr Fidan many times and working with him substantively on issuesof common concern," Ricciardone said, adding he had greatrespect for the Turkish spy chief.


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The officials acknowledged there was chaos at many voting stations Sunday. Voting materials were not delivered in time for the special vote for service personnel who won't be able to vote on polling day.


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NBC says its miniseries will begin in 1998, when Hillary and Bill's daughter was 18, meaning that whoever plays her will have to span her awkward teen years into her current more polished, grown-up look. Amy Adams bears some semblance to her now, but may be too old to pull off college-aged Chelsea. Both Shailene Woodley and AnnaSophia Robb are great up-and-coming actresses who could pass for Chelsea in her teen years with the right amount of curly hair. However, Anna Kendrick – who went from a young professional in "Up in the Air" to a college a capella singer in "Pitch Perfect" – may be the best choice to play both young and mature Chelsea.


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“It’s always good to run the ball in this league; you don’t want too many guys down in the box,” Powell said. “If you run the ball and throw the ball and have a good, balanced offense, you keep the pressure off of both attacks — the pass and the run game.”


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But Mattingly noted that he thought he'd be questioned whichever move he made. He could've stuck with Chris Withrow against Johnson but said, "If I leave Withrow in and give up a hit there, I'm going to question myself and I'm going to be like, 'Why didn't I use Paco (Rodriguez)?'"


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House lawmakers, meanwhile, scrutinized the selective delay during a committee hearing on Wednesday. They invited a host of analysts who criticized both insurance coverage requirements. Republican lawmakers, one after another, also held up the delay as a sign of problems to come. 


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Party bosses live effectively above the law unless, as in the case of Bo Xilai, a political struggle brings them down. But as activists such as the New Citizens Movement have drawn more attention to constitutional issues in China, the calls for reform have gone mainstream.


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The swap deal will allow more trade and investment between the regions to be conducted in euros and yuan, without having to convert into another currency such as the U.S. dollar first, said Kathleen Brooks, a research director at FOREX.com.


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July 25 (Reuters) - The top two U.S. homebuilders areslowing their sales pace as they face issues ranging from ashortage of land ready for development to a scarcity of buildingsupplies and higher mortgage rates.


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As the composition of the forest tilted towards more deciduous trees, the fire resistance of those plants combated the rise of wildfires. However, wildfire activity on the Yukon flats is already well above what was seen during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Over the past 3,000 years, the region typically saw about nine or 10 significant fires every thousand years – or about one fire every hundred years. But in the last 50 years, the rate has doubled, to the equivalent of 20 fires per 1,000 years – or a fire every 50 years.


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Watsa, who stepped down from BlackBerry's board when the company said it was looking for buyers in August, said the "timing was right" for a deal after BlackBerry warned on Friday that it would post a heavy loss in its fiscal second quarter ended August 31 and cut more than a third of its workforce.


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"So are graduation rates going up? Are they keeping down costs? Do young people have access to good jobs at the back end?" Duncan said. "And I want to know -- there are some universities that are improving every year, and that's fantastic. There are other places where the costs are going up far higher than the rate of inflation."


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The Yankees captain and star shortstop had a second MRI exam Thursday on his strained right quadriceps that showed what general managere Brian Cashman called "minimal healing" from the injury he suffered during his season debut July 11. Jeter was returning that day from a twice-broken ankle.


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In an accompanying commentary in the BMJ, experts said similar patterns had been seen with other types of bird flu, including H5N1, another feared bird flu strain that first emerged in 1996 and has since killed millions of chickens. It has sickened more than 600 people and caused 377 deaths, mostly in Asia.


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White House officials projected in April that the FHA wouldface a shortfall of $943 million in the fiscal year that ends onMonday, but rising mortgage rates cut its loan volume and curbeda hoped-for increase in revenues from higher loan premiums.


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Why not simply fly North Korean technicians and parts to Cuba to fix them instead of risking getting caught? Avoiding detection was obviously the plan when the ship had its AIS automatic transponder switched off when it left the Panama Canal to collect the Cuban weapons in June.


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Bernstein analyst Pierre Ferragu said STMicroelectronics,unlike some of its rivals, faced difficulties in itsmobile-phone-chip product line because of its reliance oncustomers who are themselves struggling, including Finland'sNokia, Canada's Blackberry and Taiwan's HTC.


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He is accused of embezzling billions of euros from the bank, charges which Amnesty International says are politically motivated. He has been in hiding since last year when he fled Britain after missing a contempt of court hearing at which he was due to be jailed for 22 months.


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Rumoured specifications of the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean-based HTC One Max include a 5.9-inch Super LCD full-HD (1080x1920 pixel) display, 1.7GHz quad-core Qualcomm processor, and an UltraPixel camera, apart from the fingerprint scanner.


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Sensitive to public outrage and warning that corruptionthreatens the party's very survival, President Xi Jinping haspledged to crack down on corruption at all levels, though only afew senior officials have been fired or investigated forcorruption since he came to power last year.


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NEC's mobile handset business has faltered as sales ofpopular smartphones made by Apple Inc and SamsungElectronics Co Ltd boomed over the past decade. Itnow has barely a 5 percent share of the domestic handset market,trailing Japanese peers such as Fujitsu Ltd and SonyCorp.


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The house of Valentino looked to uniform for inspiration this year, as designers Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli created their look with patchwork, statement pockets, leather details and military workwear.


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IFR reported in February that Deutsche Bank was close toselling its correlation book. This would have allowed the firmto shed 16bn euros of risk-weighted assets and hit itsself-imposed target of slashing 100bn euros in RWAs by the endof March this year to boost its Core Tier 1 capital ratio.


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"The global market for seaborne metallurgical coal remainsoversupplied, further pressuring margins," Alpha said in itsearnings release. "The market for export steam coal in theAtlantic basin is currently uneconomic for most, if not all,U.S. production."


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Double cream is what I usually go for. It might produce fancy food but it’s dead easy to use as it can be boiled or baked without splitting. Crème fraîche – its tangy French counterpart – can be boiled too, though it never seems to give you as thick a sauce. Its sharpness is great in dishes where you want acidity as well as richness. It softens flavours while simultaneously heightening them (as if you’d added cream and lemon). I like it in braises, especially traditional French ones that include fruit – pork with prunes, chicken with apples.


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Cunliffe has only been in Brussels for 18 months. Some ofhis foreign counterparts there said they often turned to him attheir weekly meeting for a detailed explanation of finance orglobal markets, drawing on his experience in handling crisesincluding the collapse of Britain's Northern Rock bank.


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The 24-year-old singer also spoke about "the Rihanna incident," referring to his violent attack on his then girlfriend in 2009, describing it as "probably the biggest wake-up call for me."


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Once upon a time, Dylan McDermott played a turtleneck-wearing softie who had to convince a skeptical 6-year-old to believe in Santa Claus, in the 1994 remake of "Miracle on 34th Street." Now, on CBS's "Hostages," he's a beefed up, bulletproof vest-wearing, tough-talking bad guy, pointing a gun at a suburban family and demanding its matriarch – a high profile Washington, D.C. doctor – assassinate the president.


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Investors are watching for changes in earnings or economicnews that could derail the market's rally. Stocks have climbedthis year, except for a late-May selloff triggered by FederalReserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's comments, which raised theprospect of trimming the Fed's $85 billion in monthly stimulus.The S&P 500 has gained 18 percent since Dec. 31.


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But the measure has also sparked protests in Texas not seen in least 20 years, with thousands of abortion rights supporters flooding the Capitol to draw out normally boring committee hearings and disrupting key votes. Protesters finished a filibuster started by Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis of Fort Worth by jeering for the last 15 minutes of the first special session, effectively killing the bill.


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The origin of the term "everyman" was an English morality play written in the 15th Century. Morality plays were not-too-subtle attempts to convey moral lessons (generally sanctioned by the Church) to the masses. In Everyman, the protagonist was made to take account for his deeds in life, to tally the good versus the bad, as an accounting of his soul in the afterlife. Breaking Bad is this tale re-told and with a twist.


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Ireland last year beat its deficit target under its EU/IMFbailout, leading to calls by government ministers for a moremodest package of spending cuts and tax hikes in a budget to beunveiled next month than previously agreed with its lenders.


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A security vacuum following the 2011 uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak resulted in a surge of attacks in North Sinai. At least 20 people have been killed in militant violence there since Mursi's overthrow on July 3.


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“I appreciate Mark for what he does for me on and off the field. He helps me, he teaches me, he helps me get acclimated to the pro game,” Smith said. “We have a really good relationship. When we’re on the field we encourage one another but we also compete.”


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Levying VAT on food and medicine is controversial because ofthe effect it would have on the poor. Government officials havestressed the need to offset any negative impact with othermeasures - for example, broadening social security coverage.


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The company is perhaps being a little unfair to Apple, however. It's relatively recently that Apple decided to go for a more sedate black-and-white theme for its products, having previously offered everything from all-in-one desktops and laptops to MP3 players in every hue under the sun.


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Nigeria's Oil Minister Diezani Alison-Madueke has called forstolen oil to be labelled "blood oil", arguing the security riskis similar to those in past and present mineral conflict zonessuch as Angola, Sierra Leone or Congo.


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But Remini's departure suggests that celebrities are feeling uncomfortable in the church, especially if leadership is putting them through what Scientology calls security checks, an intense confessional, Reitman said.


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During his three-week murder trial, the jury heard that he and his victim met through a dating website but their long-distance relationship - it's more than a 200-mile round trip from Halifax to Chester-le-Street - was a rocky one.


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Berlusconi seemed to be resigned to being forced out parliament but said he would not give up his leadership of the center right, calling for freedom-loving Italians to "wake up ... rebel, become indignant, react and make yourself heard".


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UKAR, Britain's seventh largest mortgage lender, is winding down the loans of Northern Rock and Bradford & Bingley, two of Britain's customer-owned building societies which were nationalized in the run-up to the 2008 financial crisis.


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"Our survey last week suggested that the administration still had an opportunity to make its case for airstrikes, as one out of every four Americans had not yet formed an opinion on the issue," says Michael Dimock, director of the Pew Research Center. "Despite their efforts, the new poll finds that nearly all of that uncertainty has turned into opposition. Not only have Republicans turned sharply against airstrikes in Syria, but Obama has not won over support from Democrats, who continue to oppose the idea by a wide margin."


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"Politically motivated violence of this kind is unacceptable anywhere, and history has shown the grim consequences if it goes unchecked," said Jezerca Tigani, Amnesty's deputy Europe and Central Asia program director. "The Greek authorities must send a clear message that attacks like this will not be tolerated."


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Sources at the meeting said Germany was less assertive than previously over commitments to reduce borrowing to follow on from a deal struck in Toronto in 2010, with the improving U.S. economy adding weight to Washington's call to focus on growth.


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Asked whether the central bank might cut interest ratesagain in coming months, Hamam replied: "Of course, yes, but wehave to look at that. We have to watch inflation. Inflation isonly one factor. We have look at more than one factor."


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Enough dirty laundry has been aired about both Martin and Zimmerman that there's no clear indication of what the ultimate verdict may be. However, presiding judge Debra Nelson has made several pretrial rulings that may hinder Zimmerman's defense strategy.


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"Your face looks funny. I’m going to call an ambulance," said my partner, Yukiko, as I lay on the sofa watching the latest Batman DVD one cold winter’s night in Tokyo, feeling very sorry for myself with a heavy head cold.


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"He's had the most remarkable career probably of almost any professional golfer in the history of our game. When I played in the Ryder Cup I heard several times, "And now on the tee Tom Watson and Jack Nicklaus.


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Monday's criminal charges indicate that British prosecutors, which launched their investigation last July, have leapfrogged ahead of the U.S., which has been conducting its investigation since 2008. The Justice Department last December filed criminal charges against Mr. Hayes and another former UBS trader. Prosecutors in both countries have said they are continuing to investigate.


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The usually hot-headed Baldwin, who is currently featured in the Woody Allen film “Blue Jasmine,” was spotted going into the upper East Side hospital with several bags, unloading them with the help of two friends.


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The Food and Drug Administration and National Institutes ofHealth said on Thursday they have awarded an initial $53 millionto 14 institutions to conduct research that could help the FDAshape tobacco product regulations.


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The etchings in Nevada and Oregon have relatively deep, carved lines dominated by linear, curved and circular geometrical designs. Some feature "tree-form designs" with a series of evenly spaced, vertically oriented `V' shapes bisected by a vertical line.


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The cap on social care costs was hailed as the solution to the huge bills some people face for old age care, but many pensioners will still face significant fees before they get help, says Nick Triggle.


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It was a wedding fit for a fairytale! Social media genius Sean Parker, who created Napster and was a founding president of Facebook en route to amassing a $2 billion fortune, permanently friended Alexandra Helen Lenas on June 1. Parker and his bride tied the knot in front of 300 close friends and family members in what one Parker associate described as a "romantic, magical" setting in a forest behind the Ventana Inn in Big Sur. "It was almost out of a fairy tale," another attendee gushed.


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Stoke's best chances were falling to Crouch but he continually struggled to apply a finishing touch, with the forward producing another wayward header from close range when he met an Etherington corner.


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However, it is thought that Mr Saatchi, who was photographed with his hands around his wife’s neck outside a central London restaurant last month, has asked lawyers to deal directly with Miss Shackleton in an attempt to hang on to his vast art collection.


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“The former accountant seemed to have very little interest in the traditional components of a bank chief’s activities,” Mr Martin writes. “He was obsessed with profit and growth; but questions of credit and risk and the basics that govern how much is lent and to whom, seemed to hold little appeal.”


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LAUNCESTON, Australia, July 29 (Reuters) - The sharp drop inChina's coal imports in June helped to finally bring growth inimports closer to that for power output and was validation ofthe view that inbound cargoes had been unsustainably high.


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Cashman disputed attorney Joseph Tacopina’s claims in The New York Times that the Yankees hid MRI results from A-Rod that revealed a torn labrum in his left hip, then sent him to the field during the postseason to make him believe he was no longer the same player he once was.


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Among the revelations in court was an email from Hope, whopulled out of the case earlier this year, to her mothercomplaining about being "down to my last $60,000". Youngersister Ginia, 27, who has sided with her mother in the dispute,told Hope in another email to "just take the 300 million dollarsmum has repeatedly offered you and walk away."


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"The Brotherhood can't keep doing this. We want stability. We want people to work," he said, as army helicopters trailing national flags flew in formation overhead. "When I see the clashes it makes me want to join the army and cheer them on."


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Despite the fact that there are at least seven games remaining in his career, the Yankees made the rare move of hanging Rivera’s pinstriped No. 42 in Monument Park among the team’s other retired numbers during a 45-minute ceremony prior to Sunday’s game against the Giants.


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Chilcot watchers were stirred from their slumbers by Chilcot's letter which says: "The inquiry intends to write to the relevant individuals at the end of this month informing them that the committee has concluded that there are areas in which some aspect of the part they played means the inquiry is likely to make a criticism.


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CIT filed for bankruptcy in 2009 after a debt exchange offerand bailout talks failed. The bank emerged from Chapter 11bankruptcy protection later that year. Thain was named CEO inFebruary 2010 to restructure the company's operations as itstruggled with losses on subprime mortgage assets.


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They have not done too badly, either. Perhaps because they know where the arguments can lead, some in the Yes campaign have been content just to drop the issue. Even Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, is on record as conceding that "this debate isn't about identity".


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MOGADISHU — Two gunmen shot dead a technician employed at Somalia's state-run broadcaster Radio Mogadishu on Saturday, the sixth media professional killed in the country this year, officials and a colleague said.


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Regulatory approval in Brazil should be smooth, governmentofficials told Reuters on Wednesday. A source at industrywatchdog Anatel said the structure of the deal envisions acorporate restructuring rather than a change of control, whichwill facilitate approval of the transaction.


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However, analysts said it would take a long time for Chinato clean up excess capacity in the labour intensive shippingindustry as any large-scale closures would hurt employment andcould threaten social stability.


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Mohammed's lawyers say that he was tortured while he was held in CIA-run "black sites", reportedly in Poland and Romania. The evidence against him is tainted by the brutality of these interrogations, the lawyers say, and therefore the charges should be dropped.


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Investcorp Technology Partners, the private equity firm's technology arm, bought Skrill, or Moneybookers as it wasformerly called, for 105 million euros in March 2007, accordingto Thomson Reuters LPC data.


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Prosecutors wrapped up their case against Zimmerman on Friday after nine days of witness testimony. Lead defense attorney Mark O'Mara said he hopes to rest by Thursday, meaning the case could go to the jury by this weekend.


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Mr George was originally convicted of Miss Dando's murder in 2001, two years after the 37-year-old Crimewatch presenter was killed by a single shot to the head on her doorstep in Fulham, west London.


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However, a secret and more complete internal inquiry concluded that as the Army had only attracted one other Muslim psychiatrist since 2001, "it is possible some were afraid" of losing diversity "and thus were willing to overlook Hasan's deficiencies as an officer".


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Struggling smartphone maker BlackBerry cut several dozenjobs from its U.S. sales team on Monday, the Wall Street Journalreported, citing people familiar with the matter. The layoffsare part of rolling job cuts that have been ongoing for severalweeks.


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"It's clear to me that the authorities are trying by all means to hound me out of politics, coming up with restrictions and fabricated cases," Navalny said, embracing his wife after a tense three-hour court hearing in Kirov, 1,000 km (620 miles) northeast of Moscow.


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On the other hand, reduction in the levels of floods caused by rainy season was observed. This change is increasing the risk of bushfires as well as forest dieback. These results were reported by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) on the basis of climate models.


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In the town of Minqin, residents said the problem was notnew, with the nearby Shiyang river disappearing not because oftemperature rises, but because a vast upstream reservoir builttwo decades ago to irrigate a large farm cut off their supply.


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The robot with a human face unveiled at the Smithsonian'sNational Air and Space Museum was built by London's Shadow RobotCo to showcase medical breakthroughs in bionic body parts andartificial organs.


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For pet owners, the easiest way to help solve this problem is to make sure pets are spayed or neutered and don't produce unwanted litters. However, pets without owners — specifically, feral cats — are another major contributor to pet overpopulation and can drain shelter resources.


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In Amenas gas plant usually employs around 700 people,mostly Algerians. At the time of the siege, BP had about 20people at the facility while Statoil had 17. There were alsodozens of foreign contractors on the site. Six British nationalsand a British resident were among those killed.


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The defence equipment includes helicopter and aircraft spare parts and specialised software and communication technology, and relates to licences to Egypt's army, air force and domestic security services.


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Ms. Bean has denied requests to meet with PETA, and did not respond to CBSNews.com’s requests for comment. PETA are planning to file a criminal complaint with the local police and the district attorney.


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"There is a big North-South divide in e-commerce in Europe," said Mintel European retail analyst John Mercer, noting French participation levels lag Britain and Germany by five years and Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy are even further behind.


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''David has made inquiries to the MoD and the reasons given for this current policy have mostly been based on the medical conditions of each animal when they are discharged from active service, conditions such as blindness, osteoarthritis and old age.


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It is not clear what impact, if any, the prolonged uncertainty may be having on BoA-ML'sefforts to expand its business and challenge its rivals. Last month the firm shut down theHouston trading desk responsible for cutting long-term deals with power plants. A personfamiliar with the matter said the desk's closure was not at the request of the Fed.


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The government of the southern state of Oaxaca announced Wednesday that it has suspended the health center’s director, Dr. Adrian Cruz, while officials conduct state and federal investigations into the Oct. 2 incident.


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Billy Burrows of Annuity Line, a broker, said it was “always difficult” to predict future annuity rates but for them to repeat the rise they had already shown this year the 15-year gilt yield would have to increase from its current level of around 3.25pc to more than 4.25pc. “In the current climate this seems unlikely,” he said.


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"There are some key issues still remaining but it is not really a lot of work," he added, indicating a deal could be reached with Karzai before presidential elections scheduled for April. Karzai cannot run for re-election because he has already served the maximum two terms.


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When he rose to speak in the Senate to announce his turnaround, Berlusconi said: "Italy needs a government that can produce structural and institutional reforms. We have decided, not without internal travail, to back the confidence vote."


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The author has a distinct talent for fashioning chilling, thrilling novels. In this, 14-year-old Sylvie is in the car when her parents are murdered in a graveyard, where they planned to meet their oldest daughter, Rose. Rose assumes care of Sylvie, though she isn’t very caring. Facing tough circumstances, Sylvie becomes aware of her parents’ career as “demonologists,” caring for the haunted. The suspected killer is about to come to trial, and Sylvie possesses knowledge that could radically affect the outcome. She also has her own scary dealings with the paranormal and many family secrets to uncover.


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Parent company Centrica made adjusted operating profits of £1.58bn, up 9pc, with increased profits from its gas production and storage business offsetting a decline from its UK power plants.


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Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the hospital, has teamed up with Peterborough construction specialist Elliott for the building work, which is due to be completed next spring.


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The review is expected to see a reduction in the number of midwives employed by the Trust but chief executive Penny Venables said it would be bank and agency staff that would be affected and it was unlikely there would be the need for any redundancies.


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The researchers insisted that these findings probably underestimate the true impact of the economic crisis on suicide rates. They noted that for every completed suicide, as many as 30 or 40 people attempt suicide, while many more have suicidal thoughts.


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Sister Diana, who will be doing the Pan-Mass Challenge with him, said that training for the race has changed her life in ways she never imagined, including the connection she has made with her brother.


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The Miami Herald is pleased to provide this opportunity to share information, experiences and observations about what's in the news. Some of the comments may be reprinted elsewhere on the site or in the newspaper. We encourage lively, open debate on the issues of the day, and ask that you refrain from profanity, hate speech, personal comments and remarks that are off point. Thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts.


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The compatibility of a Dongfeng tie-up with the Peugeot-GMalliance might depend in part on the Chinese car maker'sinfluence within the partnership, GM Vice-Chairman Steve Girskytold Reuters last month.


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"The combination of a severe fiscal deterioration, and adecline in government effectiveness, security and the rule oflaw will weigh heavily on policymakers' efforts, even to bringemployment back to pre-revolution levels," it said.


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* Blackstone Group has agreed to buy control of 80apartment complexes from General Electric, valuing theproperties at about $2.7 billion, a person briefed on the mattersaid on Monday, The New York Times reported. ()


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LONDON, Sept 27 (IFR) - Market participants are hoping thatthe strong primary market volumes in the past weeks willcontinue until the end of the year, countering a sharp drop inglobal bond issuance in the third quarter.


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"Italy has been very focused on the issue of nationalownership," said "But after 2007, the world changed. The realissue today is to find someone with the means to develop soundindustrial projects, otherwise we are finished."


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None of this is proof. But there is more circumstantial evidence. "At system startup" he reports, "the basic library disables the system firewall and any AhnLab firewall." AhnLab is a major South Korean security firm. "During our [earlier] Winnti research, we learnt that one of the Korean victims was severely criticized by South Korean regulators for using foreign security products. We do not know for sure how this criticism affected other South Korean organizations, but we do know that many South Korean organizations install AhnLab security products. Accordingly, these attackers don’t even bother evading foreign vendors’ products, because their targets are solely South Korean."


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Lois Lerner, former head of the IRS tax-exempt division, apologized in May for the extra review given to Tea Party and other conservative groups seeking exemptions under a section of the tax code that allows limited political activity.


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Wine sales are only a fraction of overall exports to China, but the threat of duties appeared to be symbolic because France and Italy were in favor of hefty levies on Chinese solar panels, while Germany and Britain opposed them.


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Dubai's index climbed 1.0 percent to 2,709 pointsin some of the heaviest trade this year, leaving it close to itsAugust peak of 2,762 points, which many analysts consider strongtechnical resistance.


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Kuma's Corner, a foodie destination with just a few tables, names its hamburgers after heavy metal bands. For October, the restaurant chose to name the burger after the Swedish band Ghost. Members of the band dress in religious robes and wear skeleton face makeup.


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ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT, Sept 28 (Reuters) - DefenseSecretary Chuck Hagel appealed on Saturday for U.S. lawmakers totake action to avert a government shutdown next week, saying itwas "astoundingly irresponsible" to try to influencepolicymaking by triggering a funding crisis.


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But police have warned of the dangers of cooling off in the sunshine after 17-year-old Russell O’Neill, of Worcester, died while swimming at Gullet quarry near Malvern in Worcestershire on Sunday.


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Columbia University School of Social Work associate professor Michael MacKenzie, study lead author, said he and his colleague's work is just part of a growing research trend that discourages spanking children in order to teach them a lesson. Despite this, spanking is still fairly common in many households.


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“Natural High,” sung at the beginning and end of the show, is most eloquent. Joe wants Heather to sing so it ends on an “up” and unambiguous note. She prefers a wistful little chorus of oohs that fades away. In the end, “Act” is about living life unedited — even with its uncertainties. Those powerful little ooh’s leave you on a high.


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His genius was finding bugs in the tiny computers embedded in equipment, such as medical devices and cash machines. He often received standing ovations at conferences for his creativity and showmanship while his research forced equipment makers to fix bugs in their software.


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The plunge in the share prices of Batista's companies hascaused his fortune, once Brazil's largest, to shrinkdramatically, limiting his ability to keep financing OGX, astartup with more investment expenses than revenue. (Reporting by Walter Brandimarte and Guillermo Parra-Bernal;editing by Gunna Dickson)


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"I wish this was the magic bullet," said lead author Peter Harms, an assistant professor of management at the University of Nebraska. "I wish we found huge findings. I think we found reasonable things."


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In the first half of this year, political wobbles in some eurozone crisis countries, but also China's soft landing and the debate about a possible end to anti-crisis measures in the United States "have temporarily weighed on sentiment," Schulz said.


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There has been no inquiry from the RBI yet at the centuries-old Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple, where two years ago treasure then estimated to be worth over $20 billion - more than India's education budget - was discovered in secret subterranean vaults. But its hoard is already being checked by the Supreme Court to make sure it is adequately protected.


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Some analysts believe Netanyahu's earlier threats helpedlead to Iran keeping uranium enrichment below the cartoon bomb's"red-line" threshold - enough medium-enriched uranium for asingle bomb - that he suggested would trigger Israeli strikes.


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ESPN could have focused on the Red Sox resurrection and the fact that Boston leads the AL East. Or it could’ve continued the Robinson Cano commercials, which ESPN has aired before all Bombers “SNB” appearances this season.


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Attorneys for two other convicts made similar claims. One had taken ecstasy, stripped naked and sped 80 miles an hour on Forest Ave. in Staten Island with her headlights off before killing a pedestrian. One had gotten severely drunk and, like Heidgen, driven the wrong direction on a parkway, provoking a fatal collision.


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Dries Van Noten explained: “I wanted to do something embellished for men this season after last winter’s collection, with all the paisleys, I wanted to continue that embellishment. Also seeing how far you can push the elegance in menswear with all the silk materials.”


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"We're going to have the opportunity as we get into the fall season and the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup to be on Sunday afternoons leading into NFL football, and that's an exciting opportunity for us, given the obvious power of the NFL," he said. "We still have a ways to go to figure out what races and when, but it will be select races that go into Sunday Night Football."


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This urgency was apparent in the third round against Florian Mayer, when Murray played way better than his body language suggested to win comfortably in three sets and, with the wind again skirling around the Arthur Ashe Stadium, Denis Istomin was also left flapping like a wet duck in a hurricane after a good start against the enigmatic Scot.


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Riverton is a "charming little town" that was once a stopover for vacationers headed up the river, Heine said. The woman's body was discovered on Carriage Lane, a narrow, tree-lined road named for the Victorian houses built more than a century ago.


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"Obama's best quarterly average to date was during his first quarter in office, during the honeymoon phase of his presidency, when he averaged 63 percent approval," wrote Jeff Jones, a Gallup poll analyst in a memo. "The more recent decline in Obama's job approval rating is similar to what Gallup has observed for U.S. economic confidence [surveys]."


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resident Obama on Friday announced during a press conference that his administration would update the government's spying policies, adding new layers of oversight and making them more transparent to assuage Americans' concerns about the nation's clandestine intelligence-gathering operations.


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As reported in The News on June 26, many believe Rodriguez will say he is physically unable to play the game and retire from baseball before MLB can suspend him, and therefore be able to collect all of the $114 million still owed to him on his contract. With A-Rod’s meeting on Friday, the clock is now ticking on him.


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LONDON, July 16 (Reuters) - The name of the top Londonbanker fighting to overturn a fine for market abuse is coming upin conversations between lawyers and their clients, who areasking: "Is this a Hannam?".


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Weeks tumbled down the career ladder when he was let go by the Jets, and was reminded of his mortality on the field. In May 2012, he returned to the Tuloso-Midway Independent School District in Corpus Christi, Texas to coach with the prep team. On the last day of spring drills, he returned an interception, and ran toward the sideline. He juked a defender and tore the patellar tendon in his left knee. He crumpled to the ground, and the players - 120 in all, from freshmen through seniors — surrounded him. They took a knee in respect for Weeks. When he noticed them not running around, he yelled at them.


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On the Pacific coast, Tropical Storm Manuel was bringing 65miles-per-hour (100 km-per-hour) winds, high waves and between10 to 15 inches (25 to 38 cm) of rainfall to the area's beachresorts, including Acapulco.


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Roby has been working out with the second team, not the starters, even though he is one of the top cornerbacks in the Big Ten. He considered entering the NFL draft after his redshirt sophomore season last year.


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In a possible setback for the project, an external researchagency appointed by the park published a report earlier thisweek that said Sirius had overstated constraints for theminehead to be built within the park.


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"It is important that you clarify your interpretation of when an individual is assumed to have a reasonable expectation of privacy. I am concerned that an overbroad interpretation of this protection would enable more substantial information collection on an individual in a circumstance they might not have believed was subject to surveillance."


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Boxing's emergence in Macau is another reminder of how the global gambling industry's center of gravity has shifted to the East thanks to rising incomes in China. The former Portuguese colony, now a semiautonomous region of China, overtook the Las Vegas Strip in 2006 as the world's most lucrative gambling market. Last year it raked in $36 billion in gambling revenue, six times more than the Strip. But authorities want Macau to be known for more than gambling and see big events as a way to turn the city, which has a lingering reputation for seediness and corruption, into a broader tourist destination.


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King Norodom Sihamoni pardoned him Friday at Hun Sen's request. Hun Sen's letter requested the pardon "in the spirit of national reconciliation, national unity and to make sure the national election process is conducted under the principal of democracy, with freedom and pluralism and jointly by all involved parties."


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* An advance during Monday's session on Wall Street wouldpush major indexes to new peaks. Both the Dow Jones industrialaverage and the S&P 500 ended Friday's session at record closinghighs, though the point and percentage gains for the day wereslim.


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My husband, smirking, suggested removing the burnt bits, sticking in new apricot chunks and returning to a lower shelf at a reduced temperature. All sensible ideas. But instead I screamed at him like a deranged harpie: "Oh you’re the b***** baking expert now, are you?!!”


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Only about a quarter of the Senate's 100 members and fewer than 25 members of the 435-seat House have been willing to go on record in support of Obama's request, according to a tally by the Washington Post. Seventeen senators and 111 House members are on record against.


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Banks, plagued by probes into interest-rate manipulation and improper sales of insurance and derivative products, remain vulnerable to compliance failings in unexpected places. Edinburgh-based RBS is trying to reinvent itself as a smaller, retail-focused lender after it received a 45 billion-pound ($69 billion) bailout at the height of 2008 financial crisis.


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Chang said a major concern for policy makers has been that new Medicaid enrollees would be "just as sick or even sicker" than the current Medicaid population. "What we found is, that is not likely to be true," Chang said.


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Small investors seeking to mimic the actions of big moneymanagers should be wary because the filings are merely asnapshot of how a top hedge fund's stock holdings looked 45 daysearlier. These filings do not reflect more recent buying orselling activity by a fund.


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"Next you might say `Let's not just stop there. Let's not have people smoke anywhere they might be seen'" he said. "And then is it legitimate to say that any behavior that people don't like should be disapproved of because people might see it."


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Children found six ancient Buddha statues which are believed to be around 1,000 years old while bathing in a newly dug pond in Khleng Por. (Photo: AP Photo/Heng Sinith)Read more here.


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Lundqvist makes no secret of his affinity for the Big Apple. He lives in Hell's Kitchen with his wife Therese and daughter Charlise. He is prominently involved in the fashion world, dabbles in the restaurant business and plays guitar in a band that includes tennis legend John McEnroe.


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Extra-marital sex was lethal for Spitzer because his dalliances with $15,000-a-night call girls revealed that he was a grossly irresponsible lawbreaker who held others to the rules with holier-than-thou zeal. His Weineresque pitch now is that he has learned from his errors, etc., etc., etc.


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Another project, working with the Babraham Institute, the CR UK Cambridge Institute and the university's department of oncology at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, will evaluate new therapeutic approaches for patients with pancreatic cancer, "a disease with an extremely poor prognosis and few treatments available"; the latter collaboration will focus on identifying the best drug combinations for AstraZeneca’s investigational compound selumetinib in pre-clinical models.


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Cllr Jenner said: "Raising over £450 was a tremendous effort and I know that this will go a long way towards helping Macmillan Cancer Support carry out its vital work to assist the many people living with this disease."


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North Korea decided last month that Chinese ships operating legally in its waters had to buy fuel from its suppliers rather than making their own arrangements as in the past, the Chinese government said late on Monday.


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"The security, economic, political, social, development and humanitarian consequences of this crisis are extremely grave and its human impact immeasurable in terms of the long-term trauma and emotional impact on this and future generations of Syrians," she said. "We are not only watching the destruction of a country but also of its people."


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ECFR pointed out that UK Prime Minister Cameron said, "this is not even about the Syria conflict. It is about the use of chemical weapons." Intervention on this note would not address the fact that approximately 99 percent of casualties in Syria have not been as a result of chemical weapons.


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The Cole deal will add many more properties leased bycorporate tenants, such as Walgreen Co and CVS CaremarkCorp pharmacies, to American Realty's current portfoliowhich includes Dollar General, Citizens Bank and FedEx.


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Except now there is the added element of outside powers stirring the countless cauldrons of death and destruction in Syria, due to their own vested interests and long term geo-political aims and objectives.


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IBM said profitability in its hardware business declined by$1 billion year-to-date, and it missed revenue expectations byabout $1 billion as well. The company's margin on earningsexcluding interest and taxes fell to 17.8 percent for the firstnine months of 2013, compared with 19.2 percent for the firstnine months of 2012.


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It's important to avoid being a target in the first place, Courtley said. When you're stopped, be on your cell phone or eating food, and don't ride with the windows down and the doors unlocked. He suggests checking your rearview mirror to watch for people who might be creeping up on you.


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He told an Edinburgh conference: "In today's terms, in 50 years time, it will cost each working age person in the UK £700 more per year to pay for state pensions and other pensioner benefits than it does now.


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The reduced prevalence of prostate cancer in Asian versus Western nations has helped focus attention on dietary factors that might influence risk. Because of the increased consumption of soy products in Asian nations, some researchers have hypothesized that consumption of soy might reduce prostate cancer risk. However, the hypothesis has no supporting evidence, the authors noted in their introduction.


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The bigger issue is that Dolan is still throwing his weight around and throwing temper tantrums. The man behind the curtain who refuses to answer questions and address his loyal fan base is very much in charge. He was the driving force behind the grand plan to acquire Melo, Amar’e and Paul. Instead, the Knicks’ three big moves this summer were to form the alliance of Bargnani, Smith and Metta World Peace.


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To try to ensure that people sign up for coverage, the Affordable Care Act carries complex penalties for those who remain uninsured that could cost them hundreds, or even thousands of dollars. Some 6 million people could be hit with these fines in 2016, forking $7 billion over to the federal government, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


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On this relay, Agnel went out first for the French instead of at the end, and he was next-to-last when he handed off to Florent Manaudou. France was still only fourth after a blistering 100 by Fabien Gilot (the fastest of the night, 46.90). The U.S. was slightly ahead of the Australians when Anthony Ervin passed it off to anchor Jimmy Feigen.


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"The reason I got the idea of the free man is that you could identify with him," said McQueen. "When he is captured and put into slavery, you go on this journey with him, you go through this assault course of slavery, you are with him."


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The government shutdown that began on Tuesday is not expected to affect the trial before U.S. District Judge Sidney Fitzwater in Dallas. The trial is expected to last eight to 10 days, possibly stretching into mid-October.


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"Laughter in chimps is predominantly used in play and it tends to be the youngest members of the group who have time for playing," says Dr Katie Slocombe, a primate cognition specialist at the University of York.


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LONDON — In a rare interview, the British mother of U.S. soldier Bradley Manning has urged her son not to give up hope, even as he faces up to 136 years in prison for disclosing hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. documents.


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Shannon, a great-grandmother whose job supplemented her Social Security income, said Filner's behavior left her embarrassed and in tears, but she ultimately decided to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Investigations Office and to go public.


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Sony Corp, Panasonic and Sharp Corp combined had a less than 20 percent share of the worldwide flatpanel TV market by revenue. Samsung had a 27.7 percent share,and LG Electronics Inc had 15 percent.


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Mother Pelagia Sayah, the head of Saint Tekla monastery in Maaloula, denied earlier reports that churches and monasteries had been attacked. But the recent kidnappings of prominent Orthodox bishops, plus the Christian peace activist Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, have raised disturbing parallels to the height of sectarian violence in Iraq, and fears that Syria’s Christian minority may not survive the war.


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Shares of BlackBerry Ltd were being closely watchedafter the smartphone maker, as previously warned, reported anearly $1 billion quarterly loss on Friday. The stock was upslightly in pre-market trade.


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The report said accounts differ as to whether the al-Qaeda leader was killed by the first shot fired at him when he went to the bedroom door as soldiers came up the stairs or later when they stormed the room.


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U.S. intelligence agencies grant analysts broad access to classified files in hopes that they will connect disparate pieces of evidence to interpret events and avoid the sort of lapses that led to clues being overlooked before the September 11, 2001 hijacked plane attacks and the bombing of the Boston Marathon in April.


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Despite their mother’s desire to give her sons the most normal upbringing possible, Princes William and Harry had a self-contained nursery at Kensington Palace and a succession of nannies.


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A federal law known as the Anti-Deficiency Act prohibitsgovernment employees from volunteering their service when notauthorized by an appropriation "except in cases of emergencyinvolving the safety of human life or the protection ofproperty."


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At ProShares, which launched a similar High Yield - Interest Rate Hedged ETF in May, "We had a lot of our adviser and client community come and ask what they could do to protect their bond portfolios in a rising rate environment," said Stephen Sachs, head of capital markets at ProShares.


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American exceptionalism is the equivalent of someone walking into passing all his professors responsible for teaching him ecomonics,politics,science etc. walking up to a mirror and declaring themselves ‘exceptional’.


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Darvish pitched well enough to win on Monday against Pittsburgh, but was outdueled by Gerrit Cole, despite allowing just one run in seven innings to fall to 12-8 on the year to go along with a 2.84 ERA. He also struck out six to up his major-league leading total to 246.


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But it didn't last. Swidorsky noticed Logan was acting strange, Stevenson said. He lifted his left arm a lot as if he were stretching, but she sensed there was something wrong with her son. They soon learned he had a tumor the size of an orange on his left kidney.


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While the specific products behind the five cases have been recalled -- Energizer said last October the Banana Boat sprays had spray valves that delivered more sunscreen, causing it to take longer to dry on the skin -- other products may include flammable components like alcohol. In Sigworth's case, the product did say it was flammable and should never be applied near an open flame. However, it never said there was danger if you were just simply wearing the product near a fire, as Sigworth claimed he was doing.


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Another barn-burner, Cincy-Buffalo, will be dissected by Norman Julius Esiason. His colleague, Shannon Sharpe, drew the short straw. Having to work Jacksonville-Denver provides every reason for Sharpe to catch a sudden case of the flu Saturday night.


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Mickelson said he had lacked the necessary mental precision and lipped out from short range to bogey consecutive holes, the sixth and seventh, before ending the round in a tie for 41st place in the elite field of 73.


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"This shows that those who resent Kurdistan do not want it to be victorious," read the security forces' statement. "These kind of attacks will make us more determined to confront the terrorists," it added.


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Dr. Jennifer Wu, an ob/gyn at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said that "some parents see HPV as a sexually transmitted disease and they are worried that it will encourage sexual activity, but I don't think most children are looking at HPV that way."


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The printed document lists him as industry secretary, although a handwritten note shows that Baroness Thatcher added the department of trade to his responsibilities as an afterthought. Geoffrey Howe was given the Foreign Office.


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Other boys orbiting around them are AJ (Grantham Coleman), Pharus’ compassionate, true-blue roomie; Junior (Nicholas L. Ashe), Bobby’s sidekick, and David (Kyle Beltran), who has a dream of being a pastor and a troubling truth he can’t face.


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Rupert Murdoch has been recalled to face questioning by MPsafter a tape emerged on which he appeared to express regret overcooperation with police investigating his British newspapers anddescribe corrupt payments to public officials for information as"the culture of Fleet Street".()


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Next was a long line of law enforcement officers led by Boston police commissioner Ed Davis, while family members of both Krystle Campbell, who was killed in the attack, and MIT police officer Sean Collier, who authorities say was shot and killed by the bombing suspects, were welcomed to the field.


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Prosecutors presented their closing arguments on Wednesday, summarizing their evidence for how they said Naso isolated his victims, sexually assaulted and strangled them, disposed of their bodies in remote areas and then documented his crimes in a journal.


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The new computer models actually reveal that chromosomes look a bit like a mass of noodles. Don't let that fool you, though. These models put DNA in proper context, showing the complexity of the mammalian genomes in a far more effective way than volumes of text previously had. In doing so, the model reveals the way DNA within chromosomes folds up. In addition, it shows how much genes are expressed, which has direct consequences for health, aging and disease.


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The riots that began in the state of Gezira, south of Khartoum, have turned into a call for the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir, who has ruled the country for more than two decades. The rioting started after Sudan's government decided to lift the subsidies, immediately doubling prices of gasoline and fuel.


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"Mineworkers just want to see this dispute resolved andthey've demonstrated this by making numerous concessions duringnegotiations ... Members have agreed to pay freezes in the next12 months," Bob Timbs, a spokesman for the Construction,Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, said in a statement.


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** French trade unions said they are open to the prospect ofthe state taking a stake in loss-making auto-maker PSA PeugeotCitroen but said the key question was the survival of local jobsand control of the group.


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But relying on some part of the system for the upcoming postseason also is being discussed, despite a relatively short period of time to do so. In 2008, Selig implemented instant replay for home-run calls to take effect by late August that same season. In this case, Joe Torre, now an MLB vice president, repeatedly has expressed his concern about a blown call in a playoff game overshadowing the postseason as a whole, and he often cites the controversial Robinson Cano play in Game 2 of last year's ALCS.


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The combat over the shutdown and the debt ceiling is to someextent a rerun of past fiscal showdowns that have consumed muchof the past three years, since Republicans took control of theHouse in the 2010 elections.


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State broadcaster CCTV showed images of Dong admitting to "exaggeration and selectively publishing information" to benefit clients. In September, state media also aired a confession by Chinese-American venture capitalist, Charles Xue, one of China's best known online commentators.


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The people of Albano Laziale were outraged when they heard that the local branch of the Society of St Pius X had agreed to hold the funeral, pointing out that partisans from the town had been executed by German troops during the Second World War.


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The measure would provide a path for citizenship for people here illegally – after requiring them to go through an arduous route to legalization – while creating, at large expense, tighter border security measures. All the Senate Democrats voted for the measure, as did 14 Republicans.


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Utah was the first state to take the administration up on its offer and wired the money to the National Park Service on Friday morning to reopen Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion national parks. The state is also paying to reopen the federally operated Natural Bridges and Cedar Breaks national monuments, as well as Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.


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Through the new task force, federal investigative agencies will coordinate their efforts to investigate and prosecute those responsible for committing serious environmental crimes. Federal laws have been enacted to protect the environment, but their enforcement requires the coordinated efforts and involvement of multiple federal law enforcement agencies with the assistance local law enforcement and the citizenry.  The task force has three specific goals:


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It would seem, however, he had more of a personal thing going for him than any particular agenda against Lee and the Phillies. There was anger in Harvey’s pitches, Collins said, anger over all the adverse publicity the new Mets “franchise” has received of late over his controversial and seemingly self-absorbed statements.


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According to her supporters, the group GoTopless, Feeley won a lawsuit in 2007 when she was falsely arrested in a similar incident in New York City. Since 1992, it has been legal for women to appear in public topless in New York State.


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Against Indiana, the 13-year NBA veteran averaged just 6.1 points and 6.0 rebounds in 29.6 minutes per game. He was badly outplayed by Hibbert, who posted a double-double for the series, registering 13.3 points and 10.3 boards per game.


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The statement continued: "We want philanthropy to supplement, not substitute public subsidy and it should be seen as one element of a funding model which includes other forms of income generation.


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These are the people making a one world, Big Brother government? Feeble. BHO sells as the first data savvy president, but he looks tuned out on this, the ACA website rollout and a raft of info issues. Let Ivan deal with Syria, this is Job One.


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And he talked about staying busy. Among other things, the 47-year-old is starring in a weekly docu-series on Fox Sports 1, called "Being: Mike Tyson," with the first show on Sept. 22. His memoir, "Undisputed Truth," comes out on Nov. 12. Mike Tyson Productions plans on doing a Las Vegas show in September or October and another card at Foxwoods Casino perhaps in November, according to a Tyson spokesperson.


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Ninety percent of the women said they did not regret their decision and would do it again. Still, many did point out that the outcomes of the surgery were worse than they were expecting. Thirty-three percent said they underestimated the number of procedures and surgeries they would need, and 28 percent said they didn't expect the numbness or tingling in the chest they experienced.


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Previous studies established that people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) stop or restrict their driving, but not necessarily that they travel less, according to lead author Frank Curriero of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.


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That’s when Glynda’s brother Michael told Alexis, “hey there, this is inappropriate for you to approach us like this. You need to stop. You’re out of line. Don’t come over like this.” 


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Issa, a relentless critic of the Obama administration, wants information on contacts the companies may have had with the White House about the Healthcare.gov website by Friday. Carroll called it the first step of a "rolling inquiry" that could include other companies.


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Jackson fan Julia Thomas, who has been at the courthouse every day for the past five months, said she thought the jurors did not properly understand the second question on the verdict form, which asked if Murray was "unfit or incompetent to perform the work for which he was hired."


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The team's trainers didn't see anything that would suggest that happened again on Saturday, Cashman said, and the CT scans were negative for any issues in the ankle. But with all that Jeter has been through this season, Cashman said it was best to make sure everything was OK.


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A police spokesman said that he was found dead on Thursdayevening by "a loved one" at an apartment on Nob Hill and thatfoul play had been ruled out. The San Francisco MedicalExaminer's Office said it was conducting an autopsy, though itcould be a month before the cause of death was determined.


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If House Republicans were actually concerned about government spending levels, they would be pocketing the Senate bill and running away with glee. If they were looking to negotiate a budget "compromise" when it comes to spending, they already have it and then some.


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Continuing to wait could significantly impact the sample size of the joint population study, which the league agreed to only because it became apparent months ago the union wouldn't move forward without it in negotiations on HGH testing that have stretched more than two years.


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The law passed the GOP-controlled Legislature despite marathon speech in June by Democratic Rep. Wendy Davis, who is now running for governor and amid massive protests on both sides of the issue at the state Capitol.


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An appointee of Democratic President Barack Obama, Baer joined the Antitrust Division in January from the Washington law firm Arnold & Porter. Private antitrust lawyers describe him as a self-assured leader in the field who does not shy from challenging cases.


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Searls said he met Boatwright in Zhuhai, China, during the first half of 2012. Searls works for the Zhuhai campus of United International College, and Boatwright taught English for TPR English School, another campus in the same city. Both shared an interest in tennis and coached university students, so they inevitably crossed paths on the tennis court and soon began playing on weekends, Searls said.


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A law firm http://12yo.icu 14yo Thursday's six-hour spacewalk came six days after a 7-1/2hour outing by Yurchikhin and Misurkin, which set a Russianrecord. That spacewalk, as well as one that the cosmonauts madeon June 24, were primarily to prepare the station for a newmultipurpose Russian module that is scheduled for launch inDecember. (Reporting by Irene Klotz; Additional reporting by Alissa deCarbonnel in Moscow; Editing by Tom Brown, Vicki Allen and EricBeech)


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Both girls were charged as juveniles with third-degree felony aggravated stalking. If convicted, it's not clear how much time, if any, the girls would spend in juvenile detention because they did not have any previous criminal history, the sheriff said.


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Still, some operators said their hiring of part-timers is driven by the health-care overhaul. Rod Carstensen, owner of 11 Del Taco restaurants around Denver, began in April converting his mostly full-time workforce into one comprising mostly part-time help to minimize his health-care costs. He estimates the costs could have climbed by as much as $400,000 a year without the change.


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The new rule has already raised eyebrows in France, whichalso passed its budget this week, although Brussels and Parisplayed down any tension on Thursday. ($1 = 0.7418 euros) (Editing by Fiona Ortiz; editing by Ron Askew)


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JPMorgan has sought to bolster corporate governance andrebuild its relationship with watchdogs after probes byregulators and a Senate panel faulted the firm for withholdinginformation from U.S. overseers during trading losses last year.Dimon handed off the chairman title at the unit after companyattorneys recommended it for technical reasons, rather thanbecause of pressure from regulators or investors, said theperson, who’s familiar with the bank’s thinking.


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Kate Moss isn't going to let a small gust of wind get in the way of having a good time. The supermodel laughs off a near wardrobe malfunction as she arrives for lunch at The Ivy restaurant in London on July 18, 2013.


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The U.S. and its allies began exploring military actionafter some Syrian opposition groups said 1,300 people died in anAug. 21 chemical attack in the Ghouta area outside Damascus.Israel, sitting on Syria’s southern border and a longtime foe,would be a potential target for retribution.


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Those losses were driven partly by a 158 percent surge insales and marketing spending, as the company ramped up its salesforces in offices around the world to push its advertisingplatform. Sales and marketing costs rose to $61.2 million from$23.7 million a year earlier.


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Southern's Mississippi Power utility is building the plant in Kemper County, where it will gasify coal and separate the dangerous pollutants before the gas is burned to produce electricity. It was sited near a mine to supply lignite, a lower-quality coal, to the plant and in a region where the captured carbon can be injected underground to increase production from older oil fields.


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2019-05-29 05:23:01

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The disclosures raise questions of constitutionality, individual privacy and the effects that government monitoring can have on citizens' willingness to exercise core rights such as freedom of speech and assembly that are critical to the functioning of a democracy. Potential negative consequences of surveillance are weighed against the central responsibility of a government to protect its people, further complicated by uncertainty surrounding current and future threats the security efforts are designed to detect. 


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Revlimid is Celgene's flagship blood cancer drug and isalready approved for use in multiple myeloma patients who havefailed at least one prior therapy, mantle cell lymphoma andtransfusion-dependent anemia caused by myelodysplastic syndromes- a blood disorder.


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"Tomorrow is going to be the worst of the fire weather days. Whatever results from the run of these fires we will seek to deal with and deal with the absolute focus of life preservation and the saving of as much property as we can."


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Francis, whose namesake is the saint who took an oath of poverty, is walking the walk. He lives simply. He talks about social justice and inclusion. In a world where young people use birth control, believe women should have the same opportunities as men and think gay marriage is no big deal, he may not be entirely on board. But he clearly sees the future. And he may end up saving the future of the church.


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The Syrian opposition has seen its male leadership change periodically since the start of the uprising against Assad's regime. Its main coalition abroad, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, was first under the leadership of Moaz al-Khatib, then Ghassan Hitto, and now Ahmad al-Jarba.


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He adds: “We really want to drive perception of the HTC brand away from what we have stood for in the past. To be bluntly honest, we did not stand for that much in the past. We had a huge success two years go [with the Desire range] but the brand itself - I would lie to tell you what the brand stood for for the consumer. We had great products but we were not really communicating at a brand level – and in some ways we were communicating at a level I did not find at all amusing: like a value for money proposition. We are a high end smartphone brand and that’s what we want to stand for.


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Blackstone Group LP, KKR & Co LP, BainCapital LLC, Carlyle Group LP and BC Partners Ltd areamong the buyout firms that submitted first-round bids last weekand are waiting to hear back this week on who made theshortlist, the sources said.


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So how and where did it all go miserably wrong? Some of their problems should have been obvious. Some were strokes of bad luck. As a result of these issues, though, the Giants' championship plan has completely fallen apart.


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It was only last Friday that A-Rod warned the media to expect a “bumpy road” filled with controversy and name-calling — a warning, as it turned out, that he was about to turn loose lawyer Joseph Tacopina on the Yankees.


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Japanese firms have spent $27 billion in buying foreign companies so far in 2013, compared to a record $83 billion for all of 2012, with some bankers and executives attributing the slowdown to the reversal in yen strength. The Japanese currency was trading around 98 to the dollar on Thursday, compared with around 76 yen in November last year.

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As embarrassed U.S. officials announced the cancellationslast week, Chinese President Xi Jinping was in Indonesiaannouncing a raft of deals worth about $30 billion and then inMalaysia to announce a "comprehensive strategic partnership",including an upgrade in military ties.


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Going forward, with aging stars, and a new economic model, it’s worth wondering what kind of made-for-TV product the Yankees will be. Hal Steinbrenner, the Yankees managing general partner, wants next year’s payroll cut to $189 million. Of that booty, how much dough will be spent on free agents who can bring eyeballs to YES?

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"I would like to commend the Greek government for having taken action immediately, and very strong action. I think it's very important to differentiate between political work and criminal acts," Jagland told The Associated Press in an interview at the start of a two-day visit to Athens to discuss combating extremism and hate speech.

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* The Minister of Public Safety intends to discuss a seriesof jailbreaks with the boss of Corrections Canada after a secondconvicted murderer escaped from a minimum-security prison injust over a week, the minister's spokesman said on Sunday.During a headcount on Saturday night, guards at a Laval, Quebec,prison realized Hells Angel René Charlebois was missing. ()

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Though he scuffled in Monday’s practice, Smith still has been the better quarterback over the course of the team’s time in Cortland. In team drills, Sanchez has completed 53 of 91 passes with six touchdowns and four interceptions. Smith is 41-for-72 with five touchdowns and zero picks.


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She added that the gaps now identified were enormous and difficult to tackle, but said it could be done. "I really think we can see a future where breast cancer can be overcome," she said. "I think it is a very positive and optimistic message for women."

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People carry paper lanterns to release onto the Urakami River for peace and the atomic bomb victims as they walk along the river on August 9, 2010 in Nagasaki, Japan. The world's second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki by the United States during World War II, three days after the bombing of Hiroshima. The blast killed an estimated 40,000 people instantly with many thousands more dying over the following years from the effects of radiation.

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House prices are already rising at 5.4pc annually, according to Halifax’s August measure. RICS said it was “open minded” to thresholds other than 5pc, and even suggested using the powers on a regional basis to try to depress isolated bubbles, such as in London.


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Gay chose to withdraw from next month's world championships while his case plays out; the next step is a test of his "B'' sample, which could come as early as this week. Simpson's and Powell's status remains in limbo. Simpson was eligible for the 100, while Powell was waiting to see if he'd make the relay team.

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"If you started to give a heroin addict the drug therapeutically, then we would not have the scourge of hepatitis C and Aids spreading among needle users, for instance. I am calling for a controlled environment, not a free-for-all."


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The coffin has gone to the University of Leicester's School of Archaeology and Ancient History, where tests will be carried out to find the safest way of opening it without damaging the remains inside. It took eight people to lift the stone lid from the outer coffin, which is more than two metres long.

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The scorecard looks at how each state's health care system is working for low-income families, meaning those earning less than $47,000 a year for a family of four. Low-income individuals comprise 39 percent of the U.S. population, and in the states with the lowest health care access and quality nearly half of their residents live in poverty. The report compares their health care experiences to families with higher incomes, or those making more than $94,000 for a family of four, and finds disparities by income within each state.

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OGX began to hit snags as it replaced the drilling rigs with production platforms that would pump the oil out, taking almost a year longer than its most optimistic forecasts to get its extraction operations up and running. For Batista this was nothing that more money couldn’t solve, and he headed again to the bond markets. In March 2012, OGX raised an additional $1.1 billion. That same month, however, output at the company’s first well in the Tubarão Azul field, part of the Campos Basin, dropped to 10,000 barrels a day, the low end of what Batista had estimated.

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Rightmove said it has dealt with five per cent more transactions in the year to date. Meanwhile email enquiries to agents and developers are up 18 per cent on 2012, the number of new sellers has risen by five per cent, mortgage approvals are up by six per cent and it said surveyors are “struggling to cope” with demand.


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The investment could include the world's longest underseatunnel across the Bohai Strait, linking China's eastern andnortheastern regions, worth 260 billion yuan ($42 billion) aspreviously reported, the newspaper said.

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On a third-and-17 from the Giants 14, Eli Manning connected with Cruz for what initially was ruled a first down. Andy Reid challenged the spot and after the review the officials placed the ball at the 30-and-a-half yard line. Cruz needed to get to the 31. Coughlin made the right decision punting down by just three deep in his own end. Imagine the second-guessing if he had gone forf it and missed and the Chiefs quickly traveled the short field for a touchdown.

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When Detroit's state-appointed emergency manager Kevyn Orrfiled last week for the city to enter into the largest municipalbankruptcy in U.S. history, he cited the need to tacklewidespread blight, including many abandoned homes and otherbuildings, as one of Detroit's most urgent problems.


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In the years afterward, her parents moved into an apartment while trying unsuccessfully to control the clutter. Miller, who lived in Brooklyn, would be called on to stage emergency garbage removals. It was then she came clean to friends as she reached out for help and elbow grease. The final time, they threw out 70 bags of trash.

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At least now there is a glimmer of hope that they can hit their way back into games, something that was sketchy at best with some of the thin lineups they’ve used. Entering Thursday, the Yanks were averaging 3.9 runs, 22nd in baseball. But Soriano, in particular, has offered a tremendous boost lately.

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She is among the 4.3 million in the United States who are officially counted as being unemployed for more than six months. According to the U.S. Labor Department, only 37 percent of that group received benefits in July compared with a peak of 93 percent in February 2010 when there were 6.2 million long-term unemployed.


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You had to be there to understand how the crowd has taken Mo to their hearts. Mo! Mo! Mo! they shouted as he broke from the field; and then the syllables melded into a single roar that sent him surging 50 or 70 metres clear of his nearest rival — and in a world class field. There were 70,000 or 80,000 people tearfully hailing a Muslim Somali-born west Londoner, and they hailed him again when he said, in his authentic London voice, that he just wanted to make Britain proud; because he sure as hell had.

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The latest austerity measures will put 12,500 public-sector staff, mostly teachers and municipal workers, in a program that subjects them to involuntary transfers and possible dismissals. It will also pave the way for 15,000 layoffs by the end of next year.

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Today, more than 35 million people worldwide, including 5 million in the U.S., are estimated to have Alzheimer's. Barring a medical breakthrough, those numbers are expected to more than double by 2050.


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"The indictment returned today alleges the Giudices lied to the bankruptcy court, to the IRS and to a number of banks," U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said. "Everyone has an obligation to tell the truth when dealing with the courts, paying their taxes and applying for loans or mortgages. That's reality."

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The infection total in the two states is more than double the 35 reported earlier this week. Other Midwestern states may have cases, but so far Iowa and Nebraska are the only two reporting them, according to earlier reports.

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Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told reporters that it was in Palestinian interests to find a solution. “Palestinians have suffered enough. And no one benefits more from the success of this endeavour more than Palestinians. I’m delighted that all final status issues are on the table and will be resolved without any exceptions. And it’s time for the Palestinian people to have an independent sovereign state of their own.”

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For the past year, she has been president of a group thatcreates products for sale through the 15,000 financial advisersworking at securities offices, bank branches and Wells'sFinancial Network group of independent brokers.


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Gallup notes that at various times this year, it has retested public support for the three reforms using slightly different question-wording and format, and each time found that half or more of Americans still favor each of them.

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The globe, which was made from the lower halves of two ostrich eggs, was uncovered at the London Map Fair in 2012 from a dealer who said it had been part of an “important European collection” for decades, according to the Map Society.

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Also Sunday, a railing collapsed at the Indianapolis stadium where the Colts took on the Raiders. Two fans who were leaning against the barrier by the tunnel that led to Oakland’s locker room were injured during the railing mishap, AP reported.

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Be out looking at least an hour before local sunrise. In the morning sky, very bright Venus and dimmer Saturn are still making a nice showing in the early evening sky in the west. Last week Saturn was above Venus, but this week they have moved to where Saturn is about 7 degrees to the right of Venus.


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A flurry of energy deals that the Muslim Brotherhood signedover the past year with its closest allies and friendly states,such as Qatar, Libya and Iraq, were all stalled for months asthe sides struggled to agree final terms.

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The original inquest verdicts were quashed in December, two months after the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the UK's police watchdog, announced that it would carry out a two-year investigation into both the role played by officers on the day and the subsequent cover-up.

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Mayor Ali Hujeiri, a Sunni from the town of Arsal, was shot in the majority Shi'ite town of Labweh as he returned from the hostage exchange with a rival Shi'ite clan. He was transferred to hospital and doctors said his wounds were not life-threatening.

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The UWA told the BBC's Catherine Byaruhanga that Uganda is increasingly being used as a transit country by poachers who kill elephants in states such as South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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In the imagined broadcast, she would also recall the pride she felt when she and her sister, Princess Margaret, huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to the inspiring words of their father, George VI, on the “fateful” day when Britain declared war on Nazi Germany in 1939.

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Tests of cognitive abilities were given to all participants at the study's beginning, and again at 20 months and 40 months. One test measured psychomotor speed, or how long it takes the brain to register a stimulus, process it and respond. Another looked at the ability to remember words over time. A third test measured executive functioning, or how the brain uses memories to plan actions, pay attention and inhibit inappropriate behavior.

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As Centrica shares yesterday slumped 4pc after Ed Miliband’s anti-business bombshell, Diary hears Neville, Centrica’s long-standing public affairs chief, is switching his salary provider to brewing giant SAB Miller.

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"This week's price action is a real sign that the party isover from the high prices due to the 2012 drought," Rich Feltes,director of research for trade house R.J. O'Brien, said of themove in soybeans.

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Jurors found Tourre, 34, liable for misleading investors in the 2007 synthetic collateralized debt obligation Abacus 2007-AC1, by concealing how hedge fund billionaire John Paulson helped construct the transaction and bet it would fail.


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There were no signs from Congress or the White House oflast-minute negotiations to resolve the standoff. Instead,Democrats and Republicans spent their energies trying to pinblame on the other side for failing to avoid a calamity.

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Prices of other industrial metals such as copper,however, have steadied. And while short-term traders may benefitfrom the rebound in iron ore in July, analysts say price hikeswere largely due to Chinese mills replenishing inventories.

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The Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Aug. 13 to stopthe planned merger between US Airways and American's parent, AMRCorp. The government argues it would violateantitrust laws because it would lead to higher airfares andother fees.

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In one possible sign of rapprochement, Venezuela's ambassador to the Organization of American States said earlier this year that the government was considering a U.S. proposal for the return of its anti-drug agents.


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The flood that swept down Boulder Creek was a 1-in-100 year event, the U.S. Geological Survey said Friday. The college town is considered Colorado's 'most at risk' city to flooding because of its proximity to Boulder Creek, which courses through Boulder Canyon into the heart of town, says Weather Underground weather historian Christopher Burt.

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From there, the menacing mood never dissipates. Growing up in Kansas with loving adoptive parents (Kevin Costner and Diane Lane), Clark Kent realizes he possesses physical features and abilities unlike any human. But it's not until Clark meets the space age ghost of his birth father – his consciousness animated by a Krypton aircraft uncovered on Earth – that he learns he is meant to one day save humanity.

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Altera's two biggest customers, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd and ZTE Corp , have secured morethan half of China Mobile's initial 4G contracts worth about 20billion yuan ($3.2 billion), sources said in August.

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Iberdrola stock, which hit a near two-year high last week,fell as much as 2.5 percent, as the European utilities index fell 1.1 percent. Thomson Reuters data shows Iberdrolastock up 20 percent through the past 12 months while Germany'sRWE for instance fell 24 percent.

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The Globo article was written by Glenn Greenwald, RobertoKaz and José Casado. Greenwald, an American citizen who worksfor Britain's Guardian newspaper and lives in Rio de Janeiro,was the journalist who first revealed classified documentsprovided by Snowden, outlining the extent of U.S. communicationsmonitoring activity at home and abroad.


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"Following the mission, an incident of potential misconduct was raised through the Australian Defence Force's internal command chain," the military said statement said. "The ADF takes any potential occurrence of misconduct by Australian personnel very seriously."

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At first blush the helmet-mounted display struck Charlie and his colleagues as a major advance. But they were left with a nagging question: what happens if something goes wrong with the helmet? The answer: without a HUD as a fail-safe, pilots would have to fly and fight using the plane’s conventional heads-down displays.

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These are no ordinary times in financially strapped Spain, and this is no ordinary divorce ruling as a result: A judge in Seville has ordered a couple to split their home — and she is not speaking figuratively, reports the Local.

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People with direct knowledge of his investment activities say that Rizvi, backed by Chris Sacca, a former Google executive and Twitter investor, was instrumental in attracting large private investors to the microblogging site, serving as matchmaker between the company's founders and global financiers from Wall Street to Riyadh.


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Graham — who once lived in Houston — was carrying an expired Texas driver's license when he was busted, police said. He was ticketed a little more than two months ago for littering in a city housing project.

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A walkout on Monday likely would prove reminiscent of last month's strike, which forced BART passengers to work from home, drive, carpool or crowd onto a limited number of buses and ferries for prolonged, frustrating commutes.

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In revelations that fueled public outrage, the victims wereignored by passersby and police argued over where to take themas they lay bleeding on the street, according to televisedcomments by the man who survived the attack. Neither has beenofficially named.

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Sales at stores open at least a year rose 2.5 percent inthe 10 weeks ended July 13, the London-based company said todayin a statement, following the prior quarter’s 4.2 percent drop.Same-store revenue gained in both the U.K. and France, where theretailer owns the market leading B&Q and Castorama chains.


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After a decade of above average economic growth, the long recession prompted hundreds of thousands to leave the country in 2012, including immigrants returning home and Spaniards in search of work elsewhere.


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With institutional loan investors now looking to close thepricing gap, borrowers will have to consider more closely whichmarket caters to their needs. If investors look to close the gapon covenants as well, it will complicate the issue further.

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President Jacob Zuma and his ruling African NationalCongress, criticised for their handling of violent mines unrestlast year in which more than 50 people were killed, are keen toavert more labour strife ahead of elections next year.

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During the first week of the government shutdown, investors had a relatively blasé attitude toward the drama in Washington. But as a critical Oct. 17 debt limit deadline approaches, stocks around the world are coming under pressure -- a trend that will only intensify without a deal.


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A World War II airplane belonging to Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) was found in the Sahara Desert nearly 70 years after it crash landed in June 1942. (Photo: Jakub Perka/BNPS)Read more here.

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Schick, who is in charge of the German Church's worldwide contacts and brings youth groups to visit the death camp at Auschwitz every year, said he had marched in and addressed an anti-racism protest in Bamberg similar to the one in Wuerzburg.

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Longtime E Street Band member Weinberg and Atlantic Highlands Muncipal Judge Peter Locascio, who both have homes along the trail, have filed notice that they may sue the county, claiming the work that was done to create the trail — including the removal of vegetation and detritus along the trail — created erosion and worsened the impact Sandy had on their property.

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Now it should be noted that Dell isn’t exactly a stranger to the Android tablets either — it launched the Streak 7 tablet back in mid-2011, and I guess you could count the even older Streak 5 as the damage-prone precursor to today’s phablet craze. The market was younger and less crowded then, but Dell still wasn’t equipped for success. And Dell is far from the only PC maker trying to make a splash with a low-cost Android tablet either, since HP outed its cheap (and largely underwhelming Slate) tablet earlier this year. Throw in some forthcoming Tegra 4-powered devices built on NVIDIA’s Tegra Note design, new Kindle Fires from Amazon, and Google’s stalwart Nexus 7, and you’ve got a taste of just how crowded the tiny tablet market is.


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The Fed said it wants more evidence of solid economic growthbefore beginning to withdraw its stimulus. Data on Thursdayshowed factory activity in the U.S. mid-Atlantic regionincreased by the most in more than two years and firms' optimismabout the future hit a 10-year high.

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The police would not reveal details of individual cases, but in a statement, they said officers had become "increasingly concerned about the issue of child sexual exploitation following an internal review.

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SIR – Isn’t it time we dropped the unhelpful language of “due date” and “overdue”. Fewer than one tenth of births occur on the due date; nearly a half are more than a week away from that date; yet parents-to-be feel disappointed when the due date slips past with no baby, and worry that it is in some sense “late”.

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Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in Washington this week to meet with Obama. Sharif has called to an end for the drone strikes. But the strikes originate from an air base in Pakistan and it is assumed the military and government are aware of the program.


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There are many doubts about whether our national government can lead us out of our current economic malaise. The recovery is limping along, but that's in spite of Washington, not because of it. Some view the sequester as an embarrassment and believe it has developed into a painful mistake.

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At about 1:30 p.m., police said, someone called 911 after spotting Barrett's car along I-75 in Henry County, according to WSB. Police said they tried to pull Barrett over, but she drove off along I-75 near Highway 36.

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Violence in the Mapuche struggle escalated last year with a string of arson attacks, including one that killed an elderly couple. Their deaths shocked Chileans and raised questions about the inability of President Sebastian Pinera's government to meet the demands of Chile's largest indigenous group and his administration's vow to continue using tough dictatorship-era measures to curb violence.

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“In addition to phenomenal surgeons like Dr. Sandip Kapur and Dr. Joseph Del Pizzo, what is so impressive is the entire team and how responsive, organized and compassionate they are,” said Hogan, a Manhattan therapist. “The transplant gave Nathaniel back his life, but the fact that you can rely on the staff 24/7 post-transplant if a problem arises helps me sleep at night. They are an incredible group.”

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"(She) will tell you she saw several doctors put Mr. Jackson to sleep with propofol overnight in hotel rooms (while touring)," he said. "Ms. Rowe knew this was incredibly dangerous. …She would always insist on being there when he got propofol overnight."


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Sprint shares fell 18 cents, or 2.7 percent, to $6.31 inmorning trade on the New York Stock Exchange after closing at$6.49 on Thursday. AT&T shares were down 1.5 percent, at $34.29,while Verizon stock was down 1.4 percent, at $47.81, andT-Mobile US shares were down 0.16 percent at $25.02, also onNYSE.

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Tepco has also struggled with worker safety. This month, 12 workers decommissioning the plant were found to have been contaminated by radiation. The utility has not yet identified what caused those incidents, which only came to its notice when alarms sounded as the workers prepared to leave the job site.

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Retail investors ordered about 44 percent of the $1.28billion of the tax-exempt bonds offered to them, the spokesmansaid, noting the sale includes about $2.06 billion of tax-exemptbonds and about $186.5 million of taxable bonds.

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Start with Japan, site of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that caused a meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The latest news is that the crippled plant is leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean every day—and has been doing so for two-and-a-half years. In response, Tokyo will step up its decontamination role.


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From the world’s most prestigious award, we now move to the bad news in the areas of science, research and higher learning in Israel. Two of the three laureates for the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Arieh Warshel and Michael Levitt, emigrated from Israel and  make their homes in the United States. Many in Israel regard them as “descenders,” the translation of a term coined in Hebrew to describe those who leave the country. In the outspoken words of retired general Uzi Dayan, they are “traitors.”

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Last week's downpour, the heaviest to hit the region in fourdecades, experts said, dumped up to 21 inches (53 cm) of rain inparts of Boulder city, northwest of Denver, nearly double thearea's average annual rainfall.

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The physical, cognitive, and neurological impact was devastating. And almost took her life. Cora Bett was one of ten diagnosed in Chatham County in 2011. In 2012 there was only one human case. But already this year, the virus has Chatham County officials concerned.

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They will, however, continue to pay the £100-plus in “green levies”, and a further £50 in transmission network reinforcement charges every year for the foreseeable future.


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NEW YORK, July 29 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks slipped and thedollar came off a five-week low on Monday, a day ahead of thestart of the Federal Reserve's two-day policy meeting, which isbeing keenly awaited for signs on when the U.S. central bankwill begin to scroll back on its bond-buying program.

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Interestingly, the phenomenon of just sitting back and enjoying fat margins without making new investment probably has a different cause in Japan than in other places, like Britain. While when the pound dropped in 2008, British companies “priced to market,” simply allowing fat profits to roll in. That was likely driven in part by compensation practices in Britain, which tie executive pay closely to stock market movements through share options. British CEOs, faced with the option of a gratifying short-term bump in the value of their shares versus a risky long-term investment in more production, usually chose to take the money now.

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Retired Lt. Eric Levin of the Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Fire Department drove from Palm Springs, Calif., to attend the memorial. His thoughts went back 12 years to 9/11, when members of the Southwest Incident Response Team arrived in New York shortly after the towers fell.

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Gold miner Newcrest Mining Ltd rallied 4.4 percenton rising gold prices, but gains were capped as the world'sfifth largest gold producer reported its first annual loss since2002 on Monday, hit by A$6.2 billion in writedowns it flagged inJune after gold prices plunged. Rival gold minerRegis Resources Ltd added 3.5 percent.

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Taking part in the Tunis protest, Selma Baccar MP said: “The Interior Ministry hasn’t prohibited the protests. It’s proof that we have the right to do this. We’ve been sitting in for two hours and we’re still here.”

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As a Buddhist monk, Ashon Nyanuttarasuppresses anger and frustration. Even so, he said he wasdisappointed on arriving in New York’s Battery Park yesterdayonly to learn that Statue of Liberty tours were canceled.


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“I haven’t really tried it,” he said when asked if he ever puts the apron on and makes his own Dagwood at home. “But I think if I had all of the ingredients, was at my house, was hungry and didn’t have a car, I would try to whip it up.”

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The Jets have proven nothing yet, it is way too early, neither has their new general manager, neither has the coach, who still may have little chance to keep his job under Idzik past this season, but you really do wonder if Idzik’s mind is already made up, whatever he is saying.

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“Unfortunately, despite great improvements in breast cancer treatment in recent years, chemotherapyresistance eventually happens in around one in five cases, and every year in the UK around 12,000 women still die from the disease. To overcome this resistance, innovative treatments that use new approaches to stop cancer from growing are desperately needed.'


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The Knicks have known this day was coming since draft night, when Billy King pulled off a move that could present James Dolan with his worst nightmare: A Nets team strong enough to unseat his Knicks for the Atlantic Division crown, steal away the back page and most importantly, perhaps challenge LeBron James and the Miami Heat in June.

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Witecki followed standard industry practice: His agency wouldannounce a tender for a road project and contractors would bid.Usually, the winner would be the firm that offered to build theroad for the lowest price.

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That growth is key to Delaware's economy. More than half ofthe companies in the S&P 500 stock index are incorporated in thestate, often for access to its courts, and money related tochartering businesses accounts for 40 percent of the state'sgeneral revenue.


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Ed Miliband’s aides insist that Labour supports a new rail route linking London with the North but last week Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor warned he would not write a “blank cheque” for HS2.

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Others take a different view on the economy's health. Citing steady job growth, not to mention the fact that he anticipates steady GDP growth, one analyst says the economy is showing that it's ready for less support.

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Alcoa reported adjusted profit and revenue above Wall Streetforecasts after Monday's closing bell. Still, its stock dipped0.1 percent to $7.91. In contrast, the S&P materials sectorindex jumped 1.6 percent. The S&P industrials index climbed 1.5 percent.

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Most recently in Atlanta, baseball fan Ronald Lee Homer Jr. died last month after falling 85 feet following a tumble over Turner Field's fourth-level railing. Homer's death was the third at an Atlanta stadium in the past year.


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A flight to Cancun left Manchester Airport this morning, with two other Thomson Dreamliner flights scheduled for Saturday. Yesterday, the airline said one of its Dreamliner planes travelling from England to the US had to turn back after experiencing a technical issue.

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"Both stocks and bonds will like it if the Fed tapers $10billion only in Treasuries. If it pares down on itsmortgage-backed security purchases, we're very worried aboutwhat that will do to the housing market," Mullaney said.

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There was much muttering within the Socialist Party over how Maduro could have squandered Chavez's 11-point winning margin from the previous election in October 2012, despite the wave of sympathy over his death. Many blamed a lackluster campaign.

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Utah has already stopped accepting new participants – but Colorado’s program has enough reserve state and USDA funding to get through the end of October. But if the government shutdown continues into November, funding for WIC could be difficult to find.

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Despite the frightening experience, none of the 33 people on board the tour bus were hurt and they managed to get to dry land after it came to a stop, Northern Arizona Consolidated Fire District No. 1 officials said.

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McCartney said, "Happy anniversary, Baby," to Nancy Shevell (shuh-VEHL') before going into his latest song, called "New." He said the song was inspired by his wife as the students turned to her and gushed.


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"As long as there are those who fight to make it as easy as possible for dangerous people to get their hands on guns, then we've got to work as hard as possible for the sake of our children ... to do more work to make it harder," he said to applause.

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The move leaves out existing partners such as Bing Gordon,the former Electronic Arts executive who led the firm'sinvestment in game company Zynga ; Chi-Hua Chien,responsible for much of the firm's consumer-technologyinvestments; Matt Murphy, who manages the firm's mobile-orientediFund; and cleantech-oriented partner Amol Deshpande.

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The basic problem is that your Panasonic HD DVR has a digital only HDMI TV output, whilst your television is equipped with analogue audio and video inputs, and never the twain shall meet, certainly not with a simple cable connection. HDMI to SCART converter boxes are available but they are not cheap and the results are likely to be rather disappointing. Not only is there be a significant drop in picture quality in the digital to analogue conversion process, you will be losing the benefits of high definition picture quality on a standard definition TV. It is time to move on. Your TV is obviously getting on, and probably quite a lump, so rather than wasting money on unsatisfactory workarounds put it towards a new digital flat screen TV. You would be hard pressed to find one these days that isn’t HD capable, and fitted with several HDMI sockets.

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Some said they were taken aback by last week's report, which found that "a certain combination of fund and firm level activities within a large, complex firm or engagement by a significant number of asset managers in riskier activities could pose, amplify or transmit a threat to the financial system."

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Being a regular at the check casher also brings more tangible benefits. Marta, another regular, came to my window one afternoon with a government issued disability check to cash. When I input the number from her RiteCheck keytag into my computer, the screen indicated she owed RiteCheck $20 from every check she cashed. I didn’t know what to do, so I turned to Cristina for advice. I learned that Marta had cashed a bad check awhile back, and that RiteCheck had worked out an arrangement in which she could pay RiteCheck back in installments.


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It did not disclose full details of how the painting had been recovered, but said that it had been owned by a Norwegian man who had been told it was not by Van Gogh, so it languished for years in his family's attic.

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Now, if the situation had been reversed, the head line would read, “Muslims attack Buddhist Temple, dozens killed!” See the difference? Now if the attack had been on a Christian church, it wouldn’t make the news.

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The medicine, which GSK licensed from the California-based company in 2010, did not improve the incidence of adverse events in patients when measured against a placebo, GSK said on Friday, and there was a trend for overall adverse events to increase as dosage levels increased.

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It said revenues in the 26 weeks to June 27 in the core Cineworld Cinemas brand were up 10.5% while the Picturehouse chain it bought in December, including the Belmont in Aberdeen and Cameo in Edinburgh, was 12.5% ahead. Overall group revenue at the UK's biggest cinema operator was up 21.9%, from £165.4 million to £201.6m.

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Rajan has also taken steps to lure dollar inflows, includinglast month offering concessional forex swap rates. These haddrawn $5.7 billion as of Monday and are expected by bankers tobring in a total of about $15 billion by the time the programmeends next month.


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Manning, formerly known as Bradley Manning, was found guilty of leaking more than 700,000 documents including battlefield reports, diplomatic cables and video of a US helicopter attack that killed civilians.

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"When the movie started, I kind of woke up, but I woke up not to the movie, but more like something felt wrong to me but nothing was happening yet," Han told ABCNews.com. "I wasn't really sure what it was and kind of blew it off."

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Two berths at the terminal have been closed for part ofSeptember, reducing export capacity, and industry sources sayrates will stay depressed until the middle of this month. Iraqundercuts Saudi to snare Asian oil market share.

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"The class of the test subject veterans is fairly large, even though it is aging," attorney Eugene Illovsky, who represents the plaintiffs, including Vietnam Veterans of America, told U.S. News. "It may contain tens of thousands of individuals."

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Vince Cable has cost the British taxpayer £900,000,000 so far; his “all froth & wait 3 or 4 months” comment was utter rubbish and will be proved to be in the long term –the institutions buying up these shares are not fools and will expect both capital growth and an excellent annual dividend payment, and will, no doubt, get both; as ever, incompetent/partisan politicians are firmly to blame; Cable should be jailed for defrauding the exchequer.


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Lynn Graves, Scottish Widows' head of business development, corporate pensions, said: "What we are increasingly seeing is that as women come out of their Thirties and into their Forties there is a 'Sandwich Generation'.

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Rob Manfred, who was recently promoted to MLB's COO post, told The News last week that the IRS claims are bogus, and said that Mullin "denies the allegations" of an inappropriate relationship with a witness.

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Energy and Power Development Minister Dzikamai Mavhaire saidthis week the only long-term solution to the power crisis was toinvest in new plants, which will require billions of dollars andtake time to build.

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A Ford-sponsored poll shows most Europeans are concerned about the environment and believe the biggest problem facing the world today is climate change. However, the survey of six thousand people also found that many are unsure of how to lead a ‘greener’ lifestyle, that most are committed to car ownership, and that the overwhelming majority see electrified vehicles as better for the environment.

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Though the White House and President Obama’s political organization, Organizing for Action, have denied any involvement with the meme’s creation, the posts did catch the attention of the White House’s social media team, who re-tweeted the Adorable Care Act on Thursday.


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In one case, according to the site, a patient fell and hit his head at Fata's clinic but was told he needed chemotherapy before he could be taken to a hospital, according to the FBI. The man later died from the head injury. His name was not disclosed.

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Black was diagnosed with ampullary cancer, which is similar to pancreatic cancer, in 2010, and made headlines earlier this year after turning to the Internet to help fund her medical treatment. She and her husband raised about $62,000, according to her fundraising page.

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"If there is some environmental factor acting early in life that both affects adult height and somehow programs us for certain diseases, we need to look early in life for those factors. It's not impossible, but it's hard," said Byers, explaining the difficulty of asking adults to accurately recall what they ate as children. "It would be nice if everyone kept a diary, wouldn't it?"

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A: As an actor that was what scared me the most, because in reality, identity crisis at that age is normal. Every young girl is going through this 'who am I' thing, and we're also hormonally crazy at that age, so you can react emotionally because you're angry, sad, frustrated, annoyed, upset. There are so many ways emotions can come out and different reasoning, so I had to make sure I didn't act it with one note, or at least I hope I didn't act it one note and make her a victim. She's not a victim, but she is vulnerable and confused.


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And for those who need a refresher course: The debt ceiling is about existing bills, not new spending. Months or years ago, Congress authorized the federal government to spend money on things like national security and social safety net programs and research and, well, everything that the U.S. government does; what Congress failed to do when it okayed this spending was sign off on borrowing the money necessary to actually pay for all this stuff.

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That is, right here and right now, what we have to say about Serena Williams, a purely black American woman but beyond everything other than her own shining individuality. Revealing determined confidence and a terror of losing, she expresses the world’s f avorite theme whenever she gets to her game: “I want to live.”

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The DOJ on Aug. 13 filed a lawsuit to block the proposed $11billion merger, which is the basis for AMR's plan to exitbankruptcy and pay back creditors. The DOJ said the merger wouldincrease fares and hurt consumers.

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Heart rate was measured continuously throughout the study using ear clips that give an optical reading (eM wave technique), meaning that heart rate could be recorded simultaneously for all participants. Heart rate variability measurements were calculated using two techniques: root mean square of the successive differences (RMSSD) and low frequency to high frequency ratio (LF/HF). Frequency scores were also calculated to summarise the regularity of the heart rate fluctuations. The researchers then compared the singing tasks to each other using statistical methods.

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The proposed takeover is by Mirfield 1964, a vehicle set up in June specifically for the acquisition. Its investors include Mike Jatania, the cosmetics tycoon, Sir Keith Mills, who was deputy chairman of the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games, and Jon Moulton, the founder of Better Capital. Each of them has invested £1.5m, while the private-equity group EME Capital and the former Goldsmiths chairman and chief executive, Jurek Piasecki, have each committed £500,000.


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"I don't think (Watsa) is going to look at the various bidders and make qualitative choices. He's going to be making quantitative choices (based on who pays top dollar)," said Ross Healy, a portfolio manager with MacNicol & Associates, whose clients own BlackBerry shares.

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A committee of cardinals took the decision to look into thebooks and activities of the Administration of the Patrimony ofthe Apostolic See (APSA) as the Vatican tries to clean up theimage of its bank, the focus of scandals for decades.

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No one has claimed responsibility for the attack and an army spokesman said security forces are looking into a potential motive for the attack, including the possible involvement of communist rebels who are active in the area.

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"If we're sending a message as a society ... that someone who is armed potentially has the right to use those firearms even if there's a way for them to exit from a situation, is that really going to be contributing to the kind of peace and security and order that we'd like to see?" Obama said. 

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ROME, Oct 14 (Reuters) - A migrant boat carrying 137 peoplereached Italy from North Africa on Monday as the Italiangovernment prepared to launch new naval and air patrols toprevent repeats of shipwrecks which have drowned hundreds ofAfricans this month alone.


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When Hammarskjold was elected secretary-general, following the resignation of Trygve Lie as a result of Soviet pressures deriving from the Korean War, few people outside Sweden had heard of this relatively young, acute, diligent and cultivated minister. As Lipsey writes, almost nobody had any inkling of the breadth of his political philosophy, integrity, capacity for dialogue and strategic acumen. Indeed, had his full range been better known, he would not have been elected, because “the Big Powers would only compromise their separate interests around someone believed to be safe.” They wanted apolitical reliability and decided on a man they took to be some Swedish aristo-bureaucrat.

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Alitalia's new CEO Gabriele Del Torchio wants the company to focus on the higher-margin long-haul market after its plans to become a strong regional player came unstuck due to tough competition from low cost players and high-speed trains.

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Aldermore, founded in 2009, has established itself as one ofthe more credible newcomers trying to challenge Britain'sestablished banks and potentially increase competition in thehighly-concentrated financial services sector.


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He directed the garbage truck driver to deploy the winch on his rig, which is owned by Century Waste Services of Elizabeth, N.J. The two men wrapped the cable around the mangled driver's door and pried it open. Still, Zeliang was wedged in by the crushed dashboard and the steering wheel and couldn't be budged.

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Prosecutors have had difficulty in the past forcing ex-officials to pay up including former Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin, who pleaded guilty in 2008 to embezzlement, fraud and bribery charges for stealing from taxpayers, labor unions and and even a Queens Little League.

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Okubo said crews were monitoring molasses levels in the waters to help predict the spread and overall impact of the 223,000-gallon spill, which is roughly equivalent to one-third of an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

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Similar efforts in New York City, Connecticut, and Baltimore County, Md., have stalled, while those in Maryland's Montgomery County, just north of Washington, have recently restarted. There, schools are closed for Christmas, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter; since the 1970s, schools have closed for the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur if those days fall on a weekday.

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* In an expanding global antitrust investigation, nineJapanese automotive suppliers, along with two former executives,have agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy and pay more than $740million in criminal fines for fixing the price of auto partssold in the United States and abroad, the Justice Departmentsaid on Thursday. ()


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BHP on Wednesday said expansion of its iron oredivision was running ahead of schedule after posting a robust 9percent rise in ore output to a record 187 million tonnes in the12 months to June 30. By December it aims to be operating at a220-million-tonnes-a-year rate.

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In a March 2012 letter to Senate Banking Committee ChairmanTim Johnson and then-ranking Republican Richard Shelby, Schapirosaid she recognized the importance of reducing IPO obstacles forsmall businesses, but was not sure the JOBS Act had found thebest way.

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Though Prince George's christening will likely not be until this fall, family members and friends are already thinking of gifts for the royal baby. India Hicks, goddaughter of Prince Charles, will give the young prince a set of custom-designed cufflinks.

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Olympic freestyle skier Dylan Ferguson mimics his mental preparation he does before a run, as he poses for a portrait during the 2013 U.S. Olympic Team Media Summit in Park City, Utah September 30, 2013.


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Researchers found high amounts of bacteria that could potentially sicken babies in three-fourths of samples they bought from women who advertised on the popular website, Only the Breast. A few of the 101 samples purchased contained salmonella, while others had evidence of fecal contamination, probably from breast milk sellers not properly washing their hands, said Sarah Keim, the lead author and a researcher at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

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In academia at least, there’s a movement to using DOIs instead of direct links to maintain pointers to online published material. This prevents link rot (at least as long as the DOI servers themselves are maintained), but doesn’t necessarily guarantee access. In ye olde days of course, if a book went out of print or a magazine died, copies would continue to exist in libraries.

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“Iran uses diplomatic negotiations as a means to buy time to advance its nuclear program,” said Netanyahu, who told his cabinet yesterday that he is postponing his own address at the UNGA meeting to have a meeting with Obama at the White House over stopping Iran’s nuclear program.

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Obama said a Russian offer to pressure Syrian PresidentBashar al-Assad to place his government's chemical weapons underinternational control increased the odds of putting off alimited military strike that he is considering, but voicedskepticism about the plan.


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Smith, 27, averaged a career-best 18.1 points a game for the Knicks last season. The lingering knee issues appeared to affect his play in the postseason, especially in the Eastern Conference semifinal loss to the Indiana Pacers. Smith shot only 29 percent in the six-game series defeat to Indiana.

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"The Harriers had intended to drop the ordnance in Townshend Island Range but controllers reported the area was not clear of hazards," the statement said. "Due to low fuel and inability to land with the amount of ordnance they were carrying, the on-scene commander determined it was necessary to designate an emergency jettison area for the ordnance."

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Ed Balls, the shadow chancellor, insisted that Mr Osborne’s policies had been wrong, but said that the 2015 election would be fought over the cost of living, not economic data. He told BBC Radio 4: “As we move towards a general election, people will be thinking 'who is going to get my living standards rising, who is going to get the jobs created.’ People want to debate the future.”


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Obama said the healthcare law was "not just a website," a phrase repeated later by White House spokesman Jay Carney, and urged people having trouble signing up to use the telephone, offering a toll-free number - 800-318-2596 - as an alternative. He said those having problems will be contacted personally.

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It’s a gross topic but a serious problem. Half a million Americans get Clostridium difficile, or C-diff, infections each year, and about 14,000 die. The germ causes nausea, cramping and diarrhea so bad it is often disabling.


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1.) Obtained at the May 2011 raid of Osama bin Laden's compound for use at trial in it's case against Manning for aiding the enemy. The declassified evidence includes a letter from bin Laden to a member of Al Qaeda requesting Department of Defense information and a letter back to bin Laden attached to which were all the Afghan War Logs and "Department of State information".

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In October 2006 North Korea said it had successfully tested a nuclear weapon, spreading alarm throughout the region. Since then, intensive diplomatic efforts have aimed to rein in North Korea's nuclear ambitions. After years of on-and-off talks, a deal was thrashed out in February 2007 under which Pyongyang agreed to shut down its main nuclear reactor in return for aid and diplomatic concessions.

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House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Thursday nonetheless vowed to push forward with further inquiries into the IRS and the administration's response to last year's terrorist attack against a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya. 


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The company, dairy giant Fonterra, announced on Saturday that the unsanitary pipes had tainted some of the whey concentrate it sells for use in infant formula with a type of bacteria that can cause botulism. The revelation sparked the type of response some countries might reserve for a terrorism alert, with dozens of officials and diplomats assigned to around-the-clock crisis management and the Prime Minister John Key saying he was willing to fly to China, a crucial market, if needed.

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"It ends up being right in the end but it took four years and a lot of pressure exerted from different points …to get this rolled through," Hunter said of Swenson's award. "The Army wasn't going to do this on its own."


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LONDON, Oct 2 (Reuters) - The euro held steady against thedollar on Wednesday ahead of a European Central Bank newsconference where President Mario Draghi will be watched forsigns of any further stimulus.

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"It takes about three minutes to set each hand brake," Pilonsaid. "We have evidence to support what we believe happened andwe are examining the cars, but many of them were destroyed inthe incident."


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On Monday, Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said Beijing had been in touch with Washington over the standoff, in which Republicans in the House of Representatives have refused to increase the $16.7 trillion debt ceiling as they seek changes in President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law.

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Gameplay elements such as Mark and Execute and Last Known Position return, but this time around, players have a slew of high-tech gadgets, such as drones and sticky cams that augment those moves. In addition, Fisher has a support team to rely on, and that gives the game more of a "Mission: Impossible" feel, compared to the Jason Bourne adventure of the previous outing.

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"I want to learn a lot from the standards that Singapore hasbeen able to achieve, but I wonder whether we don't wantsomething more for our country," the Nobel Peace laureate toldreporters on Monday evening as she prepared to return home.

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“I don’t have a target date,” said Holmes at uSTADIUM’s Flags for Foundations flag football tournament on Roosevelt Island Saturday. “I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize myself being ready for the season.”

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Perhaps that’s true, but it’s clear the Rangers don’t quite get Vigneault yet, and vice versa. Ken Hitchcock, the respected Blues coach, told NorthJersey.com recently that it takes 30-45 days to implement a new system. It’s now been 42 days since Vigneault opened training camp.


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Defining roles will be critical for the Nets, particularly on offense. They have players who like to operate in similar spots on the floor in Johnson and Paul Pierce. Each is interested in shooting 3-pointers and creating their own looks near the free-throw line extended.

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"New North American production - including U.S. light tightoil and Canadian synthetic crude - continues to surge. Saudiproduction is hovering near record highs, even as a seasonal dipin domestic air-conditioning demand looks set to free up morebarrels for export," it added.

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The debate between business interests and consumer groupsplayed out internally at the agency, with Republicancommissioners Daniel Gallagher and Troy Paredes advocating for alift of the ban quickly. Democratic Commissioner Luis Aguilarurged that it be completely rewritten to include measures tokeep investors safe.


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The administration built the site's capacity based partly on the all-time high of 30,000 simultaneous users for Medicare.gov, an existing site where senior citizens can buy or renew prescription-drug plans under Medicare Part D, Park said. Its theoretical maximum capacity hasn't been disclosed.

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In the defense's closing argument that was markedly more understated than the prosecution's at times heated presentations, O'Mara scoffed at claims that Zimmerman lied and was a wannabe cop who profiled Martin, 17, to be a criminal.

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The deal could be announced as soon as Friday, Bloombergreported citing two people familiar with the talks, and could beworth about 700 million pounds ($1.06 billion), the financialnews wire cited one of the people as saying.

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PARIS/HONG KONG, Aug 16 (Reuters) - L'Oreal SA hasoffered to buy Chinese facial mask maker Magic HoldingsInternational Ltd, a move that would put the world'slargest cosmetics group in the lead of the fastest growingsector in China's $15 billion skincare market.


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The Ministry of Territorial administration claims 82% of cards have been collected in less than three weeks but organisations such as the UN refugee agency, which has been attempting to facilitate voting among the internally displaced and refugees, doubt that estimate.

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His impending trial, whenever and wherever it may be, will be emblematic of who has the real power on the ground - the frontline rebels who fought Gaddafi's forces or Tripoli's politicians, who already face increasing popular discontent.

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Vice President Amado Boudou was put in charge during her surgery, but there was no official announcement of the handover of power, nor were any documents released formalizing Boudou's new role, but government websites eventually began describing him as "the vice president in charge of the executive branch."

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Thousands of young women from across the country compete each year to become the next Miss America, but in Alaska, almost every contestant in the state competition is a winner, whether she takes home the crown or not.

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“That’s why you call it a kid’s game because at any moment you can feel like a kid again,” Young said. “That was it right there. Raising my hands up, I couldn’t wait to get to home plate with my teammates. Seeing everybody’s smiles, it’s an awesome feeling.”

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Re-elected to a second term in 2011 on promises ofincreasing the government's role in the economy, Fernandez hassaid she is not thinking about a possible third term. But talkpersists that her supporters want the constitution amended tolet her run again.

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Conrad, of UC Davis, was not involved in the paper published Tuesday. However she did coauthor a study that linked an outbreak of disease among sea otters off the coast of California to runoff water that was contaminated with cat feces.

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Americans convicted of passing secrets to foreign governments have faced stiffer sentences. Former FBI agent Robert Hanssen was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty in 2001 to spying for Russia and the Soviet Union.


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"You know who it is going to help? Those companies that can't get capital from anywhere else," said Heath Abshure, the president of the North American Securities Administrators Association - a group of state regulators - who opposed the new rule.

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"When you want something against which there is enormousresistance but it is important for the people, you do not neednegotiations, you need a Blitzkrieg," Orban said. "The finalrepayment scheme was one such option."

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Another factor that Apple must account for is declining growth in the high-end mobile market. The average smartphone price has fallen from $450 to $375 since the start of 2012 and manufacturers of low-end smartphones such as Huawei are rapidly gaining ground in developing markets.

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While many studies have found a link between maternal obesity and diseases later on, until now, it was not clear whether maternal obesity was linked to heart-related deaths in the children of these women.


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Despite the Senate vote, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., sided with the White House. He said the voice vote was "for show" and the Pentagon had essentially resolved the problem. He said the issue was moot, but he didn't object to passage of the bill. 

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In its great scheme of things, the BBC knows how to report clearly defined victims – pensioners cheated by PPI, formerly abused children, “whistleblowers”. What it cannot understand is the position of the great majority of the people watching it – that they pay tax, and they keep paying more of it. Seldom do they see the story in a tax rise, in energy bills or planning delays, in their own stupefying executive pay-offs. Seldom do they expose the rise in the national debt or investigate why it is that, despite “cuts” every day, government spending still grows bigger all the time. The one entity, in short, in which the BBC feels permanently uninterested is the individual citizen.

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-- Beijing-based LeTV Information Technology Co announced astrategic tie-up with Chinese internet giant Tencent HoldingsLtd hoping to increase sales of its smarttelevisions. This is the first time LeTV will sell smart TVs ona third-party online platform.

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But while Cahill and Jagielka’s qualities are crucial in any defensive partnership, when it comes to dealing with forwards who have brilliant movement and pace, being a competitor is not going to be enough. How they deal with Lewandowski at Wembley will be a key factor in the outcome of the game and, also, an indication of the strength of their partnership against top quality opposition. Poland are an average team and not in the same league as the 1973 side who knocked England out of the World Cup, but in Lewandowski, they possess a player who is proven at the top level.


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The only exchange happens when Mitty, apparently extracted from the confines of his dream and plunged into an actual adventure, requests a rental care. "We have a red one and a blue one," the wizened clerk tells him.

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This autumn the Colombian Navy is due to take delivery of eight Griffon 2000TD military hovercraft following a deal announced in January. The hovercraft, developed over 20 years by the Southampton-based company, has an aluminium hull and can carry either 2,000kg (4,400lb) of equipment or 18 troops.

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The schedules put forward by Orr and Rhodes would have Detroit moving through bankruptcy court more quickly than Stockton, California, which took nearly a year to pass through the eligibility phase alone. Detroit's debt load dwarfs that of Stockton, which listed liabilities of around $1 billion when it filed in June 2012.


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The release of the White House report signaled a newoutspokenness by Obama, who made immigration a top legislativepriority but stayed on the sidelines of the debate that raged inthe Senate in May and June. The report said passing reformswould grow the economy by 3.3 percent by 2023 and reduce thedeficit by almost $850 billion over 20 years.

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While the African Union's monitoring mission chief called Wednesday's peaceful polls generally "free and fair", domestic monitors have described them as "seriously compromised" by registration flaws that may have disenfranchised up to a million people.

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Zimmerman, a former neighborhood watch volunteer, faces up to life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder, although either side can request that the jury also consider the lesser offense of manslaughter, with a maximum penalty of 30 years.

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The reigning Miss England is the latest queen to lose her crown to bad behavior. 21-year-old Rachel Christie reportedly got into a brawl with another pageant queen -- Miss Manchester Sara Beverley Jones -- in a bar earlier this week, reports the Huffington Post. Christie was arrested on suspicion of assault an Monday night, and was later released on bail. Pageant officials did not allow the beauty queen to compete in the Miss World competition in December 2009.

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The brutal fact is that Britain has no place in today's world operating old world businesses that turn ethane extracted from gas into bulk industrial materials such as poly-ethylene and poly-propylene.


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By basing his treatment of Rodriguez on that clause, Selig is effectively bypassing the arbitration-based procedures in place for doping cases, which are laid out in the Joint Drug Agreement, baseball’s collectively bargained anti-doping policy, and putting the appeals process in his own hands.

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When Duncan, a quiet, awkward adolescent, is upset that his mother ditched him to smoke weed with her jerky boyfriend, Susanna, the literal girl-next-door, commiserates: "That's the power of this place" – referring to their small town summer retreat – "It's like a spring break for adults."

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But Jack has plenty of fans cheering him on. Former Husker Rex Burkhead might just be his biggest. The athlete, who now plays for the Cincinnati Bengals, heads the “Team Jack” support network and helped Jack score a touchdown during a scrimmage in April.

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Researchers led by Robert Ritchie at the University of California at Berkeley found its scales have an ultra-tough outer shell, designed to "promote tooth fracture at the point of penetration".


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"(The police) are using information which hasn't beenchecked, without having the official version, to arrest thisman. You can't take someone away in handcuffs like that, itleaves a great deal to be desired," said Santiago Pino,spokesman for train drivers union SEMAF. (Writing by Elisabeth O'Leary; Editing by Fiona Ortiz and PeterGraff)

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Back then, women — such as Rosa Parks and Dorothy Height — marched down Independence Avenue and men down Pennsylvania Avenue. All participants on Saturday are strolling down Independence together, passing the new Martin Luther King Memorial.

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In 1993, in Somalia, four U.S. soldiers were killed when a land mine was detonated underneath their vehicle, prompting President Bill Clinton to order Army Rangers to try to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid.


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"In the interim, fourth-quarter GDP will surely feel theadverse effects from the slowdown in economic activity and thelack of transparency with respect to economic data releases,"said Bonnie Baha, senior portfolio manager at DoubleLine Capitalin Los Angeles.


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Director James Wan (“Saw,” “Insidious”) lends “The Conjuring” a few meditative, lived-in touches. Still, this remains a bland look at a time when pop culture was entranced by the types of otherworldly shenanigans the Warrens investigated through their New England Society for Psychic Research. The film’s minimal scares, often based on kids in peril, include a toy that reveals an undead boy and a monstrous ghoul mom.

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The docking of 90% of Walker's pay for any period in prison will not satisfy those who have called for him to step down. His expulsion from the SNP costs him his committee positions, while there are now moves to expel him from specialist cross-party groups. He faces a maximum sentence of 12 months when he is sentenced.

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Fox, born Michael Andrew Fox, is a Canadian American actor, author, producer and activist. Fox has a film and television career spanning as far back as the late 1970s. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991, and disclosed his condition to the public in 1999. He has since become an activist for research towards finding a cure. This led him to create the Michael J. Fox Foundation.


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Someone actually said the Democrats have not tied any measures to legislation...That is perhaps the biggest load of crap that I have read in a very long time. Reid himself has spent years tying personal pork to legislation holding legislation hostage if he didn't get his way. Time for Reid to pay the piper...his greed is part of the need to increase the debt ceiling.

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Ninety percent of the women said they did not regret their decision and would do it again. Still, many did point out that the outcomes of the surgery were worse than they were expecting. Thirty-three percent said they underestimated the number of procedures and surgeries they would need, and 28 percent said they didn't expect the numbness or tingling in the chest they experienced.

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Fox hopes the catch-up episodes get viewers hooked so theytune in when a show first airs, Garry said. "Hopefully, they geton board with live viewing and make it one of their must-seeshows," she said.


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“It’s not necessarily that, and this brings me again back to the labeling, because, I mean, at least test it [GMO crops] properly, adequately. That way we know, as the consumer, if it’s safe. And you know what, OK, whoever wants to eat it, or whoever wants to experiment with it, go ahead, but the people—” Parent said before being interrupted by O’Leary.

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‘As part of this we are gathering information from a wide range of market participants,’ it added. ‘Our investigations are at an early stage and it will be some time before we conclude whether there has been any misconduct which will lead to enforcement action.’

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Dozens of churches have been torched since Mursi's demise, but attacks in the capital have been rare. "Does this mean they will try to exterminate us? Attack more churches?" asked a Christian taxi driver who lives near the Virgin Church.

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The calm of the hotel gathered us, hot and sticky, in its cool embrace. Afternoon tea was being served, and a breeze floated across our room's private verandah. The apple we left for the birds was half pecked away and soon dusk swept over the candy-coloured buildings. The distant rattle of ice in a cocktail shaker was about to lure us from our cosy, colonial retreat down to dinner. My fearless daughter asked if she could take a jet-ski out the next day (having conceded that that was as exciting as room service). And our girls-only holiday was the best time we had ever spent together. When we got home, we told the menfolk it was "OK, nothing special". To tell the truth would have been unusually cruel…


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Which brings us back to gainful employment, and what, to APSCU, is fair. Its ideal is simple: Apply the same standards to for-profit schools as to the rest of higher education. As of now gainful employment only applies to vocational schools because of arcane legislative reasons. The sector would prefer that changed.

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Mantei hammered at what he said are inconsistencies in Zimmerman's story, saying he "flat out lied" about being unaware of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. Mantei asked how could a jury be expected "to take his word about anything."

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Her “Love Rehab” fitness tour started with a heart-pounding session at Barry’s Bootcamp last month, where Piazza encouraged the jilted to stop drowning their sorrows in pints of Ben & Jerry’s and put on yoga pants to sweat the pain away.

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“However, and it’s a very large however, my work and home life, and a large number of other west-of-London residents, have been affected by the organic and uncontrolled rise of Heathrow, coupled with short-term commercial priorities, which means it is no longer a suitable or sustainable site for the next 50 years.

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If they're setting a precedent with female authors, then of course there's Anne, Charlotte, and Emily Bronte to come, although the way the economy is going at the moment, I would have plumped for Mary Woolstonecraft Shelley (the author of Frankenstein). Sorry JK Rowling and Julia Donaldson (Gruffalo). You'll have to wait until next century. I think you're supposed to be dead before consideration.


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7 The Internet content giant said it will repurchase 40 mil Yahoo (YHOO) common shares beneficially owned by former dissident shareholder Daniel Loeb's Third Point, at the Fri. closing price of $29.11 a share. The move is part of Yahoo's previously announced plan to buy back $1.9 bil of stock. Loeb ...

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The report said Cullen Finnerty's anxiety and paranoia in the woods the night of May 26 may have been exacerbated by an "elevated" level of oxycodone and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the brain disease that has been found in a number of ex-football players.


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“These guys are damaged by their experiences, but they’re not done,” says Scott. Last season they saved Africa from stolen nuclear triggers; this time they'll hunt bad guys from Bogota to Beirut for the shadowy Section 20, based on an anti-IRA unit launched in the ’80s.


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Morfit has been at ValueAct since 2001, and previously worked in equity research for Credit Suisse First Boston. He also represents ValueAct on the board of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc, where he won praise as the architect of Valeant CEO J. Michael Pearson's innovative pay package, which included requirements to buy stock, zero annual share grants and a 'lockup' period on sales of stock.

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A glut of international mergers and acquisitions and the relaxation of ownership rules meant 53.2pc of Britain's £1.8 trillion stock market was owned by international investors, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said on Wednesday, up from 43.4pc in 2010. By comparison, less than 20pc of the UK stock market was owned by foreign investors two decades ago.

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Rinaldi said a radar failure at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York could foul thousands of flights, leading to many hours of delay for passengers. He said the FAA likely would recall workers to fix the problem, but the time to fix it would be much longer than normal.

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Jeremy Hunt last week sparked a row with NHS staff after urging the pay review body to scrap a 1 per cent pay rise due in April. Unions have accused Mr Hunt of using “bullying tactics”.

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"The benefits are largely perceptual," said Dr. Cedric Bryant, the chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE). "People think the degree of sweat is the quality of the workout, but that's not reality. It doesn't correlate to burning more calories."


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Given his look over the past three years, the second-team all-conference defender, has garnered attention from fellow students — he says he’s been approached by other athletes about continuing the tradition but hasn’t decided if he wants it to be retired when he graduates in the spring — and also built up expectations among his teammates, who are kept in the dark awaiting his next wild look.

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Stormy weather reached Croatia on Monday afternoon, raging through Northern and Central parts, as well as the Istrian peninsula, where two Italian yachtsmen were injured. The Croatian capital, Zagreb, was also hit by showers and strong winds which brought down parts of roofs, antennas, traffic signs, tree branches and even snapped some trees in half.

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Although Mandell did not return a call for comment and Cashman said Tuesday that he would not discuss the meeting, a source said the two sides exchanged parameters of a new contract for Girardi, whose three-year, $9 million pact expires at the end of October.

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BEIRUT, Lebanon — As military and diplomatic tensions rise across the region, GlobalPost senior correspondent Tracey Shelton speaks with Syrians in Lebanon about the suspected chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds, and now threatens to spark a wider war. "We cannot go back because we we be going back to our deaths," one Syrian refugee laments.

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In the U.S. Treasury bill market, most U.S. Treasuries prices were narrowly lower. Rates on T-bill issues due in October to November fell to their lowest level in a week, although they remained at elevated levels compared with three weeks ago.

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The physician — who had already been under scrutiny by LAPD detectives when his secretary, Ruth Spaulding, died from an apparent overdose in 1945 — was soon acquitted of the molestation charges.

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"The Fed decision to continue to keep their bond-buying program intact contributed favorably," said Todd Rosenbluth, director of mutual fund research at S&P Capital IQ, on the fund's gain. The fund, which is run by Bill Gross, has roughly $251 billion in assets.


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WASHINGTON, Aug 2 (Reuters) - U.S. military shipbuilderGeneral Dynamics Corp has won a contract valued at $212million to design and construct a new steel deckhouse for thethird Zumwalt-class destroyer it is building in Bath, Maine, thePentagon said on Friday.

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The NYPD is circulating fliers with an age progression sketch of Baby Hope so people can see what she would have looked like if she had lived, a picture of her in 1991 and a photo of the cooler in which she was found.

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West African piracy last year overtook Somali attacks for the first time as the greatest threat to merchant ships and sailors, according to the International Maritime Bureau. Figures show 966 sailors were attacked or hijacked off West Africa in 2012, compared with 851 off the Somali coast. Five of the 206 hostages seized that year off West Africa were killed.

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But analysts said any boost to the dollar from the data,which does not cover the shutdown and wrangling over the debtceiling, would be limited. Concerns would remain that the Fedwill keep its bond-buying programme intact in the coming months.

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"This suggests traders are feeling the need to be protectedthrough mid-November and implies that the market expectsnegotiations in Washington over the government shutdown and debtceiling will be long and drawn out," said Matt Franz, investmentadviser representative at Stutland Volatility Group.


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Russia and Canada, the world’s largest countries by area, are not only oil and mineral powers, but also hydro-superpowers. Both are well-positioned to sell massive quantities of fresh water from their broad rivers and melting permafrost to thirsty neighbors to the south: China and the United States.

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Khaniya Margarett Roberts, A.K.A. "Kiki," age 10, was last seen in Miami, Fla., on Dec. 3, 2011. She may be in the company of her mother. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Black and Missing Foundation, at blackandmissinginc.com.

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However, the Automobile Association (AA), said tolling the road when there were limited alternative free routes, was "a double whammy" and "a very unpleasant sting in the tail" for motorists already paying taxes.

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Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan channeled old Hollywood glamour as iconic actress Elizabeth Taylor in "Liz & Dick," a biopic documenting the rocky on-again off-again relationship between the late star and her husband, Richard Burton. The much-anticipated film premiered on Lifetime on Nov. 25, 2012 and was met with scathing reviews. Sorry, Lindsay!

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NEW YORK, July 15 (Reuters) - Two security experts said theyhave figured out how to spy on Verizon Wireless mobile phonecustomers by hacking into devices the U.S. carrier sells toboost wireless signals indoors.


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Chery and V Cars, then known as Visionary Vehicles, enteredinto a joint venture in December 2004. The companies hoped tosell 150,000 Chinese-made vehicles in the United States by 2007,but the relationship soured, and Israel Corp and Chery foundedQoros that year.

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As Kane told the story, an angered Steinbrenner called him into his office and began badgering him about all the arrangements for the trip to Boston. At one point, Steinbrenner asked where the Yankees would be taking off from and when Kane replied, “Newark,” the Boss countered: “Oh, no. We’re not taking off out of Newark. That’s too far. We’re going out of LaGuardia.” When Kane protested the plane was waiting for them at Newark, Steinbrenner demanded that he have it moved to LaGuardia, finally exclaiming: “If you can’t get the plane moved, I’ll get somebody else. You’re fired!”

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But Witt, who also benefited from close ties to the Stasi during her career, says there's a big difference between East Germany's paranoid surveillance state and the massive dragnet of electronic communications the United States has apparently been conducting in recent years — a program exposed this summer by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.

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Multiple sources close to the matter have told Reuters BlackBerry is in talks with Cisco Systems Inc, Google Inc and Germany's SAP AG among others, about selling all, or parts of itself. The potential buyers have all declined to comment.


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Credit Suisse has been building its Silicon Valley platformover the past two years, moving other bankers, including AnthonyArmstrong, co-head of Americas M&A, to its San Francisco officeand poaching bankers from rivals.

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American, based in Fort Worth, Texas and US Airways, basedin Tempe, Arizona, would be weaker rivals if the merger did nottake place, an outcome that would not be good for consumers whodeserve more choices, the lawyers said.

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Throughout the course of their hospital stay, these patients are mostly confined to their rooms, as they cannot be disconnected from the monitoring apparatus.  However, they are comfortable, alert and free of pain – making them great test subjects for understanding how the human brain operates in everyday scenarios.

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A plurality thinks Snowden’s disclosures have harmed national security (49 percent say so, 37 percent not, with the rest unsure). And 53 percent now support charging him with a crime, up from 43 percent last month, with a 13-point rise in “strong” support. People who think Snowden has harmed security are far more apt than others to favor criminal charges.

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"This is exactly where my job leads me in the future," saidHo, with neatly cropped black hair and dressed in a marooncollared blouse. Apart from her business interests, Ho sits onseveral political committees in China and the Macau government'stourism development committee.


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Clutching his cash, almost everything his family currently owns, I asked how his mother was coping. "She's destroyed," he replies flatly, unable to fully express her pain at losing her husband, son and daughter-in-law in the same instant.

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Just 43 percent say the war has contributed to the long-term security of the country, down by 8 points since March, to the fewest in five polls since mid-2010. It’s the first time more people have said the war has not contributed to U.S. security than say it has.

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The DCLG said that all new houses should in future be built with either a “covert storage area” for wheelie bins or with enough space in the back garden to allow them to be stored and only taken out on designated collection days.

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By 2007, the bishops revised their moral guide for Catholic voters to put a special emphasis on the evil of abortion, so the issue wouldn't be lost amid other concerns such as poverty or education. The document, called "Faithful Citizenship," warned voters that supporting abortion rights could endanger their souls.

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The research is important to scientists’ understanding of how forest fragmentation affects species. Forest fragmentation occurs when a larger block of forest is split into smaller blocks due to development in the area.


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Neither Murphy nor Lambert provided any immediate further details on his role. The show has had some famous performers do brief guest spots, while others do arcs of varying lengths as a character in the drama.

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The NHS is also reeling from the biggest ever top-down reorganisation and is facing a further wave of reforms to improve patient safety, following Robert Francis’s damning report into the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal. 

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“We thought it was a really nice idea: kind of fun, kinda quirky,” said Sara DeRose, an arts council spokeswoman. “The whole idea of Brooklyn as a brand and having your own piece of Brooklyn, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way, we were drawn to. It’s hard to be an artist in Brooklyn. It’s a great place with lots of creative people, but it’s also expensive.”

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"There is often a reluctance to do this based on the perceived sensitivity of the patient. However times have moved on and attitudes to mental health and depression have changed. The way to do this is for doctors to say - this is what is causing your pain and this is how we should treat it," he added.


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Mr Manvell was struck by the elephant’s trunk and trampled on, sustaining injuries to his head, legs and abdomen. He was taken to the local Masinagudi hospital and later transferred to the Gudalur Government hospital.

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Tanning salon owners started having to pay a bigger tax three years ago. Lyvonn Reese, who owns the Hot Spot Tanning salons in the Nashville area, said the 10 percent tax ate away so much of her profit margin that she had no choice but to pass it along. She itemizes "tanning tax" on customer receipts.

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Hadi was elected in February 2011 after his predecessor Ali Abdullah Saleh was eased from power as part of a U.S.-backed power transfer deal which came after months of popular protests that brought the country to the brink of civil war.

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The ratio of newly commissioned to retired vessels has heldsteady since 2008, doing little for the oversupply in the tankermarket, data from maritime consultancy firm Clarkson ResearchServices showed.


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Silva, who grew up poor in the Amazon and worked as a maid before graduating from college, is very popular among younger Brazilians, environmentally conscious voters and evangelical Christians. She placed a strong third in the 2010 presidential election on the Green Party ticket, and has been rising in polls since the June protests.

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Holder told police that on the day the girl went missing, he had slept until the afternoon, watched television and then looked for a job, but his car had not moved, according to the affidavit. A neighbor reported having seen a silver tarp in Holder's backyard a few months before the girl's death, but police did not find it when they were questioning him, the document says.

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"Our volunteers need help, They need reinforcements," said Chavez, noting the demographic changes taking place among America's parents _ fewer stay-at-home moms, more single parents and working mothers with challenging daily schedules.

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U.S. Senator Pat Roberts, R-Kan., expressed his frustration with the secretary's actions and asked for her resignation. He stated: "Today we know, the problems with the exchanges are systematic, profound and indisputable. And yet the secretary won't shoot straight with the American people."

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This prompted Leicester City Council to press ahead with a multimillion-pound visitor centre near the original grave and led Leicester Cathedral to begin an internal refit, costing upwards of £1m, to house the tomb.

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In three weeks of racing, the Kenyan-born rider dominated in the mountains and time trials and fought off the inevitable innuendo that has long accompanied an event tainted by a string of doping scandals.


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The ruling is a setback for Finance Minister JeroenDijsselbloem who ordered the $14 billion nationalisation of SNSReaal and expropriation of investors' holdings on the groundsthe action was necessary to avoid the group's collapse and toshore up the country's financial system.

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The region known as the Wood River Valley once depended onmining, but now tourism fuels the economy that was jump-startedin 1936 with the construction of the ski resort in Sun Valley.The valley is crisscrossed by all-season recreation trails andgated subdivisions of log mansions and luxury homes that borderthe Sawtooth National Forest.

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New father Tatum, 33, who self-financed the male-strippermovie "Magic Mike" that made $167 million with director StevenSoderbergh, captured the No. 2 spot with estimated earnings of$60 million. Australian actor Jackman, 44, whose new movie "TheWolverine" opens in U.S. theaters next week, was not far behindwith $55 million.

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At first, there are only Ginger and Rosa: Holding hands as Rosa's father leaves her, learning to smoke, to explore, and to kiss (through Ginger's nervous giggles). Potter quietly films them, avoiding almost all expository language as she captures them interacting. But in the end, they can't stay in a bubble. Instead, they are increasingly immersed in the outer world of conflicting messages that separate them.

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“[If I’m planning] a trip to a place like London [and] already spending enough money … a 10-15 percent increase in the dollar will not be pinching me a lot,” says Chadha, an IT director who bought pounds for 92 rupees ($1.5) each before going on vacation.


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"On a few occasions we took out our cups of tea and sat there self-consciously, but it didn't feel right. We would find ourselves drifting across to a patch on the drive about 10ft away, and we would stand there to finish our tea. So we moved the bench there. It caught all the sun, was not so sheltered and didn't have quite the same view, but it felt right." And this is the point. The "right" sitting place conforms not to rules of logic but to some mysterious inner sense of place we all possess (some more than others, of course): the outcome of nuanced decision-making shaped by mood, desire, experience and, no doubt, evolutionary biology, ley lines and feng shui. Some similar process operates when trying to choose the best table in an empty pub.

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Two years ago, it seemed like King of Leon were letting the Black Keys eat their lunch, ceding the title of American’s best young rock band. “Bull” finds them yanking that title back decisively.

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"It's really unfortunate that there are all these misportrayals of those who have PTSD, when ultimately we're just regular people," says Derek Coy, who served as a Marine in Iraq from August 2005 to August 2006.

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In the course of this and many other conversations, Charlie walked me through the troubled history of the airplane and tried to separate the rosy public-relations pronouncements from what he saw as the grim reality.


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A source tells Confidenti@l that in usual Kris style, she had her camp email Brand Placement L.A. — which helps companies get products on TV, in movies and into the hands of celebs — saying they were “canvassing” people and businesses to contribute gifts for Kylie’s birthday bash.

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When most people think about potassium, they think bananas. Bananas do contain a fair amount of this mineral (about 10 percent of the daily value), but they aren't the best source. Beans, leafy greens and baked potatoes are the best sources. Avocados are a great source too good news for the guacamole lovers!

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Much of the focus this week will be on earnings. Analystsexpect S&P 500 companies' second-quarter earnings to have grown2.8 percent from a year earlier, with revenue up 1.5 percentfrom a year ago, Thomson Reuters data showed.

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The best and easiest way is for him to support a process by which the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence can release its study of the CIA’s brutal interrogation tactics — a 6,000-page report the committee completed last year. By publicly acknowledging this dark chapter in U.S. history, Washington can begin to assure the world that we’ve learned from past mistakes and will not repeat them.

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"There's no winning when families don't have certainty over whether they're going to get paid or not," Obama told reporters when he visited a downtown Washington lunch spot that was offering a discount to furloughed federal government workers.


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In 1936, it was destroyed in a fire which could apparently be seen across eight counties and drew a crowd of 100,000 people, among them Winston Churchill, who declared: “This is the end of an age.”

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Oil Spill Response has shareholders including Shell, ExxonMobil, BP and Total, andhas responded to more than 400 spills over the past 30 years,including the Exxon Valdez off the Alaskan coast in 1989. (Reporting by Wendell Roelf; Editing by Jon Herskovitz andDavid Evans)

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"This is seriously bad for Boeing. They need to do a little soul searching," said Richard Aboulafia, airline analyst with the Virginia-based Teal Group. "(The 787 problems) inevitably led to doubts about execution, resources and time."

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Spread over 10,000sq ft, this property also features six bedrooms, each with dressing rooms and private bathrooms. The traditional drawing room, library, study and orangery are offset with state-of-the-art technology in the cinema, sound and security systems.

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Retired players will have the opportunity to participate in baseline medical exams. Players with demonstrated cognitive injury, now or in the future, will be able to obtain a monetary award. The decisions regarding who qualifies and the amount of the award will be made by independent doctors and fund administrators agreed upon by the parties, and the federal court in Philadelphia will retain ultimate oversight.


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BlackBerry continues to play dark horse, picking up the rear with the low scores of 67 and 64, respectively, for its Curve and Bold smartphones. Neither the BlackBerry Z10 nor Q10 were included in the ACSI survey.

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The arm got better, the fastball climbed into the mid-90s, Rivera developed a slider and then that cutter of his. The Yanks sent him down to the minors two more times before it all came together. But through it all, Michael said, Rivera always had two things going for him: He had remarkable location on his pitches, and he had a personality to die for. Everyone wished him, sincerely, the very best.

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For years, mountain climbers, aviators and others haverelied on the published 20,320-foot measurement for the mountainbecause that was on topographic maps, the product of a 1952geographic measurement.

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A Treasury spokesman said: “As you would expect, there will be plenty of discussions going on about pensions tax relief, but reducing the lump sum is not within the thinking on those conversations.”

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LONDON, Sept 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar struggled near afour-week low against a basket of currencies on Monday after thewithdrawal of Lawrence Summers from the race to head the FederalReserve, suggesting a more gradual approach to tighteningmonetary policy.


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"The coffin could contain William de Moton, Peter Swynsfeld or William of Nottingham – who are all important people," Morris said. "Swynsfeld and Nottingham were heads of the Grey Friars order in England."

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The Pakistani prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, has pushed peace talks with the militants as the best way to end the insurgency. But the Taliban have demanded the government release all militant prisoners and begin withdrawing troops from the tribal region before they will participate in negotiations.

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The flight brought no immediate bad news for a plane that has been plagued by problems from minor issues with its brakes to electrical panel fires and overheating batteries that caused the 787-8 fleet to be grounded for three months earlier this year while Boeing redesigned the battery system.

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"It was pretty damn good. I surprised myself," Wilds said, adding that he rehearsed nonstop for his debut. "The crowd rocked with it, that was the craziest part. This was my first show, period."

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Stock futures turned mixed after a muddled weekly jobless claims report and positive import/export pricing data. Nasdaq 100 futures climbed 2.44 points. Dow futures were up 2 points, S&P 500 futures hung less than 1 point below the breakeven line. The stock market today opens as the market has ...


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A Metropolitan Police spokesman described the incident as "football-related" and said a man had been arrested in the area for a public order offence, unconnected to the Piebury Corner damage.

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Nuzzi also said many of the campaign staff had "short resumes," including Morgan, noting that the communications director "last worked as the press secretary for the New Jersey state education commissioner."

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The anonymous woman said she was 22 when her relationship with Weiner began July 12, 2012, after he found her on the social messaging site Formspring, according to a new post on "The Dirty" today. She also claims that her relationship with Weiner began to fizzle out in November 2012.

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Buckley’s role as the needy and obnoxious drunk Gertrude recalls her part in the film “Tender Mercies,” for which Foote wrote the screenplay. Buckley shines and makes the appalling Gertrude almost sympathetic.


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Edward Snowden, a former NSA contactor who fled the U.S. with a trove of secret documents, remains holed up in a Moscow airport from which he reportedly applied for temporary political asylum in Russia. The Russian government has not given a formal answer to his application.

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The comedy, opening Friday, is about a voiceover artist (Bell) who gets a shot at being a movie trailer announcer like her legendary father (Fred Melamed). But in the subculture of Hollywood phonic big shots, a woman who utters the words “in a world” is a coming attraction of new threats.

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A person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press that Tejada tested positive for Adderall, a substance the 39-year-old has used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder. The person spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because those details were not made public.

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When the mayor of Richmond and a gaggle of activists and homeowners showed up at the Wells Fargo Bank headquarters in downtown San Francisco this month, they were on a mission to speak with the bank's chief executive.

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More recently, the Chicago Board Options Exchange was unable to open for half a day in April due to a softwareglitch, preventing trading in options on two of the U.S. stockmarket's most closely watched indexes.


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That was followed by a total of 10 parked car bombs, which went off in quick sequence in the Shiite neighborhoods of New Baghdad, Habibiya, Sabaa al-Bour, Kazimiyah, Shaab, Ur and Shula as well as the Sunni neighborhoods of Jamiaa and Ghazaliyah. The blasts, which struck at outdoor markets or parking lots, killed 44 people and wounded 139, according to other police officers.

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The Dow Jones industrial average was down 101.47points, or 0.67 percent, at 15,031.67. The Standard & Poor's 500Index was down 11.76 points, or 0.69 percent, at1,682.11. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 35.55points, or 0.93 percent, at 3,779.47.

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Dunedin partner Mark Ligertwood said: "We provide investors access to high quality UK SMEs and their growth potential, and the fact that our fund exceeded our £250m target is an endorsement both of the strength of opportunity available in the UK and of the active approach that we take to creating stronger, more profitable enterprises.

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Among the 1988-1996 cohort, 65.2 percent reported having sex weekly or more often in the past year, compared to 59.3 percent of college students from the current "hookup era." Also, 31.9 percent of the earlier cohort reported having more than one sexual partner in the past year, compared with 31.6 percent of contemporary college students. Also, 51.7 percent of the earlier group reported having more than two sexual partners after turning 18, compared to 50.5 percent of the 2002-2010 cohort.

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Celgene Corp, up 7 percent to $133.78, was amongthe top performers for both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 after the company said a late-stage trial of a cancerdrug met the main goal of improving survival in newly diagnosedblood cancer patients.


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The BBC may be considering its position, which goes to prove my point that there is a sliding scale of offence. I can’t believe for one minute that the BBC would even consider employing Cowan if his comments had been about race. Do we really want our licence fee to be paying the wages of a sexist dinosaur? When you work for the BBC in any capacity you have a responsibility that extends into all areas of your life. I still freelance proudly for the BBC. It doesn’t mean that I can’t have an opinion but it does mean that I shouldn’t use offensive language.

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They have clients within the financial service sector. Banks and large insurance companies. Within their company they have fraud investigators and yet here we are with the government ordering the Serious Fraud Office to investigate their practices. There is a huge question mark as to their transparency and business practices.

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One Samsung source said this year that the company’s challenge was “how we spend less money on advertising”. As the company focuses on larger mobile devices, tablets, a new kind of PC and making all its televisions “Smart TVs”, it is increasingly commissioning adverts that are not afraid to mock the “fanboys” who are loyal to Apple even regardless of the product.

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The main markets for offshore wind turbines are currentlythe North Sea coastal countries, particularly Britain andGermany. Out of 44,799 MW of new wind power capacity installedglobally in 2012, only 1,295 MW was offshore, mainly in the UK,according to the Global Wind Energy Council.


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The long-awaited package - in large part aimed at bolsteringthe rights of Turkey's Kurdish community - included changes tothe electoral system, the broadening of language rights andpermission for villages to use their original Kurdish names.

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Aug. 1, 2010: A large cargo plane crashed near the entrance of Denali National Park in Alaska, killing three people on board, including the pilot. The Fairchild C-123 was owned by All West Freight Inc.

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Bulger, 83, faces a sweeping 32-count indictment that also charges him with extortion, money laundering and drug trafficking dating back to his years running Boston's feared Winter Hill crime gang in the 1970s and '80s.

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"Tea party Republicans, in particular, are concerned that climate science is another way to force regulations on individuals and businesses," the study added. "And they fear the subsequent costs – both to consumers and taxpayers."

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French companies are trying to take advantage of labour lawreforms passed in January, which give them more freedom tocircumvent laws such as the 35-hour working week, thoughpublicly controlled firms have been lagging.


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Infant milk producer Biostime International Holdings Ltd, which imports most of its products, said on Tuesday its shares had been suspended pending an announcement related to an investigation by Beijing's top economic planning agency.

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Horta-Osorio has proved he can work with government andregulators in his tenure at Lloyds, largely avoiding thetensions that led to his counterpart at RBS, Stephen Hester,getting the sack in June in a move backed by Britain's financeministry.

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Organizers released official attendance figures Tuesday, saying 40,461 spectators — a debatable listing — watched Bolt reclaim his 100 world title in 9.77 seconds. They said it was the highest attendance figure for track and field in Russia since the 1980 Olympics.

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The offer is a way to help fellow citizens “support and connect with one another, even as we wait for our elected officials to do the same for our country,” Schultz said in a memo to staff on Tuesday.


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The offensive line abandoned Manning in Charlotte on Sunday, allowing seven sacks, but he still has eight interceptions in three games and needs to become more of the solution than part of the problem.

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A snowboarder from Colorado died on the mountain earlier this month when an ice tunnel collapsed. In July, searchers found the body of an Oregon dentist who suffered a fatal fall during a solo climb.


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NBC reports that USDA officials sent a letter to Foster Farms President Ron Foster detailing the findings and saying that the company had until Thursday to come up with a plan to correct the problem or the government would withhold inspections, effectively shutting down the plants, which are located in Fresno and Livingston.

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"Because the claims were not based on the most up to date data available at the time the complainant saw the ads, and because the ads did not clearly qualify the comparison, we concluded that [they] were misleading," the ASA said in a statement.

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But McFarland is part of the sizeable minority that is doingquite well: nearly 12 million Gen Y-ers live in households thatmake more than $100,000, according to the Ipsos MediaCT'sMendelsohn Affluent Survey. Many of them, in technology fields,live frugal work-based lifestyles and are not saddled with thesix-digit student debt held by doctors and lawyers.

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The police file, called "Operation Unigof," also contains possible links to 30-year-old British terror suspect Jermaine Grant, as well as phone numbers linked a possible aunt of Lewthwaite, the Mail claims.


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Last month, a court banned the Brotherhood and froze its assets, pushing the group, which had dominatd elections held in Egypt after Mubarak’s fall in 2011, further into the cold. A court is due to hear an appeal on Oct. 22 against the decision.

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Did Simon Cowell go under the knife? The "X-Factor" star, who has admitted to getting Botox in the past, was spotted cruising around Beverly Hills with a very suspicious-looking bandage behind his left ear, launching speculation that the media mogul may have gotten work done. But a source for Cowell told Us Weekly the cut wasn't cosmetic. "Simon cut himself by accident. It's not surgery."

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• Child victims of abuse and neglect are divided almost evenly between males and females. About 80% of perpetrators are parents, 88% of whom are biological parents. More than half of perpetrators are female.

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JPMorgan has reached a tentative $13 billion deal with theU.S. Justice Department and other government agencies to settleinvestigations into bad mortgage loans the bank sold toinvestors before the financial crisis.

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Copyright © 2013 Bleacher Report, Inc. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.BleacherReport.com is part of Bleacher Report - Turner Sports Network, part of the Turner Sports and Entertainment Network.Certain photos copyright © 2013 by Getty Images.Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of Getty Images is strictly prohibited.


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Nikolaos Michaloliakos, leader of Golden Dawn made the following statement: “Golden Dawn has said that it condemns this specific tragic event and others. It condemns every act of violence. But this is not enough for the holy inquisition in 2013 by this bailout government.”

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The revised SCC may also have an impact on major fossil fuel initiatives, such as the Canada-to-U.S. Keystone XL pipeline, if the administration decides to factor it into its decision on approving the project. A new calculation could mean that the project's societal costs outweigh its benefits.

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Siemens, which ranks as Germany's second-most-valuablecompany and which makes products ranging from trains to hearingaids, announced last November its intention to divest the watertechnologies business in a bid to focus on its most profitableassets.

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"We know communication is a major issue in errors – that people tend to work in silos," she said. "We think if we can help to change that culture, there's an opportunity to improve patient safety in nursing homes."


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There has been a reduction in the number of insider attacks, where Afghan security forces attack their American counterparts, this year. The vast majority of civilian casualties are caused by the Taliban; coalition caused civilian casualties decreased by 60 percent, while insurgent cause civilian casualties increased by two percent.

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According to a new report by the U.S. Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), at least 2 million people in theUnited States develop serious bacterial infections that areresistant to one or more types of antibiotics each year, and atleast 23,000 die from the infections.

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The case of Gheorge, the Romanian immigrant, is alsoinstructive. He immigrated to the United States in 1989. By thetime Horowitz met him, he had built a database-marketing firmand a predictive-analytics firm, both later acquired; worked aschief technology officer at software company SAP; and served asan entrepreneur in residence at white-shoe venture firmGreylock.

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The Jets have proven nothing yet, it is way too early, neither has their new general manager, neither has the coach, who still may have little chance to keep his job under Idzik past this season, but you really do wonder if Idzik’s mind is already made up, whatever he is saying.

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Bezos fits comfortably into this mold. His drive and boldness trumps other leadership ideals, such as consensus building and promoting civility. While he can be charming and capable of great humor in public, in private he explodes into what some of his underlings call nutters. A colleague failing to meet Bezos’s exacting standards will set off a nutter. If an employee does not have the right answers or tries to bluff, or takes credit for someone else’s work, or exhibits a whiff of internal politics, uncertainty, or frailty in the heat of battle—a blood vessel in Bezos’s forehead bulges and his filter falls away. He’s capable of hyperbole and harshness in these moments and over the years has delivered some devastating rebukes. Among his greatest hits, collected and relayed by Amazon veterans:


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"Because there's less time between each earthquake, there's not enough time to build up enough pressure for a bigger one," Hotovec-Ellis said in a news release. "After the frequency glides up to a ridiculously high frequency, it pauses and then it explodes."

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Global sales at restaurants open at least 12 months rose 0.9percent. Analysts on average had expected a rise of 1 percent,according to Consensus Metrix. (Reporting by Aditi Shrivastava; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila)

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"All it takes is a couple of bad incidents where Twitter isdown, or there's a security breach. That could be the end of thecompany," said Chuck Ganapathi, an entrepreneur who previouslyworked with Fry at Salesforce, where he was senior vicepresident for products.

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You'll see an authentic candy kitchen, a blacksmith and multiple historic hotels in Columbia, all staffed by educated history enthusiasts. You won't see any motor vehicles on normal days, although the rules change a bit during the annual July Fourth festivities. The Fourth brings a parade, games and more multiperiod fun to this interesting Gold Country landscape.

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The cases are United States of America vs Craig Ducey, ChadDucey, Chris Ducey, Joseph Furando, Evelyn Katirina Pattisona/k/a Katirina Tracy, E-Biofuels, LLC, Caravan Trading Company,LLC, Cima Green, LLC Case 1:13-cr-00189-SEB-TAB United StatesDistrict Court Southern District of Indiana IndianapolisDivision and United States of America vs Jeffrey Wilson andCraig Ducey Case No. 1:13-cr-00190-SEB-TAB United StatesDistrict Court Southern District of Indiana IndianapolisDivision. (Reporting by Carey Gillam; Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)


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True, this tax policy change would likely spur some employers to no longer provide health insurance. Would this mean that workers would effectively take a pay cut? No. Both wages and insurance are a cost to the employer, and employers are indifferent about providing one or the other. In a competitive labor market, we need not depend on the benevolence of the employer to increase wages. If employees chose to purchase the same health insurance package their employer had purchased for them in the past, they are no worse off than before.

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"But the reason that the shares become so cheap is that the odds are overwhelming that the common stock of a bankrupt company is going to be 'extinguished' by the court," Larkin says. "After all, companies typically file bankruptcy because they can't pay their debts. If there were enough resources available to pay creditors and still have something left over for shareholders, then the company most likely would have been able to avoid filing bankruptcy in the first place."

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“The Lamborghini theft and the shooting occurred. There is no doubt about that,” Dresow said. “They were victims. The evidence will show that they were not victims of my client.”

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Turns out one of TV's biggest pranksters is serious about taking on the role of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Variety announced that Ashton Kutcher, of "That ’70s Show" and "Two and a Half Men" fame, will portray the tech genius in an independent film, "JOBS," about the guru's journey from hippie to entrepreneur. The Sundance Institute released the first image of Kutcher in character (r.), and he is the spitting image of the late Apple icon.

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Up until now, a large, dark, dust cloud has made parts of these jets near invisible- as seen in the above visible light image taken by ALMA’s neighboring observatory, ESO’s New Technology Telescope (NTT). However with the combined power of 66 antennae working together,  astronomers have been able to pull back the veil of obscuring dust and capture in stunning detail the birth of a faraway star.


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Both U.S. gasoline and distillate fuels stockpiles, whichinclude diesel and heating oil, fell several hundred thousandbarrels versus expectations in a Reuters poll of gains of morethan a million barrels, the API data showed.

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Soriano became the third player to knock in at least six runs in back-to-back games since RBIs became an official statistic in 1920, according to STATS. The others were Texas’ Rusty Greer in August 1997 and Milwaukee’s Geoff Jenkins in April 2001.

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Spanish banks, crippled by a 2008 property market crash, hadto make billion of euros worth of provisions against losses lastyear to repair their balance sheets. The sector had to be bailedout with 41 billion euros ($53.5 billion) in European aid toreinforce capital.

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They include some of the best-known trusts in the country, including Alder Hey Children's Hospital, which said it was "extremely disappointed and surprised" to have been included in the CQC's list.

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The former Manchester United player was called into the England Under-21 squad last week and this performance showed that the youngster could perhaps now turn the corner after having questions asked of his temperament.


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Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., has drafted two separate amendments that would limit immigrants' access to guns. One would require the U.S. attorney general to alert the Department of Homeland Security when a temporary visitor or undocumented immigrant tried to buy firearms. The other would ban undocumented immigrants from buying guns.

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Just Retirement's core business is to offer annuities toretirees with serious health conditions such as heart disease orheavy smokers. Because they are unlikely to live as long astheir healthier counterparts, these so-called lifestyle andmedically enhanced annuities pay out a higher income than moreconventional products.

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The relatives of victims of UTA 772 received about $ 100million, rather than the court award of $1.5billion. Relatives of victims of Pan Am 103 welcomed the agreement which saw them get the final instalment of compensation already agreed. The deal meant all victims of Libyan terrorism received the same award.

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"In recent times, especially in the lead-up to the March 4th [2013] election, there has been a lot of rhetoric and propaganda that has seemed to drown out the desire for justice for post-election violence," says Mr Mue.

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Javier Martin-Artajo was a managing director at the bank and senior trader at its chief investment office (CIO), the division where the losses occurred, while Julien Grout was a junior trader in the same unit. Both are facing charges of conspiracy to falsify books and records, to commit wire fraud and to falsify filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


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Hunter and his alleged accomplices - who include Vamvakias, Dennis Gogel and Michael Filter of Germany, and Slawomir Soborski of Poland - were rounded up in a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration sting.

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"Which electricity supply company has control of energysupply with a big enough profit margin to say it pays us to dothis? Unless they've got nuclear power (or) unless it's donewith government support, it's highly unlikely they're going todo it," said Malcolm McHale, president of the Federation ofAluminium Consumers in Europe.

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"About one third of the people report age discrimination in Europe and only about 17 percent report ethnic discrimination," Liat Ayalon, who studies older adults at the Bar-Ilan University School of Social Work in Ramat-Gan, Israel, said.

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But it may be that the less lavishly educated children lower down the income distribution aren’t the only losers. Being groomed for the winner-take-all economy starting in nursery school turns out to exact a toll on the children at the top, too.

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“We attended GameStop’s 2013 Expo held in Las Vegas, Nevada. ~5,000 GME store managers and over 4,000 gamers were present. The event showcased the latest gaming hardware, software, accessories and most importantly, playable Xbox One and PS4 consoles. Overall, we thought enthusiasm for the next gen consoles was very high and our view that the console cycle will be successful was reinforced. Overall, we were impressed with the content presented at the Expo. We noted strong enthusiasm for leading established franchises such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, Forza, DriveClub and Assassins Creed, among others. More importantly, new franchise titles including Titanfall, Ryse, Destiny and Watchdogs were all very well received.”


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To mark the occasion, Polyphony has developed a special GT6 demo featuring the Hill Climb and a variety of cars. The demo can be found on GT pods dotted around the Goodwood Festival of Speed this weekend.

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"As an independent country - even if we were to agree to financing a population share of the historic debt which remains with the Treasury who issued it as set out by the Fiscal Commission - we would have a lower debt to GDP ratio than the UK."

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A-Rod’s Friday meeting with MLB, likely in Tampa, will center on his involvement with Anthony Bosch and the now defunct Biogenesis clinic. While Rodriguez would not acknowledge the meeting, the threat of suspension coupled with A-Rod’s less-than-stellar performance in rehab begs the question of whether he will be ready for a Bronx return when his 20-day rehab stretch ends. Joe Girardi, for one, hopes so.

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But in March, he received word from his insurer that his premiums would reach $7,000 to $12,000 a year by 2018, with the increases kicking in next year. (He doesn't know the exact amount he'll have to pay yet because mapping for his area isn't complete).


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In the EU, emissions have fallen faster over the past fouryears among installations participating in the EU emissionstrading scheme (ETS), compared with the rest of the economy (by12 percent compared with 7 percent). (Chart 3)

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“People don’t make it out of Stapleton very often,” he explains. “A lot of people don’t even leave Staten Island. ... I want the people in Stapleton to feel the same way that the people in [the Marcy Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant] feel. That hometown pride. What Jay Z did for Marcy, I want to do for Stapleton.”

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Six people are confirmed dead in Colorado, the state Office of Emergency Management said. But another three people in Larimer County, north of Denver, are listed as missing and presumed dead, according to the county sheriff's office.

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"No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists,'' Putin wrote. "Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.''


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But Wood's story is rare. The list of her promising Britishpeers to have been bought out by established U.S. companiesmakes depressing reading for Cameron's team. Internet radiostation last.fm sold to CSB in 2007, while games firm Playfishwas bought by Electronic Arts for about $300 million in2009. TweetDeck, a desktop for managing social media, wassnapped up by Twitter in 2011 and Summly, an app founded by17-year old Nick D'Aloisio, sold out to Yahoo for a rumoured $30million in March, only months after it launched.

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Rowhani has sent signals over the last few weeks that he's willing to engage the U.S. in talks over his country's nuclear program. Obama revealed in an interview a week ago that he and the newly elected Iranian leader have been exchanging letters. 

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Some analysts contend that Microsoft's move earlier thismonth to acquire Nokia's phone business and licenseits patents for $7.3 billion poses another hurdle forBlackBerry, as the software maker is likely to redouble itscatch-up efforts in the mobile device business.

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Rather than questioning the contradictory details of the rape or the negative DNA results, the press irresponsibly rushed to help the police and prosecutors cement their guilt. Mayor Ed Koch joined in, fanning the flames by scoffing at the idea that the word “alleged” should be used to describe the suspects.

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They are very much in the minority with good reason. Throughout most of human history, calories were relatively scarce and hard to get, and physical exertion in the service of survival was unavoidable. In such context, genes for fuel efficiency – for gaining weight easily and losing it reluctantly – would flourish. Genes for the converse – losing weight easily, gaining it with difficulty – would sneak through on occasion, but rarely, as they would tend to confer a survival disadvantage.


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The final area of focus is the group’s combined operating ratio (COR). This is an important ratio for insurers, being a measure of premiums coming in minus insurance claims paid out. Any reading below 100pc means the underwriting business is profitable.

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"This is going to give the contracting officials a littlebreathing room," said one of the sources. Six days ofbudget-cutting staff furloughs earlier this year had slowedprogress on the contract somewhat, this source said, but the twosides were still working on reducing the cost of the newcarrier.

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Graham — who once lived in Houston — was carrying an expired Texas driver's license when he was busted, police said. He was ticketed a little more than two months ago for littering in a city housing project.


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Cummins, a long-time U.S. supplier of diesel enginesto carmakers around the world, continues to make diesel enginesfor Chrysler's heavy-duty Ram pickups. It has been a Chryslerdiesel engine supplier since 1988.

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Breivik sending a copy of a manifesto setting out his ideology to Vikernes, an official at the prosecutor’s office said. “That was the origin of the investigation… There were several suspicions that made the services fear he could possibly carry out a violent act,” the official said.

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* Hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters gathered at aCairo mosque in defiance of a national curfew even as the regimegave its forces live ammunition and the authorization to useit-setting up a showdown two days after Egypt's worst violencein memory left more than 600 dead. ()

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A network of human rights activists are drafting a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry and working to petition the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the U.N. Human Rights Committee based on alleged violations of international law.


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DETROIT, July 24 (Reuters) - A U.S. bankruptcy court judgeon Wednesday suspended lawsuits challenging Detroit's historicbankruptcy filing while he reviews the city's petition forprotection from creditors.


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“Apparently his name is Johnson but he goes by Plummer because he’s always getting thought of as the other Chad Johnson,” Middletown Township Administrator Tony Mercantante tells The Score. “It was just an unfortunate error.”


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Plastic packaging maker Berry Plastics said it expects itsfourth-quarter earnings before interest, depreciation andamortization (EBITDA) to be down 10 percent from a year earlier,citing higher resin costs and sluggish demand. The forecast,made at the company's investor day, was a disappointment, saidRobert W. Baird & Co analyst Ghansham Panjabi.

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Brazil has been debating the replacement of its ageingfighter jets for more than a decade, spanning three presidents.Rousseff appeared to be close to a decision earlier this year,with Boeing the clear favorite after the U.S. Air Force bought20 light attack planes from Brazilian plane maker Embraer for use in Afghanistan.


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Britain has also alarmed Gibraltar in the past, especially when former Prime Minister Tony Blair's government in 2001 said it was willing to share sovereignty with Spain. Gibraltar held a referendum, in which 99 percent of residents said they wanted to remain British, a desire Britain now pledges to respect.

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In March, FMC said it would seek to replace six of Vivus' nine board members. But in May, the investment firm, which has a 9.9 percent stake in Vivus, revised its plan to try to replace the entire slate of nine directors at the company's annual shareholder meeting.

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Booker will have to run again next year to defend his seat. Though party leaders will probably push the charismatic Booker to become a face of the Democratic Party, he'll need to work hard to keep voters happy at home too, said Ben Dworkin, director of the Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics at Rider University.

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Twitter's IPO is just one in a string of large, high-profile IPOs expected during the next several months. Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and hotel operator Hilton Worldwide are among the listings expected to whet the appetites of Wall Street and retail investors. Shares of Empire State Realty Trust Inc, owner of the Empire State Building, were up 1.5 percent Wednesday afternoon in their market debut.

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Director Victoria Harris said: "We know that rural isolation and lack of services are a real problem across the UK with post offices, village shops and pubs closing at an alarming rate. These closures tend to hit groups such as the elderly particularly hard and combined with the decline of local transport it is a major issue. This report highlights some of the major concerns facing the UK countryside today and we welcome any opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our rural communities."

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Ratings at some of its channels, including the children-oriented Nickelodeon, have improved because of new programming. Nickelodeon ratings were up 6 percent in the second quarter, according to Bernstein Research.


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Several analysts and diplomats in the Gulf said the United States had pressed Riyadh not to deliver "game-changing" weapons such as surface-to-air missiles to Syrian rebels, fearing they would fall into the hands of the Islamist militants.

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The IMF called on emerging economies, which have been the drivers of the global economy in recent years, to undertake reforms that will help their economies better withstand the scaling back of monetary stimulus in the U.S. and other major economies.

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According to Russia’s main investigative agency Asiyalova was from Dagestan, one of the predominantly Muslim republics in the North Caucasus. Authorities showed a passport picture of her in a black chador – a full-body cloak worn by Muslim women.

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Britain has seen dramatic improvements since 1990 in most air pollutants, the report found, including sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, methane and carbon monoxide. Although there are many more cars, heavy industry has mostly ended and power stations and households have switched from coal to gas and other, cleaner power sources.

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But the economy's slow recovery from the recession has been a difficult challenge for Obama, who in recent weeks has been focused largely on foreign policy in trying to mount an international response to a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

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Shares in Maroc Telecom have dropped around 7 percent on theCasablanca Stock Exchange to 92 dirhams and more than 8 percentin Paris to 8.2 euros following Vivendi's announcement onTuesday, as Etisalat's offer values Maroc Telecom at 92.6Moroccan dirhams per share. (Reporting by Aziz El Yaakoubi; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)


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The five Democratic appointees who did not approve the majority report issued an alternative set of recommendations. They called for a new government social insurance program, higher wages for caregivers and the commitment of new financial resources from the government.

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The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) hassubpoenaed the International Swaps and Derivatives Association(ISDA) over its ISDAfix benchmark, widely used toanchor market rates, a spokeswoman for ISDA said.

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Only two years ago Lion Food and Beverage Company, owned byJapan's Kirin Holdings Co, and other big firms weremoving jobs the other way to capitalise on Australia's strongereconomy. Gary Ivory, M&A partner at KPMG in Auckland says thistraditional shift "has definitely stopped".


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Capriles, who governs Miranda state, has taken aconfrontational line since an election loss he attributed tofraud. Officials accuse him of fomenting post-election violencethat killed nine people, and there are constant rumors he may bedetained and charged over that.

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Rodriguez blooped a single to left field in his first at-bat to lead off the second inning, then flied out a few feet in front of the warning track in center field in the fourth. He flied out to left field with one out in the sixth and looked at a called third strike with one out and a runner at second base in the eighth.


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Less than eight months removed from a Super Bowl appearance, the San Francisco 49ers are immersed in controversy on and off the field heading into Thursday night's matchup at the St. Louis Rams. San Francisco has dropped two straight, including a stunning 27-7 defeat at home to the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday. No team played the 49ers tougher last season than the AFC West rival Rams, who battled to a 24-24 tie in San Francisco and beat them in overtime in St. Louis.

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“We do predict that Comet ISON is likely to survive perihelion,” said astronomer Matthew Knight, with the Lowell Observatory, referring to the technical term describing the point in the orbit of a comet, asteroid or planet that is closest to the sun.

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The numbers for a leveraged buyout could still work, these executives said, after a Reuters report that BlackBerry's board was warming up to the possibility of going private as it fights to revive its fortunes.


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Investors are keen to see a deal before the Oct. 17 deadlineto raise the U.S. debt ceiling. However, markets are likely toremain jittery unless the deal - needed to avoid a sovereigndefault in coming weeks - offers a long-term solution.

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Russia is a country whose operatic complexity often calls on the suspension of disbelief. But whatever the cause, the death of Dmitry paved the way for the Romanovs, whose eventual accession to the throne in 1613 is being celebrated during this quadricentenary year. My river cruise between Romanov St Petersburg and Russia’s present capital, Moscow, began with a whirlwind tour of the former, from the Peter and Paul Fortress, from which the city stemmed and where Russia’s Tsars, from Peter the Great onwards, lie buried, to the Yusupov Palace, where Rasputin met his end.

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Sterling, meanwhile, rallied to a two-week high of$1.5270, after minutes from the Bank of England meetingsurprised markets when it showed all nine MPC members had votedagainst expanding its bond-buying program. It was last up 0.1percent at $1.5177.

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A Greek finance ministry official – speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity – said any further help for Greece would aim to cover its funding shortfall in 2014-2016 and would be much smaller than the previous aid packages, given the country’s limited funding needs for the period.


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Under the terms of the agreement, in the first year, Vivus expects to receive 39 million euros including upfront payments of 16 million euros and receive reimbursement to cover various obligations to partner Mitsubishi-Tanabe. The US firm is eligible to receive up to 79 million euros in milestones and other payments.

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On Sept. 18, to help the monitor and facilitator she appointed “in their challenging tasks,” she tapped an academic advisory council consisting of a dozen professors from local law schools. Almost to a person, they are — surprise, surprise — hostile to stop and frisk as a police tactic.

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Police officials declined to discuss details of the investigation. Ron Gaines, a department spokesman, said no arrests had been made and that victims were being interviewed to try to determine the circumstances surrounding the attack, which happened shortly after 10 p.m.

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“It’s not fair ... the two individuals who have had these experiences listen to Jay Z and Beyoncé, who wear designer clothes. These kids also like nice things, and they were treated awfully,” Elie said.


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The race has now officially started. "Has anybody wearing the yellow jersey ever won this stage?" wonders James Abbot. I'm pretty sure Bernard Hinault did it 1979. Speaking of which, get a load of this from Chris Wright. "Good afternoon Paul, I've seen so many good cycling stories over the last three weeks but I wanted to add one more. About a year ago I pitched an idea to the Qantas inflight mag about the places the 100th tour would go to, and managed to secure an invitation to come and drive - and I do stress the word drive - the first stage in Corsica, four months before the actual race. The magazine agreed. The lovely people in Corsica were incredibly helpful, and all was well until the week before my visit, when they wrote: 'Great news! We found you a bike!' I had assumed I would be driving not cycling, but didn't want to be rude. So I lined up accordingly on a bike they had kindly lent to me for the day. An elder man was next to me, a competitor in this informal race, and I introduced myself. 'Hello. I'm Chris,' I said. The other man gave me a smile replied simply: 'Bernard Hinault'".

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Yes, it’ll be a Blue Moon that lights up the night sky on August 20-21 from dusk till dawn! But it won’t be a Blue Moon by the most popular definition of the term – the second of two full moons to occur in the same calendar month. Nor is the moon likely to be blue in color, as that’s caused by exceedingly rare atmospheric conditions.

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“If I had a dollar for every time somebody said ‘thank you’ in the last 48 hours, we’d be able to pay the purse again,” Stewart said. “It’s been amazing how many drivers and crew members came up and said, ‘This is cool.’ I don’t know what the financials will be on this deal, but I don’t care. To me, to see everybody have a good time, that was worth it.”

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Kidd was uncomfortable in the spotlight, crediting those Jersey players who grabbed his passes in stride and finished the layups, all the way to two Finals. He appreciated the honor, but wanted the ceremony to be over and done. Kidd spoke like a pawn, even though he was always more than that.

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What you do not see, because you expose yourself only to the leftist liberal media is the HUNDREDS of cases every year where guns were used to save lives by responsible gun owners. The liberal media does not want the public to see this and will not show it. Fox shows some cases but even they show very little. Maybe you should, for one year, join the NRA and with that membership you can get a free subscription to a magazine called America's first freedom. In it, you will find stories of responsible gun owners that saved lives every day in America. Stories the left will never report on and doesn't want you to hear. If after one year you find no truth in my argument, don't renew.

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So the people get to decide whether they were more offended by Weiner’s truly creepy behavior with the women receiving his texts, or his lying. They get to decide how much they really care that Spitzer, playing the public role of crusader as governor, was leading a different kind of private life until he was caught with a call girl named Ashley Dupre, now operating a lingerie store in Red Bank, N.J.

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“It was the weirdest thing, because I forgot to put my elbow pad on; first time in 2,000 at-bats,” Rodriguez said. “Walking up to the plate, I said, ‘Whatever you do, just don’t get hit in the elbow.’ Second pitch I got hit in the elbow. I couldn’t believe it.”

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It's a conflict of interest debate that has been going onfor a decade. In 2003, a Hong Kong government expert panelrecommended merging the exchange's listing authority into theSecurities and Futures Commission (SFC) - but only one aspect ofthe entire proposal was eventually implemented.


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The 55-year-old Erakat, an academic whose perfect command of English is often spiced with humour, was part of every team to negotiate with Israel since 1991, with the notable exception of those who secretly hammered out the 1993 Oslo Accords.

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“It’s something you strive for,” he said. “When you’re in this business, you always want to be considered one of the best. And right now, (Peterson’s) done set the bar very high for every other running back.”

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AT&T's latest offering, which will not require upfrontdevice fees, comes as the No. 2 U.S. mobile provider strives toregain the market share it has been losing to market leaderVerizon Wireless, and to fight back against tougher competitionfrom smaller rivals like fourth-ranked T-Mobile US.

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Ibori, who governed Delta State from 1999 to 2007 and influenced national politics, was jailed for 13 years in Britain after pleading guilty in February 2012 to 10 counts of fraud and money-laundering worth 50 million pounds ($79 million).

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The Justice Department had sued under the FinancialInstitutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act, a 1989 lawpassed after the savings and loan crisis which allows thegovernment to seek penalties for losses affecting federallyinsured financial institutions.


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“We were worried before we came. We had a lot of calls from people to see if we were still going to come but it has been safe so far. We have been with locals most of the time so I think that helps a lot,” she explained.

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Warmer weather is forecast for Oregon and Washington, with colder conditions to the east in Wyoming and Montana. Those colder conditions will bring more snow, but forecasters are less certain of where the temperature differential will occur.

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On playing with potentially one team for his entire career, he said: "That was my biggest thing. I grew up a Giants fan. The guys you looked up to, you wanted them to be with your team the whole time they were playing. My boys were born here. Every offseason I talk to [son] Dylan and say, 'You ready to go back to Boston?' It's home, you know."

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Lewis, a veteran of the cable news channel, had been a top executive since Ailes founded the powerful network 17 years ago, most recently serving as executive vice president of corporate communications.

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"I originally recorded a massive amount of material and decided on the 20 tracks that I wanted on the album over a year ago," said Timberlake in a statement. "But, when I was mixing and going through all of the songs there were so many that I loved – I couldn't resist. . . . I had to throw in something extra on the 2nd half."


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The news will also bring questions about the future forBritain-born Masters, who started as an intern on JPMorgan'sLondon trading floor two decades ago. After long lagging rivals, she transformed JPMorgan's commodity arm into a globalpowerhouse in less than five years.

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“It tells you there will be no change in the leadership ofthe Fed and that the direction that it has taken under Bernankeis going to continue because his No. 2 is taking over,” Rupkeysaid. “If anything she is more pro-growth than Bernankehimself.”

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But Dell's special board already has had many months toconvince shareholders. If the deal closes in October asenvisaged, shareholders will have received an additional 24cents per share in dividends since the buyout was announced.

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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees captain Derek Jeter to discuss his frustrating season, the A-Rod situation and his take on Mariano Rivera's final season.

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2. Add 1 inch of water to medium sauce pan set over high heat. Boil, and then reduce the heat to low and add white chocolate to a medium heat-safe bowl. Melt and stir the chocolate until smooth for about 2 minutes. Remove the bowl from the saucepan and add the Cheetos-infused cream. Stir to combine. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the ganache thickens. Leave for at least 2 hours overnight.


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"The next six months is going to be absolutely crucial for Nintendo... If the Wii U doesn't pick up, it would be sensible to think about launching a new console rather than flogging a dead horse... 160,000 units is dismal".

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The U.S. last year slapped anti-dumping duties on solarcells imported from China. The EU, which accounts for half ofglobal demand, has also imposed duties that will jump topunitive levels next month.

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Since Ballmer's late-August announcement that he would step aside, Microsoft has several times said it will stick to the new strategy, and to the massive company restructuring that began in July, no matter who is appointed CEO.

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News that Snowden was downloading documents while he workedat Dell could increase pressure on U.S. intelligence agencies totighten security protocols to prevent future leaks. The NSA hassaid it would tighten access to classified material and put inplace stricter controls for accessing and downloading suchinformation.

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Chief judges in New York, Indiana, Nevada, Michigan, Florida and elsewhere have announced that all employees are essential and will report to work despite the shutdown, ensuring that litigants, attorneys and members of the public will see little difference in day-to-day operations. The workers will not be paid until the shutdown ends but are guaranteed their salaries.


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“The way J.R. moved today, I thought it’s like he hasn’t missed a beat,” Woodson said. “But again, he only played a 10-minute spurt. J.R.’s a guy we’ll be asking to play 30 minutes a night. We just have to make sure he’s right.”

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In addition, Abbey Protection Shareholders on Abbey Protection's register of members on 13 September 2013 will be entitled to receive the interim dividend of 2.4 pence per Abbey Protection Share that was announced on 4 September 2013 and which will be payable on 10 October 2013.

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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees first baseman Lyle Overbay to discuss the Yankees' offense, the lack of movement at the trade deadline and - of course - the ongoing A-Rod saga.

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The question the Moto X phone must answer is twofold: what makes it more appealing than the existing Android phones on the market? And what makes it an “answer” to the iPhone such that iPhone users might be tempted to switch? Not a word of what’s leaked so far gives us even a hint at either answer. But the Moto X, the international phone of mystery, debuts on July 11th nonetheless.

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The woman claimed that her drink was spiked at a reception last September at the Crowne Plaza hotel, which was attended by some of the party’s senior members. She alleged that her dress was later ripped and that she was photographed.


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"Many of the injured already being treated are in critical condition. We are trying to shift them to Karachi, since there are no good medical facilities in the Awaran district - the area that is most affected," he added.

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The boycott stemmed from 2002 riots in Gujarat in which Hindu mobs killed at least 1,000 people, most of them Muslims. Human rights groups and political rivals have long alleged that Modi, a Hindu and a dominant force in the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), allowed or even actively encouraged the attacks. Modi has always vehemently denied the charge, and a Supreme Court inquiry found no evidence to prosecute him.

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Rich people are far too paranoid today. Think back to when there was a tax system rich people were just as happy as they are now and felt the same feeling of power as they feel today. There was a heck of a lot less violence in our society. When you get right down to it must admit that we as a country will far better off because of the reorganization of the health care system that is coming.

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Caroline Hacker, head of policy at Parkinson’s UK, said: “This is the latest in a long line of unspeakable failures by Atos Healthcare and the government when it comes to supporting those who need it most.

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On Friday, wearing a green jumpsuit, he appeared via video before Miami Judge Maria Elena Verde, who ordered him held without bond on a first-degree murder charge. He is being represented by the public defender's office. A lawyer from the office told him to not discuss the case with anyone.


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Compared with men in the lowest one-quarter for omega-3 levels, those in the highest one-quarter had a 44 percent increased risk for low-grade prostate cancer and a 71 percent increased risk for high-grade cancer. They found the association with three different omega-3’s — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), which are all found in fish and fish oil supplements — but not with alpha-linolenic acid, which comes from flax seed.

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According to the HSE report, some hospitals have been employing doctors at consultant level to ensure a greater level of senior clinical decision making, in the face of junior doctor recruitment difficulties.

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Del Monte Foods is speaking to companies in the foodindustry about the sale and has not focused on talks withprivate equity buyers, the sources said, adding that the processis still in the early stages. A deal could be valued at over$1.5 billion, two sources said.

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The newly built eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge opened to vehicle traffic and limited fanfare Monday, marking the end of an infrastructure project that took over a decade to complete. 

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When asked before Thursday’s 4-2 loss to Milwaukee at Citi Field if he still expects that to be the case, he said: “I do. I believe 100%. With the money coming off the books, with some of the younger minor league pieces that we have, I guess trade chips per se, I’m obviously expecting this team to be a lot better next year than we’ve been in previous years. And that’s just not with free agents or trades. It’s also, the burden falls on us to be better as well. You can’t go out and expect to sign every free agent, expect to make every big trade.


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Had the rail industry allowed changes to the braking system to bring it inline with the trucking industry, the type of railcar used to transport the oil would be moot. In general, trains require power to operate the air brakes, no power, no air brakes. In trucks, it is the opposite, power is required to keep the brakes from operating, no power, brakes are applied, no choice, no way to avoid it.

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But it is just as important to retain a sense of perspective on the risk. Otherwise, millions who might really benefit from using the internet will be put off because they think cyberspace is like the Wild West.

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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees first baseman Lyle Overbay to discuss the Yankees' offense, the lack of movement at the trade deadline and - of course - the ongoing A-Rod saga.

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The South Korean firm is better established within the country, opening its first Beijing office in 1985. Conversely, California-based Apple only started making significant headway into the lucrative market since the launch of the first iPhone in 2007.

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Investors were taking in the latest round of earnings onFriday morning. General Electric and Schlumberger both reported better-than-expected results, sending their shareshigher. GE rose 1.7 percent, while Schlumberger was up 2.8percent.


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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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The mother, Irma Lopez, 29, told The Associated Press that she and her husband were turned away from the health center by a nurse who said she was only eight months pregnant and "still not ready" to deliver.

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But as the violence escalated dramatically in Syria—including in the province surrounding Homs, where a small-scale chemical weapons attack by the regime is alleged to have taken place as early as December, 2012—construction of the GFC project was postponed.

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President Obama was “very disturbed” to learn that the Department of Defense is unable to pay death benefits to families of U.S. service members during the government shutdown and expects the issue to be “fixed today,” the White House said this afternoon.

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"We're going to spend money one way or the other, unless you scrap everything," Bishop said. "The question is which is the better approach. ... But I do believe that it could be done for less, and it could be done with something that would have a much more positive, lasting impact."


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Republicans cycled through every option possible during the three-week standoff to save face. Their Obamacare demands devolved from repeal and defund to a delay of the individual mandate. They revived the idea of a “grand bargain” on taxes and government spending but Reid openly laughed when Boehner raised it during a White House meeting. They offered a more narrow proposal to replace the sequester cuts for two years. Then, they went back to Obamacare.

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Local activists have since disputed that label, but still say homophobia is pervasive. Dwayne's horrific July 22 murder has made headlines in newspapers on the island and stirred calls in some quarters for doing more to protect Jamaica's gay community, especially those who live on the streets and resort to sex work.

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Alex Rodriguez (r.) shakes hands with Don Hooton after a news conference in 2009 at George Steinbrenner Field in Tampa. Hooton started the Taylor Hooton foundation after his son Taylor died of suspected steroid use.

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Bales, a 39-year-old Ohio native and father of two from Lake Tapps, Wash., was serving his fourth combat deployment when he left the outpost at Camp Belambay in the pre-dawn darkness. He first attacked one village, returning to Belambay only when he realized he was low on ammunition, said prosecutor Lt. Col. Jay Morse.

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Now Karsten Nohl, a German cryptographer with Security Research Labs, claims to have found an encryption flaw that could potentially affect millions of SIM cards, and open up a new route for surveillance and fraud.


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I surprised someone the other day when I said it used to be about 800 and now it's down to 500. I've got a great team of internal programme advisers here at London. I had to do a lot more personal viewing in Sydney than I do here.

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Still, those passes on an unseasonably cool morning on the campus of Missouri Western represented the first step by Smith toward fulfilling expectations that have steadily grown ever since he was acquired from the 49ers this past offseason.

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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And the new insurance exchanges will be important forretirees ineligible for Medicare, either because they areyounger than 65 or have not worked at least 10 years (lifetime)in a job that required payroll tax payments.

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“We knew we needed an extraordinary actor to take on one of DC Comics’ most enduringly popular super heroes, and Ben Affleck certainly fits that bill, and then some. His outstanding career is a testament to his talent and we know he and Zack will bring new dimension to the duality of this character,” Greg Silverman, president of creative development at Warner Bros Pictures said.


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"An improving economic situation in the UK does notautomatically lead to a windfall for the public finances becausewe shouldn't assume that a structural deficit is solved by animprovement in GDP," Osborne said.

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"It will be used domestically to mobilize public opinion to support the army," Sadek said, as well as to support Gen. Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, who overthrew Morsi in the July coup and is being pushed by some supporters to run in the country's next presidential election.

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The Tampa Bay Rays and Texas Rangers held the wild cards going into Tuesday night's action, with the Cleveland Indians just a half-game back. Two games off the pace were the Baltimore Orioles with the New York Yankees and Kansas City Royals another half-game behind.

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"If the government failed to sell that much via tenders, itwould have to try harder to release it viagovernment-to-government deals," said Chookiat Ophaswongse, ahonorary president of the the Thai Rice Exporters Association.

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New York-based Univision was taken private by a group of buyout firms including Madison Dearborn Partners, Providence Equity Partners, TPG Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners for $12.3 billion in March 2007.


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Monitor said it was also investigating the time the trust had taken to implement a new electronic patient record system, the meeting of performance targets, such as length of waiting times for cancer patients, and the number of Clostridium difficile cases.

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Taylor said there is no plan to close Yosemite National Parkdue to the fire. However, park officials have closed areas inits northwestern edge throughout the week, including the HetchHetchy Reservoir area, Lake Eleanor, Lake Cherry and TuolumneGrove of Giant Sequoias.

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"California must now release upon the public nearly 10,000 inmates convicted of serious crimes — about 1,000 for every city larger than Santa Ana," he wrote. The order, he wrote, goes "beyond the power of the courts."

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"We continue to believe that a balanced energy portfolio, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and state-of-the-art cleaner power plants are critical to securing Florida's energy future, and nuclear energy should remain an option to meet Florida's future energy needs," Glenn said in the release.

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This early arrival of Chanukah is seen as a chance to look at the Festival of Lights in a different light, beyond its usual cultural comparisons to Christmas and a great opportunity to push culinary boundaries to new heights never seen on either Thanksgiving or Chanukah.


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Yoenis Cespedes hit a three-run homer in the first inning, then threw out Rios on a critical play in the eighth and the Athletics survived a shaky night from the bullpen to extend their division lead with a 9-8 victory over the Rangers on Friday night.

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Paying for goods and services just using a smartphone app is becoming a reality. Paypal is trialling a new facial recognition system in the UK which could mean people can leave their credit and debit cards at home. Instead, they can download a…

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Mr Suri, 51, argues that an economic downturn is the right time for the industry – which is worth an estimated £3.5bn – to start employing young British workers rather than relying on shipping in cheap, ready-made chefs from Asia.

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Specifically, AT&T will add more than 25 distributed antenna systems in an effort to add capacity. It will also add more than 350 small cells, which extend the availability of the network. AT&T is adding 10 new cell sites across the Walt Disney World resort to boost coverage and capacity. And it will add nearly 50 repeaters to help improve coverage of the network.

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Markets have largely avoided steep losses on optimism thatlawmakers would agree to end the partial government shutdown andraise the debt ceiling. At the same time, volatility has spikedas the deadline approaches with little obvious progress seen.The CBOE Volatility index jumped 11 percent and is up 36percent over the past four weeks.


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And he tells a plausible tale. He noted that the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet safely shepherds OPEC oil through the Strait of Hormuz from where it moves on to Europe and China. The U.S. incurs the full cost of that military protection, but we receive only 10 percent of the 17 million barrels per day being shipped through that channel.

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"Emergency medical technicians must do everything they can to keep you alive unless they have a medical order [not to]," Vandenbroucke says, adding that an advanced medical directive is not a medical order – a POLST form is.

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The West African nation still bears the scars of the Islamist coup last year which led to France’s military intervention in January. But in the capital Bamako, many are optimistic that the poll will help Mali turn a corner towards peace.

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Patients don't always fill their prescriptions, because of cost or fear of side effects or myriad other reasons - something this study couldn't measure. It also didn't examine differences in benefits between cheaper and more expensive Part D plans.

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"I think they've done the right thing. Anything else would have been a fudge, they needed to get on and raise equity," said Mike Trippitt, analyst at Numis Securities. He said earlier this month Barclays could need 6-12 billion pounds of capital, which did not include the extra mis-selling provision.


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Competing projects are being built on the nearby LasVegas-style Cotai strip, where Sands has already become apowerful force with 1,500 gaming tables, 9,000 hotel rooms, anapartment complex and multiple high-end retail outlets.

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Mr Hempel spoke of an African member from a different corps whose colour was not the issue. What other members resented, he said, was his great stature and ability to clobber shorter fencing partners. There are Muslim members too - not everyone takes the beer.

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This meant that a special unit that monitored his cell and one other was not operating. A control room that was tasked with covering for the unit did not have access to a crucial CCTV camera in Zygier's cell and a monitoring diary was not filled in.

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The spying scandal, which has filled German newspapers forweeks, has become a major headache for Chancellor Angela Merkelahead of a Sept. 22 election. Government snooping is a sensitivesubject in Germany due to the heavy surveillance of citizens inthe former communist East and under Hitler's Nazis.

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With the United States on its way to winning the Presidents Cup for the fifth straight time, everything was going to plan. That is until a female streaker ran onto the 18th hole during Sunday's round.


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But the family's celebration of George Zimmerman's new freedom has been short-lived. His parents said that their son has no job and no health insurance. Gladys Zimmerman said her son has been living off small monthly stipends from his legal defense fund.

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Chrysler's production rate has gone from 1 million cars ayear in 2010 to 2-1/2 times that rate and the company will addanother 200,000 vehicles of annual output next year, Marchionnesaid. That causes stress on the supplier network.

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MCV is the leading trade news and community site for all professionals working within the UK and international video games market. It reaches everyone from store manager to CEO, covering the entire industry. MCV is published by Intent Media, which specialises in entertainment, leisure and technology markets.

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“I think $13 billion is a lot of money, and I think Jamie has done a very good job of running JPMorgan,” Buffett said. “He helped out the economy enormously when he took on Bear Stearns and he didn’t get an indemnification clause,” he said. “There wasn’t even time for that sort of thing.”

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Grobe: “The administration is probably a bit disappointed that there was no handshake. They told the Iranians privately that the Americans were open to having informal discussions on the margins of the General Assembly, not a bilateral meeting. But that proved to be too complicated for the Iranians to do at this point. So there is a bit of disappointment, but also some scepticism, especially among pro-Israel members of Congress.”


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Investor group Mortgage Resolution Partners (MRP) craftedthe plan for Richmond, located in San Francisco's East Bay andhome to a Chevron refinery, to seize underwater mortgages - homeloans in which the amount owed exceeds the value of theproperty.

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-- Spanish airports operator Aena and the private equity armof French insurance group Axa to buy a stake inLondon's Luton airport from Spanish infrastructure companyAbertis (notified Sept. 5/deadline Oct. 10)

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Barts Health NHS trust, which runs the hospital, said in a statement: "We apologise unreservedly to the patients of Beech ward and their families for the indefensible failings in their treatment during their time in our care.

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"The auction went very well. You could say that Japan hasbeen stuck in deflation but things are changing now," saidTadashi Matsukawa, head of fixed income investment at PineBridgeInvestments in Tokyo.


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Sloane spoke aboard a work boat as he accompanied journalists for a close-hand look of the wreckage on the eve of the trial of Capt. Francesco Schettino, who is charged with manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning the ship before all passengers had been evacuated.

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A team assigned by Investigation Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn is poring over the board’s innards. They are ideally positioned to teach the boneheads how to stage fair and reliable elections in the high-tech era.


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"I have never forgotten the sorrow and the pride I felt as my sister and I huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to my father's inspiring words on that fateful day in 1939 [when World War II was declared]. Not for a single moment did I imagine that this solemn and awful duty would one day fall to me.

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However, Britain's overall trade deficit rose in May, to £8.49bn for goods as imports also rose. That was slightly wider than the £8.47bn gap forecast by economists. Still, a rise in imports was not necessarily bad news, analysts noted.

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Air quality in Beijing, which is surrounded by Hebei, wasworse than government standards on more than 60 percent of daysin the first half, according to the ministry. Beijing was notamong the 10 most polluted cities, which included Xi’an, Jinan,Zhengzhou, Tangshan and Shijiazhuang.


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Looking at the way the Syrian government is acting, there can be one realistic answer, which is Assad’s forces carried out this horrific crime. In which case something must be done to stop him. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

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-- I'm a big sports fan, but a cautious one. I never gloat or brag before a game is completely in hand. Even if my team is ahead by two touchdowns with a minute to go, I keep my mouth shut. So I was incredibly edgy when Hank did some trash-talking to a handcuffed Walt. And even edgier when he called Marie to crow. I just KNEW something bad was about to happen.

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BMW then has reason to enter the market with its four-seateri3, due to hit dealerships in November. The car is built arounda carbon fibre-based shell and an aluminum chassis, offeringbench seats and eucalyptus wood paneling.


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The Fed chairman's comments sent the dollar lower andboosted commodities such as gold and copper.U.S.-listed shares of Barrick Gold climbed 4.4 percentto $14.62 while Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold gained2.4 percent to $28.25 in premarket trade.

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One out of 10 American high school students used e-cigarettes in 2012, along with nearly three in 100 middle-school students, according to a new federal report. That’s about double the rate of e-cigarette use in 2011.

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"Market manipulation interferes with the integrity of NewZealand's financial markets and harms the function of open,transparent and efficient capital markets," said FMA head ofenforcement Belinda Moffat in a statement.

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Production problems ultimately delayed the 787's entry into service by 3-1/2 years beyond its original schedule. Since then, the plane has suffered a series of problems, including burning batteries on two Dreamliners that prompted regulators to ground the entire fleet in January. Flights resumed in April after Boeing redesigned the battery system.


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Backed by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, POSCO isgrappling with a prolonged steel market slump caused by the weakglobal economy, especially in China. It posted only a smallprofit recovery from January to March. (Additional reporting by Krishna N Das in NEW DELHI; Editing byStephen Coates and Miral Fahmy)

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Former South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer was very good at getting out of tickets. So good, in fact, he did it twice. And that doesn't even count the four other tickets, two accidents and a suspended license for not paying a ticket that he received between 1997 and 2006.

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Malala, from the Swat Valley in Pakistan, had been writing under a pen name about the difficulties her family faced in trying to secure her an education when the Taliban tracked her down and shot her in the head while she was riding a school bus.

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Culture Secretary Maria Miller said the amendments would help safeguard press freedom and urged the newspapers to sign up, putting an end to 11 months of wrangling since the publication of the Leveson report on press standards.

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The trailer also shows a bearded Adam Scott as an office bully, flicking something at the dozy MItty in the office kitchen. Kristen Wiig, who plays Mitty's love interest and co-worker, also makes an appearance in one fantasy where Mitty saves her from a spontaneous in-office avalanche.


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Aaron Carter’s attempt to reinvigorate his music career has landed him in rehab. Carter, who as far back as October was tweeting about 'working on my mind, music, and body for a new album release,' has entered a treatment facility, his rep confirmed. According to E!, Carter went to a private treatment center in Southern California earlier in January, where he is getting help for 'addiction issues' at the urging of his family and friends.

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She acknowledged the potential of secret filming had already been demonstrated by the way the BBC's Panorama programme in 2011 exposed the abuse at Winterbourne View, a care home near Bristol for people with learning disabilities.

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Prescription drug utilisation among older Americans has reached “a plateau,” and market growth for this population during 2011-2030 will slow to “just one-fortieth” of the previous 20 years’ rate of rise, says a new study.

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India last month eased rules to allow foreign institutions to invest in government bonds on an "on tap" basis, or without first requiring the purchase of debt limits. It is also in the process of easing registration and due diligence rules for foreign investors to buy government debt, one of the sources said.

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Although the bill doesn't cover actual lunar terrain — Section 5 defines "park" as only comprising the manmade objects on the moon — non-U.S. commercial entities with future moon tourism plans may not recognize H.R. 2617 without backing from other space-faring nations.


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He said some of the conditions set by the FIPB included aprovision that the company's chairman could bring a proposal tothe board without a mandate of a three-quarter majority and thatIndian law would be applicable in all cases except arbitrationproceedings.

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The next deadline for researchers to apply for NIH grants is Monday but for now, no government employees can help them with the process, Collins noted. Once the government does reopen, NIH is scheduled to lose another $600 million from a second round of sequester cuts, meaning hundreds of additional projects that won't be funded, he said.

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Two explosions interrupted a television broadcast from Damascus during a live interview with a correspondent. The two attacks near the building of the state broadcaster are reported to have killed the bombers, leaving the television station largely undamaged.

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With nowhere to run, an injured Kenyan lady scooped up 4-year-old Portia and gestured for Walton to hide herself and the children behind a small stand. For the next four hours, the family was trapped in a real-life hell, as blasts reverberated around the shopping mall where the only other sounds were screams and pop music playing over the mall audio system.

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Kenya's cabinet this year approved stiffer fines and lengthy jail sentences for anyone convicted of poaching or trafficking in wildlife trophies, saying poaching was harming tourism, a major foreign exchange earner.


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Watson the supercomputer was last seen on "Jeopardy!" in 2011, crushing two very human former champions and taking home the $1 million prize. Now IBM's whiz kid (whose winnings went to charity) has moved beyond trivia to an even tougher question: Can a really smart computer become the ultimate physician's assistant and vastly improve the quality of health care?

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"When they say 'Schindler's list,' it's almost like they are using the romance of the original list and the magic of that to sell what was prepared at the end of the war," said Crowe. "This list is far less valuable."

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"Lines between legal and illegal supplies of Nigerian oilcan be blurry. The government's system for selling its own oilattracts many shadowy middlemen, creating a confusing, high-riskmarketplace," the report said.

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Spanish film star Antonio Banderas features in the latestpublicity campaign for Barilla's Mulino Bianco cookies andbreakfast cakes. They feature him baking biscuits with childrenand talking to a chicken called Rosita. (Reporting by Steve Scherer; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)

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Emerging from a White House meeting with President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is not willing to negotiate with House Republicans until they agree to pass a clean spending bill to reopen the government, despite their offer to pass a short-term extension of the debt limit.


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Monday night, however, Harvey did not quite look like himself, or at least how he looked through most of the first half of the season. After the game manager Terry Collins said Harvey has had a blister on the pointer finger of his pitching hand, which could be affecting his grip.

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Companies providing fake positive reviews used internet address spoofing techniques to hide their identities and set up hundreds of bogus online profiles to try to get around review website controls, the Attorney General's office said.

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Ashley Larkin (l.) and mom Susie Kozisek with newborn twins Hadlee (l.) and Hallee, born July 15. Kozisek served as a gestational carrier for her daughter, who cannot be pregnant due to pulmonary hypertension.

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If the Falcons can't or won't run the ball in the future, it's almost impossible to see them winning nine of their final 12 contests, which is probably the minimum they'll need to qualify for the postseason.

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A man in his 30s is in a critical condition after he was stabbed during a fight in Empire Way, Wembley, in the early hours of this morning. Scotland Yard says he suffered multiple stab wounds. Two men and a woman have been arrested.


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"At the same time, we wouldn't overstate the dollar'svulnerability," they said, adding that their analysis suggestedthat the market is no longer holding long dollar positions andthe possibility of an end to the shutdown meant investors willbe reluctant to get too bearish on the dollar.

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The vast majority of combustible products carry clear warnings that they should not be used in any areas with open sources of heat. However, the incidents the FDA warns of are said to have taken place after the application of the sunscreen when it was already on the skin of those in question.

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Based on the photos, it appears the new gray tone will cover the back plate and the sides of the phone while the face will remain black. If the rumor ends up being true, the new graphite model would be the fourth color option for Apple's next-generation iPhone alongside the black/slate, white/silver, and rumored white/gold model.

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Referring to reports of dissent in the ruling Socialist Party, Capriles taunted Maduro: "Someone who doesn't even have the trust of his own militants is hardly going to have the trust of the nation he pretends to govern.

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The coalition is focused on protecting children's health by supporting legislation that will make it illegal for cigarette companies to use colour, text and packet size to market cigarettes. New legislation will remove one of the last remaining and very powerful marketing tools used by the tobacco industry, the coalition says.


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2. Unfamiliar faces read the television news. (The usual ones have taken the day off, probably to go shopping.) And the news is mostly about angry people at airports. Meanwhile, weatherpersons are more dressed up for their on-screen appearances and are treated with greater respect, even reverence.

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For 17 percent of older patients and 5 percent of younger patients, the actual amount of skin removed by doctors, surgeons or dermatologists was insufficient according to 2004 French surgical guidelines - which require between one and three centimeters of extra margin depending on the thickness of the tumor.

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But Le Grotte della Civita is just one of many hotels, bars and restaurants in Matera. And if caves do not appeal, Francis Ford Coppola’s exclusive Palazzo Margherita is nearby, in Bernalda, as is the fine fivestar Palazzo Gattini, a more conventional luxury hotel, with sublime spa, views and suites, that opened last year overlooking Matera’s beautiful Romanesque-Gothic cathedral.

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Most borrowers have a mix of subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans. Interest rates on these varied over the years, so check with your loan servicer – the one who sends the statements each month – to find out the rate on each loan and whether it is fixed.

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The day's gains come after the Dow Jones industrial average on Friday registered its best weekly gain since January, though trading was subdued before the Fed's meeting, which has been expected to result in the start of tapering.


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Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at theCenter for Strategic and International Studies think tank inWashington, said it was doubtful Washington would gain anyleverage over Cairo by withholding the aid.

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"It was Mike's day in the rotation, that was the easiest way for us to do it and then we'll make sure the rotation works out that Nick will get the start next week," coach Chip Kelly said Thursday. "The two of those guys, we feel like we've got it balanced out. We met with those guys this morning. They were great with it, so that's kind of our plan going in."

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Still, he noted that a dramatic spike in the yen could trigger policy action. "If the yen hits 90,that could lead to a downwards revision and the BOJ could become more nervous," Kichikawa said.

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Republican senators on Wednesday were exploring a proposalby Senator Susan Collins of Maine that would get the governmentre-opened and borrowing authority increased while repealing anunpopular medical device tax designed to finance subsidies underthe healthcare law.

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The Treasury claims the directive has been rushed through before it has been determined exactly which staff it will apply to and that increased disclosure of bankers' pay might breach individuals' right to privacy.


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A self-published memoir by Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Norman Leaf in 2010 claimed that Monroe underwent cosmetic surgery on her chin in 1950, citing the same notes made by Gurdin, Leaf's medical partner.

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The company this month beat out Northrop Grumman Corp to win a huge contract for a next-generation electronicjamming system for use on the U.S. Navy's EA-18G Growleraircraft, a deal worth billion of dollars in coming years.

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Perhaps you can argue the Mets would be better off making a similar trade for Gonzalez, who would help fill the needs in the outfield, and has a more reasonable contract — $63.5 million over the next four years.

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Humanity’s hopes to avoid extinction ride on 250-foot-tall metal behemoths called Jaegers, whose job description amounts to “knocking great big monsters dead on their knees.” You know, the old alley-oop treatment.

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His decision to use high-tech catamarans that can reach speeds of more than 50 miles per hour on windy San Francisco Bay has been much-criticized in light of the Artemis accident in May, in which British Olympic gold medalist Andrew "Bart" Simpson was killed after he was trapped under a capsized Artemis boat.


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Before AT&T's announcement, Al Jazeera America said it wouldbe available in more than 40 million homes - about 40 percent ofU.S. pay-TV households and roughly half the reach of Time WarnerInc's CNN. U-verse was launched in 2006 and had 5million video customers at the end of June in markets such asTexas and California.

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Under terms of the transaction, Toray will acquire all ofZoltek's outstanding shares for $16.75 per share in cash. Theoffer was unanimously approved by Zoltek's board, isn't subjectto any financing conditions and is expected to close late thisyear or early in 2014.

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The season came to a close and I rushed home to switch on the television as England started to take Australian wickets. You guessed, a close-up of a man dribbling on to the ground as he stood waiting.

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These comments are not screened before publication. Constructive debate about the above story is welcome, but personal attacks are not. Please do not post comments that are commercial in nature or that violate any copyright[s]. Comments that we regard as obscene, defamatory, or intended to incite violence will be removed. If you find a comment offensive, you may flag it.

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The regulator claims that BP's Texas-based Southeast Gas Trading desk bought and sold physical gas at the Houston Ship Channel and Katy gas trading hubs, in a way designed to increase the value of BP's financial position.


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And White won’t shy away from discussing some sensitive topics. Tottenham’s Gareth Bale, whose image is being used by NBC on billboards in midtown Manhattan and is arguably the top player in the EPL, could be on the move to Real Madrid within three weeks.

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In this Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 photo, sightseers board an over-snow vehicle on Hut Point Peninsula of Ross Island in Antarctica. Tourism in Antarctica is rebounding five years after the financial crisis stifled what had been a burgeoning industry. Tourism is rebounding here five years after the financial crisis stifled what had been a burgeoning industry. And it’s not just retirees watching penguins from the deck of a ship. Visitors are taking tours inland and even engaging in “adventure tourism” like skydiving and scuba diving under the ever-sunlit skies of a Southern Hemisphere summer. (AP Photo/Rod McGuirk)

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“We got one guy who sends pictures in his Speedo bloomers leading the pack for mayor, yeah?” he says. “And a guy no different from the dirty old men sneakin’ outta the local massage parlors is ahead in the polls for controller, yeah? Maybe Massino becomes police commissioner because he knows from crime. Don’t laugh. It’s all over.”

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“Leadership is happening in a magnificent way,” Davis said. “It had to be there at one time when the Jets were going to the AFC Championship. For whatever reason, it kind of fell off. There was a little bit of a lack of leadership last year. But now you have guys that are taking ownership of the team.”

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The strike comes at an already challenging time for the prison system in the most populous U.S. state, which has been ordered by a federal court to reduce prison size by 10,000 inmates this year to ease crowding.


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The White House said it expects the heads of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, U.S. Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, Federal Housing Finance Agency and the National Credit Union Administration to attend the meeting Monday afternoon.

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So stay strong, team. It'll be the crispness of autumn (which used to start in September) very soon and you'll be able to wander gleefully, listening to Kid A by Radiohead, feeling that you know where you are and everything is in its right place.

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Over the weekend, Dublin said it may quit its bailout by the year-end without any backstop in the form of a precautionary credit line. That would rule it out for ECB bond-buying support, which it probably also doesn’t need. But it needs at least the 1.8 percent growth forecast for next year to keep bearing down on debt.

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Even with the price difference, Imperial Capital analyst Jeff Kessler said it could take years for cable companies to gain consumers' trust in a market where security providers contact authorities in the event of an emergency.

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"If my production lines are silent because my cloud(computing) provider cannot make the data I have stored thereavailable, then that could threaten the company's existence,"Mai told a press briefing.


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On the Chiefs' opening drive last Friday night in New Orleans, Charles had five carries and three catches, touching the ball on more than half of their 14 plays. Charles wound up capping the drive with a 1-yard plunge, the only TD the Chiefs scored in a 17-13 defeat.

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It would have been a fitting way to end the ugly game for the Jets, but Gang Green wasn’t done. The Titans’ final touchdown came as Ryan Fitzpatrick, who replaced an injured Jake Locker (hospitalized with injured hip), underthrew a deep ball that Nate Washington managed to catch over Antonio Cromartie anyway.

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The Nikkei said SoftBank would make the purchase from aninvestment fund and other sources with an eye to eventuallyboosting its holding to around 70 percent. It added that thedeal would be completed as early as the end of this year.


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With many investors seeing financial markets reliant on easy-money policies to an unusual degree, uncertainty about who will be the next Fed chairman has increasingly been weighing on sentiment. That's especially the case because the next Fed chief is expected to oversee the unwinding of its $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program, with the first moves toward that shift potentially coming this week.

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"Today the computer is just as important a tool for chemists as the test tube," the academy said in a statement."Computer models mirroring real life have become crucial formost advances made in chemistry today."


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Ricky Gervais has undergone a full body makeover. Thanks to Ellen DeGeneres, we can now see more of Ricky Gervais than anyone ever wanted. 'Please enjoy this photo of Ricky Gervais in my underwear,' DeGeneres tweeted. Accompanying the tweet was a picture of Gervais clad in gold boxer-briefs with the 'Ellen' logo around the waistband. Sexy! The talk show host gave 'him a custom-made golden pair specifically for the awards show.' So Gervais sent the picture to DeGeneres 'to prove that he actually wore them under his tux' to the Golden Globes. Also hiding under his tux was Gervais' surprisingly fit body.

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What this article doesn’t disclose is the new rule “affirmatively furthering fair housing.” This policy will require HUD and the FEDS to gather data on segregation and discriminiation in YOUR neighborhood and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory. In other words, your zip code is to blame for poverty rather than education and other socio economic factors. One more of those “transparent” policies that is intended to weaken and divide America.

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"Today's Obama administration action shows that Washington is not interested in helping families improve but instead is determined to file disruptive lawsuits with the goal of taking over control and operation of Florida's Medicaid and disability programs," said the state agency's secretary Elizabeth Dudek.

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"One thing that we do know and we are thankful [for is] that [the Jollyville Plateau salamander] is a threatened listing, because it provides additional flexibility to work with U.S. Fish and Wildlife in developing mechanisms and means to provide for preservation and conservation of the species," said Gary Boyd, Williamson County environmental program coordinator.


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The ship, built in 1977, was tracked leaving Port Vostochny,in Russia's far east, on April 12, according to Lloyd's ListIntelligence, a maritime intelligence company. It was nextregistered arriving in Balboa, on the Panama Canal's Pacificside, on May 31, and crossed the waterway the next day headingfor Havana.


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In 1965 Strudwick converted to the Javelin night fighter and the Lightning before taking command of RAF Leuchars in Fife, one of the RAF’s main fighter bases. Among its tasks was keeping aircraft at immediate readiness to intercept Soviet aircraft that occasionally tried to enter United Kingdom airspace.

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Inside Amazon, Bezos rationalized these moves as being in the company’s long-term interest of delighting its customers and building its consumables business. He told Peter Krawiec, the business development vice president, not to spend more than a certain amount to buy Quidsi but to make sure that Amazon did not, under any circumstance, lose the deal to Wal-Mart.

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The charges make the GSK case the highest profile corporateinvestigation in China since four executives from mining giantRio Tinto were jailed in March 2010 for takingbribes and stealing commercial secrets.


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Property taxes here are also extremely low, at $765 a year, and median home prices are $102,600. The city is famous for its Mira Sol green chile peppers, so the AARP suggests picking up a “slopper” sandwich, a cheeseburger with green chile topping at The Sunset Inn.

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That’s the way the night began for Reid. It ended with a Gatorade shower and a 26-16 win for his Chiefs. The Eagles went glitzy after they parted ways with a coach who suffered through his share of criticism, bringing in Chip Kelly to install a ramped-up offense that looked formidable through the first two games.

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“He really basically had to be able to tell us that he felt like he was going to be able to go out there and make all the plays,” manager Don Mattingly said before the game, of the decision to start Ethier. "That was the main thing.”


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Packed in 150 transparent sacks each weighing about 50 pounds, the $150,000 in coins were nearly one-third of the money an appellate court required Herrin to pay back to resolve years-long legal feuding among the crash's survivors over how $800,000 in insurance proceeds were apportioned.

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"Only two years after launching our own unconventional gasprogramme, in the northern region of Saudi Arabia, we are readyto commit gas for the development of a 1,000 megawatt powerplant which will feed a massive phosphate mining andmanufacturing sector," Saudi Aramco Chief Executive Khalidal-Falih said on Monday.


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"We are learning so much about a region so far back in time it's hard to comprehend. This galaxy we're seeing is almost 13.1 billion years ago and so this was something like 8 billion years before our sun was even born and of course much longer after that until life came around," said lead researcher Steven Finkelstein, an assistant professor with the University of Texas at Austin.

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A spokeswoman for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,Erica Jefferson, said the agency does not comment oncongressional letters. A spokeswoman for Smithfield did notimmediately return an email or telephone call seeking comment. Aspokesman for Shuanghui said the company had no comment.

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"We were picking up a lot of frustration from investorsabout access to IPOs," said Steven Fine, managing partner atPeel Hunt. He said offerings of at least 500 million poundswould be a good cut-off size, and said Peel Hunt was looking ataggregating retail demand to make it simpler for companies andbookrunners to monitor interest and allocate the stock.

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"The further you get away from the carnage in `08-'09, the memories fade," says Stephen Roach, former chief economist at investment bank Morgan Stanley, who now teaches at Yale. "But does it return to the leverage and consumer demand we had in the past and make things hunky dory? The answer is no."


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She is the second person charged with defrauding the fund. Earlier in July, a Boston man was charged with larceny for allegedly submitting a $2 million dollar fraudulent claim on behalf of his aunt, who had been dead for more than a decade.

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Overall, Asia's third-largest economy shipped in 14.1percent more oil in July than a year ago, while imports for theJanuary-July period rose about 10.3 percent, the data showed. (Editing by Tom Hogue)

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However, this is still a long way from any treatment for patients with cancer. Further tests will be needed to see if the same processes can be manipulated in the human immune system before it could even be tested in clinical trials.


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"They will also have T-38 [supersonic jet] training, where those who already have an aviation background will hone their skills in the T-38 and those who do not will have the opportunity to get that aviation background under their belt before they start supporting crews who are on orbit," Behnken said.

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Authorities were tipped off to the remote area, located about 70 miles from Boise, after a group of horseback riders Wednesday reported seeing a man and a teenager matching the description of DiMaggio and Anderson.Authorities began a ground search of the area Thursday, Gore said.

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The concentration of online lending operations here is not a point of regional pride, but it does point to a wealth of financial, technical and legal expertise and creativity. Here’s an idea: Let’s use some of that brainpower on a better way to help low-income people borrow money for emergencies without trapping them in ruinous debt.


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Police Capt. Mike Williams said both suspects, like those celebrating inside the Green Country Event Center, are Hmong -- an Asian ethnic group mainly from Laos. He said investigators hadn't determined a motive for the attack, but that both men would be charged.


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At least a half dozen drug dealers and bookmakers have testified that Bulger demanded money from them. Another drug dealer is scheduled to testify Wednesday, along with relatives of people allegedly killed by Bulger's gang.

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Mazet-Delpeuch prefers you use her first name, which makes her just like her counterpart, Hortense Laborie, in the new movie “Haute Cuisine.” Released last week, the film is based on Mazet-Delpeuch’s experience serving in the private kitchen of the head of state — as well as her duties cooking for a French scientific research crew in Antarctica.

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 The FBI's Washington Field Office was told about the investigation in June after it inquired about Mayorkas as part of the White House background investigation for his nomination as deputy DHS secretary.

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Paskey said the U.S. could have a good denaturalization case against Karkoc, because prosecutors wouldn't have to prove he had a direct hand in war crimes. But the quickest - and perhaps only - way to remove him from the U.S. would be if he is charged criminally.


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The report, released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project, is an in-depth look at how American Jewish identity has changed in recent decades. The findings track closely with a 2012 Pew report that found about 20 percent of Americans in general said they had no religious affiliation, an increase from 15 percent in the last five years.

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The second indictment filed against Kalinin in Manhattan,which was unsealed on Thursday, charged that he worked with asixth hacker, Russian Nikolay Nasenkov, 31, to steal bankaccount information from thousands of customers at Citibank andPNC Bank from 2005 to 2008, resulting in the theft of millionsof dollars.

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"Argentina's officials have publicly and repeatedlyannounced their intention to defy any rulings of this Court andthe district court with which they disagree," Circuit JudgeBarrington Parker wrote for a three-judge appeals panel.

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On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average wasdown 67.82 points, or 0.45 percent, at 15,004.76. The Standard &Poor's 500 Index was down 5.48 points, or 0.32 percent,at 1,685.02. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 16.85points, or 0.44 percent, at 3,790.90.

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The tribunal found Mollah guilty of murder, rape andtorture during the nation’s independence struggle four decadesago. While Alam said the death sentence would deter“conspirators against the nation,” Mollah’s legal team decriedthe ruling.


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“Wild” Willie Seeley of Manahawkin, New Jersey, has one piece of advice for the winner of last week’s $400 million Powerball pot in South Carolina: Run. “Just disappear,” he said, speaking from hard-won experience. “Get lost while you still can.”

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The better outlook encouraged investors back into riskierassets, lifting MSCI's world equity index 1percent, sparking a rally in major euro zone government bondsand sending U.S. crude up 2.4 percent to $107.59 a barrel.

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In a letter to Smithfield's Chief Executive Larry Pope, six Republican committee members said the proposed acquisition of Smithfield by Shuanghui International Holdings "raises questions related to the safety and adequacy of the U.S. heparin supply."

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"It's one of those moments that I think that we will look back on and say 'This is where Chapter 9 changed,'" attorney Barbette Ceccoti told the court on Monday on behalf of the United Auto Workers union, which represents some city workers.

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Now a year on from Catherine’s death, Sarah has raised more than £8,500 for Cancer Research UK and will run this weekend’s Race for Life with her mum’s photograph pinned proudly to her back.


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Dodgeon, 61, a former research fellow at the University of London's Institute of Education, and his partner went away for the night on April 22 2011, knowing that a party was to take place at their home in Barlby Road, north Kensington, the inquest heard.

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The suburb's residents have been hit hard. Activists from the Moadamiyeh Media Center reported six people died of starvation in September: two women and four children. One woman described how her 18-month-old daughter lost half her weight as she struggled to nourish her on boiled lentil water.

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A&W's campaign comes as the way food is produced becomes anincreasingly prominent issue for restaurants, grocers andconsumers. Denver-based burrito chain Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc is one of the most well-known restaurant companies thatuses organic ingredients and antibiotic-free meat when possible.


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The third-largest U.S. bank is getting its house in orderafter years of management problems forced it to seek three U.S.bailouts in 2008 and 2009. Current Chief Executive MichaelCorbat and predecessor Vikram Pandit cut risk-taking in itstrading businesses, hired selectively in safer areas likeinvestment banking, and scaled back in markets where the bankhad few growth opportunities.

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* Swiss drug giant Novartis AG faces a mountingproblem in Japan, its second largest market, where researchershave retracted studies that touted the benefits of the company'smost popular heart medicine, Diovan. Two university ledinvestigations into Novartis related research discovered datahad been altered to produce inaccurate results. ()

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Remarkably, the Ozone Mapping Profiling Suite instrument aboard the Suomi NPP satellite continued detecting the dust plume from the meteor for at least three additional months as it circled the globe, steered by powerful stratospheric winds.


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The Israelis do not want to embarrass Egypt by publiclydemanding tougher safeguards in Taba, the Sinai town closest toEilat and which would be the likely launching ground for theshoulder-fired missiles, also known as man-portable air-defencesystems or MANPADs. Their ranges rarely exceed 5 km (2.5 miles).

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"If the Iranian government takes these steps in a verifiableand transparent manner, we are willing to match Iran'sgood-faith actions by suspending the implementation of the nextround of sanctions currently under consideration by theCongress," they said.

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The Bombers’ second homer in Game 1 came from an unlikely source. Stewart went deep for the first time in 174 at-bats since May 15 with a three-run shot off righty reliever Neil Wagner with two outs in the sixth for a 6-4 lead.


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SAN FRANCISCO - Minerva Schools of KGI doesn't yet have accreditation, a campus or even a full faculty roster, but it is offering something even Harvard can't - four years of free tuition for its first matriculating class.

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Governments and scientific institutions have of course dismissed the theories, and claim those vapour trails which persist for longer than usual, or disperse to cover a wide area, are just normal contrails. The variety of contrails seen in the sky is due to atmospheric conditions and altitude, they say, while grid-like contrails are merely a result of the large number of planes that travel along the same well-worn flight lanes.

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But losses in Ackman's New York-based hedge fund mounted during the second half of July. The hedge fund reported to investors its assets under management fell to $11.16 billion through the end of July, down from about $12 billion in June.


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The RUC, in other words, enjoys basically de facto control over how roughly $85 billion in U.S. taxpayer money is divvied up every year. And that’s just the start of it. Because of the way the system is set up, the values the RUC comes up with wind up shaping the very structure of the U.S. health care sector, creating the perverse financial incentives that dictate how our doctors behave, and affecting the annual expenditure of nearly one-fifth of our GDP.

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And what of the city’s children? Weiner could not speak credibly to them about decorum, morals, focus or integrity. And, most certainly, he could not offer them wise counsel about accepting the consequences of their actions.

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Separatist and Islamist rebels swept across the country's desert north last year shortly after soldiers ousted the president, an unprecedented crisis in the former French colony, previously seen as an island of stability in West Africa.


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Market participants have been cautious recently, with theS&P 500 dropping for five of the past six sessions amiduncertainty over how soon the Fed will begin to wind down its$85 billion a month stimulus program.

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This incredible feat of leadership and endurance has elevated Shackleton to legendary status in the world of exploration – Edmund Hillary called it the single greatest journey of survival in history. Yet Shackleton’s epic adventure has never been repeated. Tim Jarvis, encouraged by Shackleton’s granddaughter Alexandra and with the 100th anniversary of the voyage looming, decided to take it on: “I’ve been involved in this sort of stuff for years [Jarvis holds the record for the fastest unsupported journey to the South Pole and the longest unsupported journey in Antarctica] and it always seemed to me to be the end game. This is the big one.”

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The Observatory said the fighting rattled the neighborhood throughout the morning, but subsided by the afternoon as the al-Qaida-linked rebels pulled out of the area. It was not clear which group was in control of the checkpoint, where residents were staging a protest to vent their anger at soaring food prices. The area also witnessed clashes between rebels and government troops.

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"I have to stick to the basics, which is the things that I would do if I were playing right now as opposed to the things that I can't do," Holmes said. "And I can't worry about the things that I can't do right now."

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Barking and Dagenham Council showed how children aged one, four, seven and nine have been flagged on its database where "the tenant is very abusive", while a 90-year-old is described as potentially "violent and aggressive".


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All signs point to Michael Vick, who missed the last two games with a hamstring injury, being reinstalled as starter this week. Vick, who injured his hamstring late in the first half of the Eagles’ Week 5 win over the Giants, took first-team reps on Tuesday, and he told the Philadelphia Inquirer that he expects to play.

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As an alternative, the iShares timber ETF mentioned abovehas more than 60 percent of its holdings in the Americas,including Plum Creek Timber Company Inc and PotlatchCorp. The iShares fund is a better deal on expenses thanthe Guggenheim product, charging 0.48 percent annually formanagement, compared to 0.70 percent for the Guggenheim fund.It's gained 4 percent year to date and 23 percent last year.

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Following a 2011 trial which the West said smacked of "selective justice", she was jailed for abuse of office linked to a gas deal which she had brokered with Russia as prime minister. The Yanukovich government says the deal saddled Ukraine with an exorbitant price for Russian gas supplies.

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The U.S. Supreme Court rejected Fulks' latest appeal Monday. Basham's appeal is pending. In the letter, Fulks, of West Hamlin, W.Va., asked for nothing from prosecutors in return for his assistance, foresaw the ruling and predicted he will be executed soon.

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He explained that he found numerous US government reports looking at how to tackle a wartime fuel crisis. "They were looking at peat - how to harvest it, how to process it, what reserves there were. It was like an early 20th Century version of fracking."


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In recognition of this achievement, Kenny was given the honour of being the firts down. It was the first time for Visit Scotland’s Caroline Robertson, who, prior to doing the abseil, was nervous but once back down on solid ground was over the moon that she had achieved a life time ambition.

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Given the current single-digit status of congressional approval, a government shutdown spurred by an ultimatum over ObamaCare is not likely to make Republicans more popular. Instead, it's at least as likely to backfire on them as it did in 1995 when the fight was between a Democratic president and a fully Republican Congress, which Bill Clinton manipulated to his advantage. Conservatives argue that the media tipped the scales at that time, but their media position has hardly improved in the 18 years since that standoff. In a prelude to a midterm election in which the ObamaCare rollout plays to Republicans' strengths, the GOP doesn't need a credibility-damaging budget disaster to derail that momentum before it starts.

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He joined General Motors in 1964 after graduating from Purdue University with a bachelor's degree in industrial management and science, and later served as group vice president of manufacturing operations with Volkswagen of America.


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Scores of weddings planned at national parks and monuments around the country were moved or postponed, and vacationers hustled to change their itineraries after finding iconic sites from the Statue of Liberty to the Lincoln Memorial closed.

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We knew nothing of this then. Indeed, in his evidence to the Hutton inquiry, Sir Richard Dearlove, the head of MI6, described the 45-minute claim, straight-faced, as “a piece of well-sourced intelligence”, two months after his own service had discredited it. Despite his key role as Dearlove’s military counterpart, General Laurie was never called to Hutton at all; his explosive statement, and that of the two MI6 people, emerged only in 2011, at the Chilcot inquiry.

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The problem lies with a severe vulnerability in the way Android phones generate random private access keys, which allows data to be stolen from any app that uses the system. It has not been revealed how many Bitcoin users, if any, have been victims.

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OSX debt is trading at about 80 percent of face value, thenewspaper said. That compares with less than 20 percent for oilcompany OGX's bonds. Despite being dependent on OGX for itsrevenue, OSX debt is outperforming OGX debt because OSX pledgedthe OGX-3 FPSO as collateral against non-payment, the papersaid.


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The president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, showed his own lack ofpredictability by rejecting a government-proposed solution to aninternal rift. He then went on a two-day bird-watching trip tothe remote Savage Islands in the middle of the Atlantic.

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Luis Tejada scored in the 83rd, putting Panama within minutes of a fourth-place finish and a berth in next month's playoff against Oceania champion New Zealand. Mexico, which last missed the World Cup in 1990, would have been eliminated. But Zusi scored 1:24 into three minutes of stoppage time, and Johannsson added his first international goal at the 2:40 mark, giving the U.S. a record-tying 22 points in the final round of the North and Central American and Caribbean region.

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Marriott's home was in Westborough, Mass. She had transferred to UNH last fall to major in marine biology. She commuted to campus from Chester, N.H., where she was living with relatives, and attended an evening class at UNH.

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In Waltham District Court Friday, prosecutors said Remy, 34, attacked Martel in their kitchen, living room, and on a stairway before pinning her to the ground of the patio, where he stabbed her repeatedly, in the view of several neighbors.

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Denzel Washington, 58, took a cut in pay in exchange for a share of the profits for "Flight," which turned out to be a shrewd deal. The film made $162 million putting the Oscar winner in eighth place with earnings of $33 million.


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Xue, also known as Xue Manzi, had 12 million followers on Sina Weibo, China's Twitter-like microblog site. He was shown on state television in August after being detained on an accusation of visiting prostitutes.

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Palestinian officials said Sunday their key demand remains: Ahead of any talks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must accept Israel's pre-1967 frontier as the starting point for drawing the border of a future state of Palestine. They say Kerry's renewed endorsement of that frontier as a baseline in closed-door talks is not enough, and that they need to hear from Netanyahu himself.

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As a result, screening of passengers at airport screening checkpoints will continue as usual. On the other end of the flight, agents will still be staffing passport controls at U.S. borders and points of entry into the United States.

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There has been no similar boy phenomenon in modern politics, though it is understandable and poignant that Hague’s hero was Pitt the Younger, who became prime minister at 24 and was in office for nearly 20 years. Hague’s most substantial achievement is his excellent biography of his hero.


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The News has obtained police and EMS 911 logs for more than a dozen such calls that occurred Saturday and Sunday. All show show unusual gaps in the time from when an NYPD operator registered the call to when EMS received it.

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Authorities believe the suspects planned to build a bomb andattack the Maradykovsky chemical weapons storage and disposalfacility in the Kirov region, about 1,000 km (620 miles)northeast of Moscow, the Federal Investigative Committee said.

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"It is important to stress that forward guidance is not aguarantee to hold rates where they are for a set period of time,as has been widely misreported," he said, adding the policy washelping to increase confidence.

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In the first theft, robbers stole about $1 million worth of jewels after ripping a safe from the wall of a hotel room. In the second, thieves outsmarted 80 security guards in an exclusive hotel and grabbed a De Grisogono necklace that creators said is worth 2.6 million.

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U.S. planemaker Boeing has long seen off attempts by Airbusto secure an order with JAL, benefiting from links with Japanesesuppliers and deep political ties between Tokyo and Washingtonto maintain a market share of more than 80 percent.


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It was a second chance at love for NeNe Leakes who remarried her ex-husband Gregg Leakes at the InterContinental Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta on June 22, 2013. The couple, who divorced in 2011 after 13 years of marriage, exchanged vows in a lavish $1.8 million ceremony, according to Life & Style . "Both of us want this, so it will definitely work this time," the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" star told the magazine. "I know exactly what I'm getting myself into." The nuptials were attended by 400 guests, including Kim Zolciak, Fantasia Barrino, Vivica A. Fox and Patti Stanger, and were filmed for a spinoff called "I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding," which will premiere this fall.

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Thirty-three cases of West Nile virus were detected in Massachusetts residents last year. While the virus can infect people of all ages, people over the age of 50 are at higher risk for severe disease, according to the state Department of Public Health.

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The Bulls haven't had a comeback this memorable since Michael Jordan stopped swinging and missing curveballs in the minor leagues and unretired. Of course, Jordan's comeback in 1995 also began here against the Pacers. And that one turned out pretty well for Jordan, the Bulls and the NBA.

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Abbott this year split off drug development into AbbVie, while Pfizer parted with its animal health unit Zoetis - and the biggest U.S. drugmaker on Monday took another step towards a potential breakup by internally separating its commercial operations into three business segments.


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The Limburg bishop, 53, had been a candidate for the large archdiocese of Cologne and its soon-to-retire Cardinal Joachim Meisner, an influential conservative figure under ex-Pope Benedict, was one of the few bishops to publicly support him.

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The company said it is participating in the investigation and that it was too early to draw conclusions about the cause of the fire, which left visible scorch marks on the outer skin of the plane. The fire occurred in an area where galley equipment such as water boilers and heaters are also located.

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There was a chance these were the same dolphins I had seen much earlier that morning, from a cliff-top high above the glassy calm of Golfinhos bay. Trainee biologists walk to the look-out point at dawn each day to count, through binoculars, breaks in the sea’s surface as hundreds of dolphins swim in from a smaller island nearby. The bay, far below, is off limits; the pods of spinners coming to mate, play and rest are left undisturbed.

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Jack has plenty of fans cheering him on. Former Husker Rex Burkhead might just be his biggest. The athlete, who now plays for the Cincinnati Bengals, heads the “Team Jack” support network and helped Jack score a touchdown during a scrimmage in April.

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The decision to treat the black-and-yellow bugs like hostile combatants is understandable. The Asian giant hornet — which can grow to 1.5 inches in length — carries venom that destroys red blood cells, potentially resulting in kidney failure and death.


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According to the survey, 81 percent of investors said they do not expect the administration to delay the so-called individual mandate. The provision, which requires people to pay a penalty if they do not buy insurance, is meant to ensure that healthy people also buy coverage and thereby keep overall premiums in check.

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"A lot depends on how (Fed policymakers) interpret the dataand how they comment ahead of the employment report. We'relooking for clues as to whether tapering is going to begin inSeptember or not," said Bucky Hellwig, senior vice president atBB&T Wealth Management in Birmingham, Alabama.

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His remarks came amid an intensifying political debate on whether Japan should proceed with a planned two-stage hike in the sales tax from next year, or opt for a more moderate rise to ease the pain on an economy just emerging from stagnation.

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"Good Morning America" on Walt Disney Co's ABC leadsthe ratings race in total viewers and among 25- to 54-year-olds,the group advertisers target during the morning shows. "GMA"averaged nearly 2 million viewers in that age group, about86,000 more than "Today," according to Nielsen data from Sept.24, 2012, through Sept. 1, 2013.


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Healthybreakfast cereals all have more salt and sugar than standard ones, because when you lower fat ­levels, you lose taste. Most cereals have more salt and sugar in them than health professionals like.

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Carl Icahn has also credited his son for his $2 billioninvestment in Apple Inc, though Icahn himself has beencommunicating with Apple CEO Tim Cook. Icahn tweeted onWednesday that he "just sent a letter to Tim Cook. Full letterwill be disclosed on my website, the Shareholders' Square Table,which will be launched tomorrow."

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That's the role of the other presidents in times of war and that's what what we are still in -- now this is where I don't -- benefit of the doubt the president spent all year doing victory laps around al-Qaeda saying that essentially.

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Despite missing the first two days of training camp due to a personal matter, Biron has put in the work during practice and then made six stops on six shots playing half of Tuesday's 3-2 win in Philadelphia, denying Flyers center Vincent Lecavalier on the doorstep and doing nothing to hurt his cause.

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TOKYO, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Japanese aluminium buyers willmostly pay slightly lower premiums of $245-$247 per tonne overLondon Metal Exchange (LME) prices for October-Decembershipments after talks with producers of the metal, sourcesinvolved in the negotiations said.


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“(It’s) an adjustment that I had to make to just shorten up and take the single with a couple of RBI rather than the big blast,” said Buck, whose 14 home runs this season are nine more than the Mets got from all its catchers combined last year. “There’s a lot more guys on base right now. That helps make it look more impressive with the runs I’m driving in. It has a lot to say about the guys in front of me.”

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Coughlin vs. Cruz might be a little bit of a mismatch. Coughlin is a tough guy, but he’s 67 years old, and Cruz, who is 25, has some slick salsa moves that might make him tough to hit with a solid right.


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The British Gas owner’s decision came just weeks after its chief executive, Sam Laidlaw, was said to have been left fuming after a caustic exchange of words with the Energy minister Michael Fallon, who said he would not subsidise the energy giants.


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An initial investigation into the wreckage of the UPS cargo jet that crashed on approach to Birmingham, Alabama's airport has found no evidence of pre-impact fire or engine failure, the National Transportation Safety Board said on Thursday.


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Mateo and other HAA officials have said that Rodriguez and his legal team are not paying them to organize the daily rallies outside MLB headquarters. Mateo told The News earlier this month that “donors” have paid for the pizzas and T-shirts that have been distributed to protesters. He declined to identify those donors, however, claiming that they wish to remain anonymous.


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Another team of U.N. experts, charged with starting the process of verifying and eliminating Syria's chemical weapons, landed in Beirut on Monday. About 20 of them arrived on a private flight from the Netherlands, a source at Beirut airport said, and are expected to continue on to Damascus this week.

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NEW YORK, July 10 (Reuters) - The Dow slipped and the S&P500 edged up less than a point on Wednesday, interrupting afour-day rally, with investors trying to gauge when the FederalReserve may scale back on its economic stimulus.

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After cancer spread to his brain, Mr Stone had five NHS operations but had to pay £30,456 for two brain operations in 2012 and 2013.The fund paid for a July procedure to remove eight brain tumours when cash became available in April.


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The 38-year-old Saudi is in a special category among the 166 prisoners at Guantanamo — one of nearly 50 men who a government task force decided were too dangerous to release but who can't be prosecuted, in some cases, because proceedings could reveal sensitive information. While the rest of the prisoners have been cleared for eventual release, transfer or prosecution, al-Shimrani and the others can only guess at their fate.

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A special meeting of BART’s board of directors scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday was canceled because management determined it was not necessary at this point to “provide an update,” BART spokeswoman Alicia Trost said. A regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday.

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Norbert Teufelberger, the chief executive, said: "The first half was always going to be a challenge as we set about optimising the shape and size of our business, with a much greater focus on nationally regulated and to-be-regulated markets ... however, our performance and revenue is behind where we expected it to be at this point,"


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The two ministers took a long walk - a favorite Kerry tactic - then huddled with a small group of advisers in a backroom, where they drew up an announcement for a meeting in Geneva aimed at a political transition in Syria. But that conference has yet to be held.

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All adults will also be required to take ART, the same daily single fixed-dose combination pill. It is easier to take and safer than alternative combinations previously recommended. This follows several studies that showed that early HIV treatment reduces chances of transmission by 90 per cent and boosts the immunity of people living with HIV. According to the world health body, recent evidence indicates that earlier ART will help people with HIV to live longer and substantially reduce the risk of transmitting HIV to others.

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Both Afghan security forces and NATO commanders have been keen to talk up gains in the 12-year battle against the Taliban, pushed from power by the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance following the al Qaeda attacks on U.S. targets on September 11, 2001.


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Which is why the Yanks need to supplement whatever help they may get from their Denizens of the Disabled List with a trade for a bat. That might keep them watchable over the last two-plus month, something that is in jeopardy without more runs. If they keep this up, the only reason to watch will be if you just can’t look away, you rubbernecker, you.

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EPA’s ban came shortly after the oil explorer reached an agreement with the US government to pay $4.5 billion (£2.8 billion) to resolve federal criminal charges and claims by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The EPA said that the suspension would last until BP could “provide sufficient evidence to EPA demonstrating that it meets Federal business standards”.

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Regarding the potential impacts of climate change, the IPCC will issue a report in the spring which will assess the consequences of  warming, discussing potential threats but also benefits and opportunities.  How exactly these differing outcomes play out  is an open question – which depends, in part, on how effectively we respond to climate change.


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Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (L) and Secretary of the Army John McHugh (2nd L) salute as a U.S. Army carry team transfers the remains of Army Pfc. Cody J. Patterson of Philomath, Oregon at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, October 9, 2013.

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"This is a muy (very) special moment, muchas gracias (many thanks)" Horner, mixing English and Spanish, told fans after donning the race leader's red jersey for the final time on a sunny evening in central Madrid.

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Pioneer Natural Resources was the S&P 500's biggestpercentage gainer after reporting second-quarter results. Thecompany's shares closed up 12.5 percent to $174.15, afterhitting an all-time high of $180.99 earlier.

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Information security is not only in place to make ourselves more resilient to threats. It is in place to create a mutually established trust with which we can communicate and engage each other with reasonably expected results. The NSA broke that trust when it gave us a false reason to feel confident. And now that we know, in what unpredictable and harmful ways will we react?

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Today, there are ongoing struggles for human rights in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Americas and every corner of the world. When we talk about rights today, we rarely think of just how many there are, and how often they’re infringed upon or taken away. It’s easy to forget that the rights many take for granted are the very same others die fighting for.


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The indictment also alludes to Cohen hiring a new employee, Richard Lee, despite a warning that he had been in another fund's "insider trading group." Lee pleaded guilty on July 23 to securities fraud and conspiracy involving trades in Yahoo Inc and 3Com Corp.

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To be sure, crisis-era acquisitions caused headaches for the bank, too. Its mortgage business lost $1 billion in the third quarter, compared with a loss of $857 million a year earlier. Countrywide has cost Bank of America more than $40 billion in litigation expenses and other charges linked to its bad subprime mortgages, and the bank set aside an additional $300 million for mortgage litigation in the latest quarter.

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They are now working on secret plans to extend this program into other “mission critical” areas of US operation. The NSA now has plans to extend this secret surveillance to Supreme Court Judges, the leadership in all three Executive Branches (which includes the House and the Congress), all state governors, the mayors of major US metropolitan cities, state attorney generals, judges and attorneys involved in major spotlight trials (like OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, Trayvon Martin, etc).

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Detroit's motion stated that Syncora Guarantee Inc and Financial Guaranty Insurance Company, which insured the swaps and $1.45 billion of pension debt related to the swaps, as well as the swap counterparties UBS AG and Merrill Lynch Capital Services agreed with the move to stop the hearing.

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That was until last June, when Erica, 52, was diagnosed with a rare form of uterine cancer -- myxoid leiomysarcoma (LMS). Fewer than 150 patients in the United States have the disease, which is poorly understood and for which research is virtually unfunded.

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"We are fortunate that we are here ... we saved our lives,"said Narayan Haldar, huddled with 1,300 people in an Odishafishing village. He complained the government had not providedfood. Some shelters were in dilapidated condition and TV imagesshowed crowds standing in the rain outside one packed building.

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Most US voters support the "stand your ground" laws, although the question of whether to retreat or use deadly force in self defense divides Americans along gender, racial and political lines, a national Quinnipiac University poll found on Friday.

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In general, large players are faced with competition by thefocused, agile, competitive, smaller players and some of theselarge players don't fare well (e.g. American Airlines, EMI,T-Mobile). The usual reaction from Strategy 101 is to try toachieve economies of scale and increase market power. So, voila,with airlines we see consolidation and mergers (e.g. Delta'smerger with Northwest and United's merger with Continental, andthere are plenty of smaller ones).


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Ishikawa whiffed twice and looked lethargic in the field. He batted in the No. 6 spot after taking a red-eye from San Francisco Sunday night, but he and Yankee batters 7 through 9 — Luis Cruz, Alberto Gonzalez and Austine Romine — went a combined 2-for-10.

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Speaking at the European Exchanges Summit in London, RolandBellegarde said competing regulatory regimes put in place tooverhaul markets after the financial crisis, like the U.S.'sDodd-Frank and Europe's EMIR (European Market InfrastructureRegulation), have made acquisitions between exchanges indifferent continents less attractive.

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Some long sentences, like his, are an alternative to the death penalty. Dudley Wayne Kyzer is serving two life terms plus 10,000 years for a triple murder he committed in the 1970s. After four years on death row, he was given a second trial because the death penalty in Alabama was at the time deemed unconstitutional.

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Technologies that reduce the need for water use in oil andgas production and that increase the resilience of offshore oiland gas equipment and distribution systems could help to lessenthese impacts, said the report.


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Retail and technology stocks paced the new-highs list Tuesday as the major averages ended mixed. IBD 50 stock Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) rose 3.31 to 82.77, clearing an 82.61 buy point in a cup-with-handle base. Volume was 62% above normal, better than the 40% minimum you'd like to see ...

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It’s a subject Bell has been wanting to dig into for a while. “I’m in a constant state of doing voices and mimicry,” says the 34-year-old fast-thinking, fast-talking force of nature, born and raised on the upper East Side. “When I was in college in London, I carried a tape recorder to collect and learn accents.

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“I do feel like it was overblown, but as an outsider I look at the videos and you could tell that, ‘OK, this kid looked helpless’ and ‘This kid’s being bullied,’ ” Amukamara said. “But I didn’t take it personal. It was just part of how we get rowdy."

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In the Kemper County plant, it works a bit differently. After the carbon is captured, it will be sold to companies for enhanced oil recovery, says Amoi Geter, spokeswoman for Gulfport-based Mississippi Power, which is building the plant. Geter says about 65% of carbon emissions will be captured.

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Charter schools outperform public schools on many measures, but only 6% of their students are English-language learners, and just 9% of their students have special needs — much lower than the citywide averages.

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On June 9, a tense scene unfolded at Morley's home near Topsfield's town square, where police blocked off a large area. The perimeter forced a church to cancel services in the town of about 6,100 people about 23 miles north of Boston.

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“Boooooo,” said the people at Dodger Stadium, just four innings after Adrian Gonzalez stood at second base and waved his arms like a football player, nearly successful in inciting a joyful riot. The Dodgers were charging, until suddenly they weren’t.

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European utility shares are trading at an average of12.1 times forecast earnings, compared with 14.2 times for thebroader stock market, with E.ON and RWE inGermany - which is also Vattenfall's largest market - at 11.6and 8.1 times respectively, according to Thomson Reuters data.


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Besides Murray and Sessions, the entire Senate budget committee was invited to join the negotiations. For the Democrats, Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Bill Nelson, D-Fla., Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Mark Warner, D-Va., Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., Chris Coons, D-N.J., Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., Tim Kaine, D-Va., and Angus King, I-Maine, will partake in the negotiations.

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Barclays will sell up to an extra £80bn of assets, raise another £2bn through the issue of "CoCos", loss-absorbing securities, and retain more of its earnings in order to meet the £12.8bn target.

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Rouhani, seen in the West as a relatively moderate leader, told his first news conference since taking the oath on Sunday that he was "seriously determined" to resolve the dispute and was ready to enter "serious and substantive" negotiations.

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Even the resident ales have nautical, pieces-of-eight names: there’s doubloon-coloured Tribute (4.2%) from the St Austell Brewery in South Cornwall, first brewed to honour an eclipse of the sun; or there’s Sharp’s darker-hued Doom Bar, from Rock in North Cornwall, (4.0%), named after an infamous sandbank at the mouth of the Camel Estuary.

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Ferrari Formula One driver Fernando Alonso of Spain holds up his national flag as he celebrates winning the Spanish F1 Grand Prix at the Circuit de Catalunya in Montmelo, near Barcelona, May 12, 2013.


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In starting the five-week election campaign, Rudd said the economy can no longer rely on Chinese demand for iron ore and coal that made the country one of the few wealthy nations to avoid a recession during the global economic downturn.

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Washington's stalemate distracted investors from thebeginning of a busy week of earnings. Citigroup reportedweaker-than-expected results as the bank was hit by adouble-digit drop in bond trading revenue for the quarter.Shares fell 0.4 percent to $49.43.

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"It's been like Christmas in your (television advertising) market," said Managing Editor Kathy Kiely of the Sunlight Foundation, which tracks soft political money. By the time next November's election rolls around, "these stations are going to be rolling in it."

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The policy shift was intended to help the agency "discover and track" connections between intelligence targets overseas and people in the United States, according to an NSA memorandum from January 2011, the Times said.

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While most of us carry more modest amounts on public transport, a cheque for the aforementioned astronomical sum was found at the Diego de Leon station. It was in a leather wallet, wedged into the frame of a carriage door which wouldn’t close properly.


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The FTSE 100 has risen by roughly 9 percent since the startof 2013, but has edged lower over the last two weeks due todisagreements over the U.S. budget that last week prompted apartial shutdown of the government in the United States.

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Japan's third-biggest automaker Honda, which on Wednesday posted a quarterly operating profit growth of 5.1 percent year-on-year to 185.0 billion yen for April-June, said the recent weakening of the yen had helped boost profits from a year ago.

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The nursing home training, which emphasizes a team approach and shared responsibility for care, is a spinoff of a similar program that has been widely used in hospitals, in Connecticut and nationally. Preliminary data from evaluations of the hospital program shows that the training can lead to a reduction in errors such as adverse drug reactions, which dropped from a rate of 30 to 18 per 1,000 patient days in some hospitals studied.

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It’s a subject Bell has been wanting to dig into for a while. “I’m in a constant state of doing voices and mimicry,” says the 34-year-old fast-thinking, fast-talking force of nature, born and raised on the upper East Side. “When I was in college in London, I carried a tape recorder to collect and learn accents.

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NEW YORK, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Wall Street was little changedon Friday, as investors waited to see if speeches by severalU.S. Federal Reserve officials would shed light on the Fed'ssurprise decision to maintain stimulus for now and how muchlonger the program was likely to continue.


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The Wellness Community and Gilda's Club Worldwide joined forces in 2009 to create CSC, and the organization's mission is now "to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action and sustained by community." In 2012, CSC provided more than $40 million in services, such as support groups, educational workshops, exercise programs and social activities, to patients and their families.

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Trading activity grew in the second quarter but is below thefirm's early 2013 forecast and will probably be $100 millionshort of those expectations. Trading revenue has plummeted fromabout 60 percent of Schwab's total revenue 15 years ago to 17percent in the just-ended quarter. In several years, it shouldbe down to 10 percent, Bettinger said.

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The free Stay In School Concert will be held on Aug. 30, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Talented youngsters will take part by playing steelpan, performing hip hop and soca, displaying fashions and demonstrating martial arts.


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President Satoru Iwata took the helm of U.S. operations todrive sales growth at the creator of Mario and Zelda before newversions of rival consoles arrive for the holiday shoppingseason. Yet combined sales for Nintendo’s hardware totaled 1.8million units in the quarter ending in June, compared with 3.1million a year earlier, as more customers migrated to mobiledevices for playing online games.

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If the NHL kept a stat for ‘hurries’ of defensemen, like the NFL does for quarterback pressures, Nash’s line with left wing Richards and center Derek Stepan easily would have hit double digits. Nash, 29, also came within inches of scoring a goal and adding a third assist.

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The group urged Egyptians "to go out into the streets and squares, to regain their freedom and dignity – that are being usurped by the bloody coup – and for the rights of the martyrs assassinated by its bullets".

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The group, which sued in partnership with another abortion provider called Affiliated Medical Services, contends the law would create such hurdles for doctors that abortion in Wisconsin would only be available in the large cities of Madison and Milwaukee.


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July 24 (Reuters) - Nasdaq OMX Group reported a 5.4percent decline in quarterly profit on Wednesday, mainly due tocosts from two recently completed acquisitions, but thetransatlantic exchange operator said one of the deals hasalready begun adding to earnings.

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The broader market's activity was muted. The day's economicdata sent mixed signals, with growth in New York statemanufacturing for July accelerating, while June retail salesfell short of expectations and May business inventories barelyincreased.

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Etihad is due to receive the first of 10 A380s in thefourth quarter of next year, joining Emirates of Dubai, thebiggest A380 customer, and Qatar Airways Ltd., which gets itsfirst plane in March. The airline also is expanding its serviceactivities including maintenance of planes and training.

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An anchor for KTVU-TV read the names on the air Friday and then apologized after a break. The report was accompanied by a graphic with the phony names listed alongside a photo of the burned out plane. Video of the report has spread widely across the Internet since it was broadcast.


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In addition, at least two military appellate courts will automatically review the case to determine whether the sentence was appropriate. Eugene Fidell, an expert in military justice at Yale University, said he expects Hasan will be assigned lawyers to argue his appeal regardless of whether he wishes to challenge the sentence.

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Islamic fund managers see potential, however, in countries such as Turkey, where a 2001 private pension law has been energized by government reforms introduced this year. The number of contributors to private pensions has reached 3.8 million, up from 3.1 million in December, after the Turkish state began making a 25 percent contribution to private pension premium payments and fund management charges were cut.

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Authorities say Lackey was seeking money when he killed 80-year-old Charles Newman at his Limestone County home. Court records show Newman made an emergency call to police the night of his death and could be heard saying, `'Leave me alone" and "What do you want?"


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“We’re certainly not satisfied where we are,” Terry Collins said. “But I am very proud of how they played the last month. One of the guys that is not on our team said to me the other day, a lot of teams could have cashed it in. Your team hasn’t done that.

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“’True Blood’ remains a signature show for HBO, and a true phenomenon with our viewers," said HBO programming president Michael Lombardo in a statement. “Thanks to (new show-runner) Brian Buckner and his talented team, the show continues to be a thrill ride like nothing else on TV.”

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Meanwhile Saturday, hundreds gathered in the capital Tripoli after dawn prayers, denouncing the Friday shooting death of Abdul-Salam Al-Musmari. They set fire to tires in the street and demanded the dissolution of Islamist parties.


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* Ellen Saracini, widow of a United Airlines pilot who diedon September 11, 2001, wants airlines to have to install asecond security door to the cockpit, but the airline industrysays that isn't necessary. ()

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That may soon change. As the U.S. natural gas drilling boom pushes output to record highs and promises sustained lower prices, General Electric Co, Whirlpool Corp, Eaton Corp and others are developing more affordable home refueling systems. For about a tenth of the price of current models, plus installation, they aim to sell the new units to the millions of homes across America already hooked up to natural gas supplies.

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High among the issues in the talks, which the sources described as ongoing, is the apparent lack of succession planning at the top of the company. Steve Ballmer has held the chief executive job since 2000 and shows no signs of relinquishing it.

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The dramatic upswing has another likely factor. Iceland suffered a massive setback in April 2010 with the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano, disrupting air traffic around the world for weeks. After that event, there would almost have to have been a big uptick in travel.

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"If you are going to delay your offering because of marketvolatility, or because of the government shutdown or potentialdebt ceiling breach, you have to start thinking about theavailability of third-quarter numbers," said Michael Zeidel,partner in corporate finance at Skadden, Arps, Slate Meagher &Flom LLP.


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And while Steven Spielberg had provided the main toast and Van Morrison the music for the wedding at Lucas’ Skywalker Ranch in Marin, California, the week before, the private Chicago affair arguably blew that away — with Prince and a knockout 19-member band.

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NASA's Chandra x-ray observatory picked up something odd and powerful in a galaxy far, far away: an event almost like a sonic boom that triggered an enormous release of superheated gas. NASA thinks the boom was caused by something we've never seen before: the collision of a dwarf galaxy with a much larger spiral galaxy. (Note: there's no sound in space, this collision did not actually make a "KABOOM" noise, we know, we know.)


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"We're sending U.S. military aid to, in essence, a military-run government ... one that just backslid from democracy in a military coup," said Malou Innocent, a foreign policy expert at the Cato Institute. 

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CVS expects adjusted earnings of $3.90 to $3.96 per sharethis year, with a profit of $1 to $1.03 in the current thirdquarter. Analysts look for full-year profit of $3.98, and 97cents per share this quarter.

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"The profile of the patients who are not adequately protected are typically men with high blood pressure, overweight and with a high alcohol intake. This group, who are at high risk of recurrent heart attack, are not getting the benefit of a cheap and generally effective therapy," explained lead researcher, Prof Dermot Kenny, of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

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* MICHAEL PAGE - The recruitment consultancy expects full yearoperating profit to be around 68 million pounds after a robust third quarterperfomance, although it expects the fourth quarter to be a challenging one.

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But US officials have said that any strikes on Syria would be limited, aimed at sending a message to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable.


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Detroit workers, retirees and pension funds have already tried to derail the bankruptcy petition in state court on Michigan constitutional grounds. But Rhodes suspended their lawsuits at the first hearing in the case on July 24, putting his court in full control of the case.

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The "Carpenter 1" fire, named after the canyon where it started, has been called the nation's top-priority wildfire by federal officials because of the threat to residents, the rocky, mountainous terrain that makes firefighting efforts more difficult and the amount of resources that are now available after other fires in the region were contained.

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Police allege that when they raided a house Mr Grant was staying in in 2011, they found ingredients needed to make a bomb - hydrogen peroxide and ammonium nitrate, as well as batteries and electrical switches.


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Tourre's lawyers, Pamela Chepiga and Sean Coffey, said in a statement: "Fabrice Tourre has done nothing wrong. He is confident that when all the evidence is considered, the jury will soundly reject the SEC's charges."

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"We're not spending our time trolling the M&A market in theUnited States," he said in the transcript of an Oct. 17 investorpresentation posted on the bank's website on Monday, adding: "wedon't need a deal."

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A spokesman for Tata Steel, which had a net debt of 613billion rupees ($9.91 billion) at the end of June, did notimmediately respond to a request for comment. ($1=61.8450 Indian rupees) (Reporting by Sumeet Chatterjee and Archana Narayanan inMumbai; Editing by Greg Mahlich)

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Maxcom said in the court filing late on Tuesday that alongwith certain bondholders and holders of equity interests, thecompany would pursue the same recapitalization plan through thebankruptcy process.


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Mark and Christa John of Sweet, Idaho, were out horseback riding with another rancher and his wife last Wednesday when they ran into Anderson and DiMaggio. They would later recognize the girl on television as the subject of an Amber Alert.

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“She can’t stand her because Jessica has a blog, too, and they’re kind of opposite,” our source says. “Gwyneth was saying that Alba’s a hypocrite because she’s rich but blogs for poor people, whereas Gwyneth is blogging about the things she loves, no matter what they cost.”

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Letta was speaking a day after Silvio Berlusconi said in avideo address that he would not topple the government. But theformer premier's tone made clear that the ruling right-leftcoalition remains on shaky ground and prone to relentlessbickering, even as Italy needs urgent economic reforms.

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Under rules for the BR-262 concession, DNIT would widenabout half of the 375 kilometers in roads under concession, aclause the government added to cut costs for the winner. But thelatter may be fined if the expansion is not finished in fiveyears, even if DNIT was responsible for the delay.


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The GOP plan "advances a narrow ideological agenda that threatens our economy and the interests of the middle class," an OMB statement said. "The Resolution would defund the Affordable Care Act, denying millions of hard-working middle class families the security of affordable health coverage."

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In the disease's sporadic form, it crops up spontaneously without a known cause. There is no known treatment or cure for the fatal condition, which has symptoms including failing memory to personality changes, blindness and sudden jerky movements, the health department said.

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It will also take some of the heat off the administration ofPresident Juan Manuel Santos after a run of labor disputes inthe last few months including strikes by artisanal miners, stateschool teachers, and one by farmers nationwide that turnedviolent.

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LONDON, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Fund managers are trading moreassets on private exchanges known as dark pools, a growing trendthat clashes with regulators' mission to improve financialmarket transparency.


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Singer Kelly Clarkson (R) and Brandon Blackstock arrive at the second presidential inauguration of U.S. President Barack Obama on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington in this January 21, 2013 file photo.

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After the deputies spotted the boy Tuesday, they called for backup and repeatedly ordered him to drop the gun, sheriff’s Lt. Dennis O’Leary said in a news release. His back was turned toward the deputies, and they did not realize at the time that he was a boy.

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The message also followed an announcement by Yemeni authorities that they had discovered an al-Qaida plot to target foreign embassies in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and international shipping in the Red Sea.


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"What I'm hearing from my constituents at home is if this isthe only way to stop the runaway train called the federalgovernment, then we're willing to try it," said Texas SenatorJohn Cornyn, the second-ranking Republican in the Senate.

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(L-R) British journalist David Frost; Viscount Linley and interviewer Michael Parkinson sit on Centre Court for the semi-final match between Tommy Haas of Germany and Roger Federer of Switzerland at the Wimbledon tennis championships in London, July 3, 2009.

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Funding for many U.S. government operations runs out nextweek with the start of the new fiscal year on Oct. 1, and unlessCongress reaches a deal to pay for its activities, much of thegovernment will be forced to shut down. Only certain activitiespermitted under law are allowed to continue, officials said.

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“Cory Booker has dedicated his life to the work of building hope and opportunity in communities where too little of either existed,” Obama said in a statement. “Whether as a college student working in East Palo Alto or as mayor of New Jersey’s largest city, Cory has time and again taken on tough challenges, fought for the middle class and those working to join it, and forged coalitions that create progress – and that’s the spirit he’ll carry with him to Washington.”


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Speaking about the health secretary's comments, she said: "I'm sure Mr Hunt regrets saying that emergency doctors know their patients better than their GPs because there's blatantly no evidence for that."

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The Arnie film is Sabotage, a thriller set for release next year from gritty policier specialist David Ayer (Training Day, End of Watch), in which Williams plays a take-no-prisoners investigator pitted against a corrupt team of DEA operatives. “The movie is at the unreadable stage of ADR and reshoots,” she says, “but the original material was too good an opportunity to miss. Not many women have had the opportunity to tell the Terminator to put his f------ gun down.”

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“We hope to provide this plan in the near future, and we will be ready to modify it and work it out with the participation of the UN General Secretary, members of the UN Security Council, and the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,” he told reporters, according to the RIA Novosti state news agency.


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The 24-year-old product of Southern California, who had his family in the ballpark for his debut, has time to impress the Mets. While he was called up for the three-day paternity leave, there is a strong possibility he will stay beyond that.

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"It was somewhat surprising that all of them on the list ortheir families contacted us," he told Reuters. "I thought wemight (find) one or two. It's a relief to get them (all) off themissing list." (Reporting by Keith Coffman; Writing and additional reportingby Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Gunna Dickson)

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Apple’s previous model iPhone hardly lacks any of the features of the latest version. It has one row fewer on its home screen, meaning you can’t fit quite the same number of icons on in one go, but in terms of whether you can use the voice assistant Siri or whether you can run all the same apps, the 4S is practically as good as the 5. And it has the crucial advantage of being substantially cheaper. It may not quite have the slimline appeal or the light feel of the 5, but in the face of decent savings, Apple fans may struggle to resist this old classic, even with its small screen.

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Khalid Jarar, leader of the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine voiced her opposition. “The demonstrators wanted to send a political message that they oppose the talks. The continued suppression of the right to self-expression and the right to demonstrate is completely unacceptable and will ultimately not stop the voices that are against the talks,” she said.


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The Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), which represents home loan providers, welcomed the information provided by the chancellor about how the second stage of Help to Buy would work, but said more detail was still needed about withdrawing the scheme.

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The country's chamber of mines said it was still in talkswith the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union(AMCU) and the Solidarity union, but NUM matters the most as itrepresents about 64 percent of the roughly 140,000 gold minersin the country.

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The idea is that as investors are able to see the fluctuations in a fund's value, they would either grow more tolerant of the changes or leave the funds - either way lowering the risk of destabilizing runs.


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Throughout his life he retained a strong cockney accent, and in later life had an interest in a pub, The Ship and Bladebone, in Wapping. Ruskin, who revered Turner as an artist, disapproved of the way he “wallowed” there at weekends and destroyed some drawing apparently done there of “of sailors’ women… in every posture of abandonment”. It puzzled his contemporaries that Turner was so unlike the prevailing notion of a genius. The French master Delacroix thought he had “the look of an English farmer”. More often people felt he had the appearance of a sailor – captain of a Thames riverboat perhaps – an impression to which his bow-legs and penetrating gaze contributed.

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The bank, which has hitched much of its hopes for growth to emerging markets, reported a profit of $4.18 billion, or $1.34 a share, compared with $2.94 billion, or $1 a share, in the period a year earlier. Citigroup, the nation’s third-largest bank by assets, reported revenue of $20.5 billion, up 12 percent from the period a year earlier.

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“It turns out I didn’t even have to look that closely, because the mayorsagainstillegalguns.org domain is registered to the city of New York,” Ekdahl wrote. More specifically, its domain is registered to the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications.

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Herman's comments drew a harsh rebuke from the Air Line Pilots Association International, the largest pilots union, which said the release of the flight recorder information "encourages wild speculation" when the investigation is still in an early stage.

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Sun's analysis included 66,105 women from the Nurses' Health Study, another 85,104 from the Nurses' Health Study II, and 36,173 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Every 4 years, questionnaires collected data on how often they ate various foods and on their diabetes status, among other measures.


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India has managed to decrease its number of child deaths from 3 million in 1990 to 1.7 million in 2011, an annual reduction rate of almost 3 percent. But even at this rate, India is not on course to meet Millennium Development Goal 4, which aims to reduce child deaths by two-thirds from 1990 levels. Further, the numbers hide major inequities among the urban and rural populations and the fact that most of these deaths are concentrated in the lowest economic quintiles.

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"Every item you're able to purchase is an investment in our future," said Linda Thompson, the city's new mayor, who is a vocal opponent of Reed's museum project. "These artefacts had been in the city's archives for a very long time. Here we are at that important moment to see what Harrisburg's history looks like and the opportunities ahead."

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But Tresco – a private estate owned by the Dorien Smith family, who also own Hell Bay Hotel on Bryher – was impressive for all its minute 2½-by-1 mile dimensions. The local beef cattle, which graze placidly on fields overlooking the tiny harbour, get top prices at market, though with no abattoir on the islands they have to be shipped to the mainland for slaughter, then returned to be sold at the island’s restaurants, and eaten (possibly with a bottle of fine claret, sold at bargain prices from the Dorien Smith cellars).

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Rolf Heuer, director general at Cern, also congratulated Professors Higgs and Englert. He said: “The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN last year, which validates the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, marks the culmination of decades of intellectual effort by many people around the world.”

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Instead of suggestive T-shirts, priapic satyrs and other items of mass-produced “Greek art” trash, Korissia’s shops sell useful things – colourful sarongs, masks and snorkels, furniture for the villa. Salads are not generically “Greek” but made specific by a wild herb or local cheese. Keans drink less ouzo than the more refined Tsipouro, distilled from local grape skins, and the word retsina is an insult to the island’s palate, and its vineyards. “You will have to go to the supermarket for that,” says the waiter, recoiling slightly.


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"Assuming everyone will stop trading in the dark andautomatically go to trading on lit exchanges is just fantasy,"said Rebecca Healey, senior analyst at consultant TABB Group,adding that much of that trade had never been on-exchange.

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It's some consolation for Kutcher given that his latest movie failed at the box office. He starred as Steve Jobs in a biopic, “Jobs,” about the Apple founder's life but Forbes said it made only about $16 million — way less than he made in one year on a TV sitcom.

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It is the fastest-moving of 50 large wildfires hitting the American West, mobilising thousands of firefighters and straining resources to the extent that talks have begun with the Pentagon and Canadian authorities to obtain reinforcements.


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The major secondary endpoint of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure, unstable angina or coronary revascularization was also balanced and occurred in 12.8% of the saxagliptin group and 12.4% of the placebo group (HR 1.02; P=0.66).

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Chris Rogers has to cure his tendency to look guilty when England appeal for lbw: he looks at the umpire, which invites him to raise his finger, then jumps back into position as if the rabbit-proof fence in Western Australia was designed to keep him out. But his first-class record suggests he can bat all day, like Root on Saturday or the matured Bell, and if he can do so Australia will become a competitive side.

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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Prior to her job at GenSpring, Bickford was a global partner at Rothschild Group, concentrating on cross-border new business origination and was head of the debt capital markets for Rothschild Inc. She previously ran an investment banking firm, Bickford & Partners Inc, which she merged into Rothschild Inc in 1994.

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You don’t have to look too far in the NFL rearview mirror to understand what Holmes, a former Super Bowl MVP with plenty of big catches in his eight-year career, can mean for his rookie quarterback. Last season, the Colts’ Andrew Luck leaned heavily on veteran wideout Reggie Wayne to help him navigate through his rookie campaign.


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Siemens and its financial adviser on the sale, Goldman SachsGroup Inc, declined to comment. Platinum and Golden Gatedeclined to comment, while a spokesman for Centerbridge did notrespond to a request for comment.

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While audits have found many fewer problems with public investments than most expected over the last few years, much has been accomplished. Major efforts to measure and act on student achievement results are now in place in most states. Medical records are being systematically computerized. Domestic fossil fuels and renewable energy sources are meeting more and more of our energy needs. New financial protections are in place for consumers even as the capital reserves required of financial institutions have been substantially increased and student lending has been streamlined. These steps illustrate the kinds of progress that a second Obama administration would strive towards.

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Clapper also warned that financial problems felt by the civilian workforce as a result of furloughs could be a security problem. "This is a dreamland for foreign intelligence services to recruit," he said, adding that his office has set up financial counseling services for employees.


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AMC, owned by AMC Networks Inc., split the final season of"Breaking Bad" in two, the first half airing in 2012 and thesecond in 2013. The second half of the final season, which beganin August, saw an average of 5.2 million viewers tuning in tosee the conclusion of Walt's saga, more than double last year'saudience for the show, according to AMC.

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The former "That '70s Show" actress died at the age of 43 on Aug. 14, 2013. According to TMZ, Kelly died in her sleep at a rehab facility in California.

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WASHINGTON, Oct 8 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obamawill nominate Fed number two Janet Yellen on Wednesday to runthe world's most influential central bank, providing some reliefto markets that would expect her to tread carefully in windingdown economic stimulus.

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Several countries, like Italy, France and Netherlands, have followed suit and adopted board gender quotas. In 2012, the European Commission proposed a new directive mandating that boards of large publicly traded firms should have at least 40 percent of each gender.


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SAN FRANCISCO - Minerva Schools of KGI doesn't yet have accreditation, a campus or even a full faculty roster, but it is offering something even Harvard can't - four years of free tuition for its first matriculating class.

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Entergy operates a 15,400-mile transmission network servingparts of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas that is thesubject of an ongoing civil investigation by the U.S. Departmentof Justice into Entergy's competitive practices.

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Snowden is believed to be stuck in the transit area of Moscow's main international airport, where he arrived from Hong Kong on June 23. He's had offers of asylum from Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, but because his U.S. passport has been revoked, the logistics of reaching whichever country he chooses are complicated.

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The new group will have to get antitrust clearance from authorities in around 45 countries. "We've looked at the antitrust issues very carefully and are not expecting anything that would prevent us from going forward," said Wren.

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The Absolutely Fabulous star received the all-clear in 2010 but said she was attacked by some former sufferers for suggesting she was "free" from the disease after she revealed her regrown hair at a party.


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New Jersey is the only other state with a gubernatorial election in November. Incumbent Republican Chris Christie, seen as a likely presidential candidate in 2016, leads Democratic state Senator Barbara Buono by 20 points, according to a Rutgers-Eagleton poll released on Monday.

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"This improved housing outlook should benefit Lloyds in anumber of ways: enhancing prospects for UK mortgage volumes,keeping low loan loss provisions from UK mortgages andpotentially giving some relief on capital as the risk content inthe mortgage books falls," Morgan Stanley analysts write. (Editing by John Stonestreet)

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The series has attracted guest voice stars spanning the full spectrum of popular culture, from late actress Elizabeth Taylor, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, physicist Stephen Hawking and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.


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The story struck a nerve when Nodaway County prosecutor Robert Rice dropped felony charges against the alleged assailant and a second 17-year-old who recorded the incident on his cellphone. Rice has said the family stopped cooperating, which the family denies, and that there was not enough evidence to move forward with the case.

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The European Commission has 25 working days after a deal is filed for a first-stage review. It may extend that by 10 workingdays to 35 working days, to consider either a company's proposedremedies or an EU member state's request to handle the case.

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That means China's preferred share scheme will remainedconfined to new issues only, analysts say; the scheme will limitfresh fundraising via common share issuance but will not impactstate dominance.

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But he added: "The talk of these first days and theexchanges of a couple of gains and phone call do not indicatecloseness," said Kerry. "They indicate an opportunity, theyindicate an opening of a door to some discussion," he added.


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In order to avoid cross-contamination, your kitchen should have at least two cutting boards – one for raw meat and poultry, and the other for ready-to-eat foods like fruits and veggies. Whether you choose wooden or plastic, once a cutting board is worn with too many cracks, it's time to replace it.

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A Ground-based Midcourse Defense interceptor launched Friday from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California failed to strike a test Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launched from Kwajalein Atoll, in the Marshall Islands.

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Grant said more than three-quarters of candidates who tookVP of engineering roles at his client companies over the lasttwo years drew total cash compensation in excess of $250,000.Many also received equity grants totaling 1 to 2 percent of thecompany, the recruiter added.

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"We are thinking of getting patients to perform rituals before a surgery and then measuring their pain postoperatively and how fast they heal," study author Kathleen Vohs, a psychological scientist at the University of Minnesota, said in a journal news release.


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The walls of Atef’s office sketch Egypt’s dysfunctional transition to democracy. His front room is lined with photographs of himself, bright-eyed and ecstatic, protesting Mubarak’s regime. He’s added more recent pictures of himself protesting new President Mohamed Morsi’s rule in the same square, in almost the same outfit, but his face is now rinsed with jaded exhaustion, his eyes dimmer.

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Nearly six in 10 Americans said they were very concerned or somewhat concerned about losing privacy because of federal efforts to fight terrorism. But 46 percent said the government had found the right balance between privacy and security, while 36 percent said the government had gone too far.

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While in my non-lawyer estimation the company unquestionably is engaging in re-transmission — and as we saw with the CBS/Time Warner Cable war, there’s millions, and even billions of dollars at stake when it comes to that sort of thing — that battle will be decided by judges and juries, and of course, by the arguably even greater power of  lobbyists and regulators. The cable industry and broadcasters are surely watching and waiting to find out if there are loopholes there that can threaten their bottom lines.

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Among its most wanted is Alois Brunner, a key operative of Adolf Eichmann, who was last seen in Syria in 2001, and Aribert Heim, a doctor at three concentration camps, who disappeared in 1962 and was last seen in Egypt in 1992.


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Jackson, at best, "is an accidental victim of the alleged racial discrimination," Moore said in his ruling. "There are no allegations that defendant Hiers's racially offensive comments were either directed toward plaintiff or made with the intent to harass her."

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On Sunday, a solemn procession of 19 white hearses escorted by police on motorcycles brought the remains of the fire crew home to the Prescott area from Phoenix, where autopsies were performed. But the caskets will not be present for Tuesday's service.

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Oakland Athletics' Josh Donaldson is congratulated in the dugout after scoring on a Brandon Moss double against the Detroit Tigers in the fourth inning of a baseball game in Detroit, Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

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“We’ve been very, very clear that we will not allow inflation to rise above 2 percent. We could raise interest rates in 15 minutes if we have to. So, there really is no problem with raising rates, tightening monetary policy, slowing the economy, reducing inflation, at the appropriate time.”

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Singer Randy Travis arrives at the 45th annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada in this April 18, 2010 file photo. y to relieve pressure on his brain. He is in critical condition, according to a family spokesman.


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Jeter controls an $8 million player option for 2014, which he almost certainly will exercise. But after the 39-year-old veteran broke down time and again (four DL stints), the true question is whether the Yankees will bring in someone to capable of playing shortstop regularly in case it happens again.

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Stiller's Mitty is a Life magazine employee, handling the film negatives of Life's photo archive and embarking on a fantastical journey to find a missing photograph that would go in the final issue before the publication moves online.

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Those trades came just before Onyx on June 30 revealed thatit had rejected as inadequate the unsolicited Amgen bid, whichoffered a 38.2 percent premium over its most recent closingprice, and would put itself up for sale.

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In May 2011, al-Wahishi posted a eulogy for the slain al-Qaida leader on Islamic extremist websites in which he warned Americans "the matter will not be over" with bin Laden's death and that "what is coming is greater and worse." He said "jihad is glowing brighter" now than during bin Laden's life.

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INTL FCStone, a mid-sized broker headquartered in New York, announced in mid-May it was seeking a controlling stake in Singapore-based Cleartrade Exchange in its first major push into Asia. But expanded Dodd-Frank financial regulations in the United States have scuttled the deal, company officials said.


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 "Oil prices were within an arms reach of dropping under $100 a barrel last week, but haven't yet crossed that line just yet," said GasBuddy.com Senior Petroleum Analyst Patrick DeHaan. "Meanwhile, gasoline prices have slowed their descent, with the national average moving just slightly lower over the last seven days. The cities that had seen average gasoline prices under $3 a gallon have dried up, yet eighteen states still have at least one station selling gasoline under that level."

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Funds that hold high-yield "junk" bonds gained $384 million in new cash in the week ended July 3, recovering from record outflows of $6.8 billion the prior week. Emerging market bond funds, meanwhile, suffered outflows of $956 million over the week, an improvement from record-high outflows of $5.6 billion the prior week.

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Iris Bergeron, an employee of Purr-Fect Pets in Milford, Conn. holds a bunny that has two noses. It's no April Fools joke. The baby bunny really does have two noses. A Connecticut pet shop worker found the bizarre bunny in a delivery of 6-week-old dwarf rabbits that arrived at the Milford store last week. Both noses have two nostrils.

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Certain diseases appear during adolescence, around the same time as the HPV and other vaccines are given. Some parents may worry that the two are linked. However, Weinbaum said they have been unable to find any links. "We've been doing a systematic review of medical records in managed care systems for any adverse events that occur after vaccination with the HPV vaccine and we haven't seen anything other than fainting."


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Architectural artist Alex Schweder created the 5-foot-by-7-foot room atop a van for the Biennial of the Americas arts, culture and idea festival in Denver. It has a chemical toilet, shower, sink, inflatable bed and living room. Schweder spent two nights in it, at two downtown Denver parking lots.

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The 3D "Battle of the Year" cost $20 million to make. The film stars "Lost" TV show actor Josh Holloway as the coach of a team competing in an international breakdancing competition. R&B singer Chris Brown plays one of the dancers.

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As it seeks to turn around its fortunes, HTC has launchedcheaper phones in China, and brought out a smaller, cheaperversion of its flagship phone, the One Mini. Itis trying to revive its U.S. business by working more closelywith operators and forming a new operations team.

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"Take someone by the hand on Sunday and tell them 'let's vote and do something good for Germany, we live in a wonderful country'," she said in the reassuring tone that earns her the nickname "Mutti" (mummy), printed on banners next to a heart.

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The pattern of changes of several other brain chemicals also differed between the groups, and between both groups and children with typical development, in a study that combined longitudinal and cross-sectional features, the investigators reported.


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The range of foods and eateries is vast. The best “at a glance” book for the what’s and how’s plus dos and don’ts is Squeamish about Sushi by Betty Reynolds (published by Tuttle) – an illustrated guide to the pleasures and pitfalls of dining in Japan.

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“All this is about money,” one source said. “This shows the selfishness of this guy that he would go to arbitration and force himself back in the clubhouse and subject the team to a season-long media circus.”

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"It's tough to capsule a season but it was exciting," Colletti told reporters after his team was thumped 9-0 by St. Louis to lose the best-of-seven series 4-2. "Sports are supposed to be entertaining. This group was very entertaining in a lot of ways.

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NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has also voicedconcern about Turkey buying a system that is not compatible withthose of other members, potentially undermining a core principleof the 28-nation alliance.

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Hermann Groehe, general secretary of Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, said: “This election gives us tailwind for the national election.” The liberal Free Democrats, who are in coalition with Mrs Merkel’s party nationally, won only 3.3 per cent of the vote in Bavaria, losing more than half their support and all their seats in the parliament in Munich. In national polls the Free Democrats hover around the 5pc threshold needed to keep their seats in the Bundestag.


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Analysts were also scanning for clues over who will snatch the role of Glencore Xstrata's first permanent chairman. Tony Hayward, who was in charge of BP at the time of the Gulf of Mexico disaster three years ago, currently holds the role on an interim basis. Mr Glasenberg surprisingly conceded that Mr Hayward was "of course" a candidate to take the role on a permanent basis.

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Senior management of these banking corporations either were directly involved with marketing these faulty securities or did nothing to stop underlings who were committing securities fraud. Those responsible for what happened need to be put on trial for fraud and if found guilty, they should be given the maximum sentence. I can’t believe that the world economy was almost destroyed and that no one has yet spent a day in prison for the crimes committed. Instead of punishment, many of these criminals were given large bonuses because they far exceeded their quotas by selling worthless securities.

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If her parents succeed in selling their Catskills property and Shamrakova ends up turning a profit with her fund-raising site, she will invest the additional cash in a company that puts women to work in Africa, she vowed.

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Initial claims for state unemployment benefits fell 15,000 to a seasonally adjusted 358,000, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Economists polled by Reuters had expected first-time applications to fall to 335,000 last week.


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Mr Lopez has been cast as a foot soldier in an army of grassroots politicians the FN is training up to win posts in councils or become mayors and MPs. The party has set it sights on taking 50 town halls in March.

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Kate Gordon, chair of the trust which runs the QEH, said: “We are obviously very concerned by the findings of the CQC inspection. The trust has welcomed the CQC and its partner agencies views and is fully engaged in addressing the concerns raised.

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Mason Crosby is competing for a job on our football team, like everybody else, and he definitely didn’t take a step in the right direction with his performance. That's what the Family Night scrimmage is for. It will be evaluated. He's definitely has to do better than that. That's not going to cut it.


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Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, will hand out about 20,000 royal-blue pens at a union meeting Tuesday. And each one will have a message about the Community Safety Act, which — if passed — would increase oversight of the NYPD by establishing an inspector general and by expanding the definition of profiling, making it easier to sue the police.

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Wilds, who is best known for his roles on "The Wire" and "90210," turned up the crowd at the Best Buy Theater by giving them a taste of many new songs from his upcoming album, "New York: A Love Story." His debut album, produced by Salaam Remi, is set to drop on Sept. 30.

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Officials with Rice Bull Riding Co., who organized the rodeo, did not immediately comment. But the newspaper spoke to a woman who claimed a bull escaped days before from an event put on by the same company.


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Drilling of the Ekales-1 well, located within Kenya'sLokichar basin, started on Monday. Its planned depth is 2,500metres and it would take approximately two months to drill andevaluate its content, Africa Oil said.

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Spanish banks also face a struggle with the stricter BaselIII rules to be phased in next year, which could wipe out largeparts of their capital made up of deferred tax assets - assetsderiving from losses that can be offset against future tax bills- unless Spain's government converts some of these into taxcredits that would still count.

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For 100 rupees, or under $2, a consumer can buy 180 ml of 40 percent local whisky, which works out to about 1.3 rupees per ml of alcohol, said Samar Singh Shekhawat, senior vice president of marketing at United Breweries. The same amount will buy a 650 ml bottle of strong beer, but because of the lower alcohol levels, consumers pay over twice as much per ml.


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Speaking to Huffington Post, Schlegel offers her tentative thoughts on why human beings appear to demonstrate advanced imaginative processes, unlike many other animals. One possibility is that humans have superior capacity to use the mental workspace. On the other hand, it is also plausible that stronger neural connections exist between parts of the brain, involved in the mental workspace, relative to other animals.

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Uamsho wants Zanzibar to split from the Tanzanian mainland, which it blames for bringing alcohol and Western ways to the islands. Sheikh Pondo visited imprisoned Uamsho members in jail while he was in Zanzibar, the officer confirmed.

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Mind you, Singer’s Caymans-based NML (an offshore bank where billions of tax evasion and drug dollars go) already netted $1.3 billion from TARP. And now he wants another $1.4 billion – on a 48 million-dollar gamble? He could have accepted Argentina’s offer, which would give him a 400% return – but he won’t collect anything now.

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Sims, a Philadelphia Democrat, issued the typical statement of support in a press release. He praised Kane's decision as, "a step in the right direction to address the legal inequalities impacting LGBT Pennsylvanians."

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“Dick and his wife are shareholders, and his business, Matrix Advisors, has done work for us,” confirms Janet Lorenz, a spokeswoman and the wife of GlyEco President John Lorenz. She wasn’t sure how Fuld had come to be involved but praised his connections. “The man obviously has vast experience in the business community and really a lot of insight in developing companies into large international entities. That’s really what his role has been with us.”


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During a police interview, Madison mentioned the name of Sowell, a Cleveland serial killer, according to East Cleveland Mayor Gary Norton. Sowell was convicted of murdering 11 women and dumping their bodies in garbage bags in and around his home in 2009.

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The Yankees, whose 2013 payroll soared over $220 million, the highest total ever, could have anywhere from $50 million to $100 million coming off the books, depending on whether Granderson and Hiroki Kuroda re-sign and whether Alex Rodriguez misses all of next year due to suspension, so they’ll have some financial flexibility.

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The Yankees made their first visit to Fenway Park this season for the first game after the break, and Robinson Cano played three days after being hit on the knee by a pitch in the All-Star game. But the lineup barely resembled the team New Yorkers thought would be wearing pinstripes at this point in the season.


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Marco Bentivogli, national secretary of the Fim Cisl union, said the industry ministry informed unions on Friday about agovernment plan to create a holding company for minority stakesin the three Ansaldos, which together employ 7,000 people inItaly.

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They said last week's Fed decision would keep the dollarweak for one quarter before its longer-term uptrend resumed andrevised up their one- and three-month forecasts for euro/dollarto $1.37 and $1.35, from $1.30 and $1.28 previously.

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"It's getting worse every day," Gaza City taxi driver Khaled Jaradeh said of the shortage of cheap Egyptian fuel caused by the closure. Jaradeh was waiting in a slow-moving line outside a gas station, with about 30 cars in front of him.

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MSCI's world equity index was flat on theday though still near a five-year high. It was last up 0.03percent at 376.15, held back partly due to weakness in Asianshares on concerns over China's outlook.


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Reports coming from various Atlantic coastal states are indicating a lessening of young schoolie-size bass, a possible overfishing situation. Changes in state regulations resulting from a recently completed striped bass population assessment by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission probably won’t be announced until October. Until those reports come out, regs for New York party boats are two stripers measuring at least 28 inches. For fishing off private boats, regs allow only one fish per day at 28 inches, plus a bonus striped bass, over 40 inches. New Jersey and Connecticut regs are the same: two fish daily at 28 inches or more.

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Single-family offices managed about $1.2 trillion globallyas of September 2011, while multi-family funds, which manageassets for several families, had assets of $777 billion inDecember 2012, a study by Boston-based Cerulli Associatesshowed.

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The Super Bowl goal is about all these organizations have in common. The Jets’ quarterback gets caught pulling his pants down while dancing with a couple of women in an apartment on a video that quickly went viral. The Giants’ quarterback is a family man whose wife recently had their second daughter. The Jets’ coach goes running with the bulls. There is no bull about the Giants’ coach.

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Cairo (AP) — Supporters of Egypt's ousted Islamist president held scattered protests across the country on Friday, calling off a planned rally at Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square almost a week after bloody clashes left nearly 60 dead.

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As the crisis has evolved in Europe so also have thebailouts. At the beginning, taxpayers were the first to be hitto protect junior bondholders, senior bondholders and mostsacrosanct of all; depositors.


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A shadowy Whitehall committee codenamed “MISC 57”, formed to plan for the closure of “uneconomic” pits and the national miners’ strike expected to follow, recommended that the use of troops should not be ruled out.

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In the most recent attacks, five security officers were injured in an explosion in August in the village of Dair, north of Manama. In July, one policeman was killed when a homemade bomb exploded in the town of Sitra, near Manama.

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   The first relics that visitors will see are two massive pieces of structural steel that rose from the base of the North Tower. Now the rusty red columns soar above ground into the sunlit glass atrium that encloses the entrance to the museum.


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But the 31 conditions make up a fraction of as many as 8,000 inheritable disorders that can affect children. States vary in the maladies they test.The hope is that the new effort can “shed light on other disorders and see how genomic data might inform care for newborns generally,” Dr. Guttmacher said.

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Both examples, as it happens, are profoundly relevant to the Chancellor’s remarks last week about his fiscal strategy and philosophy. On Thursday, he told the Commons Treasury committee that the Government’s targets could be achieved without tax rises. “The further consolidation after 2015/16 is built into the tables as a spending reduction,” he said. “I am clear that tax increases are not required to achieve this. It can be achieved with spending reductions.”

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Sources familiar with the situation said on Wednesday thatthe No. 2 Amagasaki plant, the last in operation, would beshuttered within months and that the company would take a 40billion yen impairment charge to cover the cost, likely out ofthe 120 billion yen earmarked for restructuring at the beginningof the year.

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Campbell said issues with HealthCare.gov have continued to improve over the past two weeks, but additional challenges are occurring as more users get past the registration screen and buy insurance -- including "data assurance issues." 

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"There is still time, which I hope is used well, to find a way to express - if this is what the PDL parliamentarians want to do - their political and human empathy for the PDL president without putting at risk the functioning of the two houses of parliament," he said.


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I wish there was a way of making all parties say what percentage of the national income they believe should go in tax. Any party saying 45% or more - and some commentators believe it's already reached that level by "accident" through fiscal drag and a refusal to uplift allowances - could then be asked to explain how they expect any economy, regardless of how "mixed" it is, to function under a burden of tax set at that level.

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In spite of this, the power industry has achievedextraordinary levels of reliability. Most other industriescannot even come close. Excluding faults on local circuits, thereliability of supply on Britain's National Grid was 99.99954percent in 2011/12 ("National Electricity Transmission SystemPerformance Report" 2011/12).

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Researchers from the Eaton-Peabody Laboratories of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Harvard Medical School have created a new mouse model in which by expressing a gene in the inner ear hair cells—the sensory cells that ...


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Again, Republicans aim to attach to the debt measure aprovision to delay or kill Obamacare, along with othercontentious ideas, such as approving the Keystone oil pipelinethat would run from Canada through the middle of the UnitedStates to the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama administration isweighing environmental concerns over that long-delayed project.

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"We don't see justification for such a level of pessimism,"Brazil's Deputy Finance Minister Carlos Cozendey told reportersafter a meeting of BRICS finance ministers. "Even the IMF in itsreport says that despite everything that is happening emergingnations continue to support the global economy."


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The Brooklyn-born Aboushi, who now lives on Staten Island, was drafted in the fifth round by the Jets out of Virginia. He is one of just a small handful of Palestinian-American players to enter the NFL, including former linebacker Tarek Saleh, former quarterback Gibran Hamdan, and former defensive lineman Nader Abdallah.

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The decision may come to a surprise to some, as "Glee" has never shied from using difficult subjects as teachable moments. In Monteith's final episode, Finn was partying hard with Puck, which could have set up Finn's death.

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The candidate said his natural instinct was to steer clear of the topic of race. But in an unusually passionate speech, he said he felt compelled to speak out after Zimmerman’s acquittal of murder charges.


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Net profits at China's 114 brokerages rose to 22.6 billionyuan ($3.7 billion) in the first half of 2013, up 8.0 percentfrom the same period a year earlier, data from the SecuritiesAssociation of China showed this week.

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Management scholars consider narcissism a common affliction among business executives and distinguish between “constructive” (good) and “reactive” (bad) varieties. Stein, a professor at the University of Leicester’s School of Management, argues that Fuld exhibited both forms. “It’s a weird thing,” he says. “Narcissists can be incredibly helpful and also incredibly destructive.”

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“The [mice] are having fewer offspring because they are having a hard time competing, they’re less effective at foraging and raising young. That is due to lots of perturbations across their physiology. Since most substances that are toxic in mice are also toxic in people, it’s likely that those underlying physical problems that cause those mice to have increased mortality are at play in people,” says study author James Ruff of the University of Utah. “That doesn’t mean that the read-out we are going to get in people is reduced mortality. But that underlying damage is likely to be there.”


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Mrs King ruled that a vasectomy was “undoubtedly in DE’s best interests” and that all “reasonable and proportionate steps” should be taken so that the operation can be carried out. She ruled that her decision pointed to “re-establishing as normal a life as possible” for him.

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Kluber stabbed a grounder by Texas shortstop Elvis Andrus, but threw it into center field while trying to force out Moreland at second. Martin followed with a fly out to left fielder Brantley, who threw a perfect strike to catcher Santana — only to have him drop the ball while attempting to tag Moreland.

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Kenyan troops entered Somalia two years ago to try to rootout al Shabaab, which had been blamed for attacks in Kenya,triggering apparent revenge grenade and gun attacks in Mombasa,the capital Nairobi and frontier towns last year.

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Whereas Jets assistants who enjoyed Division I or NFL careers were shown on video in those uniforms, Ryan would slip his old roommate into trick plays in training camps. He would then show the team video clips of his practice performances.


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There is deepening alarm in the West over the course taken by the country of 84 million people, a pivotal nation between the Middle East and North Africa and recipient of some $1.5 billion a year in aid from the United States, mainly for the military.

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A Garland County Sheriff's Department arrest report says Glenda Estell, 54, made 40 phone calls with her son, Derrick, in the month leading up to his escape from the Garland County Detention Center on Sunday, June 28, KTHV reports.

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After House Republicans floated a late offer to break thelogjam, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected the idea,saying Democrats would not enter into formal negotiations onspending "with a gun to our head" in the form of governmentshutdowns.

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Abe says his top priority is to sustain the economic recovery helped along by aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus since he took office in late December. In the long run, that will require sweeping changes to boost competitiveness and help cope with Japan's rapidly graying population and bulging national debt.


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Clarity on control could help the company avoid the fate ofhigh profile mergers such as the Daimler-Chrysler deal of thelate 1990s. This suffered from cultural clashes and a lack ofoverlap in the cars they sold until it was unravelled.

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Algerian security officials blamed militants who launchedoperations from Libya for the January attack on the Amenas gasplant near the Libyan border, killing more than 30 foreignworkers and making foreign oil companies start to reassessoperations in North Africa.


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Matt Barreto, a political science professor at the University of Washington and principal at the polling firm Latino Decisions, said this matters for Republicans with 2016 presidential ambitions because of the political clout of the Hispanic voting bloc.

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Militant groups in North Sinai have promised more attacks and urged Islamists to take up arms, while the army has vowed to step up operations in the region, which is near the Suez Canal, the busy waterway linking Asia and Europe.

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Former 100 meters world record holder Asafa Powell and Olympic relay silver medalist Sherone Simpson tested positive for the stimulant oxilofrine at June's national championships and were left out of the Jamaican team for Moscow.

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Highlighting how difficult it would be to unpick this, the civil service report warns Alex Salmond he may be faced with forming a separate defence force from scratch as he could not “co-opt” Scottish servicemen currently serving in the British armed forces.


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I totally agree that Chinese goverment should help N.Korea’s people out of hunger and disease and persuade their government to throw away the bad theory. I think our goverment is doing so. I hope the international society can do as more as you can to help the evil government in your eyes and understand their policy if possible, and at last , no war please. N.Korea is not Libya ,it’s more like Vietnem or Afghanistan ,you will be sure in a swamp and maybe even worse(because they have nuclear weapons).

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“You’d like to see us protect the football and be more conscious about it, but he’s going to try to make a throw that he thinks is there,” Ryan said. “In that case, with hindsight being 20-20, I’d like to see him throw the ball away there and not force it.”

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"I was thinking about how I wanted to pitch him from before the game, but it was hard to figure it out until you face him," Matsuzaka said through a translator. "I don't think it was a bad pitch, but he hit a home run off it."

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One of the most significant looming public health threats is the flu. State health officials are concerned about how the shutdown will affect their ability to fight its spread, since they rely on the CDC to track and monitor cases to better prepare their public health response.


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Anne Gambrel, a doctoral student at Princeton University, says she's part of a team of scientists who have been working for about a decade to launch a telescope on a balloon from Antarctica. They planned to accomplish this in December.

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Parallels have been drawn to the case of Britons Madeleine McCann, who vanished while on holiday in Portugal in 2007, when she was three, and Ben Needham, who disappeared on the Greek island of Kos in 1991, when he was a toddler.

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"At the moment, Rosetta's not pointing its high-gain antenna at the Earth. So, we rely now on that alarm clock going off on time, because if it doesn't we'll have great difficulty communicating with the spacecraft.


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Lawmakers expected to get credit for saving money by lowering the Conservation Reserve ceiling. But the savings will be smaller if enrollment drops on its own and if the new farm law is not passed soon.

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"It's not well understood by lay people in a lot of respects, and there are a lot of different practices, and this is one, that develop over time and become widespread," says Laura O'Donnell, a labor and employment law attorney at Haynes and Boone, a Texas-based law firm. Whether or not employers consult with lawyers, she says, they might think to themselves, "Everybody does it, or my neighbor down the street does it, so why can't we do it?"

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"When you want something against which there is enormousresistance but it is important for the people, you do not neednegotiations, you need a Blitzkrieg," Orban said. "The finalrepayment scheme was one such option."

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Manufacturing could get a boost from robust demand for trucks, thanks to a strengthening housing market. General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co and Chrysler Group reported strong truck sales in July. However, low inventory of some popular car models slowed automobile sales.

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Tolokonnikova was sentenced in 2012 to two years imprisonment for her part in a provocative performance by the punk group Pussy Riot in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, Moscow's most important church.


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Onuoha, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested on Tuesdayin connection with written and telephoned threats made hoursafter his resignation from the Transportation SecurityAdministration and on the eve of the 12th anniversary of theSept. 11 attacks.

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The two wounded hostages were rushed to local hospitals but one of them later died, said State Police Sergeant Eric Cuenca. The other was in critical condition. The names of the hostages were not immediately released.

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That picture is one of violence and intimidation not onlyagainst migrants, the testimony suggests, but also within theparty - against dissenters or some who sought to leave. As such,the witnesses may be key to proving that Golden Dawn is acriminal organisation, people familiar with the case said.

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The family said they were "delighted" that their daughter had come home. They also said they would be taking legal advice, and that serious questions have arisen over the procedures used in the case.


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The four detainees are Chinese nationals employed as GSK in China’s head of compliance, vice-president in charge of operations, commercial development manager and human resources director, Gao said. He added that the British head of GSK’s business in China, Mark Reilly, had left the country on 27 June, after the probe was announced, and has not returned.

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Under U.S. law, most aid must stop to "any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup d'etat or decree" or toppled in "a coup d'etat or decree in which the military plays a decisive role."

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"Twenty percent of people who live in Germany have an immigrant background," she says. "One-third of children born now, those under the age of five, come from immigrant families — second or third generation."

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The IMF's resident representative in Niger, Ahmed Zorome,said increased military spending after May suicide attacks byIslamists could also cause some budgetary slippage despitegovernment efforts to reduce a substantial budget deficit.

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I reject the view, which has its adherents among the public and the press, that the niqab is somehow incompatible with participation in public life in England and Wales; or is nothing more than a form of abuse, imposed under the guise of religion, on women by men. There may be individual cases where that is true. But the niqab is worn by choice by many spiritually-minded, thoughtful and intelligent women, who do not deserve to be demeaned by superficial and uninformed criticisms of their choice.


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The change takes effect on Tuesday, when those states allow a federal waiver of the work requirement to expire. Wisconsin will take a similar step next July, bringing to eight the number of states requiring work to get the assistance.

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Summers dropped out of consideration for the top Fed job onSunday, writing to Obama that any confirmation process wouldlikely be acrimonious. People familiar with the situation saidon Monday that Federal Reserve Vice Chair Janet Yellen hadbecome the frontrunner now that Summers has withdrawn.

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Local watch groups, as private entities, are on relatively firm legal ground in setting no-weapons policies for their members, Novak said, but law enforcement agencies mandating such rules could run the risk of exceeding their authority.

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After the inquest, Frances Molloy, mother of Michael, described the actions of coach company MerseyPride Travel as 'immoral' and she called for far stricter laws governing the roadworthiness of motorists' tyres.


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"In the boom time there was no paperwork ... You'd tell thebank what your salary was and they wouldn't check up on it,"said one Dublin-based broker. "Now it's all about the paperwork.You should see our files. It is like 'Lord of the Rings'."

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Seems like a red herring. Information is looking sanitized. My gut tells me that this is a public disclosure of a paper trail showing that nuclear material has moved from Russia to Cuba to NK, with stops along the way which are of interest to Isreal, like Syria. So if we see a middle east nuclear war break out, chances are it will be started in Syria, and we now have a chain of events which points back to the source of the material. Just a thought.

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Dr. Patrick’s studies led to the insight that the number and kinds of species in a body of water — its biological diversity — reflected environmental stresses. That idea became known as the Patrick Principle, a term coined by the conservation biologist Thomas Lovejoy. In an interview, Dr. Lovejoy, of the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment in Washington, said the principle can be applied to bigger settings, like an entire ecosystem, and lies at the heart of environmental science.


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Fisher appeared before the committee – with Robert Stheeman, the chief executive of the government's Debt Management Office – to discuss the merits and challenges of QE. Fisher conceded that extricating the Bank from the unprecedented policy would be "the biggest challenge we will have had for 50 or 60 years". But he reinforced market expectations that such a change was some way off.

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In the letter sent out last week, Miller wrote: “BT has confirmed to me that it is willing forinformation on the outline plan for the subsidised footprint to be published, and is happy tosupport local governments to decide on the right way to do this.”

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FILE - This Monday, Sept. 29, 2008, file photo, shows a picture of financier J.P. Morgan across the street from the New York Stock Exchange in New York. Two former JPMorgan Chase & Co. traders were accused Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2013, of trying to conceal the size of the investment bank’s $6 billion trading loss in 2012 in criminal conspiracy charges that raised fresh questions about whether Wall Street learned its lessons from the 2008 financial crisis (AP Photo/Stephen Chernin)

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Then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton appointed the ARB shortly after the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The board made 29 recommendations for improving security, and State officials under Clinton's orders parsed those into 64 individual actions, and immediately began implementing many of them, the IG report said.


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Hans-Peter Hartung of Heinrich-Heine-University in Dusseldorf, said that MS “necessitates a highly individualised treatment approach, and the increasing diversity of options is good news”. He added that the Lemtrada data “support its potential to meaningfully address disability in active RRMS patients, while Aubagio’s efficacy, safety and convenient dosing may provide an important alternative to injectable therapies”.

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Because the submarine was docked, navy watchmen were on the submarine rather than the normal crew, Admiral D.K. Joshi, the navy chief, told reporters Wednesday in Mumbai. At least some weaponry exploded in the near-simultaneous blasts, he added.

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A post on NPR's breaking news blog says, "NPR, like other news outlets, is at this point continuing to refer to the soldier as 'Bradley Manning' on first reference. Manning's name has not been legally changed."

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Staff said they were investigating the leak and warned that some boys could face disciplinary action, if they were found to have acted “inappropriately”, by tipping off classmates that the results were available early. Some pupils and parents have already been spoken to by staff on the issue.

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Given the pressures and increasing competition, Apple's stock rally should not be seen as proof that concerns over its outlook have abated, some analysts said. "It's nice to see a bit of a beat for a change," said Hudson Square Research analyst Daniel Ernst. But "earnings are still down year over year."

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The government shutdown, now in its 14th day, is beginningto weigh on the economy as well. The hundreds of thousands offederal employees who have been temporarily thrown out of workare likely to get back-pay when the standoff is resolved. Butthey aren't getting paid now, forcing many to dial back onpersonal spending and cancel holiday travel plans.

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Appearing before an African-American congregation Sunday, Thompson leveled a unwarranted, counterproductive accusation against the department that was all the more disturbing because of how it clashed with his past postures.

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Al-Qaida's branch in Iraq claimed responsibility Tuesday for audacious raids on two high-security prisons on the outskirts of Baghdad this week that killed dozens and set free hundreds of inmates, including some of its followers.

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Both sides have low expectations for the new U.S. peace initiative since Israeli-Palestinian talks over the terms of a Palestinian state have been frozen for five years amid disagreement even on the rules for negotiations, including the principles for drawing a border between them.

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“It has nothing to do with an evaluation of competency,” Rosenbaum said. “Somebody can function in a day-to-day sense on some level but still not be competent to stand trial because of the specific nature of what [the law] demands.”


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If that wasn’t enough to deter buyers, Chris Wickham at Oriel - who repeated his “hold” rating on the shares – voiced his own concerns about a potential slowdown in fast-growing emerging markets, which are vital to the company.

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"This bill would have positive ripple effects across theentire District economy, because studies have shown thatlow-wage workers are more likely to spend extra money on localgoods and services," said Sarita Gupta, executive director ofthe labor group Jobs with Justice.


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Merkel ally Annette Schavan resigned in February from her post as education minister, after being stripped of her doctorate by Duesseldorf University, which ruled she had "systematically and intentionally" copied parts of her thesis more than 30 years before.

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Regency, which has assets in the Permian Basin, South Texasand North Louisiana, will offer PVR unitholders $28.68 per unit, a 26 percent premium to the stock's Wednesday close. Regencywill also assume $1.8 billion in debt.

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Should Sanchez end up having surgery on the shoulder, it would likely signal the end of his Jets career. The Jets won’t cut Sanchez because of his $8.25 million guaranteed contract for this season, but after 2013, the dead money is low enough that he could be let go — or traded.

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Commenting on the appointment, chancellor George Osborne (pictured) said: 'With his extensive experience in economic and financial policy, and very strong record of service at the highest levels of government in this country and internationally, Sir Jon Cunliffe will be an outstanding deputy governor of the Bank of England.


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Besides the Castillo sentencing in October, the only piece remaining in the Victory scandal is a civil claim brought last September by the mother of the 13-year-old rape victim. The mother alleges the church was more worried about damage control than the well-being of her daughter - an argument the ministry denies. That case is set for a January jury trial.

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The report issued on Monday confirmed the nerve agent sarin was used in the August 21 attack but did not assign blame. Britain, France and the United States said it confirmed Syria's government was behind it rather than rebels.


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You wonder about something else in this case, wonder if Rodriguez is so falsely accused, and such a victim of an MLB investigation his lawyers are flop-sweat desperate to put on trial, why did those same lawyers fight so hard in Buffalo to keep Rodriguez’s grand jury testimony in the federal case against Dr. Anthony Galea, Alex Rodriguez’s old doctor, the patron saint of human grown hormone, sealed from now until the end of time?

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"The Security Council must be prepared to act next week," Kerry told reporters In Washington. "It is vital for the international community to stand up and speak out in the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforceable action to rid the world of Syria's chemical weapons."

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“If you’re asking about two or three weeks ago, will people accurately remember which week they applied for a job or had an interview?” he asked. “That answer is really important to determining who is categorized as unemployed.”

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Through a website, buyers will be able to select from a palette of different colors, sources told ABC News. One color can be used for the back case and another can be selected for the trim of the phone. Users will also be able to engrave a name or message on the back cover, as well as upload a personal photo through the site to be used as the wallpaper on the phone's screen. Various reports say the phone has a larger 4.7-inch display.


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During his March 6 filibuster Paul demanded - and ultimately received - confirmation that the U.S. government cannot use drones to conduct extrajudicial executions of U.S. citizens on American soil. He explained he wasn't specifically targeting Brennan, but rather using the opportunity to highlight an important policy issue.

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This is a reported blog dedicated to highlighting these basic human rights, how they are defined, why they are needed and who are the people struggling to uphold them. The blog is also a way for us to provide GlobalPost’s in-depth reporting and foundation-supported Special Reports — on rights relating to labor, gender, sexuality, the environment, the Internet, children, speech and assembly, and more — with steady updates, insights and analysis worth sharing. This is a blog called RIGHTS, but the story telling here about those rights are not intended as advocacy and will always stay true to GlobalPost’s reporting standards of fairness, accuracy and independence. 

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Of all the former Soviet oil exporting states, Azerbaijanhas been the most aggressive in courting Western investment inenergy. It allowed BP in particular to gain control of much ofits hydrocarbon production under production-sharing agreements,while SOCAR continued to dominate infrastructure and refining.

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Those were all attributes in short supply during the presidency of Mr. Ahmadinejad, whose record was harshly criticized even by fellow hardline conservatives during the campaign leading to the June 14 vote. Running as a centrist and promising reform Rohani got the backing of Mr. Khatami and former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. The new president trounced five conservative candidates and won a surprise first-round victory with just over 50 percent of the vote.


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The dollar is up more than 2 percent versus the Canadian dollar in the last six months. That's a reversal from 2012, when the dollar fell 2.7 percent against the Canadian dollar, commonly called the loonie because of the image of a waterfowl engraved on the coin.

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"Now there is sort of a timeline. When we first startedlooking at [the shutdown], it looked like it could go on forweeks," said Thomas Nyheim, vice president and portfolio managerat Christiana Trust in Greenville, Delaware. "But not if it'scoming out of the Republican conference that they are going tofigure this out before we hit the debt ceiling."

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While traders had doubts about the source of the report inJapan's Nikkei business daily, analysts said its impacthighlighted the sensitivity of investors to the possibility ofSummers taking over at the Fed. Markets believe he might tightenmonetary policy more quickly than the other main candidate, FedVice Chair Janet Yellen.

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Hersman said many questions remained about the incident. TheSouth Korean airline's flight crew members were not tested fordrugs or alcohol after the crash, a requirement for pilots ofU.S.-based carriers involved in accidents, she said.

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Aviation electronics systems supplier Rockwell Collinsforecast lower-than-expected earnings for 2014, citing federalgovernment budget cuts and declining business jet revenue, andits shares fell about 5 percent.


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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand chats with Yankees reliever Dave Robertson about Mariano Rivera's bad week, what it's been like in the clubhouse since A-Rod returned and Robertson's "Power of 2" contest with Red Sox pitcher Ryan Dempster.

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Edwards is developing a smaller, easier-to-implant valvecalled Sapien XT. The company said it expects U.S. approval forthe new valve in mid-2014, followed by a rapid marketintroduction. The company said it gained approval to sell SapienXT in Japan during the quarter, making it the firsttranscatheter valve available in that country.

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"We have a long tradition of the proper norms and behaviors of the most senior military adviser to the president of the United States," said Kohn, who has advised Dempsey. "It is definitely not his role to be pushing the president to be doing anything in particular."


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To the extent that premiums are being held in check, it is because of changing practices by employers, according to thestudies. Employers are trimming perks like low patient co-paysfor services to avoid triggering the so-called Cadillac tax ofthe healthcare law, which will start penalizing high-cost plansin 2018.

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In an attempt to get ahead of the looming debt limit deadline, the House passed a temporary spending bill that included a provision that would direct the Treasury to pay bondholders and Social Security retirement payments if Congress does not raise the cap on time.

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For years now, sports fans have debated over whether or not the Washington Redskins should change their team name. A lot of them feel as though the term “Redskins” is offensive and want Washington to …


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Another participant in the call, Oklahoma Representative Tom Cole, said the speaker's main message was that he and other leaders were still committed to killing President Barack Obama's signature health care law but that they did not want a government shutdown.

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"That's what people have made it out to be," Leonard said. "That column precipitated some conversation with (Thomas), but that is not the reason he resigned. And because of confidentiality I can't divulge the conversation and what went on."

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Washington, Sep 16 — The US Food and Drug Administration Monday issued an import alert against drug products manufactured at Indian drug major Ranbaxy's facility in Punjab's Mohalifor non-compliance with US drug manufacturing requirements.

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For me and a lot of others, those potential consequences are reality. Laura’s prom photos were taken a few hours after a patch of skin cancer was excised from my left arm, probably the result of sun damage inflicted years ago. It’s a procedure I’ve undergone four times.


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On Mother’s Day in 2005, over dinner, Jamie asked me about my writing. “Do you think you’ll ever write about it?” At the time, I shrugged, but I had already realised: I needed to write about it, felt compelled to write about it. And, finally, in 2006, I began to zero in on the man I had been avoiding, whose existence I had been unable to face, afraid of what such an encounter might bring.

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The jostling around Euronext is not likely to affect theclosing of the ICE-NYSE deal, which is expected on Nov. 4. Butit throws the future of Euronext into question and highlightshow nationalism continues to play a role in deals for exchangeoperators, which are sometimes seen as key to a city's continuedrelevance as a financial center. Several exchange mergers havebeen blocked in recent years by national regulators.

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"If you walk by Montparnasse, you will see big family reunions in the restaurants," she says. "There is a definite distinction between Sunday and the rest of the week. There is a sense of occasion. It is quieter and more family oriented. I really hope it stays this way."

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State refiners IOC, Hindustan Petroleum Corp andBharat Petroleum Corp, also major gas users, have allunveiled plans to build LNG plants as local gas output falls,which will increase the share of he costly imported fuel inIndia's energy mix.

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“Timings are difficult to pinpoint at this moment, but we had a meeting this morning where Tian Tian’s behaviour and hormone results were reviewed and have come to the conclusion that it is very likely she has lost the pregnancy.”


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The council with the greatest percentage of tenants who had fallen behind was Barrow in north-west England. Of the 289 tenants there affected by the cut, 219 have not been able to pay rent since the policy came into effect.

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A spokesman for the attorney general's office said the Treasury Solicitor had replied on Mr Grieve's behalf suggesting "further steps the executors might wish to take to identify the correct recipient of the bequest" but did not advise on who should receive the money.

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Days after identifying the new virus in September in aQatari patient at a London hospital, British scientists hadsequenced part of its genome, mapped out its "phylogenetic tree"and found it was related to a virus found in bats.

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Aidan Jackoviak Smith was born prematurely with a growth on his face and at 3-weeks-old he started to suffer regular fits that left him brain damaged. His parents Vikki and Karl explained in an interview on ITV's This Morning, that doctors remain unable to diagnose Aidan but they hope to work out what is wrong with him by a process of elimination. They suspect he suffers with CLOVES Syndrome, a rare condition that causes blood vessel, skin and spinal abnormalities.

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Several officials, including Arab League chief NabilElaraby, have said they expect the Geneva 2 conference toconvene on Nov. 23, though the United States, Russia and theUnited Nations have all said no date has been officially set.


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Al Jazeera America's interim Chief Executive Ehab Al Shihabisaid on a conference call on Thursday that the network will haveadvertising from consumer products and services companies, butdeclined to name sponsors before the Tuesday launch.

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The semi-official Fars news agency quoted Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi on Sunday as saying that Iran reached this level of manufacturing by "attaining domestic technology for building solid fuel missiles, as well as designing and manufacturing surface-to-surface long-range missiles."

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Jolted by the reality of a growing UHD market, SamsungElectronics unveiled a 110-inch UHD TV in January.Interestingly, the UHD displays were not made by SamsungDisplay, but were produced by Taiwan's AU Optronics.

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** Telecoms group Vimpelcom has agreed to sell twoof its sub-Saharan assets for about $100 million and is biddingfor Pakistan's mobile operator Warid Telecom, said two bankingsources familiar with the matter.

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For 12 years, Bloomberg has gone from tireless cheerleader for the financial services industry after the September 11 attacks, to its strident defender against Occupy Wall Street protests over economic inequality and calls for higher taxes on the wealthy.


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Hub said in a statement that it expected to post revenue ofabout $1.2 billion in 2013, after the annualized impact ofacquisitions. The deal, which values Hub at $4.4 billion,including debt, is expected to be completed before the end of2013.

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Dr Stokes said: "If the climate is going to warm in the future, our study shows that large parts of the margins of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet are vulnerable to the kinds of changes that are worrying us in Greenland and West Antarctica – acceleration, thinning and retreat.

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The group's closely watched business net income, whichexcludes items such as amortisation and legal costs, declined 23.4 percent to 1.475 billion euros ($1.96 billion), below anaverage of 1.788 billion in a Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S poll ofnine analysts.

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On Wednesday, Jackson asked that his family, in particular his son and daughter, not suffer because of his actions. He said he hoped his wife would get probation and that if that wasn’t available he would want to serve her sentence for her.

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The effort is backed by Cisco Systems Inc, Apple Inc, Google Inc and other technology powerhouses. The companies have been sued repeatedly by "non-practicing entities," or companies that license patents as their primary business. Google has estimated the cost of such litigation to the U.S. economy at $30 billion a year.


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Looming large over all Indian IT companies is thepossibility that the United States, the sector's biggest market,will implement as early as next year new visa rules that willmake it more costly and difficult to send workers there.

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“We’re excited and happy about winning,” Coughlin said, “but quite frankly, we’re back to work and need to focus on a divisional game with Philadelphia. The (assistant) coaches are doing that now.”

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The selection committee voted last week to change the bracketing principles in hopes of keeping teams where they naturally belong, Chairman Ron Wellman told reporters. In previous years, the committee has had to move a team up or down one or two lines to accommodate rules such as when conference teams can meet in the tourney.

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Angel Esteves had been lingering around the child's family camped in the sand near Beach 84th St. and Shore Front Parkway before he scooped the toddler up as the child's 18-year-old mother went for a swim about 4:30 p.m., police said.

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The Singaporean company could go back to bidders withfurther information and ask them to resubmit their bids, thesources said. However, it could fall back on the alternativeoption of an IPO as the offers have not met expectations, theyadded.


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Evonik, Germany's second-largest chemicals maker after BASF,is controlled by RAG, a public sector trust that will bear theliabilities of Germany's wound-down coal mines. Buyout firm CVC also holds a stake.

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There are 37 cardiac rehab services around the country and 36 responded to the survey. However, none of these 36 had all the expertise required to provide the service, largely as a result of staffing cuts.

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Don Reul, Nathan's grandfather, was getting ready for bed after a long day of tooling around on motorcycles in New York state with his wife and another couple when the phone rang. On the other end was the "hysterical" voice of his daughter, Faith Woessner.

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Pataki testified he authorized evaluations of sex offenders before they were freed as a way to protect the public, not to rob them of liberty. Defense lawyers noted that of the nearly 800 inmates examined, fewer than 200 were committed to mental institutions.

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But the industry has fought back. As a new report by ProPublica shows, several states that passed bans on payday loans are now seeing new superhigh-cost loans just different enough to circumvent the prohibitions. One popular loophole involves a “credit repair” loan with sky-high fees that technically aren’t interest. And to avoid regulation, some predators are shifting operations to foreign places like Grenada or Isle of Man.


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Starting from tomorrow the new software will roll out onto Apple’s devices, though only from the latest models onwards, starting from the iPhone 4, iPad 2 and latest generation iPod (scroll down to the bottom of this article to see a chart of all compatible devices). In addition, iOS 7 will of course be available on the new iPhone models – the 5S and 5C – from their release date on 20 September.

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A 107-year-old Arkansas man who died in a police standoff this weekend told officers months earlier that they would have to shoot him or throw him in jail before he went back home with his son-in-law, according to police reports obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press.

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The United States won the inaugural team event at the 2011 worlds in Shanghai, but only managed a sixth-place showing this time, less than a half-second out of a bronze. Teams must use at least one woman, and Hungary went with two females (finishing ninth of 22 teams).

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The Giants waived/injured third-year man Tyler Sash, who had suffered a concussion on Thursday, and also waived David Caldwell, which leaves them with only Antrel Rolle, Ryan Mundy, Will Hill and rookie Cooper Taylor at safety. Hill is suspended for the first four games, leaving the team even thinner, so the team may sign somebody in the coming days.

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Gianaris, whose district includes Silvercup and Astoria studios, is sponsoring a bill to allow the city to triple the size of the film tax break it can offer. The industry has also donated $56,500 to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee since Gianaris has been its chair.


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The unit includes two businesses — titanium technologies and chemicals & fluoroproducts — which DuPont said could be separated themselves. Among the possible transactions are a spin-off and a sale.

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"Some want longer work hours and shorter shifts due to child care, for some, it's the only way a two-earner family can organize child care, but BART wants to schedule people whenever they want," Mosher said.

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The U.S. government shutdown, now in its second week,brought a halt to basic research at the National Institutes ofHealth. The agency also suspended grant applications. On March1, President Barack Obama ordered the NIH to cut $1.55 billion,or 5 percent, of its 2013 budget. Science funding is“imperiled,” Suedhof said yesterday during a conference call.

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“No I don’t: not at all,” said the 22-year-old. “Sometimes before cup games the boys will take a few in training in case the game goes to a shoot-out but, other than that, I don’t, no.”

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The length of time Rolle will miss will certainly depend on where in the ankle the sprain is. If it is in the lower half, we can see him back in 1-2 weeks. High ankle sprains are much more difficult to deal with and that may take months. Good news though, Giants are pretty sure its not high up on the ankle.  MRI should be coming today.


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Italy's underperformance versus Spain could pause once thesupply is out of the way, but Italian bonds would remainvulnerable to a government crisis, Marc Ostwald, strategist atMonument Securities said.

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The military has established a special victims unit to assist with sexual assault cases and is working on other reforms. But much of the military establishment has opposed a bill by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) that would move prosecution of such cases outside the military chain of command.

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Jan Philipp Albrecht, a 30-year-old German from the Greens party, who was the lead parliamentary negotiator on the legislation, said it should serve as a wake-up call for how Google and others use the data they collect, especially in light of the leaks from U.S. data analyst Edward Snowden about U.S. surveillance activities at home and abroad.

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Once in 2006, for example, Read asked Goodman to suggest a high 6-month rate, and promised a curry in exchange. If Goodman could get it above a certain number, Read told him, referring to Hayes: "the trader from ubs Tokyo will come over and buy you a curry himself!"

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"I don't think Mr. Snowden was a patriot," Obama said at thenews conference, brushing off the suggestion that Friday'sannouncement showed Snowden had done the right thing inrevealing the extent of the government's program.


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Despite a heavy security presence there was no repeat of last weekend's violence which erupted after the police blocked local Orangemen returning home from 12th of July celebrations past the republican Ardoyne district.

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The Galaxy Note 3 will be released on September 25, and although pricing and contract info has yet to be revealed, UK carriers EE, O2, Three and Vodafone have already announced that they’re carrying the phone. SIM-free shop Unlocked Mobiles, meanwhile, is offering the 32GB model in black or white for just shy of £600.

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(2) Kids’ personalities, temperaments and needs aren’t one-size-fits-all, and an arrogant or overly certain parent is going to miss the fact that being flexible can sometimes be more “right” than being right.

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Buying off-plan, an option when purchasing a new-build house or apartment in a development, appeals to those keen to avoid the stress of living through a renovation . Property search expert and developer Edo Mapelli Mozzi of Banda properties advises caution . “If you are buying an apartment off-plan as an investment, make sure there are not too many units in the building to reduce competition when it comes to renting it out,” he says.

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A manager at ANA, who asked to remain anonymous because hewasn't authorised to speak to the media, likened JAL to aninsolvent homeowner who has had his mortgage paid off and isthen given income-boosting tax breaks.


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"It's also possible that some consumers fear furtherfinancial burdens due to the euro crisis or tax hikes," the GfKsaid, referring to the outcome of the German election which wasstill uncertain at the time of the survey.

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The luckiest man in Minnesota, if not America and the rest of the world, is a 58-year-old self-employed carpenter named Eugene Rakow, who shot a nail into his heart while working on a job and lived to tell about it. 

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“If it’s in Texas, that’s wonderful,” he said. “If it’s in the U.S., that’s wonderful. If it’s elsewhere, outside the United States, then those patients will get the benefit of his kindness and expertise.”

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The “appearance” on “America’s Got Talent” was taped last Wednesday just before the show’s live airing from Radio City Music Hall. Producers agreed to the walk-on because it was good promotion, even though they weren’t told specifically how it was going to be used, said an executive with the show who spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to talk about the plans.

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It was better, though, than the groups in the last wave, with the last teeing off around 7:10 and getting just a couple of holes in. They’ll have to go right out again after finishing their first rounds Friday morning.


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Paschke’s mom said her boy — a season ticket holder — normally brings his dad to the games. She went this time because she is a breast cancer survivor and this is the month for raising awareness about the dreaded disease.

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"As we've added more and more convenience and cool stuff in cars, we've taken away their ability to love the car," he said in June 2012. "There's no turning back the clock and that's where we're going and that's where we should be going, but it's one aspect that I actually feel a little sorry about."

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"Out of an abundance of caution, the state police decided to close the highways," said Danny Straessle, a spokesman for the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department. Two spans carrying city streets and another pedestrian also were closed after the towboat operator notified state police that he feared he had struck the bridges.

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While no German politician is likely to talk openly about this idea before next Sunday's elections, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, asked if he could rule out a compromise solution based on Art 114 of the Treaty, said:

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He pointed out changes to Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP) that now lets companies buy licenses for applications and distribute these automatically to their employees. Previously, a company that bought lots of apps got tokens it could distribute to end-users to let them download and install the applications, but they stayed with the user. Now the enterprise retains control of the licenses and can remove them if someone leaves or changes jobs and reassign them to other employees. This now works on a global basis instead of requiring different licenses in different geographies. Rege noted that this feature is not yet available under Android and expects this should encourage IT departments to purchase and deploy more apps.


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The selection process followed a recent move by OGX to hireBlackstone Group LP to help the ailing oil producer"review its capital structure." OGX faces bond interest paymentsof about $40 million in October and over $100 million inDecember, and analysts, including Marcus Sequeira of DeutscheBank Securities, have warned that the company might run out ofcash before the end of September.

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Seriously? Give it a rest. These folks are being used for others for an effort that won't bring their loved ones back. Yes, Newtown was a tragedy but none of the laws passed in CT would prevent such a thing from occurring again. With some of the strictness gun control laws in the country that school still was attacked and people died. These townspeople  are being used by the gun control groups for those group's own purposes. Does anyone think a 10 bullet maximum will stop a lawbreaker from carrying 11 or 15 rounds in their magazine? You can't outlaw crazy.


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LUXEMBOURG, Oct 15 (Reuters) - EU finance ministers agreedon Tuesday to give the European Central Bank sweepingsupervisory powers in the euro zone but Germany dug in its heelson how to deal with failing banks, the second stage in buildinga banking union.

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“I come from a musical family from my mother’s side,” he said. “My mother played the piano and played classical music at home, but I had two older sisters that were playing records from Jimi Hendrix and The Beatles, so I grew up with those worlds together. Growing up, I continued to listen to a lot of different music.”


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Economists were hoping that job growth would greatly increase from October into December but the longer the shutdown the more the economy will weaken and those hopes will become unrealistic. So long as congress is unable to reach an agreement about budget concerns, the longer the American people will suffer.

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JPMorgan analysts said there was nothing in ECB PresidentMario Draghi's comments that suggested the bank was poised toaggressively ease and that declines in money market interestrates since the last ECB meeting have in part lessened themomentum for new measures.

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“This was a wretched, little, insignificant man,” Reston said. “No foreign government, no criminal organization would hire someone as unreliable and irresponsible as Lee Harvey Oswald. It’s absolutely impossible.”

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After Egypt's military detained the country's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, July 3, it jailed dozens of top Brotherhood leaders and financiers who had been among Hamas' main supporters.


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Bae, a father of three, was born in South Korea and immigrated to the U.S. with his parents and sister in 1985. For the past seven years he has been living in China, and a couple of years ago began leading small tour groups, mostly of American and Canadian citizens, into a "special economic zone" designed to encourage commerce in the northeastern region of Roson in North Korea, Chung said.

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KABUL, Aug 18 (Reuters) - Afghanistan's landmark oil projecthas ground to a halt and most Chinese staff have left less thana year after production started because there is still notransit agreement in place to refine the oil, an employee and agovernment official said on Sunday.


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The bank’s bad bets on derivatives, placed by Iksil, prompted authorities on two continents to open investigations into the firm’s controls and disclosures last year. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve and the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority are among watchdogs planning to sanction the lender, the people said.

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Asecurity expert with contacts inside the mall said at least 10 hostages were still being held by attackers described as “a multinational collection from all over the world.” More gunfire was heard coming from the mall early this morning.

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The answers are important to people like Marla and Mark Sweeney, who live in Middleburg Heights with their three daughters. Tens of thousands of Ohioans like them will be in the first substantial group to test the controversial law that mandates health coverage for just about everyone.

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In Joe's case, the admissions committee may think he did not like or value economics as a subject, or that he could not grasp basic economic theory. Worse, they may wonder why he didn't feel the need to explain such a serious blemish on his record, which could lead them to doubt his judgment or presentation skills.

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Olympic freestyle skier Emily Cook mimics her pre-visualization preparation before a run, as she poses for a portrait during the 2013 U.S. Olympic Team Media Summit in Park City, Utah September 30, 2013.


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Team owner Torbjörn Törnqvist, speaking at a private christening ceremony in the San Francisco suburb of Alameda, called the yacht's first sail "the culmination of a heroic effort to put together this beautiful boat."

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Has Kim Kardashian let her mom dip into her closet now that she doesn't have much use for her pre-pregnancy wardrobe? Kris Jenner was spotted at E!'s Upfront in New York City on April 22, 2013 wearing the exact same lacy red Valentino frock Kim donned to promote her fragrance True Reflection in London in May 2012. While Kim paired her dress with strappy black sandals, the Kardashian matriarch opted for a matching pair of red pumps.

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The newsfeed ads that Facebook has introduced over the past year inject marketing messages straight into a user's stream of news and content. Unlike Google's mobile ads, which generally command lower prices than the company's PC-based equivalent, Facebook's mobile newsfeed ads garner higher rates than its other forms of online ads, say analysts.

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The point of reciting all these statistics is not to suggest lessons cannot be learned from the tragedy in Quebec. It would be surprising if unsafe practices had not started to emerge as the industry has rapidly scaled up in the last five years.

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Another way people do this is by prefacing their words with phrases like: "I could be wrong but…" or "This might sound crazy but…" Why give people a reason to think your contribution is wrong or crazy? That frames what they hear and makes them look for confirmation.

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Grain traders expect Egypt's state grain buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC) to issue a new tender to purchase wheat soon, although GASC's vice chairman said last week that high prices and availability of stocks made that unlikely.


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However, Japan's public remains largely evenly divided about the merits of re-visiting such contentious subjects and, notwithstanding the LDP's rising political fortunes, the government still lacks the necessary two-thirds majority in the Upper House to effect constitutional revision.

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On its website, Expert Global Solutions says it isa holding company for a leading accounts receivable managementcompany. Three subsidiaries were also involved in thesettlement: NCO Financial Systems, Inc., ALW Sourcing, LLC, andTransworld Systems Inc.

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"We still haven't flown any produce out. We are waiting tosee what rolls out today. In the meantime, (we are trying) notto bring any more produce out until we see what happens," JaneNgige, chief executive officer of exporters association KenyaFlower Council, told Reuters.

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U.S. retail sales rose 0.4 percent in June, only half the0.8 percent rate economists polled by Reuters had expected. Thedisappointment was tempered by accelerating growth in New YorkState's manufacturing sector in July, according to a report fromthe New York Federal Reserve that provides one of the earliestmonthly guideposts to U.S. factory conditions.


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Akerson declined to say whether a $3.2-billion buyback of preferred shares from a United Auto Workers union trust announced Monday, and an upgrade to investment-grade level by a major U.S. credit rating agency, would lead to a common dividend at the company. He said GM continued on its plan to improve profitability and cash flow.

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The Yanks have fallen 3-1/2 game back for the last wild card spot and need to win three of four in the series against Texas that starts Monday night in Arlington if they are to climb over the Rangers.

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A project that should have been a bonanza for Europe hasturned into "a slaughter house for Polish and European firms,"Jaroslaw Duszewski, a former Alpine executive, wrote to the headof the Polish state roads agency in June this year. A spokesmanfor FCC declined to comment.

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Two former bank employees - Javier Martin-Artajo and JulienGrout - have already been charged with trying to hide some ofthose losses by deliberately giving inaccurate values to thesophisticated securities involved in the trades. Authorities aretrying to determine whether Martin-Artajo and Grout and othersworking with them had felt pressured to minimize the losses, thesources said.

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The boys' aunt, Rena Oden, and two other women tried to pull the child free but could not. Contractors installing audio-visual equipment at the house jumped into the pool, rescued him and administered CPR.


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"During the quarter we raised nearly $7 billion of newcapital across all of our business segments and we generatedmore than $7 billion of realizations for our investors," ApolloChief Executive Officer Leon Black said in a statement.

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Professor Mark Sephton, from the Department Earth Science and Engineering, who is also helping NASA to design their next mission to Mars, was also involved along with Dr Simon Foster and Martin Archer from the Department of Physics. Ryan Robinson from the National Heart & Lung Institute also took part in interviews and carried out demonstrations to show the effects of weightlessness on the body.

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A Justice Department official told Fox News that under these guidelines, a search warrant would not have been served in the case of Fox News reporter James Rosen, whose communications were seized by the department in the course of an investigation into a leak regarding North Korea's nuclear program. 

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"The issues that BlackBerry was approaching us with a monthago (were) very different than the news that came outyesterday," he told reporters in Oakville, Ontario, an apparentreference to a report on plans for deep job cuts.

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According to a French parliamentary report, online booksales rose to 13.1 percent of total book sales in 2011 from 3.2percent in 2003. The country is still home to more bookstoresthan most countries with 2,000-2,500 in a country of 65 millionpeople, compared with 1,000 in Britain, which has roughly thesame-sized population.


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"It really was a mental battle and a mental grind," Furyk said. "I'm still scratching my head a little bit. Twelve-under for a round of golf. If you sat me down 10 feet from the hole 18 times today, I wasn't going to make 12 out of 18, more than likely. So I always scratch my head and try to figure out how to get to 59."

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Prosecutors have also said that four out of the five were involved "in romantic and/or sexual relationships" with each other or with Madoff, although it is unclear if the relationships will be a factor in the trial.

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Well -- let me start off by saying welcome to the united states of Europe Britain did in Germany people wait until -- forty -- fifty to buy their first home so we're actually trending towards the European model and that's -- the millennial -- -- -- are not getting into the housing market -- -- say here's -- homeownership rate declined by the way.

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On BBC London's lunchtime programme, a Mafia boss has been arrested in the capital after nearly two decades on the run. It's been reported that Domenico Rancadore was running a travel agency here in London.

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Aegis Capital Corp began coverage of the biotechnologycompany with a "buy" rating, saying preliminary data of itsbladder and lung cancer study could be out later in the year andpositive outcomes could make it a prime acquisition candidate.


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On a conference call, KPN boss Blok refused to be drawn intoexplaining America Movil's position, merely adding that theMexican group has two members on the supervisory board, which asa whole voted for the deal. America Movil has yet to make anypublic statement.

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The index has risen around 4.7 percent in the last sevendays after hitting its lowest since July, with demand supportedby expectations the Federal Reserve will keep its stimulus inplace for the time being following the U.S. fiscal standoff.

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China rivals South Korea as the world's top shipbuilder,though the ships built in China are mostly of lower value andless complex technologically. This has forced Chinese yards tocompete on price and financing terms for orders that have slowedto a trickle since the global financial crisis.

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The repayments include $52,278.17 to cover a loan Williams made to Maureen McDonnell and $71,837 loaned to a real estate business co-owned by the governor and his sister. The repayments cover the principal of the loans and interest. McDonnell said the funds for the repayments came from him, the real estate business or his family.

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Wednesday's hearing had been requested by Syncora Guarantee, the bond insurer that is contesting a creditor agreement Detroit is asking the court to approve. That agreement involves interest-rate swaps related to Detroit pension debt for which Syncora guarantees payment.


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The CFTC, which oversees the $640 trillion derivativesmarket, wants to know if ICAP's staff were colluding with thebanks, who stand to profit from inaccurate quotes, Bloombergsaid, quoting people familiar with the matter.

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Calypso music and steel drum bands feature in carnival celebrations on the larger island. Relaxed and peaceful in comparison to its densely-populated neighbour, Tobago attracts diving enthusiasts and nature lovers. The island is self-governing.

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Obama’s announcement should have a significant ripple effect, especially on major U.S. lending institutions. The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), which works with the private sector to invest abroad in support of development activities, committed around $1 billion to renewable energy projects in each of the past two years, with its annual commitments increasing nearly 10-fold since 2009. Its recent renewable energy investments are focused on Peru, South Africa and Pakistan, among others.

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Their struggle with the Syria issue began in early May, when Kerry traveled to Moscow, met with Putin and pressed the Russians to become more involved in efforts to end Syria's civil war, which has killed more than 100,000 people.

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In an epic "lip-sync off" on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," the actor, 32, competes against Fallon, 39, and comedic writer Stephen Merchant, 39, in a few rounds of the karaoke-style competition.


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Ireland remains on course to become the first euro zonecountry to complete an international bailout later this year,but stubbornly low economic growth threatens to derail hopes ofputting its national debt onto a sustainable path next year.

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The company that once specialized in providing the backbone of the Internet now sees software and equipment for datacenters and corporate cloud networking as its keys to growth. But Wednesday's results suggest the pace of expansion has been slower than anticipated, analysts said.

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A fresh start deserves a new look and the NHL has given itself a makeover for 2013-14, moving from the old six-division format to four (Atlantic, Metropolitan, Central and Pacific) with the top three in each plus two wild cards in each conference making the playoffs.

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No one questions Spitzer's ambition or his ability to usehis powers to the max. He has already leaped to the top of thepolls less than a week after announcing his candidacy, and thecomptroller's office would give him a pulpit from which to decryperceived wrongs.

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Coincidentally, science fiction will be an increasingly dominant theme all over TV. ABC digs into the comic book and fantasy pool with “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” and "Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” The CW has “The Tomorrow People” and the “Vampire Diaries” spinoff “The Originals.” Fox has “Almost Human” and “Sleepy Hollow,” while NBC chimes in with “Dracula.”


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Since a first-round loss at the French Open in May 2012, Williams is 95-5 and has won 13 tournaments. That includes winning three of the past five major championships to raise her Grand Slam trophy total to 16.

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During the camp, organised by No Dash For Gas, more than 30 people were arrested, including former Green Party leader and Brighton Pavilion MP Caroline Lucas. Since the protests sprang up in the West Sussex countryside at the end of July amid fears that fracking may take place, 80 people have been arrested.

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"The impact on people, particularly on low incomes, is goingto be really severe in this, and the companies have to justifyfully what they are doing," Welby told the Mail on Sundaynewspaper. "I do understand when people feel that this isinexplicable, and I can understand people being angry about it."

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The stabbings happened during a fight between several students in a school corridor. The Harris County Sheriff's Office said 17-year-old student Luis Alonzo Alfaro pulled a knife during the fight and fatally stabbed one student and wounded three others. 

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"As soon as that happens I am eager and ready to negotiatewith Republicans on a whole range of issues: how do we createmore jobs, how do we build the economy, how do we boostmanufacturing," said Obama, in a visit to the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency on Monday to spotlight the loss of governmentservices because of the shutdown.

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“He was (the starting quarterback) today and like I said, we’ll always look at it just like everybody else on the roster. I think we’re criticizing one man,” Ryan said. “It’s not just on one guy. The Titans beat everybody. They didn’t just line up and just beat Geno Smith; they beat every man on this football team, including the coaches.”

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Kelly-Ann McMullan-Preiss and other parents were not happy that their children, who will enter sixtth grade this fall, had been assigned to read Sherman Alexie’s ‘The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian’ — a book that discusses masturbation.


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Mr Blunt, the former prisons minister, was this week told to re-apply for selection following a decision by the executive council of local Conservatives. He said that he will now go forward to a ballot of local Tory members.

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Gemfields, owner of the luxury jewellery brand Fabergé, wasselling output from its flagship Kagem mine across the worlduntil the Zambian government said in April that all emeraldsmined in the country must be auctioned at home.


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As a result, the ocean is losing the chemicals that marine animals need to build protective shells and skeletons. Within the past decade, shellfish hatcheries in Washington and Oregon have experienced massive die-offs of oyster larvae as oysters fail to reproduce. Corals are more sluggish, and plankton have thin, weak shells.

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Fact is, they are rare events - just 61 local governments have gone through Chapter 9 bankruptcy since 1954 - and while the process is devoted to restructuring debt and provides temporary cash flow relief, it does not help a city enhance its revenue or economic outlook. Furthermore, cities typically lose access to capital markets in the wake of a bankruptcy.

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“It could be a few guys’ last game here,” Joe Girardi said when asked about the possibility of this being Cano’s final game in home pinstripes. “No one knows what’s going to happen in the offseason, and there are no guarantees who’s going to be here next year, so it very possibly could. Robbie has been a joy to manage, just a great player that does a lot of great things.”

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Turkey which has met only two-thirds of this year's $6.5billion foreign borrowing plan, named banks on Thursday for a sukuk Islamic bond. Hungary has filed papers to borrow up to $5billion, possibly intending to use some cash to pre-fund 2014.

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Studying in a foreign country – whether for a semester, a year or for an entire degree – also helps prepare students to enter a high-tech and highly global economy, says Allan Goodman, president of IIE.


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With her lover’s body slung into an unmarked grave in Leicester (over which we’d one day build a car park), she is forced to hope his usurper will marry her to ensure the safety of her family — especially her nine-year-old cousin Teddy, a potential Yorkist claimant whose name is being shouted in the streets of London. Beyond her chambers manoeuvre the two most powerful and ambitious women in the country: her mother, Elizabeth Woodville, and Henry VII’s mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort.

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A group of indigenous Chileans had asked the top court torescind Barrick's license, arguing that environmental damagefrom the mine, which straddles the Chilean and Argentine border,warranted a re-evaluation of the project.

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The market has bounced back from a trough of 4,632.3 pointshit on June 25, but worries about slowing growth in China anduncertainty about the U.S. Federal Reserve's stimulus programmehave seen the index pull back from the 5,100 level reached inearly August.

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The bill from Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, would change the definition of harassment to include photographing or recording a child without the permission of a legal guardian by following the child or guardian’s activities or by lying in wait. It also increases the penalties for people convicted of such behavior.


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When you cut calories, you deprive yourself of certain nutrients that promote healthy cell division, cell regeneration, and overall skin tone and texture, explains Dr. David E. Bank, director of the Center for Dermatology, Cosmetic and Laser Surgery in Mount Kisco, NY. "The skin also requires essential fatty acids—which the body can't produce on its own—to maintain hydration. A diet that's too low in fat could cause dry skin, hair loss, and brittle nails."

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CGI Federal, the main contractor for Healthcare.gov, blamedearly problems on another contractor's software and also saidthe federal government was ultimately responsible for thewebsite's performance.

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The commentary for Gareth Edwards’ try will live long in the memory. His passion for the game and understanding of what was unfolding made it so special. Every pass and sidestep made Cliff smile. When I listen to the commentary now, I can envisage Cliff’s face. He would have enjoyed the adventure we showed in the build-up to Gareth’s finish. It was straight out of Cliff’s coaching manual. Nothing planned, just a brilliant off-the-cuff move that brought a deserved reward.


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This is a country so rich that it can afford an argument over whether or not the state should, as Mr Abbott has promised, fund six months of maternity leave at full replacement salary up to a total payout of A$75,000 (£44,000). And yet this is a country so timorous and paranoid that it insists on framing the persistent niggle of boat-borne asylum seekers as an existential threat to be feared, rather than a humanitarian problem and law enforcement issue to be discussed.

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Did Amar’e Stoudemire turn out to be a mistake? Everybody knows that turned out to be an epic mistake for which the Knicks will pay and pay — and pay — until Stoudemire comes off the books, or at least until the Knicks can trade his expiring contract. They should have amnestied Stoudemire instead of Chauncey Billups when they had the chance. Coulda woulda shoulda, and goodbye Chris Paul.

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The only other minor concern is a lingering shower or storm after the front passes. That threat is very low and any rain will be isolated. I don't think this is a major concern but it is still possible. Bottom line, despite the weather weather to start the day, NASCAR does get the second Chase for the Sprint Cup race completed today.

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* CAPITA : Britain's biggest outsourcing company posted a 10 percentrise in first-half profit and said it was confident for the rest of the yearafter winning a record 2 billion pounds worth of new contracts in the first halfof the year.

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Political theorist Benjamin Barber takes this argument a step further in his book, If Mayors Ruled The World, in which he says mayors are far better at addressing global issues than heads of nation states.


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She noted the amendment is primarily focused on protecting girls. "When I asked an organizer why there were no mini-boy contests, I heard him respond that boys would not lower themselves like that."

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In practice, JPMorgan, like the other major commoditydealing banks, appears to be going further and re-evaluating itsfuture as an owner and dealer in physical commodities ratherthan just a plain derivatives dealer, market-maker and providerof trade finance.

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"But in the longer term what we've got to do is get our hospitals working better with GP surgeries and also get our hospitals working better with social care departments so that the frail elderly - who are often the ones who are going in and out of A&E - are better cared for in the community."

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Coincidentally, the exchange service announcement that it would drop the adult magazines came shortly after the release of a U.S. Department of Defense letter stating that Penthouse, Playboy and certain other sex-themed magazines were allowed to be sold on bases because they were not considered "sexually explicit."


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Donna Air offers us a masterclass in one of the hottest trends right now, the coordinating combo, in this fashion-forward ensemble from Markus Lupfer. The cropped print cigarette pant with matching peplum top is from the British-based designer's A/W 13 line, a tough collection featuring sculptured separates and dresses over a palette of crisp whites, blacks and blood red.

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The recording showed Lewinsky wasn’t going to take no for an answer, though it wasn’t clear if the hookup she was seeking actually occurred. “You can’t refuse me because I’m too cute and adorable and soon I won’t be here anymore to pop over,” she tells Clinton.

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The idea was that greater transparency would help taxauthorities - especially those in developed nations which lackthe investigative resources of richer nations - to spot whencompanies were shifting profits out of their countries, andthereby avoiding taxes.

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This is how to deal with terrorists who would other wise slip into the wood work when ground troops show up. And rest assured that these people have connects in the U.S. This is why it’s important for U.S. secret agencies like the NSA to continue their work. Doubt anyone’s complaining about the U.S. tapping into the communications networks in Yemen to track these guys.

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Central to that effort will be Rodriguez’s plan to dispute what the league says is evidence of “use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including testosterone and human growth hormone, over the course of multiple years.”


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Assange's letter, dated January 15 and published on the WikiLeaks website on Wednesday, called the actor a "hired gun" and criticized Walt Disney Co's DreamWorks studio for using "toxic" source material as a foundation for the film, based partly on the 2011 book "Inside WikiLeaks" by Assange's former lieutenant Daniel Domscheit-Berg.

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The State Department did not provide a dollar amount of what was being withheld from Egypt. Part of the withheld aid is $260 million in cash assistance to the government and a planned $300 million loan guarantee, according to congressional aides. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak by name about the briefings that State Department officials gave members of Congress.

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Chairman Philip Hampton, who oversaw the search for Hester'ssuccessor, said McEwan "emerged as the best candidate" and wasthe only person to be offered the job after the bank hadconsidered internal and external options. His promotion comesless than a year after he arrived to run RBS's retail arm.

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"The timetable will be very challenging for insurers andsupervisors and will likely lead to a significant increase incosts for the industry," Insurance Europe's director generalMichaela Koller said in a statement.

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Conversion therapy has become increasingly controversial. In June, California-based Exodus International, a Christian group championing it, apologized for the harm it caused and said it was shutting its doors after 38 years.


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Better Together chief Alistair Darling has challenged Mr Salmond to face him on television instead of Mr Cameron, but the First Minister wants it to be between the respective heads of the Scottish and UK Governments.

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"The thing with him is he's a guy who really, really loves special teams," McCluster said, "and he knows if he can get 11 guys on the kickoff return, punt return, whatever it may be, we can be game changers, and special teams can win games."

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Labour leader Ed Miliband, who has pledged to freeze energy prices for 20 months if he wins the next election, said the party supported the development of new nuclear power stations, but would scrutinise the terms of the deal to ensure it delivered value for money for consumers.

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The 55-year-old Erakat, an academic whose perfect command of English is often spiced with humour, was part of every team to negotiate with Israel since 1991, with the notable exception of those who secretly hammered out the 1993 Oslo Accords.

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Before 2010, Haiti hadn’t had a major cholera outbreak for decades.U.N. tests later showed that the bacteria matched a strain from Nepal. The same investigation blamed sanitation disposal at a U.N. camp along a tributary to the peacekeepers.


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"We have every intention of continuing that policy in theinterests of Canadian consumers and the broad Canadian public,including proceeding with the auction as we have laid out forsome time," Harper told reporters in Miramichi, New Brunswick.

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I’ll be honest, I began reading your article intently, until I realized that it degenerated into nothing more than a biased rant against the for profit sector, and is evident because you presume to understand the whole of a complex issue by propping up incomplete arguments with incomplete data. That moment came at this statement,”The schools justify their extra cost by offering accelerated programs and more robust distance-learning options that can accommodate a more demanding lifestyle. This, they’ve determined, is what the rest of higher education isn’t offering — and it’s what’s worth at least an extra $10,000.” Please tell me the whole dollar amount of what the operational cost is to educate someone at the associate degree level; I’ll give you a hint, the cost of tuition at community college isn’t it. For-profits don’t cost more because they think the services they provide are worth that much extra – public institutions cost less because taxpayers subsidize a significant portion of the cost of education. State education budgets, federal education dollars; there is a river of taxpayer money propping up public institutions that the for profit sector is not eligible to receive. Bottom line, they cost more because students are picking up the entire cost of education rather than relying on taxpayers to pay for most of it.

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“If you want to solve problems,” Cuomo said, “then you have to start with the people, who have to start taking a greater role here before the fact, instead of waiting until later to start complaining about who got elected.”

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Durant emerged from that group of 12 new players to lead the team to the title, but Colangelo thinks next year's squad will be more of a blend between old faces and new. He said he's received encouraging signs that Durant, Russell Westbrook, James Harden and Kevin Love all want to play next summer.

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Assad, whose family has ruled Syria for more than four decades, has relied on Alawite-led army units and security forces from the start, but has turned increasingly to loyalist militia armed and funded by Damascus to fight the rebels.


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While the White House hasn't made a concerted effort to holdup shoppers like Desaulniers as beneficiaries of the law, theyare expected to represent a significant number of Americansseeking insurance on the exchanges.

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Though every team tries to limit pitch counts these days, going well above the standard limit for pitches to chase a no-hitter isn't unheard of. San Francisco's Tim Lincecum needed 148 pitches to complete his recent no-no against the Padres.

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"Panama obviously has an important responsibility to ensure that the Panama Canal is utilized for safe and legal commerce," said Acting U.S. Ambassador Rosemary DiCarlo, who is the current Security Council president. "Shipments of arms or related material to or from Korea would violate Security Council resolutions, three of them as a matter of fact."

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Not far from reality, most Lego STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) minifigs are male. (There is a female astronaut.) The unveiling of Professor C. Bodin, also known as the Scientist, addresses and confronts the lack of women in the hard sciences. Professor C. Bodin’s introduction in the math and science series is a breakthrough, bridging the gender gap in Lego Minifigs and fighting the stereotype in real life.

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Wow. Live and learn. Mugabe used Tsvangirai’s inclusion into government to gain legitimacy to his own party’s tarnished image. Then, after his party sheds many of its “excesses”, he comes around and wins outright, this time as a “legitimate party”. Pretty slick moves Mugabe.


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"This matters particularly in the euro area, whereover-reliance on central bank funding, including emergencyliquidity assistance, can delay the necessary restructuring andchanges in banks' business models," he added. (Reporting by Leigh Thomas, editing by Tom Heneghan)

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July 19 (IFR) - As US Treasuries have stabilized and yieldstighten anew, bankers are optimistic that pending M&A trades inthe US high-yield bond market will find strong demand frominvestors - and not hurt the underwriters bringing the deals tomarket.

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Becker was on the cusp of expanding its mergers andacquisitions practice when Lebec joined the firm. In 1984, A.G.Becker was bought by Merrill Lynch. He ran Merrill's M&A groupfor a time and then its telecoms, media and technology group.

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"Funds of these sizes are well-positioned to take advantage of the wealth ofmiddle-market investment opportunities available at smaller ticket sizes inthese markets," EMPEA President Robert van Zwieten said in a statement.

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For nearly a century, the only bears known to reside in Missouri were on the state flag or in captivity. Unregulated hunting and habitat loss had wiped out most black bears in Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma ...

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The shares' debut marks the end of a long road and sometimestumultuous road to an IPO. The process began in late 2011 andwas met by resistance from a small group of investors and byseveral lawsuits.

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Have you ever wondered why it says nowhere in the koran or by muhammed that muslim women should wear burqas? Its only in the last 25 to 30 years that it has become common. Its because they do not want to assimilate or integrate. Ask any muslim cleric. They do not want to associate with infidels. Its a fact. Therefor harsh as it sounds there will come a day in the future where for the world to survive as non islam we will have to abolish mosqes and ban islam. The koran is a book of war. Anyone trying to compare muhammed with Jesus is mentally ill. Jesus preached peace and love. Muhammed was in 26 battles and personally beheaded 25 Jews. I fail to see the comparison.

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The report notes that France, which represents the majority of Europe’s innovators (followed by Switzerland (4), Germany (3), Sweden (2), & The Netherlands (1)), made changes to its R&D policy as recently as 2008 after a series of pharmaceutical companies changed countries. France was not well-represented in the Pharmaceutical category; however, both L’Oreal & Arkema made the list, in addition to Alcatel-Lucent, the CNRS, the Commisseriat à l’Energie Atomique, EADS, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Michelin, Safran, Thales & Valeo.

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Jean Coutu shares were down 3.7 percent at C$18.21 onWednesday afternoon in Toronto, off an earlier low at C$17.73. ($1 = $1.0398 Canadian) (Reporting by Sneha Banerjee in Bangalore and Solarina Ho inToronto; editing by Jeffrey Hodgson and Matthew Lewis)


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LISBON, Portugal — The revista is a typically Portuguese form of theater — an all-singing-all-dancing spectacle of political satire whose undoubted modern master is writer and director Filipe La Feria.

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Protests that followed the death of a local political leader on hunger strike led India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, to concede the division of the previously bilingual Madras state.

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Dishon most recently served eight years and eight months in state prison after being convicted of sodomy in 2005. He was due to be released from prison on Sept. 6, but was rearrested on an indictment charging him with sexually abusing a girl who was less than 12-years-old in 1982.

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And, in a quirk of scheduling, two of the season’s hottest tickets took place on the night of Aug. 24 within a few miles of each other, creating a traffic nightmare on Montauk Highway equal to anything on the West Side Highway.

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He returned too late to register to run in the election, or even to vote, and the electoral authorities rejected his late request to do so. But he has attracted large crowds to rallies and may appeal to younger voters with no memory of the turmoil before the authoritarian Hun Sen helped restore stability.


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Google, which has committed $355 million to rooftop solar funds with SolarCity and Clean Power Finance, declined to comment on solar loans or whether it will continue to invest in solar leases once the federal tax credit declines.

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The Commission extended its deadline for a decision on thedeal to Oct. 16 from Sept. 25. It blocked Aegean's 2011 bid topurchase Olympic because of the combined company'squasi-monopoly in the Greek air travel market.

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"We note that this news removes a key overhang for Celgeneas with these data, they can now file for approval in the EU ...(The) EU filing may come by end of the year," Deutsche BankAnalyst Robyn Karnauskas wrote in a note.

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Tycoon Suleiman Kerimov and his partners own 33 percent ofUralkali, the leading producer of the fertiliser ingredient thattogether with Belaruskali had controlled two-fifths of the $20billion world market.

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"During a search in the water near the central part of the ship, coast guard and police divers found remains which still have to be identified with DNA," Italy's civil protection agency said in a statement on Thursday.


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The massive police investigation, which will have cost 38.8 million pounds ($57.5 million) by 2015, has led to 126 arrests, with six people convicted and a further 42 charged with a variety of offences. Police said they now believed there were 5,500 potential victims of phone-hacking.

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HMRC is seeking to recoup £4.1 million of VAT rebates which it believes were wrongly paid to Audit Scotland since 2006, who are understood to have recouped the tax incurred by external companies that it contracted in to do audit work.

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In addressing the mourners in national tragedies — whether it be the aftermath of the Boston bombings, a natural disaster like the recent Oklahoma tornadoes or a mass shooting, as he has on three previous occasions — Obama's unenviable task has been to effectively explain senseless loss of life, provide comfort and chart a way forward.

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Internal company emails presented at the trial on Mondayshowed BP saying publicly after the spill in April 2010 that5,000 barrels of oil a day were leaking into the ocean when itknew up to 100,000 barrels a day could have been leaking.

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"But we're not really settled in, because we don't have electricity right now. Our only power is that yellow cord there," he said, pointing to an extension cable running out a front window and across the yard to a neighbor's house.


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A study from Washington University School of Medicine seems to support this view. The researchers examined 404 people – 227 had MCI and the rest were people with no memory problems who had volunteered for an annual check. The MCI participants were put into three groups – fairly confident, suspicious and uncertain – depending on how far the researchers felt their symptoms reflected early Alzheimer’s.

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A Defense Department official said the Pentagon had more than 600,000 mobile devices in use in spring, including 470,000 BlackBerrys, 41,000 devices with Apple operating systems and 8,700 smart phones with Android systems.

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Any possible culpability on the part of the railway remains to be determined; police say their criminal investigation will proceed slowly and carefully. But it is fact that an unmanned Montreal, Maine and Atlantic freight train with 72 cars carrying shale oil turned into a runaway death machine - rolling away from its overnight parking spot, barreling for miles down an incline in the dark of night, derailing in the heart of Lac-Megantic at 1:14 a.m. on July 6, and snuffing out 50 lives when a series of explosions set off a ferocious fire.

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Two bills are currently pending in Congress to bridge the gap for couples who cannot afford the price of IVF. One would allow couples a tax credit, much like the adoption credit for out-of-pocket costs.

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.


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But with the U.S. central bank's $85 billion-a-monthbond-buying programme intact, the dollar should grind lower incoming weeks. As Bank of Japan has pledged to flood markets withcash and the European Central Bank is ready to do the same, theeuro and yen are also set to struggle.

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Police said the deadliest of Saturday's attacks took place when a suicide bomber drove his explosive-laden car into a residential area in the town of Tuz Khormato, killing eight people and wounding dozens, Mayor Shalal Abdool said. The town is about 200 kilometers (130 miles) north of the Iraqi capital.

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“Please say I never have to watch another England game,” said one supporter at Kiev airport. Roy Hodgson’s men are now in the curious position of leading their World Cup qualifying group while straining the loyalty of their audience.

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“It's exciting that my wife and I will be able to file both Maryland and federal taxes together next year, and that we don't have to worry about whether we'll have hospital rights in the event of an emergency,” Trahan said.

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The Knicks, Nets, Pacers and LeBron James should all consider themselves warned. The Eastern Conference just got a lot tougher on Saturday in a game featuring two teams that improved significantly over the summer.


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Mr Obama had signalled his strong support for Larry Summers, who served as US Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, but Mr Summers withdrew from the race last month after widespread criticism and signs of tough resistance to the former White House economic advisor in Congress.

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Acadametrics estimates that completed housing transactions reached 68,000 in July after a “gradual increase” this year compared with 2012. That’s the highest monthly total since 2009 and the most for a July since 2007, when the financial crisis struck.

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Alice Gruppioni, 32, had been married just three days when she was struck and killed while walking the Southern California boardwalk with her newlywed husband Saturday night, her family in Bologna told Italian news agency LaPresse.

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On behalf of the prosecution, Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Kelly objected, saying sequestration would be "unnecessary" and would not be fair to the jury. Jurors have not be sequestered since the trial began June 12, but have been admonished not to read news reports about the trial and not to discuss the trial with anyone.


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The U.S. Postal Service will unveil a commemorative stamp on Friday, and a Sunday gospel brunch with opera singer Denyce Graves is tap. The National Park Service has scheduled numerous civil rights-related events on the National Mall.

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Written in the overheated fervor over the NYPD’s strategy of stopping, questioning and sometimes frisking people suspected of criminality, the bills would impose an inspector general on the police department and recklessly expose individual officers and the department as a whole to lawsuits over alleged claims of bias.

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Ferguson hardly clears up that Battle of the Buffet at Old Trafford, although he says he was told it was Cesc Fabregas who threw the pizza that ruined his shirt. Ferguson does add on the food front that Highbury and the Emirates always provided away teams with the best post-match food.

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Sharpton will be joined by Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, and brother, Jahvaris Fulton, in New York City, the news release said. Meanwhile, Martin's father, Tracy Martin, will stand with supporters in Miami.


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More than 1,000 firefighters were preparing on Sunday for what fire officials called "a heavy air show" in a drive to gain the upper hand over a blaze fed by low humidity, high temperatures and gusting winds.

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Critics have charged that the Fed has botched its communications strategy and left investors confused while Fed officials contend that the economy has not improved as expected, and because of that, it delayed an expected initial reduction in bond purchases at the September meeting.

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After covering dozens of hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires (no earthquakes for me, at least not yet) I have often thought about what happens to those places after the media says adios. Sure, after Katrina we all went back for the one-year anniversary to look around but most places are just ignored years on.

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If the judge should decide that the World Trade Center owners were entitled to additional money, a liability trial might occur. The defendants include American Airlines Inc., AMR Corp., United Airlines Inc., US Airways Inc., Colgan Air Inc., Boeing Co. and the Massachusetts Port Authority, among others.

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“Violence will only make it more difficult to move Egypt forward on path to lasting stability and democracy and runs directly counter to the pledges by the interim government to pursue reconciliation,” he said. “We’re going to remind them that they made that promise and encourage them to keep it.”


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"I can't travel to Rome, but he came here to make my country better ... and to deepen our faith." — Idaclea Rangel, a 73-year-old Catholic in comments after a wrong turn sent a humble Fiat carrying Pope Francis into the thick of a frenzied Rio crowd, in his first minutes back in South America since becoming pontiff.

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Now that we have an official due date for Kate and Wills’ baby — mid-July — we’ll be highlighting what’s going on in the life of the pregnant duchess and the HRH-to-be. Check here daily for updates from now until the birth.

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‘She is responding normally to the environment around her. She is learning Greek and has already spoken her first words, because up until now, she had only learned the Roma language,” explained Athanasia Kakarouba a social worker.

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Just a few blocks from the Nationals Park baseball stadium, the Navy Yard also houses a Navy museum, a Navy art gallery, and the human resources operations for Navy civilian workers. A retired destroyer, the USS Barry, is moored at the yard as a floating museum.

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The Department of Justice announced Thursday it will not block recreational marijuana stores from opening next year in Colorado and Washington state. Voters in the two states elected to legalize the drug in November 2012, but marijuana advocates and state officials have anxiously awaited federal guidance ever since.


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Bentek, a Colorado company that analyzes energy trends, said that 2013 production in Pennsylvania and West Virginia is up about 50 percent compared to last year. Figures for the pipelines that take gas out of the Marcellus show that in the first six months of the year Pennsylvania produced about 1.5 trillion cubic feet of gas, with projections for a year-end total of about 3.2 trillion cubic feet.

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Gribbon acknowledged a relay call “is on other dispatch screens,” but, he added, “The relay operator who failed to handle the call was assigned specifically to handle that — and all other — calls received via relay.”

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“Of course. The team goes undefeated, I still want to be there, but yeah, you’d like to think you can help,” Jeter said. “I think all things considered, our team’s done a pretty good job. We’ve had a lot of injuries, a lot of player movement, but I think we’ve held our own.”

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As directed by versatile James Mangold (“Walk the Line,” “Cop Land”), these developments feel remarkably grounded — almost as much of a leap beyond “X-Men,” in this respect, as “X-Men” was in comparison to its genre predecessors. A sequence with Wolverine battling Yakuza gangsters atop a speeding Shinkansen bullet train is a stunner, and a tender moment with Mariko schooling him on polite chopsticks form is nicely handled.

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He described the situation inside twisted carriages piled on top of the each other: “A lot of people were squashed on the bottom. We tried to squeeze out of the bottom of the carriages to get out and we realised the train was burning. … I was in the second carriage and there was fire. … I saw corpses.”


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Surrey were relegated after winning just one championship match last season. The club thrive off the field, making a healthy profit from running the Oval, but on the field results have been inconsistent since the glory days under Adam Holliaoke.

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Twitter's IPO is just one in a string of large, high-profileIPOs expected during the next several months. Chinese e-commercegiant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and hotel operator HiltonWorldwide are among the listings expected to whet the appetitesof Wall Street and retail investors. Shares of Empire StateRealty Trust Inc, owner of the Empire State Building,were up 1.5 percent Wednesday afternoon in their market debut.

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"Syria may be a bridge too far, but it's certainly possible they could reach some sort of tentative understanding on the Shi'ite situation in Bahrain. The crown prince there is in a better position to negotiate and may be inclined to assist in a resolution," said Jordan, the former U.S. ambassador in Riyadh.

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Fox Factory, which makes high-performance suspensionproducts used mainly on mountain bikes, snowmobiles andall-terrain vehicles, counts Polaris Industries Inc andFord Motor Co as its major customers.

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"Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and our thoughts are always with them and their families," the magazine's editors said in a statement Wednesday. "The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone's long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day.


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Romania had about 500,000 political prisoners under the Communist regime, about one-fifth of whom died while in detention, according to historians, who say most prisoners were simply people who had fallen afoul of the Communist regime.

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A chunk of ornamental plaster work fell off the facade of one hotel on Acapulco's once-glamorous main boulevard, and tourists swarmed out of another nearby hotel, gathering on the sidewalk outside until the tremor had passed.

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"Some of these cyclicals counters are among the most beatenup and are currently trading at big discounts. Going into theAugust earnings season, some of them present good tradingopportunities," Yip added.

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Derby day always brings nerves and tension so it’s likely we’ll see another tight game that could be settled by the single goal. Both sides had been struggling for form prior to Champions League games but can both now go into the game with a degree a confidence. Much will depend on how brave Moyes and Pellegrini are with their team selections. Navas out wide would be bold from Pellegrini whilst the only real question mark on United side is the wide left position. Kagawa would be bold bearing in mind he hasn’t had much football but Welbeck has shown he can do the job required. It’s very tough to pick a winner between the two sides as they do match up so very well.

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Debt levels are also something to consider. While not an immediate cause for concern, those investors looking across the listed options of property exposure should bear in mind that British Land is one of the most indebted. On Deutsche Bank analysis, the British Land net debt to net assets is 83pc, compared with the UK average of 61pc.


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Look, I’ve had a hard time believing that A-Rod would walk away from the game if he could still play, mostly because I’ve had enough conversations with him over the years, both on and off the record, to convince me he really was something of a gym rat when it came to his sport.

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"The authorities in China, in my opinion absolutelyappropriately, have stopped all imports of New Zealand milkpowders from Australia and New Zealand," New Zealand TradeMinister Tim Groser told Television New Zealand on Sunday.

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Two more losses followed under McVay before the Giants got their first win, 12-9, over the Redskins on four Joe Danelo field goals. It was the fourth straight week they had failed to score a touchdown. With Morton down with an elbow injury, Snead went 3-for-14 passing for 26 yards. But the monkey was off their backs, as McVay put it, and after a 3-4 finish under the new coach, he was offered a new contract.

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Havana retiree Antonio Fernandez, who has visited his children and other family members in the United States, welcomed the new policy, which he said would allow more contact between divided Cuban families.

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The government investigation of JPMorgan in the Madoffmatter is separate from a tentative $13 billion deal the bank istrying to conclude over its liability for faulty mortgagesecurities sold in the run-up to the financial crisis.


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Manukainiu, a 19-year-old redshirt freshman, and Vaenuku, an 18-year-old freshman, were passengers in a 2002 Toyota Sequoia that drifted off U.S. Highway 550 just north of Cuba, according to the University of Utah, which cited a New Mexico state police report.

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A series of high-profile cases, such as that of radical cleric Abu Qatada, who resisted British attempts to send him to Jordan to face terrorism charges for more than a decade, have angered many voters and exposed successive governments to the accusation that they do not control Britain's own borders.

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"We'll still work with Russia on issues where we can find common ground, but it was the unanimous view of the president and his national security team that a summit did not make sense in the current environment," Rhodes told the Associated Press.

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The Uruguay forward, given an extended summer break by the club after playing in the Confederations Cup last month, is a target for Arsenal and Real Madrid after publicly admitting his determination to leave Liverpool.


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"Recent private equity investments have been made in Public Mobile and Mobilicity, while Accelero remains an interested bidder for the Wind assets," said Macquarie analyst Greg MacDonald. "We have also heard that larger telco-focused private equity firms have remained interested in the event that Verizon does not invest."

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Verizon Communications Inc. is taking on new debt to help pay for its $130 billion deal with Vodafone Group PLC to buy the British cell phone carrier's stake in the company. While the exact size of that debt is still pending, two rating agencies assigned investment-grade ratings to it on Tuesday.

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"At a time when there are multiple viewpoints about how to approach health care, and [the country] stands on the cusp of implementing large structural changes to the health care system, we are here because we want the best possible outcomes for people with cancer and their families," said Kim Thiboldeaux, president and CEO of the Cancer Support Community.

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The architects of the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate accountability law in late July mocked the notion that the soccer club is an emerging growth company that is going to help create jobs in the United States.

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Now the Spaniard is putting on a show at the British Open. He is threatening to become the oldest player ever to win a major with a one-shot lead going into the weekend at Muirfield. And he is doing it in his own way, seemingly strolling through this treacherous golf course as if he were sitting down puffing on one of his Cohiba cigars or sipping his Rioja wine.


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Real-time U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only; comprehensive U.S. stock quotes reflect trading in all markets and are delayed at least 15 minutes. All quote volume is comprehensive and reflects trading in all markets, delayed at least 15 minutes. International stock quotes are delayed as per exchange requirements.

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Eminent domain, which is used to acquire private property for public use, is more commonly associated with government-related development projects, such as buying houses to build a freeway or an airport. It requires paying fair market value for the seized property. Government bodies go before a judge to establish what a fair price would be.

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The new Twinkies' have some differences from the original tried and true formula that fans have come to know and love. The snack's shelf life has extended to 45 days, almost three weeks longer than the 26 days the former Twinkie was supposed to stay fresh.

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My main contact with the campaign was a tall, skinny kid named Bill de Blasio, who later became Lynch’s assistant at City Hall and is now leading the field in his own run for mayor. Another deputy, Patrick Gaspard, started as a campaign advance man and went on to be White House political director and executive director of the Democratic National Committee.

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His beginnings were not grand: Horace’s father was a freed slave who bestowed upon his son the rather wonderful name of Quintus Horatius Flaccus, flaccus meaning something like “droopy”. He left behind a body of work which he claimed was “more lasting than bronze”, and quite right he was about that. Most people can quote carpe diem and dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. The former is usually translated (wrongly, in Harry Eyres’s opinion) as “seize the day” – the verb carpo means something more gentle, like “pluck”. The second, thanks to Wilfred Owen, is largely taken out of context, thought to be justifying the deaths of soldiers.


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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded: “I remember when we met John Kerry for the first time. He told me a great responsibility rests on our two countries, a lot of things depend on us. That is why we have to work as adults. This is what we are trying to do and we hope that it is reciprocal. “

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Markets were fairly subdued in their response to the election results given the likely haggling over the formation of a government in the coming days. The DAX index of leading shares was down 0.1% at 8,663.

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SHEPARDSON: Central Falls is a good example as they got in and out very fast. I mean, that was in record time. And if that's your benchmark, that's one of the good ones. And Jefferson County, Alabama, is also getting in and out in about 18 months.

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For while Johnson goes heavy on the contrition, describing his own performance-enhancing path as the “destiny I chose, and that cost me”, he is still excoriating about his enemies. Of Carl Lewis, who gave the famously dumbstruck stare as he burned down lane six in a steroid-fuelled time of 9.79 seconds, he says: “We don’t like each other, plain and simple. If I say the things that are really on my mind, you won’t like it.” Try me, I say. “He is just there for himself. He might have been the best once, winning gold medals and a lot of money, but he had to move on for somebody else. It was my turn.”

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The answer choices were: a) Receiving accurate news quickly even if that news is delivered in an “all caps” tweet or b) I’d like news to be reformatted from “all caps” before being sent, even if it takes longer.


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The Dow Jones industrial average ended slightly lower on theday after closing at a record high. Caterpillar and AT&T dragged on the Dow following weak results on a day whenearnings were mixed, with better-than-expected news from BoeingCo But blue-chip Boeing's stock also ended the day lower.

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I have no doubt that premier Li Keqiang genuinely wishes to move to "market mechanisms" and break the monopoly of the party cadres over the industrial machine. He was the sponsor of a report last year arguing that China would have to abandon its top-down model and embrace the free market and - more controversially - free thought as well. "Innovation at the technology frontier is quite different in nature from catching up technologically. It is not something that can be achieved through government planning," it said.

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In collaboration with the Brin Wojcicki Foundation, the Alzheimer's Association announced that it would be made available to researchers worldwide through the Global Alzheimer's Association Interactive Network (GAAIN), funded with $5 million from the association.

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Canada's largest wireless company, which has some 9.5million mobile customers, said revenue was crimped by new,lower-priced roaming plans, while phone sales also dropped andfewer people signed up for service.


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Only a decade ago, the former Portuguese colony was agangster's paradise where rivals regularly settled disputes withguns. China has sought to turn it into a safe, family-friendlyresort city. It granted gaming concessions to the Las Vegaselite such as Sands, who opened glitzy casinos that dwarf theolder ones surrounding Chow's property.

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Authorities say Paculis contacted Deen's attorney threatening to reveal damaging statements by the former Food Network star unless she paid him $200,000. That happened after documents became public that showed Deen acknowledged using racial slurs in the past.

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"Is Pfc. Manning somebody who is a traitor, who has no loyalty to this country, or the flag?" Coombs had asked. "Or is he a young, naive, good-intentioned soldier who had human life, in his humanist beliefs, center to his decision?


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Because Hansen came forward, the lawsuit will be withdrawn, Ravel said. He also agreed to pay a penalty, which Ravel said would be modest. A spokesman for the commission said the final amount of the penalty was still being calculated.

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The undercover detective met with Costarakis again on Oct. 10 and received another payment of $1,000. She also informed the detective that her daughter-in-law wore expensive jewelry and when the job was done, he could sell the jewelry.

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The surface of a Thompson table is fashioned with an adze, which results in a smooth honeycomb pattern. Chair backs are centred with a lattice pattern carved from a single piece of oak, which looks for all the world as though it has been woven in wood. But the signature of Robert Thompson is the thing that really identifies his furniture – a mouse. It may be climbing up the leg of a chair or fashioned into the handle of a tray. But every piece, however large or small, will have a mouse upon it somewhere.


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In the “Republic of Samsung,” trendy youngsters are gearing up for a smartwatch bonanza. It’s not a question of whether the gadgets are useful; as long as they look cool and have fun features they will become objects of desire, according to Korean 20-somethings interviewed by GlobalPost.

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"Changes in demand are likely to be relatively modest overthe next few years, but over the long term, growth rates areexpected to pick up slightly, with the highest rates expected tobe in Southern Europe as this region has the greatest number ofgrowing economies," UKPIA said in a recent report.

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Cameron took a jab at the Labour party, saying he regretted that they had chosen "the easy and the political path" over "the right and the difficult path." He said not doing anything would send an "appalling signal" to Assad and other dictators.

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The next day, police found Salinas' car about a block from her apartment. The doors were locked, the overnight bag she packed was gone, and there were no signs of a struggle. The car had front-end damage and two flat tires.


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He was taken in for X-Rays at Citi Field where the break was found after the game, Collins announced. The disappointment was similar to when struggling first baseman Ike Davis went down last month, Collins said.

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Still, Jeter has some big problems. He does not look right in the field and he has all these issues with his legs. Joe Girardi is deeply concerned, which is why the manager decided to sit Jeter the rest of the series here, knowing he has the designated hitter to use tomorrow in Chicago.


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Kerdasa: Egyptian security forces backed by armored fighting vehicles and helicopters stormed a tourist town near the Great Pyramids that became an Islamist stronghold on Thursday, the latest in a stepped up campaign by the military-backed government. A police general fell in the first moments of the battle. Gen. Nabil Farrag had just given a pep talk to his men on the street, when they came under a hail of gunfire. AP

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Supporters of off-exchange trading say removing the optionof buying and selling shares privately will make largeportfolios more costly to manage and potentially hurtperformance of investment funds and pensions.


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Ellison said he and the city had unrealistic expectations when they signed "very, very complex development deals," with neither anticipating how difficult it would be to obtain federal and state development permits along the waterfront, or how costly it would be to repair city piers.

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"I don't regret letting the cameras roll at all," Frankel said. "I could have skated by. I could have stayed on the show and been like, 'Oh, everything's perfect with us. Everything's great.' It made me feel dirty for people to think that I had this perfect relationship and this perfect life."

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“It would not be unreasonable to say that 20 per cent of all our marriages are suspicious, have some elements of suspicion about them. So one in five in London, probably in the other big cities as well it will be a similar problem, obviously in county areas in the countryside it is not as big a problem, but certainly in the urban areas, with high areas of ethnicity it is significant."


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The cognoscenti knew better. They knew he could bat, knew he could bowl. But to most here at Trent Bridge he was just another leap in the dark post-Shane Warne. He looked like somebody’s son who had been called off a shift behind the bar to make up the numbers.

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@JR Terrance Most of the people who say that had no problem voting for Bush43 or potentially or Mrs Sarah Palin. And frankly it shows how too many people’s knowledge come from framed sound bites. Biden is actually a really smart guy who has been in the Senate for 30 yrs. Listen to him speak about any number of issues (before he was VP and now has to speak in talking points) and he gives expansive answers that most politicians wouldn’t dare broach. Now I don’t think he’d be the right guy for President personally, but I think he’d fare 100x better than Bush43 or Palin (or Rubio, Cruz, Paul, etc…)

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Even commercial sites stumbled. Ehealth, which received federal permission to sell Obamacare policies, was able to sell coverage to people in Connecticut, California, Maryland, Texas and Florida but not New York, New Jersey or Rhode Island.


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As a teenager, Kirilenko played for a team in Moscow owned by Prokhorov. He said he envisioned himself playing for the Nets once Prokhorov took over in 2010, and eventually it took a $7 million paycut to happen.

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Gunmen killed two female polio health workers in the same area earlier this year. Similar attacks have been staged elsewhere in Pakistan and also in Nigeria, where Islamist gunmen killed nine health workers in February.

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"If the numbers had come up really, really strong, perhapspeople would overlook the problems in Washington. But with thenumbers coming in slightly below expectations, it renews concernthat the recovery could start to peter out," said Rick Meckler,president of hedge fund LibertyView Capital Management LLC inJersey City, New Jersey.

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The starter for the National League at the All-Star Game in July, Harvey went 9-5 with a 2.27 ERA this season. While he and the Mets were not clear on how long he had experienced discomfort in his forearm, Harvey struggled in his last three starts. After pitching his first career shutout Aug. 7 against the Rockies, Harvey went 0-3 with a 3.86 ERA in his following three starts. While his mechanics were being monitored closely because he was pushing through a career-high innings pitched, Harvey was pounded for 13 hits, the most he ever gave up, in a loss to the Tigers Aug. 24. He complained of forearm discomfort after that game and sent for an MRI, where the tear was found. 

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Returning the compliments, Walters -- whose eyes welled with tears for almost the entire telecast -- said, "I'm a little teary, but I always want what's best for you." She then admitted, laughing: "I'm not happy that you're going."


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On Tuesday at 2:41 p.m., Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., took the Senate floor to protest a government funding bill that funds President Obama’s signature health care reform law. He plans to talk — and talk — all afternoon and possibly all evening long.

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In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, the Coast Guard picked up 508 Haitians and 1,357 Cubans at sea. Since the new fiscal year began Oct. 1, the Coast Guard has reported picking up 93 Haitians and 117 Cubans.

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This apparent contradiction helps illustrate a rethinking under way on how to measure economic output, a discussion that is leading to an overhaul of government data this week that will show the U.S. economy is a bit larger than previously thought.


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“The repair feels great,” Lewis said. “Me going out there, my fastball has inconsistencies. My consistency to repeat my delivery is not there. It’s put myself in a situation where I haven’t given my arm a chance to get right either.

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“The governor is hopeful that we can reopen Mt. Rushmore soon,” said Tony Venhuizen, spokesman for Daugaard, told FoxNews.com. “But we have not yet received the cost estimates to reopen the site.”

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The difference in America is the individual has an opportunity to defend against “the many” and the “leaders” through his or her own actions. The mechanisms of that defense, free markets and the legal system, have been attacked by socialist/communist dogma and the political lackeys of that dogma. It would be nice to see the American Dream of free markets and the legal system survive that attack.


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"The History Boy," declared the Times, dedicating the first eight pages of the paper to 'Murray-mania" in another souvenir edition with a wraparound picture of Murray clambering through the stands to embrace friends and family as the crowd reached out to him.

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Meanwhile, Williams offered “no update” on his status other than that he will continue to “take it slow.” The three-time All-Star guard had said Wednesday that he would miss at least the Nets’ next three preseason games, but he was impressed watching the revamped Nets’ 111-106 win Tuesday over Washington in Jason Kidd’s coaching debut.

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Twitter has slowly shut off third-party access to its data, preferring to keep the information for its own business purposes. It has cut off many developers that want to build new features that would interact with the Twitter platform.


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Reinstating basic security across Libya is now the first priority for both the government and citizens alike, but many Libyans on the streets of Tripoli believe that the weakness of their government makes this goal far from certain.

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Those feelings are ramped up with couples, said Jonathan Alpert, a Manhattan psychotherapist who says he has treated a lot of patients for TV addiction. “People feel rejected if they feel the other person doesn’t care about the things they care about,” said Alpert, the author of “Be Fearless: Change Your Life in 28 Days.”

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Kumar came to power in 2005, ousting a government which hadbeen blamed for rampant corruption and sluggish growth in thepoor eastern state. (Reporting by Annie Banerji, Mayank Bhardwaj and Anurag Kotoky;editing by Andrew Roche)

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"The Forest Service, when it lobbied for the FLAME Act, said, 'Look, if you give us this reserve fund for large fires, we won't need to raid other parts of our budget,'" said Andy Stahl, director of the watchdog group Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics. "The Forest Service instead used up the FLAME money and is now using other parts of its budget. That is giving the agency a blank check and it just keeps putting more zeros on it."

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The process will begin in November and Tepco expects to take about a year removing the assemblies, spokesman Yoshikazu Nagai told Reuters by e-mail. It's just one installment in the decommissioning process for the plant forecast to take about 40 years and cost $11 billion.


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The issue is so divisive in Norway that it has split the ruling Labour Party: its young members in the AUF openly campaign against exploration, even though Labour Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has backed an impact assessment in the area, the first step in the process that would lead to drilling.

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"The government will present an overwhelming amount of evidence establishing the crimes the defendant committed at Dos Erres while a member of the Guatemalan military," Joseph told the court. "The government will show the defendant obtained citizenship by lying on his application and during his naturalization interview."


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"It would have been totally unprecedented to have that sort of thing occur," says Silliman, who has served as senior attorney at two large military installations and three major Air Force commands. "Now, if the crime had occurred off the post, then there might have been what we call concurrent jurisdiction between the civilian authorities and the military authorities."

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"What we should be doing is working with international partners to help the millions of Syrians who want to have a free democratic Syria, who want to see that country have some form of success."


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Western powers did not want to intervene in Syria's civil war for more than two years, but the use of chemical weapons brought President Obama 'kicking and screaming into doing something, Christiane Amanpour says.

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Loeb views Sony's announcement on Tuesday as a "good outcome" even though the Japanese company rebuffed his hedge fund's proposal to spin off its movies, television and music business, said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


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Gathering an unprecedented quantity of data covering all 50 states from 1981 to 2010 — and crunching the numbers every which way — researchers from Boston University found that a 1% increase in gun ownership translates to a 0.9% increase in the gun homicide rate.

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Cuba held the news conference, where it announced the draft U.N. resolution calling for an end to the embargo, at the William Soler children's heart center to emphasize that the sanctions do not discriminate between the country's political leadership and innocent people and amounts to what it calls "genocide."

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In recent years, some paleontologists had argued that T. rex only fed on the dead. Fossil hunters have previously found dinosaur bones scarred by tooth-marks and skulls punctured by bites, and they have also uncovered trails of fossilized footprints that recorded a predator's pursuit of its prey. Until now, though, they had nothing to identify the specific predators responsible.

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The Interior Ministry raised the death toll to 80 in what was Spain's deadliest train wreck in four decades. The Galician government said 94 others remained hospitalized in six regional hospitals, 31 of them — including four children — in critical condition.

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"I see a China that is moving forward very, very seriously," she said. "They're talking about a national emission-trading scheme. Three of the most populous cities have banned coal burning around the city—not for global warming but because of the health impact."


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On Friday, the school announced that forward Roosevelt Jones would miss the entire 2013-14 season because of a wrist injury he sustained during a fall in the first game of Butler's recent four-game Australian tour. He was re-examined after the Bulldogs came back to Indianapolis.

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His family has been a fixture on the boardwalk for the last eight decades. He lost everything, including old photos of the boardwalk, items of historical value and keepsakes from his mother, who died in 2006.

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"Ten member states in the EU have less than 10 percentinterconnection capacity compared to total consumption stilltoday. It is notable that amongst those member states, severalare contemplating or have installed capacity mechanisms."

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.


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Borel made it a point to thank Jerry Hissam, his longtime agent of 22 years who retired in April because of several health problems but was in attendance Friday. “We work really hard,” Borel said of Hissam, who had bypass surgery in December and is currently battling an infection in his pancreas as a complication from gall bladder surgery. “I’ve been riding for 38 years and I’ve never seen a rider and a jock (agent), stay that long together and get along.”

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They raised doubts about the nature of the petroleum cargoon the runaway train, which was listed as hauling 50,000 barrelsof crude oil when it derailed and smashed into the center of thesmall lakeside town near the Maine border, exploding in a blastthat killed 47 people.

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NSDD-75 was signed by Reagan on January 17, 1983 . It committed the administration to two core “ U.S. tasks” vis-à-vis the Soviet Union : First, “To contain and over time reverse Soviet expansionism…. This will remain the primary focus of U.S. policy toward the USSR .” And, secondly, “To promote, within the narrow limits available to us, the process of change in the Soviet Union toward a more pluralistic political and economic system in which the power of the privileged ruling elite is gradually reduced.”

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The study, published in The Journal of Neuroscience, found hamsters exposed to red light at night had significantly less evidence of depressive-like symptoms and changes in the brain linked to depression, compared with those that experienced blue or white light, but the hamsters that fared the best were those that had total darkness at night.

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Boyd said he wrote the novel without any thought of a film treatment and was complimentary about current Bond actor Daniel Craig, though he said he would actually select British/Irish actor Daniel Day-Lewis to play his character in "Solo".


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Rao agreed that what his colleague jokingly called a "Vulcan mind meld" reads only simple brain signals, not thoughts, and cannot be used on anyone unknowingly. But it might one day be harnessed to allow an airline pilot on the ground help someone land a plane whose own pilot is incapacitated.

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Silver Lake and TPG Capital LP, which took Santa Clara, California-based Avaya private for $8.4 billion in 2007, held discussions with hardware and software giant Oracle in the first half of 2013 about a deal, but the talks fizzled in the last few months, the people said.

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"We saw at least two or three fireworks go sideways, horizontally and explode," said J.T. Alpaugh, a KABC-TV reporter who was watching the display with family. "And then it seemed like the barrage of fireworks started exploding at the base of the park, right near the soccer field at ground level.

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China's economy is set to grow this year at its weakest pace since 1990 as flagging foreign and domestic demand weighs on exports and factory production. A slowdown in investment has further dragged on growth.


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“We were having a little bit too much to drink I guess. But anyway we started arguing about who won the Cold War, etc., and so we decided to settle it like men do when they've had too much to drink in the pub,” Rohrabacher said.

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Life is always sunny when you're Bar Refaeli. The Israeli beauty, who never shies away from an opportunity to share a good bikini-clad Instagram snap, posted this photo for her 480,000 Twitter followers to enjoy on June 29, 2013. "My yellow submarine," she posted.

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But really, it’s not even the questions about what went wrong that so desperately need answers. It’s more about: Where do the Giants go from here? Is this now a full-blown rebuilding project? And if so, is Mara absolutely sure that Reese and Coughlin are the men to lead it? What about the coordinators, who at the moment can’t find answers? How much patience will ownership have?

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"I'm perfectly fine and my ribs are perfect," an upbeat Mingo said, flashing his usual smile. "I had no pain and no bruising, which kind of surprised the doctors, as well. Honestly, if it wasn't for the shortness of breath I was having, I probably would have still been out there playing."

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Calls for a new criminal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice are being made by people who haven't a clue about the legal elements present in this case. This case shouldn't have been brought in the first place, but was, only after political pressure.


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Chinese-style Daoist temples are busy all hours, as people wander in to pay their respects to their ancestors or to pray for prosperity and family blessings. Almost every house has a family altar, tended daily with offerings of incense and fresh fruit. Pictures of elders and ancestors are clustered here.

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Last Friday, BlackBerry issued a profits warning that sent its share price tumbling. The failure of its new smartphone software, BB10, and the handsets released alongside it earlier this year will mean an operating loss of $1bn. Revenues will be $1.6bn, down 45pc on the same period last year.

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If that sounds like typically combative union rhetoric, ITF will point to, for a start, the £20 million they recovered in 2010 of wages unpaid to seafarers who had earned the money. The blankness of that blue sea on our maps of the earth applies to the people who work on it too: buy your Fairtrade coffee beans, by all means, but don’t assume that Fairtrade governs the conditions of the people who fetch it to you. You would be mistaken. The great Norwegian-American seafarer unionist Andrew Furuseth – known as Lincoln of the Sea for his cheekbones and achievements – was once threatened with prison for violating an injunction during a 1904 strike. 'You can throw me in jail,’ he responded. 'But you can’t give me narrower quarters than, as a seaman, I’ve always lived in, or a coarser food than I’ve always eaten, or make me lonelier than I’ve always been.’ More than a century on, seafarers still regularly joke that their job is like being in prison with a salary. That is not accurate. When the academic Erol Kahveci surveyed British prison literature while researching conditions at sea, he found that 'the provision of leisure, recreation, religious service and communication facilities are better in UK prisons than… on many ships our respondents worked aboard.’

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John Briggs, a Washington lawyer who is co-chairman of antitrust and competition at Axinn, Veltrop and Harkrider LLP, said the complaint looks very strongly written in a way that could discourage the companies from pursuing the merger.


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Most state and municipal pension funds assume a long-term rate of return around 8 percent, reflecting a portfolio invested in equities, bonds and alternative assets such as hedge funds. That number reflects the approach preferred by actuaries, and most funds have made or beat that number over the past 25 years, according to data from Callan Associates, an investment consulting firm.

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Now recall that during the last Federal Reserve meeting on June 18–19, simply mentioning the monetary policy program by the Federal Reserve—its purchasing of $85.0 billion per month in fixed income assets—caused a serious sell-off in both the stock and bond markets.

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Not surprisingly, the NRRI has been posting some worrisome readings since the recession. "Changing interest rates has only a modest effect on the NRRI," the center stated in a report issued last month. The retirement adequacy of more than half of all workers is at risk in today's low-rate environment and would still be at risk if interest rates returned to historically normal levels. "Regardless of the interest rate, today's workers face a major retirement income challenge," the report said.

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In 1974 , My wage was $200 a month. Every last cent went for food, utilities, propane for heating and cooking, and rent. On one occasion, I had 50 cents to last me to payday, no gas in the car, and no credit card. I could have used the money for something frivolous but bought milk instead. I walked the two miles to workand back each day. I've been poor and I'm not buying the poverty making bad decisions study. To quote Forrest Gump: "Stupid is, as stupid does".

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But New Zealand will have to wait at least another day to clinch the Cup after Wednesday's second race was postponed seconds before the starting gun due to high winds, the second straight day that a strong sea breeze and outgoing tide combined to make conditions on San Francisco Bay unsafe for the fragile 72-foot catamarans.


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Rolle fully expects that the team will indeed "fight like hell" over the course of the rest of the season. He said he has "more confidence" in the team than he did during the summer, even added that he "wouldn't mind" finishing the season 13-3.

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Since April 2013, though, the Network has been pursuing a selection process to identify 15 local ‘host’ organisations for the NIHR CRN, as part of a programme aimed at simplifying its administrative arrangements while strengthening the infrastructure for clinical studies across England.

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"My assessment has always been that the day that al-Shabab lets go of the 'Cult of the Suicide Bomber,' we will be in world of trouble," said Matt Bryden, the former coordinator of the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea. "It's far more complicated to procure the parts for an explosive vest, as well as to find people willing to be martyrs. I always worried that if you just get guys riding in with AK-47s and grenades, they could do incredible damage," he said. "We have now reached that dangerous place."

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Some of the 6,000 fans in attendance voiced their frustration after Sanchez’s overthrown pass was picked off by Cromartie. A segment of the fanbase has become disillusioned with Sanchez’s 52 turnovers in the past two seasons.


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On Tuesday, flag bearer for the dopey, Rep. Michele Bachmann, apparently unaware that it was her side that closed the national parks when they closed the national government, showed up at the shuttered WWII Memorial in D.C. and proceeded to follow Reagan’s cry to tear down that wall, by helping to remove the barriers.

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James Harden: He’s a winner when it didn’t seem like he’d ever be one after getting exiled to Houston from an NBA championship-caliber team in Oklahoma City. Harden now gets to play with the game’s top big man. The Rockets probably won’t win a championship with Howard, but they’re contenders, guaranteed to generate some buzz, at the very least.

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The U.S. Treasury has said it could quickly run out of cashif the cap is not raised by Oct. 17. A failure to lift it,officials warned, could spark a financial crisis and tip theworld's largest economy into recession with damagingrepercussions that would be felt worldwide.

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Treasury yields are benchmarks for domestic mortgage ratesand other long-term borrowing costs. Some economists havecautioned that the surge in yields since May would slow thehousing recovery, auto sales and other rate-sensitive sectors inthe world's largest economy.

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Politics watchers view King and Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., as birds of a feather who occasionally are accused of saying illogical or inflammatory things that hurt conservative causes. Each represents the most conservative district in the state.


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The Range Rover is the top-line model of British-based Land Rover, a company that had far more humble roots when it was founded in 1948. While closely linked to Britain, it was the sort of brand more commonly associated with British expatriates, especially those who needed an extremely rugged vehicle to traverse mud ruts and gravel trails.

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"My opinion hasn't changed. It was wrong. Flat wrong," Girardi said before the start of Tuesday's day-night doubleheader against Toronto at the Stadium. "You just can't throw at someone because you don't like them, or you disagree with the way something's being handled. They've talked about throwing at people all the time, so you just can't take things into your own hands. It's not right."

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Europe planned to impose hefty tariffs from Aug. 6 but, waryof offending China's leaders and losing business in the world'sNo. 2 economy, a majority of EU governments - led by Germany -opposed the plan, which led to the compromise deal.

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Shadow home secretary, David Davis, has now called for officers to wear cameras and microphones at all times to record contact with members of the public as part of a "root and branch" reform of police culture.

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In Dallas, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said his state was dropping out of a U.S. Justice Department lawsuit seeking to block the merger, a move some experts called a crack in the united front of those opposing the creation of the world's largest airline.


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The issue of whether Japan will lower the effective corporate tax rate has been a recent topic for the yen, which has slid this year on the back of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to reflate the economy through steps such as aggressive monetary stimulus and pro-growth structural reforms.

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Many of the attacks occurred within an hour of each other, suggesting a level of coordination in the assaults. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks, though security forces and civilians are frequently targeted by Al Qaeda's Iraq branch.

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Thirty months on from the Fukushima disaster, such is the level of public concern about nuclear safety that the government is struggling to come up with a long-term energy policy—a delay that is having a profound impact on the economy and underlining just how costly a nuclear-power-free future may be.

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Stevie Wonder gave and electrifying performance at New York's Central Park in front of thousands of fans and several world leaders Saturday, singing his hits and calling for an end to poverty worldwide at the Global Citizen Festival.


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Weale, an external MPC member, voted against Carney's flagship policy because he feared it could push up medium-term inflation expectations. Other policymakers disagreed about whether recent changes in market interest rates were justified, and some were in favour of further asset purchases in future.

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Education is another area where she is determined to make an impact. Three years ago, she attacked British school-leavers who “can’t read, write and have attitude problems”. She supports Education Secretary Michael Gove’s curriculum reforms, but wants everyday life skills to be a big part of modern teaching.

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If cash flow is an issue, it's a huge mistake to wade into the back-to-school shark tank if you haven't set a budget. Stream of consciousness shopping can only get you into trouble. Figure out what you can afford to spend, make a comprehensive list, even consult with your children to make sure you are getting what they want (especially if the choice is between Man of Steel, Iron Man, Spiderman, Dora or Barbie backpacks and notebooks) in the context of what they need. Unless it is absolutely necessary (or a family bonding exercise) to have them with you, it's best to leave the munchkins at home. If you want to know their preferences, browse with them online before hitting the stores. The last thing you need is to be weaving through crowds at Staples, Kmart or Target, or navigating several online retailers, while fending off cries of, "Mommy, I really NEED to have this" and falling into the trap of running a "dollars for peace" program. Democracy is a wonderful thing, except when it involves back-to-school shopping.

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Mr Boles was speaking at an event to mark the first anniversary of the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework, which has created a presumption in favour of development and orders councils to draw up plans to guarantee a supply of land for building.

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The “60 Minutes” report that A-Rod’s representatives leaked the names of Ryan Braun and Francisco Cervelli to the media, implicating them in the Biogenesis scandal, was the latest in a long line of stories about the embattled third baseman, but Wells believes the seemingly neverending saga is only getting started.


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Two sources said the final board approval came during a20-minute conference call with minimal discussion. Asked forcomment, Barrick said its board discussed the deal extensivelyin the weeks before the decision.

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"Japan's automobile industry facilities and engineers are good but our machine tools are inferior. If we can solve this problem, we can manufacture good and economic vehicles that are equal to America's," Toyoda wrote after his month and a half of training at Ford's major factories.

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Weinberg filed a $16 million suit against former son-in-law David Kaminsky and granddaughter Danielle Kaminsky this year, charging the pair conspired to seize control of two multimillion dollar buildings she owns on Restaurant Row in Hells Kitchen and leave her homeless.

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"I have been making it clear to Con Ed and the MTA that adelay like the one they initially proposed was completelyunacceptable," he said. "I want to reemphasize that they need toalleviate this problem as quickly as possible."


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He said he would be willing to put some of his personalfortune toward the project but stressed that building theHyperloop was a low priority for him as he continues to focusprimarily on SpaceX and Tesla.

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And of the GOP-held seats, more are likely to fall safely back into the GOP column. In a special election this October, Republicans are likely to lose the New Jersey seat held by Sen. Jeffrey Chiesa, who was appointed by Republican Gov. Chris Christie after the death of Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg. But Democrats could face equally long odds next fall in retaining the South Dakota seat held by retiring Sen. Tim Johnson, mathematically canceling an expected GOP loss in New Jersey.

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The two men spoke privately without note-takers for 20 to 30 minutes. After the meeting, Obama aides said the conversation was “not acrimonious” and included talk about how they might work together on Syria in the future but came to no agreements.

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JPMorgan is seeking a "global" settlement of federal and state mortgage-related probes that could involve a payment of $7 billion in cash plus $4 billion for consumers, Reuters reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the negotiations.


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Fitch Ratings says that it expects to rate most Hong Kong banks' Basel III Tier 2 debt two notches down from their anchor ratings, reflecting poor recoveries as a result of contractual write-down clauses at the point of non-viability. The notching may be limited to one level if Fitch considers it sufficiently likely that initially incurred losses can be recovered during the lifetime of the instruments.

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Another source said the 50-game suspensions were designed to entice the players to immediately accept the discipline without litigation or arbitration. MLB investigators dug up evidence that warranted stiffer penalties.

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He was born in Quincy, Illinois, the son of soybean farmers.He made his fortune trading soybeans and other commodities. Oneof his innovations was developing an automated way for managinga futures trading account in the late 1970s.

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"I want to sincerely apologize for my comments from two years ago which became public today," Pelini said in a statement released by the school Monday night. "I take full responsibility for these comments. They were spoken in a private room following the Ohio State game. I was venting following a series of emotional events which led to this moment. That being said, these comments are in no way indicative of my true feelings. I love it here in Nebraska and feel fortunate to be associated with such a great University and fan base. I again apologize to anyone whom I have offended."

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Malki residents, who spoke on condition of anonymity fearing for their own safety, confirmed that there was shelling. There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage, the rebel brigades' claims notwithstanding. It wasn't immediately how far the Anas bin Malik mosque is from where the shells landed.


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Terry Farr, 41, and James Gilmour, 48, attended Bishopsgate police station in London on Monday and were charged by City of London police with conspiracy to defraud. They will appear before Westminster Magistrates' Court at a later date.

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Instead, short-sighted, poorly targeted policies were cobbled together as a way to tamp down episodes of political brinksmanship -- whether it was the 2011 debt ceiling crisis or last year's fiscal cliff.

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"There were a lot of people that were short the dollar andlong emerging market equities, commodities and bonds and as thedollar rises they become forced sellers," Tinker said. "Theunwinding of those short dollar trade has got a bit further togo."


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Supporters of the drive towards early diagnosis say foreknowledge that someone may develop dementia can let them draw up instructions for their future care, put their financial affairs in order and make lifestyle changes, such as eating healthily and taking more exercise, that will slow the disease's progress.

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His comments come after the head of the health service said the NHS would “sleepwalk” into a succession of major scandals on the scale of Mid Staffs without radical action, including a mass programme of hospital closures.

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“Charlie’s been partying almost harder than ever,” Radar’s source told the celebrity website. “Charlie and Capri pretty much just act like none of the craziness from the past ever happened. It’s the weirdest thing.”

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More that 460 exhibitors are expected to attend the event, which is made possible through a partnership between the nation’s Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, GO-INVEST and the private sector firms.


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Yet, as such deals between banks and refineries become more common due to the high price of oil, the large volumes of crude oil the banks need to ship may increase the risk of them being involved in an accident or spill.

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The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has awarded £10 million in funding to the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Greater Manchester. The funding begins in January 2014 and lasts for five years, enabling successful initiatives from the current CLAHRC to be further developed, and providing the opportunity for new partnerships and programmes of work. The NIHR funding will be matched by CLAHRC Greater Manchester partner organisations who will provide an equivalent level of funding in cash and in kind.

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Aboushi told The Associated Press in an interview in May that being a Palestinian-American in the NFL was "an honor" and added that for being able to "kind of break that mold and sort of open the door for other people and show them that it is possible, it's a great feeling."

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That's when Ahmed shot the two hostages and then state police shot and killed him, Edmonson said. Edmonson said the hostages were shot in the upper body. He did not have any other information on the condition of the second hostage who was shot.

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Scott Gibson, a Southwest pilot who is chief executive ofRetirement Maximizer, declined to comment on his plans. His firmcharges $85 a year for its Southwest newsletter. It avoided theissues in its most recent newsletter, which recommended no fundchanges in the SWAPA plan.


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Writing in Virology Journal, the team from the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) in Thiruvananthapuram, say that minor changes in the genetic material from one lineage can result in resemblance to viruses from another with such ‘lineage shifts’ linked to “dramatic increases” in dengue severity in many parts of the world.

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The latest six survivors to come forward did so after seeing their names publicly posted late on Monday on a list of the six individuals who were still unaccounted for, Larimer County sheriff's spokesman John Schulz said.

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As Republican leaders in Congress have abandoned a strategyto use a government shutdown and threat of default to dismantleObama's healthcare overhaul - with polls showing it unpopularwith voters - one thing was clear at the gathering ofconservative activists: they believe the battle to killObamacare has only just begun.


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“It’s premature for me to talk about that,” Grunwald said. “We obviously love Melo. I think he’s great for New York and New York is great for him. We see it being a long-term successful partnership with him.”  

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"It's a lot of thinking on your feet, and you've got to have eyes in the back of your head. You're trying to cross runways, and you have to get there fast ... before the fire is inside the cabin," he said. Referring to the passengers, he added: "If you're inside the cabin when it starts burning, you're dead."

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Those off the cuff remarks form part and parcel of his general disgust at the shabbiness and shallowness of modern life, a mood that stems, he believes, from the integrity of the East End he grew up in, the son of a Jewish immigrant tailor called Alfred Berks. “There is a lack not only of conviction but of compassion. In my youth people depended on each other for simple everyday things - you left your doors open, and you felt that if you wanted something and you asked for it and people could help you they would do it. Now there’s just so much spinelessness and gormlessness around. I know that’s an extreme point of view but that’s how I feel.

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Robert Seldon Lady was detained in Panama this week after Italy and Interpol requested his arrest. After barely two days in detention, he was put on a plane to the U.S. by Panama, a close U.S. ally that offered no explanation for its decision.

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In a televised statement the army called for calm. “We ask all the actors involved in political and social life to understand the seriousness of the current situation and maintain public peace whatever the cost, “ said Abdel fatah al-Sisi, head of the armed forces.


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The two sides negotiated late into the evening on Saturday,before breaking, and plan to reconvene at the Oakland office ofthe California Department of Transportation on Sunday morning.In what union representatives said was a hopeful sign, GraceCrunican, BART's top executive, is negotiating on the managementside.

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It was standard for a firm such as ACA to take input frominvestors in selecting securities for a CDO, Chepiga said. Inthe case of a deal such as Abacus, known as a syntheticcollateralized debt obligation, it would be usual to consultboth long and short investors, which by design have both longand short investors involved.

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Judge Colonel Denise Lind earlier this week found Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, 25, guilty of 19 criminal counts related to the leak. The crimes carry penalties that could lead to up to 136 years in prison.

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As the number of programmes swelled, harmonising approachesbecame more challenging. "It would have meant all threeinstitutions going back to consult with their respective teams,"he said. "In practice it was extremely difficult."


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The SLS is designed to launch a crew capsule called Orion, which is also in development. The rocket and capsule are slated to fly together for the first time during an unmanned test run in 2017, with the first crewed mission expected to come in 2021.

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The way to create a rounded, wholly "real" and convincing fictional character is emphatically not to pile detail upon detail, to over-describe every feature and item of clothing down to the colour of socks, of how they sound, walk, laugh, where they come from, what music they listen to and food and drink they prefer, though of course any of those facts may get a mention here and there. Less is always more, especially when a character is first introduced. Don’t give the reader two long paragraphs of description. A single detail – height, say, or apparent age, or one idiosyncracy, is enough to begin with and will pin that person down straight away. Let the reader do the rest. If I write:

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The SNP has said Scotland would keep the pound following a Yes vote in the 2014 referendum, but it would have full fiscal powers, giving it control over oil and gas taxation, capital borrowing, welfare and social security, and a raft of taxes, including corporation tax.


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"House Republicans have decided to pursue a path away from the center, away from compromise," White House spokesman Jay Carney said Wednesday, calling the House GOP's latest budget plan one that increases the chances for "a wholly unnecessary and damaging shutdown of the government."

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Many of those in the more expensive rides switch later to 'after-cars' - saloons or larger vehicles - which they can travel in together, often getting involved in road races. Videos of the day, set to pounding hip-hop and R&B soundtracks, are posted on YouTube.

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Iran want its right to a domestic atomic programme enshrined from the outset. It also wants the process to have inbuilt "transparency" and to include a mechanism for assessing the actions of both sides.

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In the 10 years from 2001 to 2010, only 32 infections were reported in the United States, according to the CDC. Of those cases, 30 people were infected by contaminated recreational water and two people were infected by water from a drinking water supply.

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Three years ago, the IMF's board agreed on changes thatwould cut Europe's representation, but they have been held upbecause the U.S. Congress has yet to sign off on them, andprospects for action before year-end are slim. Withoutratification by the United States, the fund's biggest and mostpowerful member, the reforms cannot move forward.

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The number links to audio from a classified 39-minute video from the July 12, 2007 Baghdad airstrikes that was originally leaked by WikiLeaks in 2010. The strike left up to 18 dead, including a Reuters photographer, as well as wounding two innocent children.


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The study only found an association between soda and violence and children, and did not prove cause and effect. The researchers also added that the findings may not be generalized to all American 5-year-olds given the limited research pool.

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Bulger fled in a 1975 Chevrolet Malibu, which had been customised to send out a smokescreen or an oil slick to throw off potential pursuers, the court heard. Weeks said that three years later he was with Bulger and Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi when Bulger strangled Flemmi's stepdaughter Deborah Hussey, 26, who they feared would disclose their activities.

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"It will ease investors' worries about a sharp decline inthe Chinese economy, but you can't expect the government will doanything special for the time being," said Ben Kwong, chiefoperating officer at KGI Asia.

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While her husband has started a new chapter at CNN's "Crossfire," wife Callista Gingrich is continuing down a path that she started three years ago. On Oct. 7 she put out her third children's book, entitled "Yankee Doodle Dandy," which stars her "time traveling pachyderm" Ellis the Elephant.


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“This has been a strong month overall,” said Don Williams, national head of retail and wholesale at BDO. “This time last year, the feel-good factor came from the Olympics. This year it is being prompted by the change in tone in the media and consumers being less fearful of imminent restructurings and redundancy. There is no doubt confidence is returning slowly.”

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During late-stage negations leading up to the February 5 buyout agreement, Michael Dell had to subsidize the returns of Silver Lake, which declined to raise its contribution further. The Dell founder agreed to roll over his shares at $13.36 each versus the $13.65 offered to shareholders.

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He said mining could only continue if the government took on losses from the mine. But he said he would take part in talks with government officials on how to resolve the situation of about half of Paskov's 3,000 miners who risk losing their jobs.

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Nash (concussion symptoms) is out indefinitely from Brad Stuart’s headshot in San Jose on Oct. 8. Hagelin (left shoulder), who has been cleared for contact, nevertheless is sidelined until Oct. 29 on Long Island. And the earliest Callahan can return is Nov. 6 to face the Penguins at the Garden.


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SIR – Will married tax breaks (Letters, September 22) also be for homosexual married couples? If so, taken in context with the end of child benefit, this government policy redistributes wealth from parents and children to couples who cannot reproduce. It also penalises children born out of wedlock, through no fault of their own.

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* Ken Lewenza, president of the Canadian Auto Workers union,and Dave Coles, president of the Communications, Energy andPaperworkers Union of Canada, will step down when the plannedmerger of the two unions takes effect in September. ()

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Of course, once the votes are in and the horse-trading begins, what was ruled out before may be ruled back in, particularly if the Free Democrats, who are currently the junior partners in the governing coalition, fail to get the 5% of the vote necessary to get any representation in the Bundestag at all.


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Chéreau’s staging of Offenbach’s The Tales of Hoffman at the Paris Opéra in 1974 drew boos and cheers in equal measure as he did away with the work’s traditional romantic ideals; instead of depicting Hoffman (Nicolai Gedda) as a sensitive poet for whom love is beyond reach, Chéreau cast him as a drunken loser. He returned to English drama in 1975 with a macabre production of Edward Bond’s rewriting of King Lear at the Théâtre National Populaire in Villeurbanne. Explaining his dark outlook, he said: “Just as some people feed on hope, I feed on despair. For me it is a spur to action.”

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The Dutch-led team, whose study was published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal, gathered 349 blood serum samples from a variety of livestock animals, including dromedary camels, cows, sheep, goats, and some animals related to dromedaries.


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And Franks is not the only current Republican member of Congress who has talked out of turn. A few weeks ago, during a debate on sexual harassment in the armed forces, Senator Saxby Chambliss of Georgia used the "boys will be boys" defense of rape and harassment in the military. Chambliss claimed that attacks against women by military men were caused by the "hormone level created by nature."

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The Saturday night party at Cohen's 10-bedroom home on Further Lane took place two days after federal prosecutors in New York announced the filing of a five-count criminal indictment against SAC Capital that portrayed the 21-year-old Stamford, Conn.-based fund as a breeding ground for unlawful insider trading.

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"It is clear that she was merely blowing off some steam, and that's markedly differently from spreading rumors," said Chen Hongguo, a law scholar at Northwest University of Politics and Law. "The public would get a sense of crisis if they see a woman like Wu getting punished."


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Florence Shih, of Alibaba Group's international corporateaffairs department, said in an email to Reuters that the Post'sversion omitted a phrase that made it clear Ma was not referringto the Tiananmen crackdown but rather to his decision to ask forthe resignation of Alibaba.com CEO David Wei in 2011 after arise in fraudulent transactions at the firm's website.

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Joleen Cahill, whose husband, Mike Cahill, was shot six times after he lifted a chair to try to stop Hasan, has struggled with the loneliness of an empty house. Now she wants to ensure that her anger doesn't take over during the trial.


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In a statement released on Tuesday afternoon Lowy said that any decision to move the World Cup to the Middle Eastern winter - as has been mooted - would mean that any countries which spent a fortune on bidding for a summer event should get their cash back.

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MLB’s legal team is expected to open the proceedings Monday and quickly produce its star witness, Biogenesis anti-aging clinic founder Anthony Bosch, who is expected to authenticate and explain what sources have described as a devastating trove of documentary evidence. That evidence includes Biogenesis records bearing Rodriguez’s name, as well as text messages and e-mail exchanges about doping between Rodriguez and Bosch.


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BlackBerry continues to play dark horse, picking up the rear with the low scores of 67 and 64, respectively, for its Curve and Bold smartphones. Neither the BlackBerry Z10 nor Q10 were included in the ACSI survey.

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Doctors are working hard for a "turnaround" in the condition of 95-year-old Mandela, who was admitted to a hospital in June with what officials said was a recurring lung infection, the office of South African President Jacob Zuma said in a statement.

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Local media said the stretch of road where the bus crashedhad been the scene of repeated accidents. (Additional reporting by Massimiliano Di Giorgio in Rome, DeepaBabington in Athens; Writing By James Mackenzie; Editing by MarkTrevelyan)

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Relations between Islam's two main denominations have been put under further strain from the civil war in Syria, which has drawn in Shi'ite and Sunni fighters from Iraq and beyond to fight against each other.


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At 1503 GMT, Invensys shares were up 15.4 percent at 508pence. Schneider's were down 3.9 percent at 55.81 euros onconcerns it could get sucked into a bid battle and the cost ofinsuring its debt against default jumped on expectations itwould raise new debt to fund a deal.

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Charging Snowden criminally is supported particularly by people who think that investigating terrorism trumps privacy; that NSA surveillance enhances U.S. security; that the NSA is not intruding on privacy rights, or if so, is acting justifiably; and that his disclosures have harmed national security. The last gap is the largest: Among those who see no damage to security, just 33 percent support criminal charges against Snowden. But among people who think his disclosures have harmed national security, 71 percent say he should be charged with a crime.

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“Looking back, that Shelby at-bat probably did take something out of me. I put that pitch on a tee (for Scioscia), but back then, usually even a mistake pitch, I’d have enough life on the ball where he’d foul it off. But that was just a BP fastball.’’

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Asked about one of the major issues confronting Congress this fall, 44 percent say Congress should not raise the debt ceiling; 22 percent say the legislators should raise the debt ceiling, and 33 percent don't know enough to have an opinion.


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Anglo's shares climbed in early trade and were changinghands at 1,409 pence by 0914 GMT - up 1.6 percent on the dayagainst a flat FTSE 100. Traders cited caution on whatwere seen as ambitious targets.

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Anthony Weiner said Thursday that he'd traded racy messages with as many as three women since similar sexting forced him out of Congress. But as he tried to tamp down questions about his behavior, a poll suggested the new disclosures were taking a toll on his mayoral prospects and the House's top Democrat excoriated him.

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U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt issued his permanent injunction after the U.S. Supreme Court in May refused to hear Indiana's appeal in the case. Days later, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued an administrative ruling siding with Planned Parenthood.

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"As I was opening my house door, I saw a group of cars coming quickly from the direction of the house where al-Ragye lives. I was shocked by this movement in the early morning," said one of his neighbors, who did not give his name. "They kidnapped him. We do not know who are they."

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The trade for Andrea Bargnani is, in theory, a good one. The Knicks didn’t give up much to get the former top overall pick from the Toronto Raptors. Scoring, however, wasn’t the Knicks’ problem last season as much as defense was. And Bargnani ain’t helping in that area. The same goes for rebounding. Plus, there is no telling how his presence will impact Stoudemire, whose contract and knees have turned him into this decade’s Allan Houston.


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“Bill de Blasio has run the best campaign with the clearest and most relatable message,” is how the Democrat I spoke to put it. “Others were reactive with no rationale to vote for them. This was less about Bloomberg and more about (de Blasio) being someone with a clear, positive vision to change the city for the middle class and minority voters.”

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The scandals leave Justin Gatlin as Bolt's toughest competitor in the worlds' premier event. The 2004 Olympic champion already beat the Jamaican at the Diamond League meet in Rome this spring, Bolt's only competitive flaw this season.

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Livestock farmers gave policymakers from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) a rocky reception when it unveiled its TB Eradication Strategy for England at Exeter two weeks ago.


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Dell’s intro to the book recounts a surreal moment during a lecture by food and travel guru Anthony Bourdain at Tufts, where Dell was taking premed courses. A fellow student asked Bourdain, “If it was 3 a.m., and you could eat anywhere in the world, what would you have?” Without hesitation, Bourdain answered, “Katz’s Deli.”

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Dustin Pedroia drew a walk off Lucas Luetge (0-2) to start the winning rally. He took second on a groundout before Seattle intentionally walked Mike Napoli. Jarrod Saltalamacchia struck out before Jonny Gomes walked to load the bases.

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Dublin Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Ireland's most reform-minded Catholic leader, said Francis' comments will be tough for the church to put into action because there is a tendency to get "trapped" into the right and wrong, white and black of Catholic teaching.

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A cursory look at the Reds’ on-paper talent might lead one to conclude they underachieved this year, but Baker’s defenders point out that he went the whole season without his projected cleanup hitter, Ryan Ludwick (shoulder surgery), and most of the year without his No. 1 starter, Johnny Cueto (strained right lat), while in losing their final five games of the season, their middle-of-the-order hitters, Joey Votto, Brandon Phillips and Jay Bruce, were all essentially marked absent. Phillips went so far as to say he flat-out choked. So with Baker gone, leaving baseball with only two minority managers, Ron Washington in Texas and Bo Porter in Houston, the question is: Who does Jocketty pick to succeed him? There have been a lot of rumblings that Jocketty is said to favor the much-traveled (and fired) Jim Riggleman, which prompts the question: What do all these GMs see in this guy who’s been a loser every place he’s ever managed and walked out in a snit fit on his last team, the Washington Nationals, when they were in first place in 2011, because his boss, GM Mike Rizzo, wouldn’t commit to giving him an extension? Meanwhile, Larkin has expressed to intimates he’d very much like to manage, and even though he’s never done it before, his leadership ability is unquestioned and he would certainly command respect. He would also resolve the minority issue. Reds owner Bob Castellini is a fan of “name” managers — it was he who overruled previous Reds GM Wayne Krivsky (who wanted to retain interim Pete Mackanin) to hire Baker back in 2007 — and there is no bigger name in Cincinnati than Larkin. It would thus seem if Larkin says he wants it, Riggleman would be a hard sell for Jocketty with the owner.


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But archaeologists in Germany simply turned to badgers, the digging mammals that are the bane of gardeners everywhere. A badger living in the countryside near the town of Stolpe recently uncovered a remarkable site: the 12th-century burial ground of eight people, two of whom were apparently Slavic warlords.

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Myanmar is currently experiencing joyous upheaval: The junta is defunct, a quasi-democratic parliament is in power, pre-censorship has ended, investors arrive in droves and the internet is largely free of restrictions. Described as an “outpost of tyranny” by the US State Department in 2005, it is now hailed by Barack Obama as a nation ready to “set a great example to the world.”

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The California university system announced late Friday morning that Napolitano had been nominated for president. She was recommended on a unanimous vote. The Board of Regents will vote next Thursday -- if confirmed, Napolitano will be the first female president of the university. 

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In 2012, the bones of three women were dug up at the Orsolo convent. If Vinceti can match Piero’s DNA to one of those three bodies, scientists can create a digital image of that woman’s face from her skull. If the image matches with da Vinci’s painting, Vinceti may have cracked one of the biggest mysteries in the art world.

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Oil-rich Kirkuk is one of Iraq’s most bitterly contested areas. It lies on the frontline of a dispute between the Shi’ite-led central government in Baghdad and ethnic Kurds who want the city incorporated into their autonomous state in the north of the country.


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After shutting down business in the financial center of Hong Kong and sinking a cargo ship, Typhoon Utor brought high winds and torrential rain to Guangdong province after making landfall Wednesday afternoon. These triggered flooding and mountain torrents that led to the casualties, the provincial government said Thursday.


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Obama ran on promising to reform our healthcare. He won the election and reformed healthcare using a Republican plan. Republicans refused to participate in negotiations and instead focused on obstructing the process, including lying about the the legislation. They failed. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed and became law. Republicans next challenged it in court. The Supreme Court declared it constitutional. We had another election. Obama vowed to protect the new law and Romney vowed to repeal the law that HE installed in Massachusetts as governor. Obama won the election. Then the Republicans threatened to shut down the government if Obama didn’t agree to defunding it and when Obama said no, they shut down the government. Next they threatened to force us into defaulting on our debt obligations, which is where we are now. So far Obama is not giving in to their extortionist demands and Thursday the default will begin (I believe I have my timing right on that.) It won’t happen all at once. Thursday will just mark the 1st day we can’t pay all of our obligations, which are bills that Congress ran up. Today the DOW dropped 133 points. If Congress continues their extortion, tomorrow’s stock market drop will be much worse, and everyone’s 401Ks will be hurt. It will be a slow crumbling of our economy.

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Big job announcements from Apple, Eli Lilly and Co and eBay Inc's Paypal have helped offset the worst ofthe jobs crisis, with public service numbers still falling andIreland's stricken banks still laying off staff.

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"There is speculation - and underline ‘speculation' - that there was a source where, for a certain sum of money, that these documents could be constructed for $8,000," said Bailey. "Whether it's true or not will be determined."


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The most surprising thing about this inspirational midlife dramedy is that it was released in theaters, and not sent straight to cable. (No doubt it’ll show up on Lifetime within weeks.) Susan Seidelman has been making these blandly safe movies for years now; what happened to the edgy exuberance of her early films, like “Smithereens” or “Desperately Seeking Susan”?

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As prerequisites, Turkey must improve the conditions in which Ocalan is being held and deal with him on equal terms, guarantee amendments to the constitution and enlist a third party to oversee any further steps in the process, he said.

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Based on biopsy results, the researchers found that people whose intestines had healed after their diagnosis were not at any higher risk of lymphoma than average. However, those with persistent damage developed lymphoma 3.8 times more often than would be expected among the general public.


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Taken together, and given the gilded venue, all of these comments amount to a significant shift in tone. Charlie Robertson, the global chief economist for Renaissance Capital, the Russian-based investment bank, was moved to post on Twitter, in reaction to the TED lineup, that the “intellectual ascendancy of neo-liberalism since 70s may be in retreat.”

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"To rely only on runways currently in operation (in the UK) would be likely to produce a distinctly sub-optimal solution for passengers, connectivity and the economy, and would also almost certainly not be the best solution in terms of minimising the overall carbon impact of flights and travel to and from airports," added Davies.


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“We’ve still got two guys out, and you’ve got three centers (Richards, Stepan and Derick Brassard) that want to play in offensive situations,” said Richards, who played wing on occasion in Tampa Bay and Dallas. “I’m playing with Rick and Step, so hopefully we can get something going. If it works, that means we’re staying, and if we’re staying, that means it’s working.”

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"This is about the fate of the country," she wrote. "The question is: which of them - Yanukovich or Tymoshenko - will pardon the other. The one who makes that step will not necessarily win, but will give the country a chance."

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The country's No. 2 oil pipeline, the Cano Limon-Covenaswhich runs through a hotbed of guerrilla activity in thenortheast of the Andean nation, also remains shut after aninitial bombing on Oct. 7 that was followed by several more.


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U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke by phone with the head of Egypt's military, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, on Tuesday to "urge restraint by Egyptian security forces in dealing with ongoing protests," the Defense Department said. Secretary of State John Kerry also spoke to Ashton by phone and backed her call for an "inclusive political process."

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They demonstrated that the trend of greater genetic damage with increasing arsenic in rice was observed for both men and women, for tobacco-users and non-users, and for those from three different locations within the study area. The pattern observed was broadly similar to that previously seen for people exposed to arsenic through drinking high arsenic well waters, which has caused devastating health impacts, including cancers, in many parts of the world.

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“There are too many young women who are cutting up their faces, and it makes me sad and they all look the same, and the article isn’t meant to be preachy, it’s as much advice to me as to everyone else, not saying I’m perfect,” she said.


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"There is no good evidence to support the consumption of omega-3 supplements to promote or maintain cognitive health in later life," Dangour, who wasn't involved in the new research, told Reuters Health in an email.

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The percentage of mortgage applications stemming from refinancing has been falling for Wells Fargo since the fourth quarter. Refinancings made up 54 percent of mortgage applications in the second quarter, down from 69 percent a year ago, the bank reported.


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Strictly speaking, none of this involves freedom of the press as a Constitutional principle, because none of it involves attempts to try to prevent anything from being published. What is involved is access by reporters to information, which is a very different thing. This is about the politics of journalism and really has nothing to do with the Constitution or civil rights.

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“Two years ago the guy won (13) games in this league. That’s hard to do,” Collins added. “He’s a good pitcher. He’s been a good pitcher. There’s never been — since I’ve been here — a question of him not being in this rotation.”


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With seven residential high-rises containing 1,900 high-end apartments, and four commercial buildings, it is hardly an empire, but it only takes a few well-placed properties to amass a family fortune large enough to finance a political race — including Spitzer’s comeback campaign for city controller.

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"I said I wanted to win it. It is pressure for the whole week," said Wiggins, who finished safely in the bunch and now turns his attentions to Wednesday's Road World Championships time-trial in Italy.


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“Biometric authentication is not yet near the level it needs to be for the majority of consumer facing organisations to implement it in their products,” Kemshall argues. “There are industries in which it does make sense to use the technology though, such as those in which many people are using a single or small number of devices. For example, airports often use a passport and eye ball scan to authenticate a traveller. But for an organisation such as Apple, which is creating multiple products for multiple users, it could not realistically enforce such a method.”

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The Australian dollar eased 0.2 percent to $0.9245.That was down from Thursday's three-month high of $0.9355, whichhad been set just before the weak Australian employment figurestriggered a drop in the Aussie dollar.

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Aggressive behavior was measured on a scale between 0 and 100 - with higher scores indicating more aggression. Suglia said the average score is 50, and 65 is usually used as a clinical marker of when children should be evaluated for a problem.

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The New York Red Bulls and Brazilian defender Digão agreed to part ways on Friday, ending one of the team's most ill-fated acquisitions of recent times. Digão, 27, joined the Red Bulls on a one-year $90,000 contract last year in a move that was widely expected to facilitate a deal for his brother, the Brazilian star Kaka. Despite playing just one minute in a meaningful match, Digão was re-signed on a $200,000 contract for this season, but never played. The move comes weeks after Red Bulls executive Andy Roxburgh said a deal for Kaka was unlikely.


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General Electric Co's GE Capital will extend $835million in new financing secured by inventory and other assets -$585 million in the form of a credit facility and $250 millionin a second-lien term loan, one of the people said.

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Smith finished 16-for-29 for 331 yards, with two touchdowns, two interceptions and a rushing TD. He dwelled on the two picks. “We try not to have any turnovers, practice or in games,” he said. “It seems like I’ve been saying this for the past three weeks, and I’ve got to find a way of not doing it. Just gotta tuck the ball sometimes.”


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In a report earlier this month, Fitch noted there is little precedent for classifying unlimited tax general obligation bonds as unsecured debt. Should a bankruptcy court approve Detroit's treatment of these bonds as unsecured debt, Fitch will reassess its ratings of tax-supported debt ratings within Michigan and perhaps the rest of the country, the firm said in a statement.

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“One of the challenges for population aging is that we don't even collect the data, let alone start to analyze it. ... For example, we've been talking about how people are living longer, but I can't tell you people are living longer and sicker, or longer in good health.”

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Marina Pepper, 45, who has appeared as a Page 3 model, and a Former Liberal Democrat mayor of Telscombe, near Brighton, said Chancellor George Osborne was relying on cheap gas to "solve everything".


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Comments from central bank officials on balance gaveEuropean bonds support on Monday. European Central BankPresident Mario Draghi flagged the possibility of another roundof cheap loans to banks even as latest business surveys gave amore upbeat picture than expected on growth.


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Mauer was taking batting practice before Tuesday's game against the Angels, when he was told that his wife, Maddie, was going into labor with the couple's twins. Mauer was able to catch a flight back to the Twin Cities and made it just in time for the births of his daughters, Emily and Maren, according to Twins manager Ron Gardenhire.

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"I know he will comply with all the rules," a crying Hamilton told ABC News last week, before she learned that doctors had reversed their decision and would put Anthony on the transplant list. "He will take his medicine because he knows that is how he has to live."


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The group, which has to sell Dexia Asset Management as partof a deal with European regulators in exchange for state aid itreceived in recent years, did not say how much New York LifeInvestments planned to offer.


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When the long-anticipated Taxi of Tomorrow starts hitting city streets late next month, it will be a rolling violation of federal law. That’s the crystal clear message being sent by state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

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About one-third of the proposals NASA received are focused on finding potentially dangerous asteroids. The rest address a related NASA initiative to send a robotic probe to capture and relocate a small asteroid into an orbit around the moon. U.S. astronauts would then visit the asteroid on a follow-on mission.

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Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras met for more than four hours Sunday with representatives of the so-called troika of creditors — the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. At stake is the continuation of the financing of Greece by the creditors, including a $1.35 billion (€1 billion) bailout installment to be paid in October.

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He repeated his mechanics every time and he’s probably one of the best fielding pitchers I’ve ever seen. Once that cutter came into play, it was all he threw and nobody could touch him. He was so smooth. The ball would just get on hitters with that late life. Guys just couldn’t hold off of it. We always loved watching managers send up lefthanded pinch-hitters. All it did was create more firewood.

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The committee to find a replacement is to be chaired by John Thompson, the board’s lead independent director, and includes Microsoft co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates, as well as board members Chuck Noski and Steve Luczo.


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The company raised its full year GAAP forecast and expects revenue of $4.31 billion and earnings of 77 cents per share, compared to its previously announced revenue of $4.22 billion and earnings of 73 cents per share. It maintained its non-GAAP forecast of $4.25 billion in revenue and earnings of 82 cents per share.

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Boehner's task will be aided by language embedded in thebill and demanded by conservatives that would deny money toimplement Obama's healthcare law, known as Obamacare, which nextmonth begins signing up uninsured people for subsidizedinsurance.

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Miliband, 43, whose Marxist father escaped the Nazis inBelgium by catching one of the last boats to Britain in 1940,beat his older brother - David Miliband, a former foreignminister - to the party leadership in 2010.

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"Tesla's stronger-than-expected set of (second-quarter) results should do much to help assuage concerns regarding the steep uphill climb to meet management's aggressive medium-term margin targets," J.P. Morgan Securities analyst Ryan Brinkman said in a note.


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Following the hearing, Manning's family released a statement to The Guardian newspaper, saying they are "obviously disappointed in today's verdicts, [but] are happy that Judge Lind agreed with us that Brad never intended to help America's enemies in any way."

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Police documents also allege "Ferrante did not want an autopsy performed" and instructed that Klein's body be cremated. Despite those instructions, police say, an autopsy was performed and revealed the cause of death as "cyanide poisoning."

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But parliament approved Rouhani's choice of foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, a U.S.-educated former U.N. ambassador who has been at the center of several rounds of secret negotiations to try to overcome decades of estrangement between Washington and Tehran.

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Luxury shop Trois Pommes denied discriminating against Winfrey, an African-American, who asked to look at a "Jennifer" purse, designed by Tom Ford and named for actress Jennifer Aniston. The owner put the incident down to a language barrier.


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Alex Rodriguez had a chance to be the hero in the 11th, coming to bat with two out and the go-ahead run at third base. The embattled slugger, on the field hours after appealing a 211-game suspension related to the Biogenesis PED scandal, grounded out to third, finishing 1-for-5 with a walk, He went 3-for-11 with two walks and a hit-by-pitch in his first series back from offseason hip surgery as the Yankees fell to 0-3 since his return.

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Brotherhood supporters also turned out in Alexandria, several Delta towns, the Suez Canal city of Ismailia, the north Sinai town of Rafah, and Assiut in the south, with minor skirmishes reported in some places.

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During the trial, Oing denied a request by Macy's to stop Penney from selling its existing inventory of home goods designed by Stewart under the "JCP Everyday" label, but warned that Macy's could be entitled to damages.


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The 800 title was Ledecky's fourth of the week - she also swam in the victorious U.S. 4x200 freestyle relay team - and she is only the second woman to win all three distance freestyle titles at a single world championships.

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Conservative leader Silvio Berlusconi withdrew support for the government of Prime Minister Enrico Letta, throwing into doubt its ability to survive and sending Italian stocks and bonds lower. That many see Berlusconi's move, which he advertised as being about a sales tax increase, as a cynical attempt to improve his bargaining position in his personal legal problems did not help to dampen volatility.

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The U.S. attorney in Manhattan, Preet Bharara, at an August press conference announcing the criminal complaint against Martin-Artajo and Grout, said his office was continuing to investigate the trading losses. On Monday, a federal grand jury in Manhattan indicted the two former JPMorgan traders.

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The strong support for the amendment - bolstered by anunlikely alliance of liberal Democrats and libertarianRepublicans - surprised many congressional observers becauseHouse leaders and members of the Intelligence Committee hadstrongly opposed it.

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Both authors agree that by the time Arias met Alexander, she was growing desperate. Though she was gorgeous — even more so after she dyed her hair blond in her 20s — she couldn’t find a man willing to marry her. She was in a tailspin from another failed relationship. By the time she stumbled across Alexander in 2006 she was searching for a way out of the financial sinkhole she’d created.


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The analysis notes people who drink “diet sodas” tend to have just as much, if not more, problems with tight belts, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, as people who don’t drink artificially sweetened beverages.

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"This latest effort will likely do little to stop theconsumer backlash against genetically engineered foods that hasbeen brewing for years," said Wenonah Hauter, executive directorof Food & Water Watch, a consumer organization.

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The ads, which are based on Google autocomplete searches from March 9, show women with Google's suggestions covering their mouths as if to silence them. They were developed by agency Memac Ogilvy & Mather Dubai. 

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“Other issues have been written about recently that are disturbing and bother me deeply,” Williams said in his statement earlier this month. “Our basketball program is based on great ideals and these issues are embarrassing. These are not common in my 10 years as head coach at UNC and they will all be dealt with harshly and appropriately at the correct time to ensure that our program will not be compromised.”


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As I stated on another thread, if you consider that the Republicans have shown time and time again that they will stop at nothing to implement their agenda, an agenda that’s wreaking havoc on Middle Class working Americans, let there be no doubt that if the Republicans ever regain a majority in the Senate, they will immediately do the nuclear option leaving Democrats w/o the tool that the minority Republicans have relied on nearly every day since Obama has been President. So why should Harry Reid worry about if Senate Democrats find themselves in the minority? The Republicans are going to do it anyway. So why shouldn’t Harry Reid implement the nuclear option? Why wait for the Republicans to do it?

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The government is currently in talks with the FARC, orRevolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, to bring an end to fivedecades of war. The ELN has expressed interest in holdingsimilar talks, but the government has said it must first freeall captives, including the Canadian.

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Masters champion Adam Scott, who blew a four-shot lead with four holes to play at Lytham last year, is alongside Matt Kuchar and Luke Donald at 2:12pm, with Lee Westwood, Charl Schwartzel and Sergio Garcia in the preceding group.

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John Canzano, an attorney handling one of the lawsuits, said if the litigation is also halted by the federal judge overseeing Detroit's bankruptcy case then the appeals court would be unable to decide Schuette's appeal.

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When was the last time you scanned your credit card statement or cellphone bill for extra charges? If you're like most consumers, you may not take the time on a regular basis. However, small, unwanted charges can add up if you're not careful. BillGuard, a Web and smartphone app that scans statements for you, reports that these "grey charges" cost credit and debit cardholders more than $14 billion last year.


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But many of Mexico's factory and retail jobs pay as little as half what Troncoso and his street vendors can bring home each week. And too many architects, lawyers or other professionals earn about the same as the vendors or less, according to job postings by Mexico's labor department.

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Wells Fargo believes offering such rewards cards is one of its best bets for boosting the credit card business at a time when consumers remain wary of taking on debt. Outstanding balances on credit cards and other types of revolving debt in the United States have remained flat over the past three years, Fed data show.

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ST. LOUIS -- Don Mattingly was kidding, of course, on Wednesday when he declared the Dodgers now to be “America’s Team,” noting lightheartedly that everybody wants to see a Game 7 in the NLCS, even Cardinals fans.

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Ventura County Sheriff deputies put the former teenage star of Nickelodeon series "All That" in involuntary psychiatric care at a local hospital after the July 22 incident, and Bynes has been there ever since.


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“I am extremely proud of what this organization has accomplished,” Ryan said. “On the field, we have enjoyed great success at the major league level. The fans have supported us in record numbers the last two years and we have been able to upgrade the ballpark and enhance the in-game experience to reward that loyalty.”

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"In theory the majority of the electoral base of the PDLwould be favourable to Marina getting into politics. But itremains to be seen whether she is capable of connecting withpeople like her father is," Renato Mannheimer of the ISPOpolling institute told Reuters.

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"I'm ecstatic that the chief has decided to reopen the case and re-examine everything," Kim Swartz, Amber’s mother, said during a Pinole City Council meeting Tuesday night. "I would rather have my daughter in a missing persons database for eternity than having someone like Curtis Anderson get off death row by simply signing some sort of confession."

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--LHP Michael Kirkman (recurrence of cutaneous lymphoma on right triceps) went on the 15-day disabled list retroactive to June 7, and he was transferred to the 60-day DL on June 12. The cancer, which will be treated with radiation sessions, was found during a routine screening in May by Rangers doctors. He was first diagnosed with skin cancer in the same area in January 2012.

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Maduro was infuriated by what he called Santos' "betrayal" for meeting Henrique Capriles, who narrowly lost Venezuela's presidential election in April, and accused Santos of being part of a plot to overthrow him.


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Instead, her wealthy, successful clientele can keep drinking cocktails and fine wines, and eating out at Nobu, Balthazar or any of the city’s top-flight restaurants; Zuckerbrot is even on call 24/7 should they be gripped by fear when faced with the menu.

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On BBC London's evening programme at 18:50, we speak to Camden Council about empty homes in the borough and why it wants to be able to double the council tax of any homeowner who leaves their property empty for more than a year.

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Eli Manning has a league-leading 15 interceptions, his 53.7 completion percentage and 64.0 quarterback rating rank ahead of only Blaine Gabbert and Josh Freeman among qualified quarterbacks, and he hasn't led the Giants to a single victory all season.

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"Earthen dykes are in place at estates in Ayutthaya andPathum Thani province and they have built concrete barriershigher than peak water levels in 2011, but we're not expectingnearly as much water," Prasert said.

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Greenwald said on Sunday in a Twitter message that he hadworked with O Globo on the reports to relay more quickly thescope and reach of the alleged surveillance. The bulk ofGreenwald's stories thus far have appeared in the Guardian.


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The crack-down is opening opportunities for less-restrictedcompetitors, particularly foreign banks not overseen by the Fed,potentially leading to the biggest reshuffling of market powersince the 1990s era of the "Wall Street refiners."

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Mile after mile, half-buried by snow, the dead animals lay huddled in groups, calves close to their to mothers — carcasses by the dozens strung out along field fences and packed into ditches, black hooves poking up through the drifts like macabre stakes.

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“They are high school boys, just like any other high school,” says Henderson International School headmaster, Seth Ahlborn. “They live together; they eat together; they play together,” he said. “They just spend a lot of time together just like high school kids. It’s just smaller.”

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However, it has become the UK's fastest-growing food retailer and is rapidly expanding its share of the market. The 2012 results show revenue increased by 40.6pc to £3.9bn last year and pre-tax profits more than doubled from £70.5m to a record £157.9m. The figures show that its operating margin was a respectable 4.4pc.

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He also repeated the argument that entry-level workers don’t stay at that level, arguing just 2.6 percent of full-time worker are poor and only 42 percent of Americans are engaged in work activities, which includes job training and looking for employment.


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A new line of smartphones that run on the BlackBerry 10operating system has also failed to re-ignite sales, promptingthe company last month to announce that it would slash itsglobal workforce by more than a third.

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Highlighting Mexico's $170 billion in reserves and itsflexible credit line from the International Monetary Fund, foruse in cases of emergency, Carstens said he was confident Mexicocould face any U.S. default.

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He filed suit and won a $15,000 settlement from the city in 2010, but the nightmare lingers. "I try to put it behind me but its hard. Every year when it comes around that time, March, I get depressed. I don't shave. I don't want to go out.

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Messi had scored the first goal in Andalusia before limping off, Adriano later added a second. Victory made it seven out of seven for Barcelona, their best start to the season, taking them ahead of Atletico Madrid on goal difference and five points clear of third-placed Real Madrid.


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Hungarian website www.mno.hu had reported that Csanyi, whohad heart surgery in Germany in February, was preparing toretire and that could be behind his decision to sell some of hisshares last week. The website did not name its sources.

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While Morsi was in charge, the Obama administration gave 12 F-16 fighter jets to the Egyptian military, and some criticized it for supporting Morsi's government. But the military overthrow of Morsi now casts those shipments in a different light, some security experts said, and highlights the importance of having influence over the Egyptian military. 

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Due to unrest, Libyan oil output hit less than 1 millionbarrels per day in June due to multiple outages, down from itsnormal level of 1.6 million barrel per day (bpd). It has sincerecovered but one large field and one oil port remain closed.

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Grant County Sheriff's deputies went to the private camp outside the town of Granite early Thursday morning and found two men dead and the boy duct-taped to a chair by another camp occupant, Sheriff Glenn Palmer said in a written statement.


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Irene McCormack Jackson, Filner’s former communications director, sued the mayor and the city July 22. The lawsuit alleges Filner asked Jackson to work without panties, demanded kisses, told her he wanted to see her naked and dragged her in a headlock while whispering in her ear.

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"Well, I’d never seen anything a show that had life-size horse puppets in it so I knew it was going to be different. And, yes, certainly it was the most joyous, brilliant, incredible experience ever devising something on that scale. But I suppose you never stop and think at that stage, ‘Yes, well, we could be having a hit on our hands' – there’s just no time for that and you’re not in that mindset. You're just thinking, ‘What are my lines?’ Even when we’d finished after four months, it was just a one man play at the National and it was only, you know, five years later that two million people around the world have seen it and suddenly it’s this worldwide thing. So, it’s very satisfying and I’m very proud to have been some small part of it."

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In an excerpt from a new biography about one of the creators of Kansas City’s jazz legacy, “Bird: The Life and Music of Charlie Parker,” a car accident that leads to his heroin addiction and an alliance with saxophonist Buster Smith become the twin forces propelling his life.

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Scotland Yard stressed that the force was not re-opening the case, which was closed in 2008 after a jury ruled that the People's Princess and Fayed were unlawfully killed due to their driver's reckless speed and drinking while on the run from paparazzi chasing them in Paris.


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LONDON, Sept 24 (Reuters) - Bank of England (BoE)policymakers are seeking to ram home the central message oftheir new forward guidance policy - British interest rates arenot going up any time soon, even as growth accelerates.

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"Above all, we must strive to have a healthy, viable FHA that can continue to facilitate homeownership for first-time and low-income home buyers, while standing ready in the unfortunate event of another housing downturn," she said.


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Dr. Keith Bly, the Residency Program Director at UTMB Health Pediatrics and a pediatrician at UTMB, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Before his surgery, Bly, who has co-authored a column on children’s health for The Daily News for years, sold tickets for a chance to snip or shave some of his hair off as a fundraiser for The Rainbow Connection Camp for Children with Cancer and Blood Disorders, where he is camp doctor. He posted this note just before his surgery.

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The buyout group believes it can get the votes to pass the deal if Dell will count just the shares that have been voted. The provision of counting non-votes as a "no" was accepted reluctantly by the bidders as it sets a very high threshold to meet, according to one of the sources.

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Sorry. But that’s typical Cody banter, more or less, and only in the lovely and deft “Young Adult” did it not grate. (It nearly burned alive in “Jennifer’s Body.”). While there’s a bit less of it in “Paradise” — once titled “Lamb of God” — Cody’s directorial debut will not leave you wanting more.

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"Shiller showed there's a strong herd effect in financial markets,'' said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at consulting firm IHS ``The free-market people have a point that the markets are efficient in the long term. That hasn't been thrown out the window. What has been thrown out the window is the idea that the market is always efficient in the short term.''


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Fortunately, after a five-day hospital stay, the problem subsided and doctors told Lombardi there probably wouldn't be any lingering effects. However, Lombardi's experience may underscore the hazards of high-intensity interval training, or HIITS, an exercise and weight-loss trend that involves alternating bouts of extremely vigorous exercise with brief rest periods.

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Much of the criticism has focused on a proposed "Tag Suggest" feature that would use facial recognition technology to match faces in photos with public profile features, part of a broad set of privacy changes the social networking giant announced on August 29.

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Gender inversions aside, "The Heat" doesn't depart much from buddy cop convention. Ashburn and Mullins have their antagonistic first encounter, their early passive aggressive face-offs, their disapproving superiors and a night of heavy drinking that leads to an emotional catharsis and a silly dance-off montage. As is to be expected, they go from bumbling to badass, and become best friends in the process.


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Football was not banned during the Taliban's rule in Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, but during their time in power they used the old Ghazi stadium in Kabul as a venue for executions, stonings and mutilations.

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The United States’ overarching goal in Syria is a “negotiated political transition” that sees Assad removed from power, Rice said. “A ceasefire and a political solution are also the only ways to eliminate completely the Syrian chemical weapons threat.”

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Highlights to have emerged thus far include correspondence from a succession of some of the most eminent names of the twentieth century, among them T S Eliot, Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe, Graham Greene and Noël Coward.


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The revamp of the stadium is the latest in a series of vanity projects that Kim has demanded. Work is under way on the massive Masik Pass Skiing Ground, which will have a hotel, cable cars, a heliport and ski runs across 68 miles of mountainside when it is completed later this year.

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“This is (Duda’s) chance to play every day at first base. That’s his position, that’s where he likes to play,” Collins said. “Here’s his shot to say, ‘Hey, I’m going to be a legitimate candidate. You’re going to have to think about me next year at that spot.’ ”

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Backstreet's back! AJ McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, Brian Littrell and Kevin Richardson hit a high note outside the Ed Sullivan Theater before appearing on "The Late Show with David Letterman" on June 27, 2013.


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Broadband providers now offer consumers estimates of the speed they will receive when they sign up for a package, which typically claims it will offer speeds "up to" a headline figure. The firms, including BT and TalkTalk, are however supposed to warn that estimates are not always accurate and could be affected by a customer's house's wiring or interference from other appliances.

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Hasan, 42, faces execution or life without parole if convicted of 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the worst mass shooting on a U.S. military installation. Jury selection is expected to last at least a month, and once testimony starts in August, that could take at least two months.

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But with an airline ticket, an individual can exchange Venezuelan bolivars for up to $3,000 at that rate. Many of those greenbacks are diverted for sale on the black market, where each dollar can fetch about seven times the official rate.

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Nunneley had several narrow escapes from poisonous snakes and one from a hyena; but he faced a different kind of threat when he accused an Italian of being a PoW trying to escape disguised as a woman. He had “him” stripped, but she turned out to be a woman and lodged a protest at the highest level. In the nick of time, however, Nunneley unmasked a real impostor dressed as a woman and was spared a court martial.

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The Vaccine published a commentary from two doctorsemphasizing that Dynavax's hepatitis B vaccine had an adjuvant,an agent to boost immune response, which can be important forimmunization against hepatitis B. The journal also publishedlate-stage trial results showing the safety and viral responseof the vaccine, Heplisav.


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Besides Mursi, other Brotherhood leaders are also being held, and in the early hours of Monday police arrested two senior members of the Islamist Wasat Party, allies of Mursi, the MENA news agency reported.

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Gogo LLC, which says it has more than 80 percent marketshare of U.S. domestic in-flight Wi-Fi, sells a 24-hour Internetpass for $14, and monthly access for frequent flyers for $49.95on nine participating airlines, according to Ash Eldifrawi,chief commercial officer for Gogo.

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LONDON, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The Australian dollar rose onTuesday after the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest ratesas expected and gave no clear steer that it would ease policyfurther, disappointing some who had positioned for it.

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Italy has in the past cooperated with the United States withthe exception of crimes that would be punished with the deathpenalty, which is banned in Italy. Under U.S. law a convictionfor tax evasion may result in fines and imprisonment.


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The expectant Kate Middleton showed off her growing belly for the first time on Feb. 19, 2013 at London Hope House. The Duchess of Cambridge, whose royal baby with husband Prince William is due in July, wore a gray Max Mara wrap dress which ever so slightly gave a glimpse of her bump. In her first public appearance of the year, the 31-year-old spoke for Action on Addiction in South London, a charity in which she is a patron that supports woman overcoming substance abuse.

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There are also separate exchanges just for retirees. IBM, Time Warner Inc and General Electric Co recently announced they were moving retirees to exchanges forthose not yet Medicare-eligible and other exchanges for thosewho are.


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The Dow and benchmark S&P 500 index snapped a five-daylosing streak after the Labor Department said the number ofAmericans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell lastweek near a six-year low.

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"The Pacific Ocean is an enormous place," said Norman, who found radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power in California rainwater, milk and plants soon after the earthquake and tsunami. "There's a lot of material between us and Japan. No matter what happens in Fukushima, it's not going to be a problem over here."

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His eldest child Marina, 47, was also pushing to avert acrisis which could misfire for Berlusconi and the $6.6 billionbusiness empire she now heads. Of his five children from twomarriages, only Pier Silvio, his 44-year-old son, was supportingthe position of the hawks, the source said.

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Cuba said the weapons were being sent back to North Korea for repair and included two anti-aircraft batteries, nine disassembled rockets, and two MiG-21 aircraft, all Soviet-era military weaponry built in the middle of the last century.


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But there's no need to stop swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, says Diane Holm, a spokeswoman for the state health department in Lee County, which has had a handful of cases that included one fatality this year.

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The verdict by judge Col. Denise Lind follows about two months of conflicting testimony and evidence. Manning, a 25-year-old native of Crescent, Oklahoma, has admitted to sending more than 470,000 Iraq and Afghanistan battlefield reports, 250,000 State Department diplomatic cables and other material, including several battlefield video clips, to WikiLeaks while in Iraq in early 2010. WikiLeaks published most of the material online.

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Coming into the day, Netflix shares were up 282 percent onthe year. The company surprised investors by reportingstronger-than-expected quarterly profits and subscriber growthon Monday, sending its shares soaring.


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The official would not be drawn on reports from Washington that the US no longer expects a UN Security Council resolution to include the potential use of military force. This, the official said, was not the focus of discussion in Geneva.

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Our Tuesday ABC Health tweet chats this month will focus on major childhood health concerns. We’re kicking off the series today at 1 p.m. with a chat that focuses on the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity.


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It is unclear what the government's crackdown on the sit-ins would entail or when it would begin, but it appeared unlikely to start until next week. The Cabinet statement said the government was keen not to take action during the celebrations that mark the end of Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which started Thursday and continue for four days.

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The opposition holds Ennahda responsible for Brahmi's killing, which the government has blamed on hardline Salafist militants. Some violent protests have erupted in the capital Tunis as well as provincial cities since Brahmi's assassination.

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The city has also been a place where women’s rights activists have collided with those seeking to live out the strict tenets of their faith. In 2011, an extremist faction of the haredi group spit on an 8-year-old Modern Orthodox girl who they claimed was walking to school wearing an immodest dress.

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On Aug. 15, 1973, the United States flew its final bombing mission over Southeast Asia, ending the country's direct military involvement in the war. Forty years later, victims are still falling in one of the grimmest legacies of the conflict. Last year alone, there were at least 500 casualties in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from unexploded bombs and other ordnance, according to activists and government databases.


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Actor James Gandolfini – an Emmy winner who starred in HBO's "The Sopranos" – died unexpectedly in Italy on Wednesday. Hospital officials in Rome have confirmed that he suffered cardiac arrest. Gandolfini, who was 51, is survived by his wife, 13-year-old son and 8-month-old daughter.

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If you’ve always wanted to play a game where you simulated a mundane and ordinary 9 to 5 job, Payday 2 isn’t it. Quite the contrary, Payday 2 gives you a chance to try the most exciting, and criminal, way to make money: Heists. Yes, […]

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Consoles still account for more than half of the $66 billion- and growing - world gaming market, according to research firmDFC Intelligence. But playing games on smartphones and tablets,or as an offshoot to online social networks, is becoming moreand more popular.


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As India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh meets with US President Obama in Washington today, analysts see it as part of a larger sign that New Delhi is ready to repair recently frayed US-India economic ties.  

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This budget issue is part of an all-time power struggle; with the Republican’s confident that the Democrats will lose their power in the Senate, come the 2014 mid-term elections. The Republicans are not focused on winning; versus the Democrats losing. It’s political Yin-Yang.

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The brand recently has had to destroy millions of eurosworth of unsold bags and many of its shops abroad are losingmoney, the sources said. Richemont does not publish separatefigures for its fashion and leather brands. (Reporting by Astrid Wendlandt, editing by Geert De Clercq andDavid Evans)


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Both fine-particle air pollution and noise pollution may increase a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease, according to German researchers who have conducted a large population study, in which both factors were ...

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Last year, 1.7 million prescriptions were written for Nasacort AQ and its generics, Sanofi said. Prior to the introduction of generics, Nasacort AQ generated peak annual sales of $375 million. Last year sales were less than $100 million.

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The problem for most Vegas operators is they have teamed upwith more-experienced poker-game operators overseas, which thefilm portrays in a sordid light. Caesars tied up withLondon-listed 888 Holdings Plc. MGM Resorts hasaligned with Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment Plc, toname a few.


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Sheriff’s investigators have alleged that after Hunt’s arrest on Feb. 16, she violated a court no-contact order by having repeated contact with the victim. In some instances that included their secretly meeting and having physical contact.

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His original conviction for possessing a Glock 9mm pistol and 338 rounds of ammunition in his accommodation, near the SAS's Hereford headquarters, had been overturned on the grounds that he had been placed under "improper pressure" to plead guilty.

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One issue sure to come up is how a ban or restrictions would affect African-Americans. They are far more likely to smoke menthols than other types of cigarettes. Nearly three-quarters of African American smokers choose menthols, as do 30 percent of Latino smokers. But only about 20 percent of white non-Latinos smoke menthols.

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The most sought-after treatment there is for those suffering from malaria. Disturbingly, the treatment is accessible only to those who are lucky enough to make it to Kalene Hill and to the hospital. One of the fortunate ones, Edwin, was carried in his mother’s arms from their home to the hospital, a five-hour walk.

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Elsewhere in post-communist Europe, the limits to power ofpolitical leaders are also hotly debated. In Hungary, forexample, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has drawn accusations fromhome and abroad that his policies run counter to the behaviourexpected of a European leader - charges he denies.


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The hot-headed "Disturbia" star and his mom Shayna Saide quietly filed suit against Barry Saide earlier this year, charging he'd stiffed them on an $800,000 loan and demanded he pay the money back, with interest, immediately.

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Most companies also are exceeding analysts' earningsexpectations, as they have done in recent quarters. Of thecompanies that have reported second-quarter results so far, 66.7percent are beating earnings estimates. Revenue results arefaring worse.


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The lawsuit was filed after the fourth day of Rodriguez's appeal of his 211-game doping violation, and one sports lawyer not connected to the suit said it indicates that Team A-Rod believes it will be unable to convince arbitrator Fredric Horowitz to overturn or scale back the unprecedented punishment.

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"We wanted to get out of the partisan squabbling that has been happening in this city every year - let the market do it in a way that is fair to students and the taxpayer," said Education Committee Chairman Representative John Kline, a Minnesota Republican.


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"We estimate that fewer than 5,000 dose packs remain in themarket considering our current inventory levels and the usage ofthis product," spokeswoman Robyn Reed Frenze said in an email toReuters. A single lot of Risperdal Consta consists about 70,000dosage packs.

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In 2009, Duncan Rasor was a rising employee at a Bermuda-based insurance company, but wanted to learn how to excel as a business professional – especially in a global market. That year the senior business analyst moved from London to New York, all while working for the same company.

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In addition, the active ingredient in Tylenol, acetaminophen, has what the FDA deems a narrow margin of safety. The drug is generally safe at recommended doses, but the difference between the dose that helps and the dose that can cause serious harm is one of the smallest for any over-the-counter drug.


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I thought, “I hope this isn’t another Frankenheimer moment.” There was so much caviar and lobster and Cristal champagne I couldn’t help but be impressed. I feasted my eyes on chandeliers, antiques, and gorgeous, gorgeous furniture. I just hoped my mouth wasn’t wide open like Ellie Mae’s . . .

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The Nets were denied permission by the Celtics to talk to Doc Rivers – who is under contract for three more seasons. But according to the Boston Herald, Rivers and GM Danny Ainge are in a standoff, with the potential for a divorce if Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce both leave. At that point the Celtics could grant the Nets permission to talk to Rivers. 

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I was with both Annabelle and Nigel at Ukip HQ last week discussing policy approaches to female genital mutilation, a sickening, hateful crime against women which successive Governments have, quite simply, failed to tackle. Not a single prosecution has been brought since it was outlawed in this country in 1985, despite the fact we suspect there have been at least 20,000 cases.


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For 12 one-sided rounds, Mayweather went about making clear this event with Saul “Canelo’’ Alvarez was anything but a fight. It was the highest paid sparring session in boxing history, a dispute as lopsided as if he had been in with one of his young children which, in a way he was.

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Utah was the first state to take up the offer, and all five national parks located in the state reopened Saturday. Colorado also reached agreement to reopen Rocky Mountain National Park and tourists returned Saturday to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. But several states say they are unlikely to participate.

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Fifty-three-year-old Waterbury resident Kenneth DeVries (DAH'-vreez) was sentenced Tuesday in federal court in Hartford. He pleaded guilty in June to conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute methamphetamine.

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Bucchere had been riding at about 30 miles per hour (48 kmper hour) at the time, said Alex Bastian, a spokesman for theDistrict Attorney's Office. Investigations into the collisionshowed that Bucchere used a GPS-based application that allowscyclists to compare speed records on a route and set personalrecords.

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He said scientists have various ways to determine if a tool was recycled. They can find direct evidence of retouching and reuse, or they can look at the object's patina — a progressive discoloration that occurs once stone is exposed to the elements. Differences in the patina indicate that a fresh layer of material was exposed hundreds or thousands of years after the tool's first incarnation.


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Those were the lowest yields in a RAN sale since at least1971, the earliest year for which data are available, accordingto the state treasurer's office. And they stand in markedcontrast to last August's sale of $10 billion of notes, whichcover short-term cash needs. In that sale, the May 2013 maturityhad a yield of 0.33 percent and the June 2013 maturity a yieldof 0.43 percent.

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Jon Lester allowed two runs in 5.1 innings, and the Boston bullpen, which entered the game having thrown 13.1 scoreless innings in the series, allowed just one run over 3.2 frames. Closer Koji Uehara got the final five outs for his second save of the series.

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"What this is, is opening the door to discussion andnegotiation when before we had two sides just finger-pointing,"said Peter Jankovskis, co-chief investment officer at OakBrookInvestments LLC in Lisle, Illinois.


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Sandra Bullock is once again riding high with Oscar buzz, this time for her performance the new film "Gravity" (out October 4). Here she arrives for the opening ceremony of the 70th Venice Film Festival and the screening of the movie at the competition in August. It's been a charmed life and career for the actress...

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For instance, Reliance Industries, the country'sbiggest refiner, is expected to ship out about 1.5 milliontonnes of diesel in October, compared with an estimated 1.8 to1.9 million tonnes in September, an India-based source said.

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Ken Siegel, managing partner at law firm Morrison & Foerster in Tokyo, said private equity funds continue to seek opportunities in Japan, but it could take time before corporate buyers follow Applied Materials' lead.


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The facility - which is being developed by the company's London-based lab - creates an electromagnetic field using a copper pad buried in the ground. This can be picked up by a coil built into a vehicle, which converts it into electricity to power-up a battery.

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This is the largest oil spill in the state since it became a major U.S. producer. It is the biggest oil leak on U.S. land since March, when an Exxon Mobil pipeline spilled 5,000 to 7,000 barrels of heavy Canadian crude in Mayflower, Arkansas.

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Caltex Australia, part-owned by oil major Chevron,said that it no longer considered bitumen a "core business"following a decision to close the Kurnell base oil refinery inSydney and convert it to a terminal next year.

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          West Reno has two bear traps set in the Caughlin Ranch/Mayberry/Juniper area.  Some residents on the west side of Carson City have called both on Saturday and Sunday mornings with reports of a black bear visiting backyards in the urban interface neighborhood which borders the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada.  In Gardnerville, a bear up a tree in a rural area near town was harassed by Karelian bear dogs and chased back into more traditional bear habitat. 

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This was historic. They have not seen football from the leading division on home soil since West Ham United were defeated at Ninian Park on April 23, 1962. The Cardiff faithful never gave up hope, even during the darkest days, the trips to the High Court and the selling of such talents from John Toshack to Aaron Ramsey. They always believed.


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Abu Imad Abdallah, a rebel commander in southern Damascus, said Hezbollah fighters and Iraqi Shi'ite militia were key to capturing two areas on the south-eastern approaches to the capital -- Bahdaliyeh and Hay al Shamalneh -- in recent weeks.

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One day after Girardi spoke of the importance of playing with a lead, Sabathia coughed it up and then some in the third. The Red Sox rang up a 4-spot with the help of a three-run homer by Napoli that cleared everything in left field and landed on Lansdowne St.

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But coming back specifically to the debt ceiling, it's another example of Republican base voters becoming dangerously detached from the mainstream of American political thought. Per Sargent, Americans who think that failing to raise the debt ceiling would harm the economy favor raising it by a margin of 54-35, while independents who think not raising the debt ceiling would harm the economy favor raising it by 58-36. (Which makes sense, because as a general matter if you think doing something would "cause serious harm to the U.S. economy," most non-anarchist Americans would favor the course of action that doesn't entail said "serious harm." But I suppose the upside of anarchy for free-market conservatives is the absence of big government.)

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"This study does not provide an explanation for the reproductive health problems observed in women with eating disorders. Based on previous research, however, it seems likely that the problems can at least partially be attributed to the eating disorder. Both being underweight and obese are known to be associated with the increased risk of infertility and miscarriage," explained the scientists from the University of Helsinki.


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"We'll focus on the UK, but the e-cigarette business ismoving quickly all over the world, and we want to make sure thatwe also move quickly, because we want to take a leadingposition," BAT director Kingsley Wheaton said on Wednesday,after the firm posted a 4 percent rise in first-half sales.

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During the trial, Naso insisted that prosecutors lacked any physical proof that he killed the four women. However, he conceded that DNA found in the pantyhose worn by one of the women, Roxene Roggasch, might justify the conclusion that he had sex with her.

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The bullpen, which went into the game with the second-best ERA in the month of July (1.76), was down a man Saturday night — Torres. With Harvey skipping his last scheduled start before the All-Star Game because of a blister on his pitching hand and a need to cut back on his workload, the Mets pulled Torres out of the pen to make his first major-league start since Aug. 3, 2010. He will remain in the rotation in place of Shaun Marcum, who will have season-ending shoulder surgery on Monday.

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After losing in the American League Championship Series last October to the Detroit Tigers, a trip to the postseason seemed likely but injuries up and down the lineup and to the pitching staff and Alex Rodriguez missing the first four month of the season have the Yankees looking from the outside.

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Using beans taken from the civet's feces is not associated with health concerns, he says. "If anything, I would say it would be less risky coffee health-wise, because I don't think the civet is going to consume anything that smells like bad fertilizer when it has lots of cherries to choose from."


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The legislation is part of a broader attempt by President Vladimir Putin to win over Russians in the mostly conservative country following protests against his rule among urban and often middle-class voters over his return to the Kremlin in May 2012.

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The automated machines have helped make Marlin Steel possible, letting it produce quickly, in small batches, with great precision--and economically enough to compete, even against China. Marlin recently won a job from a Chicago company for 160,000 metal brackets a year, each one smaller than the palm of your hand. The manufacturer had been buying the parts from a Chinese company. Even though Marlin's salaries are 10 times higher than in China, the labor costs in Baltimore are actually lower.

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He then pointed to two issues that floundered over partisandifferences earlier this year, an overhaul of U.S. immigrationlaws that the Senate passed but the House did not, and along-delayed $500 billion farm bill that collapsed in the Houseover the amount of food stamp spending involved.


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Apple countered that the changes seek unnecessary relief forharm already remedied under the settlements with the publishersand impose "broad, invasive, and vague" requirements unrelatedto Cote's findings. It urged Cote to reject the injunctionentirely or approve a "narrower and more modest" alternative.

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Indianapolis Fire Department Lt. Ato McTush said the dead included a man and a woman. He did not have information about the third victim. Fox59.com reported that two of the three dead are a married couple.

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EBX might be on the brink of more deals as Batista exitssome of the group's companies to repay debt. Mubadala is lookingfor partners to buy stakes in oil producer OGX and miner MMXMineraçao e Metálicos SA, a source told Reuters on Wednesday.

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Miami still remains the most likely landing spot, as Pat Riley has worked to forge this relationship. But Oden has listened to both Dallas and will now listen to New Orleans — teams that could spend more than the league minimum on a deal for Oden if they so wished (Miami cannot).


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The hospital shut down its live donor transplant program for a time following the incident, but it has resumed after review. The surgeon involved in the transplant, Dr. Michael Rees, still works at the hospital.

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"We are studying the IPAB's decision but maintain our beliefin the inventiveness of the lapatinib ditosylate salt and willconsider the possibility of taking further steps before theappropriate authorities to validate this," the Indian GSK unitsaid in an email to Reuters on Friday.

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Once I was back home, I got a job as head baker at the Grosvenor, the poshest hotel in Chester. It was something different. I was 23 and this was when my hotel career started to take off. I went on to work as head baker at the Dorchester in London, but I was still restless. At one stage, I went back to the Grosvenor, and then I ended up being poached by a hotel group that was setting up in Cyprus. I stayed there almost six years and I loved it. The money was good. I had a villa with a pool. And I finally managed to break my ties with home.

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Rodriguez had flyouts in the first, second and fifth innings and grounded out in the seventh. His drive to center field in the second was a sacrifice fly and he said “driving the ball to the outfield in the air is always a good sign for me versus a ground ball . . . I’m trying to eliminate ground balls to the left side of the infield.”

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Part of the new capital would be raised through a rights issue in which the Peugeot family would sell new stock to the French government, the sources said. The remainder would be raised in a reserved capital increase. The Peugeot family would lose control of the company because the cash injection would dilute its 25.4 percent stake and 38.1 percent in voting rights.


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After the war, the South wanted their state governments to repay the money they had borrowed to fund the Confederate war effort — and they wanted federal help to do it. If the Union would help not help pay back those debts, then they saw no reason why the U.S. national debt should be repaid either. After all, virtually all of it had been borrowed to fund the Union war effort. “If we’ve got to repudiate [the confederate debt], we may as well help the Democrats repudiate the debt on the other side too,” a delegate to Georgia’s new constitutional convention told a reporter, referring to the national debt. “What’s fair for one is fair for the other.” A South Carolina white put it more colorfully: “What, ruin us, and then make us help pay the cost of our own whipping? I reckon not!”

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The diversified healthcare company said on Tuesday that it earned $3.8 billion, or $1.33 per share. That compared with $1.41 billion, or 50 cents per share, in the year-earlier period, when J&J took $2.2 billion in charges for the writedown of research assets, litigation expenses and merger-related costs.

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He quoted from the Greek constitution saying it “stated that political parties are entitled to financial support from the state for the election and their operating costs, as stated by law.”


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The Coyotes' main enforcer tried to engage Los Angeles Kings forward Jordan Nolan in a fight after the latter had appeared to leave his feet before catching the head of Coyotes defenseman Rostislav Klesla in a hit earlier in the game.

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Police had been called after three or four people became involved in a disturbance in the residential street and discovered the 29-year-old man seriously injured when they arrived. He was taken to Inverclyde Royal Hospital but later died.

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The Mets are committed to a six-man rotation for the next few weeks to try and limit the innings of young right handers Matt Harvey and Zack Wheeler. Niese’s return would allow the Mets to continue that if they want despite the struggles of spot starter Carlos Torres.

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The bill was supported by a rare coalition of union and business leaders, Catholics and evangelical Protestants, and farmers and farm workers. Groups that support an overhaul, such as Microsoft, Intel and Facebook, have vastly outspent opponents on lobbying efforts.


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"With Bah's deportation, Sierra Leone has taken a real step backward on promoting justice for grave crimes committed the country's brutal civil conflict that ended in 2002," said Elise Keppler, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch. "Sierra Leone has ignored the interests of victims who deserve to see those implicated in the worst abuses be investigated."

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The Government capped the share price of the 500-year-old postal operator at 330p, and huge demand - some analysts expect the IPO to be oversubscribed by 10 times - means brokers expect Royal Mail to hit the top of its price range. City commentator David Buik, of Panmure Gordon, said: "Those allocated shares will be cut back and therefore disappointed at missing out on a potential profit in excess of 30%."

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Even if Letta survives a confidence vote, he may not haveenough support to pass the kind of deep reforms or painful taxand budget measures needed to reverse a decade of economicstagnation and cut its 2 trillion euro public debt.


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In Philadelphia, Paul Skilling of Northern Ireland wanted to see the Liberty Bell up close but had to settle for looking at the symbol of democracy through glass. And he wasn't optimistic about the chances of visiting any landmarks in Washington, the next stop on a weeks-long visit.

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The North Korean ship was seized after inspectors found weapons system parts under sacks of sugar as it sought to cross the Panama Canal on its way to its home country, Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli said Tuesday. North Korea is under a United Nations arms embargo.

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The American actor -- who has played loathsome characters in such films as "Milk," "American Gangster," "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" and the Coen brothers' Academy Award-winning "No Country for Old Men" -- perfected his baking skills for a scene in director Jason Reitman's "Labor Day."

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Guggenheim Investments on Tuesday introduced two new High Yield Corporate Bond ETFs to its BulletShares lineup of fixed-maturity ETFs. BlackRock's iShares launched its first corporate bond defined-maturity ETF suite in April, and added another four defined-maturity ETFs in July.

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Professor Jane Maher, the charity’s chief medical officer said: “Put simply, the better we get at treating and curing cancer patients, the more people we will have living with the long-term effects of cancer and its treatment. In other words, progress is a double-edged sword.”

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The case is Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp et al v.Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services etal, 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, No. 13-1144. (Editing by Philip Barbara)


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The new tax, once approved by the senate, will apply for any food that contains more than 275 calories per 3.5 ounces. It targets sweet and salty snacks, pastries and puddings, chocolates and other candies.

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He added: "Furthermore, many treatments are simple, cheap and effective and even the most high-tech IVF therapies can be provided in a cost-effective manner through NHS clinics. No-one who stands a reasonable chance at conception should be denied the opportunity, and these NICE guidelines outline how that can be achieved." 

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Mysteriously, Curiosity can't seem to find any trace of methane in the air -- a factor that contradicts orbital data that suggests otherwise. This is one mystery that will have to go on hold for the time being. But the mystery of Mars' thin atmosphere is slowly being solved.

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Brazil's justice and defense ministers, along with a top army commander, urged the pope to use an armored popemobile instead, but the Vatican has responded that Francis likes to jump in and out of his vehicle to greet the faithful, which wouldn't be possible in the more protected vehicle.


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Human Rights Watch International Justice Program director Elise Keppler said Nigeria had "the shameful distinction of being the first West African country to welcome ICC fugitive Sudanese President Sudan al-Bashir".


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The inspections found that the practice of “pre-signing” abortion forms was widespread. In Hereford, ten out of 20 forms were pre-signed. A subsequent investigation of 463 cases showed that in 236 of those cases one of the signatures was a photocopy.


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OF Nelson Cruz began workouts Wednesday at the Rangers spring training facility in Surprise, Ariz., with the hopes of joining the postseason roster, if the Rangers make it to the postseason. Cruz, who is serving a 50-game suspension for violating the league's PED policy, is eligible to return for the start of the playoffs.


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The Grapevine, Texas-based company said total sales slippedabout 11 percent to $1.38 billion in the quarter ended July 31.Analysts were expecting sales of $1.36 billion, according toThomson Reuters I/B/E/S.


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The authors argue that Georgetown Law actually pays out "little if any money from this scheme because the school simply includes the cost of the loan repayment program in its tuition" and "students just take out more loans to cover that cost." As a result, the taxpayers foot the bill and the students go to school for free.


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However, the worst security deterioration in Iraq began on April 23 after the security forces cracked down on a Sunni Arab protest camp in the northern city of Hawijah. The crackdown sparked fierce clashes across the country's predominantly Sunni provinces between the Sunni tribes and the security forces.


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Smith said she talked to her son almost every day. She said she was told she couldn't have a child and was 38 when Sean was born. "He was my miracle baby. And my miracle was abandoned in Benghazi. He was a wonderful kid."

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Investors will be looking ahead to Wednesday's release ofminutes from a late July meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve,which could provide insight on the central bank's thinking onwhen and how to reduce its massive monetary stimulus.

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DeMille was an influential Hollywood director whosuccessfully spanned the silent and sound eras of film. Pastwinners of the award named after him include actors Jody Fosterand Robert De Niro, and directors Steven Spielberg and MartinScorsese. (Reporting by Eric Kelsey; editing by Mary Milliken)

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He'd been preparing for another fight that winter when his blood test came back positive for the virus that causes AIDS. Morrison's boxing license was quickly suspended by Nevada, and the ban was, in effect, was upheld by every other sanctioning body. Morrison said at a news conference he'd never fight again, blaming his plight on a "permissive, fast and reckless lifestyle."

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Pew found that 50 percent of the teachers surveyed say the Internet and digital tools make it easier for them to teach writing; 18 percent say they make it more difficult and 31 percent see no real effect. With all that tech, though, 94 percent of the teachers encourage their students to write by hand.


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After struggling for much of the regatta's final series in San Francisco, the team owned by Oracle Corp. co-founder Larry Ellison has gained momentum against Emirates Team New Zealand, refusing since Thursday to let the Kiwis win the one race that would give them the trophy.


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The Boston-born Germond, who covered the campaign in 1960, and his colleagues were eager to get to know the candidates but also worked to find out what was going on behind the marbled edifices of the nation's capital.

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Even with the Nasdaq outage on Thursday, the S&P 500 managedto register its biggest percentage gain since Aug. 1, but wasunable to close above its 50-day moving average for a fifthstraight session. The mark, now at 1,659.34, has become atechnical hurdle.


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The only thing Oprah is sorry for is all the negative publicity playing the race card brings. Mighty brave of her to pick out a retail sales clerk to pick on while more public personalities skate by unscathed. Oprah is really a woman of the people!

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The Sox presented Rivera the No. 42 from the manual scoreboard in the Green Monster at Fenway that always appeared whenever he was pitching, signed by every Sox player. He got a seat from 1934 Fenway Park with the No. 42 on it. There was a pitching rubber from the Fenway mound and also a framed artwork that commemorated Opening Day of 2005 in Boston, when Rivera’s introduction got the largest ovation of the day.

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"This rally will provide the opportunity to modifypositioning, as we expect fundamentals to matter more as thecredit cycle turns," said Peter Cecchini, managing director atCantor Fitzgerald in New York, writing in a note to clients.


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Gina's experience has been similar. She tells me: “Older generation men are really supportive. Some younger men shout out ridiculous things like 'I'd never sleep with you’ but they are usually a group of lads and if you talk to them one on one, they are really understanding.

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The exchange of vows will be followed by a reception, whichbegins at 4:30 p.m, with more than 500 guests at the CaramoorCenter for Music and the Arts, the Westchester County complexknown for its Italian Renaissance-inspired buildings and lushgardens.

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She’s known for duck calls and camouflage, but “Duck Dynasty” star Sadie Robertson has gone from the swamps of Louisiana to the glitz and glamour of New York’s Fashion Week, all part of a trend to encourage teens to dress more modestly.

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The reinvestigation cost millions of pounds and included fresh forensic tests on the officer’s flame-retardant overalls, which for years had been on show to criminologists and trainee police officers at Scotland Yard’s “Black Museum”.

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By holding more longer-dated Treasuries, investors increase the duration, or interest rate, risk to their portfolios in expectation of a market rally, which generally causes longer-dated bonds to generate higher returns than shorter-dated debt.


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"We decided to phase out monocrotophos because with many alternative products, we could not see any reason to have such a toxic product in a country like India," Lars-Erik Pedersen, vice-president of Auriga Industries, told Reuters in Copenhagen.

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“I felt the hit, I reacted immediately, I saw who did it and called the police. The people around me didn’t undestand what happened and why. Tensions grew and they started chasing him as he ran,” said alleged victim of police violence Iryna Bondar. She explained that she was at the market to protect traders from raiders who extorted money from them allegedly aided by police officers.

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Ecclestone remains central to the motor racing business he has been involved with for decades and the diminutive chief is a familiar figure at its races. He has always said he has no plans to retire and there is no obvious successor in place.

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Hunt had a career average of .273 and a career on-base percentage of .368 in his 12 years in the majors, including 1963-66 with the Mets. He made the All-Star team in 1966, too, and is sixth all-time with 243 HBPs.

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It accused the Government of an “inadequate response to heroin addiction”, saying that more than 40,000 addicts in England have been left stranded on the substitute methadone, which is used to wean people off heroin.


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The security deal is complicated because it basically singles out Pakistan as a major source of militancy in the region, could obligate the U.S. to attack Taliban positions in Pakistan and wants specified numbers of U.S. troops to remain after 2014 and a multi-year financial commitment to the Afghan security forces.

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The reason they are retiring? A majority of those polled say it was job loss or health-related issues. Still, many older workers say retirement is not a term they like, and many hope to work longer. Employment experts and financial planners see dangers in failing to come to grips with the reality of a workplace that can be difficult for older workers. Failing to deal with this transition carefully can lead to missteps and big costs in the long term.

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The answers will be revealing, but there is a third question that might provide the most insight into the state of Steinbrenner’s leadership: is he about to shake up his player-development department, as some people close to the situation believe, and show, for the first time publicly, that he’s not going to stand for poor performance?


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In the last 1975 referendum, Harold Wilson refused to tell even his staff how he was voting. On the day, his senior policy adviser, Bernard Donoghue, finally got an answer. He had voted yes. Why? “Because I don’t want that lot [Tony Benn and Enoch Powell] running Britain for the next 20 years.” I thought of Wilson as the Tories cheered Cameron on Wednesday. Like the prisoners in Beethoven’s opera Fidelio, they looked shocked to have lost their shackles, but Bill Cash, Peter Bone and Sir Gerald Howarth – these are the people now pulling the strings of the Tory party.

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A flight from Nashville to New York’s Laguardia Airport landed with a collapsed front wheel on Monday before skidding off the runway on its nose. Emergency vehicles surrounded the Boeing 737 which had 149 passengers and crew on board. Ten people were left with minor injuries.

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It will not be the last. In 2011, a blackout cut power to2.7 million people across southern California and Arizona. In2012, the two biggest blackouts in history rolled across India'spower grid, cutting power to states containing half of thecountry's 1.2 billion people.

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Caro Quintero, who is believed to be 60, holds a special place in Mexican drug lore. He was one of the leaders of the Guadalajara cartel, a forerunner of the Sinaloa cartel which is currently led by Joaquin "Shorty" Guzman, the country's most-wanted drug lord.


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Forget Facebook, if you want to keep everyone in the family up to speed on each other’s business then get the kids sticking and gluing a daily or weekly rag together the old-fashioned way – cobbling together images, sketching out headlines and writing the copy themselves by hand, or by monitored use of the family computer (keep this part carefully ring-fenced from the gluing part). But beware: you may find you have to mount a domestic Leveson inquiry after a seven-year-old cub reporter resorts to extreme blagging measures in order to get at the truth about what really happened to her goldfish.

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In the 1840s, the street boys of Chelsea were familiar with a local figure. He was “an elderly gentlemen, short and stout, with a red face and a curious prominent nose” whom they knew as “Puggy” Booth, and was called, with greater respect, “Admiral” Booth by the local tradesmen. He lived with a widow, presumed to be his wife, in a little house on the waterfront in an area known as the World’s End. None of them were aware that this bluff codger with an air of the sea about him was in reality the greatest painter in England: Joseph Mallord William Turner RA.

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It seemed all too easy for the Latics, but they were given a jolt moments later. French powerhouse forward Jean Philippe Mendy, who troubled Carson with a couple of firm first-half strikes, forced his way into the area before pulling the ball back for Tavares to score in from 14 yards.

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Jarrou Ag Ahmed lives in Camp Goudoubo in Burkina Faso. It is a temporary home for over 10,000 Malian refugees. He hopes the new leadership will restore peace and security in the country, once considered an oasis of democracy in a troubled region.

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Health Insurance Innovations' Kosloske is forecasting 300 percent growth in individual insurance policies beginning in 2014, including short-term ones. His analysis is based on the fact that under healthcare reform, companies with fewer than 50 employees are not required to provide coverage. If many of these employers drop coverage so that their workers can get subsidies on the exchanges, more people will end up on the market with waiting periods for coverage.

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LONDON, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Tempered expectations over thepace at which the U.S. Federal Reserve will withdraw itsstimulus kept many financial markets in check on Thursday,including holding European shares hovering near five year highs.

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"People have lost confidence in (Banda's) leadership and the best thing she can do is to order the arrest of senior officials involved and ask her finance minister to resign," Lazarus Chakwera, leader of the opposition MCP, said at a public rally over the weekend.


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The toughest question to McSweeny came from Senator MariaCantwell, a Washington Democrat, who asked about thecommission's work in fighting manipulation of fuel prices.Cantwell asked McSweeny how big an issue it was for her.

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The survey of 1,000 people was carried on behalf of Specsavers. According to Specsavers audiologist, Rory Perry, it is ‘alarming' that so many people believe that hearing loss ‘is just something to be accepted as part of growing old'.

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The San Francisco based hedge fund, like Eton Park, also took a big stake in Sprint in the second quarter, reporting a new 13.8 million share position. The fund, founded by Thomas Steyer, sold all of its 2.9 million shares in snack food manufacturer Mondelez International Inc.

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The group's main Renault brand, challenged in recent yearsby cheaper offerings including its own no-frills Dacia cars, isfighting back to lift pricing with new models such as the latestClio subcompact and Captur mini-SUV.


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Nelson played with Buffalo the last three years, and tore his ACL in last season’s opener while facing the Jets. He was covered by Kyle Wilson on the play. He has spent the last two days absorbing the playbook, and insists he has no issues with his knee.

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The company says it is rebuilding the entire system from the ground up, causing the delay. Developers use the center to track purchases, grab bug reports, download development tools, receive technical support and more. Apple said any developers whose memberships were “set to expire” during this period of downtime would have those memberships extended until systems are back up and running.

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Additional observations were performed in parallel and subsequently with other radio telescopes around the world. "We were too excited to sleep in between observations," said study co-author Evan Keane from the Jodrell Bank Observatory in England.

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You get the feeling Yankee fans understand this. Maybe it’s because the common fans have been priced out of the new Stadium, leaving the moated fortress to the privileged, dispassionate corporate millionaires and their equally privileged guests. Or maybe it’s because they were spoiled by the sustained excellence of Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams, Paul O’Neill, Jorge Posada and Co. and simply can’t relate to this present bunch, gritty as they’ve been despite the unfathomable spate of injuries that should have killed them off months ago. How else to explain the 10,000 empty seats Thursday night in what was the most important game of the year — against the Red Sox — and the general apathy in the stands until the Yankees’ six-run rally in the seventh (when a lot of those fans had already left)?

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But again, we’ve been here before with Microsoft. Do you remember Vista? Windows Vista was supposed to be the operating system snafu destined to cripple Microsoft. Then Microsoft launched Windows 7 and that quickly became one of its most popular launches ever. 


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The mayor of Grand Isle, Louisiana, clamped a mandatoryevacuation on the popular vacation and fishing destination on abarrier island south of New Orleans. Evacuations were alsoordered in Lafourche Parish in the south, and residents in muchof Plaquemines Parish, southeast of New Orleans, were told to beout of their homes before nightfall.

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George Osborne said in his Mansion House speech in June that a review would be undertaken into whether RBS should be stripped of its underperforming assets, promising that no taxpayer money would be used if the proposals went ahead. As the taxpayer owns 81 per cent of RBS and its assets, the bank would notionally have to fund the purchase of the remaining 19 per cent of assets, worth up to £50 billion.

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While most of the Caribbean reserves are relatively tiny, "There's little question that small reserves can help recover a number of important species, including grouper. This can help with biodiversity and keeping reefs healthier inside the reserves," said Peter Mumby, a marine ecologist who has studied the Exuma Cays no-take zone.

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First, the “anti” corner. Those (often including myself) who accuse the 140-character straitjacket of fostering a culture where no one has an attention span longer than that of a fruit-fly. Those who dislike (me, again, to the point of snarling) people who wander along pavements with their faces down, staring at their phone screens, in case they miss the latest update from some “sleb” or other.

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The task force has never recommended screening through chest X-rays, LeFevre says. LDCT is the first screening test to be shown to reduce deaths from lung cancer, he says. "Low-dose CT scans use a much lower dose of radiation than a conventional CT scan but still enable us to find cancers that are much smaller than those seen on chest X-ray."


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The Asus Nexus 7 gets an almost flawless grade for what it is, especially in the upcoming LTE version. I just wish the Asus and Google product definition, management and planning people better understood where they needed to take the product to make it a far greater sales success than it is likely to become.

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TUNIS, Oct 6 (Reuters) - The U.S. raid to snatch a top alQaeda suspect off a Tripoli street confirmed what many Libyansalready feared: Post-revolution chaos has made their vast NorthAfrican country a haven for Islamist militants withtransnational ambitions.

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Mosmary, one of the first activists who took to the streets in Libya's February 2011 uprising, was an outspoken opponent of the Brotherhood, whose Islamist political wing is the second biggest party in Libya's General National Congress (GNC). Two military officials were also killed in Benghazi on Friday.

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Analysts said the mixed results, from a 12-week study calledOPT Compare, suggest there would be limited demand fortofacitinib as a treatment for psoriasis if it is eventuallyapproved for the inflammatory skin condition affecting more than7 million Americans.

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Lastminute.com co-founder Brent Hoberman and one-time Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie were among those playing the “buy and sell game” at biotech investor Jim Mellon’s share-tipping lunch.


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Martin began billing personal purchases to the trust funds in 2010, disguising her receipts as resident expenses and taking reimbursement checks, court records show. She also skimmed money that was to be drawn from residents' funds to pay for their care at the nursing home.

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China, GE's biggest single market for infrastructure outside of the United States, would continue to have "healthy double digit" growth in the coming years, having grown some 15 to 20 percent growth in recent times, said Rice on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific leaders summit in Bali, Indonesia.

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Glencore is working with Barclays PLC to sell St.Louis Park, Minnestota-based Dakota Growers in a deal whichcould value the nation's third-largest pasta maker at $300million to $400 million, the sources said on Tuesday.

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Net earnings in the second quarter rose to $643 million, or73 cents per share, from $522 million, or 60 cents per share, ayear earlier, when the company took a large impairment charge onone of its investments.


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As I have observed on several occasions, the phrase "at least as long as" is a key component of the policy rate guidance. These words indicate that the specific numbers for unemployment and inflation in the guidance are thresholds, not triggers. Reaching one of the thresholds would not automatically result in an increase in the federal funds rate target; rather, it would lead the Committee to consider whether the outlook for the labor market, inflation, and the broader economy justified such an increase. For example, if a substantial part of the reductions in measured unemployment were judged to reflect cyclical declines in labor force participation rather than gains in employment, the Committee would be unlikely to view a decline in unemployment to 6-1/2 percent as a sufficient reason to raise its target for the federal funds rate. Likewise, the Committee would be unlikely to raise the funds rate if inflation remained persistently below our longer-run objective. Moreover, so long as the economy remains short of maximum employment, inflation remains near our longer-run objective, and inflation expectations remain well anchored, increases in the target for the federal funds rate, once they begin, are likely to be gradual.

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The package, the last ahead of next September’s referendum, had been trailed as a ‘Budget for Independence’, but Swinney was accused by opposition MSPs of putting political priorities above the needs of the Scottish economy.


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Friday's election in Iran was surprising on multiple fronts. Perceived reformer Hassan Rouhani won a majority of the vote in the first round, clinching the presidency to succeed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has held that position since 2005.


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In Graham Greene's spy thriller "Our Man in Havana," a vacuum salesman in Cuba agrees to work for MI6, the British spy service. He dupes the British into believing his vacuum designs are military installations. The AP was unable to determine whether Mohammed ever read the famous novel.

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"The issue with internal candidates is that Microsoft hascultivated a holding-company style culture so very few execs arebroadly exposed to all areas of the business," said Al Hilwa, ananalyst at tech research firm IDC.


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According to the Sports Xchange, Vanderbilt issued a statement Friday that Boyd, a wide receiver, "will remain suspended from the Vanderbilt University football team, pending further review by the university."

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The results were the first for a full quarter since co-founder Narayana Murthy came out of retirement on June 1 to be executive chairman after two years of mostly disappointing earnings that saw the long-time industry bellwether lose ground to rivals.


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"As they raided the village, civilians were captured and executed," the report said, adding: "The operation did not occur in the context of a military confrontation. Government forces were in full control of the area.


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Verizon has 100 million subscribers on its home turf, making it more than 10 times the size of Canada's largest player, Rogers. That offers advantages in terms of cheaper deals for popular handsets, and Verizon could use its U.S. network to give Canadian consumers cheaper roaming rates.


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"(When the decision comes) the bank will have proven for almost two years that the business model is working," said a second source familiar with the bank's position. "There is a client base we can build up."

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"The last time this sort of thing happened, the practicaleffect on markets wasn't significant. But this time, I don'tknow what the impact could be," said John Carey, portfoliomanager at Pioneer Investment Management in Boston, which hasabout $200 billion in assets under management.

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On Tuesday, Motorola and Verizon announced a trio of Verizon-exclusive new Droid phones. The Droid Mini (which should retail for $99 on contract), the Droid Ultra ($199) and the Droid Maxx ($299) will begin rolling out to stores on Aug. 20. All three phones are already available for preorder, with a solid incentive: Verizon will give all preorders six months of Google Music premium for free. It’s not something you need — traditional free Google Music works just fine — but it’s a nice little bonus.


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Sales at department stores Palacio de Hierro and Liverpool rose about 10 percent in the first quarter fromthe year earlier, almost double revenue growth at supermarketchains Wal-Mart de Mexico and Soriana over the same period.


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ScottishPower has set up a £1 million compensation fund for customers who lost money as a result of the failings, while £7.5 million will be paid to 140,000 vulnerable customers on government discounts.


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Cory Monteith, one of the stars of FOX's hit TV show "Glee," was found dead at the age of 31 on July 13, 2013 in Canada. The actor was discovered by staff of the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel in downtown...


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Other shares that suffered in the wake of the suspensionsincluded Innopac Holdings Ltd, which lost as much as42 percent in early Monday trade. ISR Capital droppedas much as 47 percent. Both were queried by SGX on Friday aboutrecent trading in their shares.

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Equity ownership ratios in the new joint venture will be 50per cent for each of MHI and Vestas with an option for MHI tochange the ownership ratio to 51 per cent for MHI and 49 percent for Vestas in April 2016. (Reporting by Teis Jensen. Editing by Jane Merriman)

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Whitman, who said in May that fiscal 2014 revenue growth wasstill possible, told analysts on a Wednesday conference callthat growth next year was now "unlikely" given the poorperformance of the Enterprise Group and PC divisions.

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JPMorgan's share of the mortgage lending market has increased and will continue to do so, Dimon said, but the bank is still struggling with its hangover from its acquisitions of the mortgage units of Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual.

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On Wednesday, a court in Misrata, another city at the forefront of the revolt, sentenced former Gaddafi-era Education Minister Ahmed Ibrahim to death for inciting violence during the uprising, the first such sentence handed down. The supreme court must confirm it before the execution can be carried out.


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None of these new policies will be publicly announced, sincepoliticians and economists do not like to admit U-turns, buteconomic reality is moving well ahead of official rhetoric. Allover the world, plans for deleveraging and economic rebalancingare being abandoned, while housing and consumption are makingcomebacks.

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The Twins managed to get at least one runner to second base in each inning against Kuroda, but they went just 1-for-10 with runners in scoring position in that span as the game remained scoreless until the Yanks plated their two runs in the fifth.

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Jackson, the mightiest of the 1992 championship Mighty Ducks hockey team, owned up to his 1997 arrest for a drunk and disorderly charge, but then gave Kruger a deafening silent treatment, she said. Kruger then thought about going back to dating Dawson again, but has remained with Jackson ever since.


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Israeli daily Maariv said the "attack" came from what is "considered the newspaper used by the White House to convey messages," while noting Netanyahu had extended his visit to the US to hammer out his argument in the media, including in an interview with the BBC's Persian service.


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Now living in Birmingham, around 1825, he was caught once again by police for the same crime that first sent him to Australia. Rather than be taken by the authorities, Lycett brutally injured himself by cutting his own throat.


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The U.S. State Department said it would review aid to Egypt"in all forms" after President Barack Obama cancelled plans forupcoming military exercises with the Egyptian army, whichWashington funds with $1.3 billion in annual aid.


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"In the coming months given that the new Fed chairman startsin January, the Summers effect, if it is announced, could be asdominant (as the Fed's tapering decision)," said Mike Gallagher,managing director of IDEAglobal.


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Mashing is done in a large pot on the stove, with water that's 150°F to 155°F. This temperature can vary depending on the beer you're making: A slightly higher mash temperature makes beer with more body and sweetness but a lower alcohol content, whereas a slightly lower mash temperature produces a drier, light-bodied beer with a higher alcohol level.


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Article 9 of Japan's constitution, drafted by U.S. occupation forces after its defeat in World War Two, renounces the right to wage war and, if taken literally, rules out the very notion of a standing army. In reality, Japan's Self-Defense Forces are one of Asia's strongest militaries.

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"We will ... continue to hold the delivery of certainlarge-scale military systems and cash assistance to thegovernment pending credible progress toward an inclusive,democratically elected civilian government through free and fairelections," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in astatement.

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His current attorney, Hubert Santos, is likely to file a motion for bail Thursday, meaning that Skakel could post bond and be released from prison by the end of the week. Santos echoed his client’s complaints that Sherman was “too enamored with the media attention to focus on the defense.”

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Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, a former senior oil executive and now spiritual leader for tens of millions of Anglicans worldwide, said he would allow credit unions to set up shop on church property with the aim of putting Wonga and its peers out of business.


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In a note to clients, Bank of America Merrill Lynch analyst Savita Subramanian said the risk of a correction of more than 10 percent from the political wrangling is a "low probability event," and "given that valuation, sentiment and fundamentals remain supportive, we would view such an event as a buying opportunity."

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Militants have grown bolder in their attacks as well. Earlier Thursday, insurgents outside the village of Sarha launched mortar rounds at a nearby military base and bombed a communication tower to distract security forces. Then they quickly set up a fake checkpoint on a nearby highway to stop passing vehicles, said Col. Hussein Ali Rasheed, the police chief in nearby Tuz Khormato, about 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of Baghdad.

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That might explain the apparent difficulty in attracting top-rank candidates – BlackRock's Mark McCombe declared himself a non-runner a matter of hours after being labelled a leading contender. Running RBS means putting up with constant political interference and effectively submitting to Treasury approval for major strategic decisions.


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Li, who has not dropped a set en route to the final, will be playing in her second final here following her defeat to Kim Clijsters in 2011. Azarenka (above), meanwhile, will be aiming to defend both her title and her world No 1 ranking. If Azarenka loses, Williams will take over at the head of the list. When it comes to the popularity rankings at Melbourne Park, however, Li's place at the top is assured.

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Bit mischievous as it’s a five door, but Fiat’s sporting arm delivers in part, particularly its 104bhp/236lb ft turbodiesel giving 115mph, 0-62mph in 11.3sec and 64.2mpg. Handsome, but not as good to drive as it looks.


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The dollar held near a one-month low against a basket ofcurrencies as investors bet that recent declines were too far,too fast even amid the debate about when the U.S. FederalReserve would begin to slow its stimulus measures.

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Branded as “safer,” available in a variety of colors and flavors and promoted by celebrities, e-cigarettes could be a hook for future smokers. “E-cigarettes are a novel way to introduce tobacco smoking to young people, and their potential ‘gateway’ role should be a concern for parents and health officials alike,” adds Prokhorov.

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Atmospheric sulphur, most of which comes from the sea, is a check against global warming. Phytoplankton — photosynthetic microbes that drift in sunlit water — produces a compound called dimethylsulphide (DMS). Some of this enters the atmosphere and reacts to make sulphuric acid, which clumps into aerosols, or microscopic airborne particles. Aerosols seed the formation of clouds, which help cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight.

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Britain’s membership of the EU is dividing the country’s politicians and there are many who oppose the ideas put forward by groups such as British Influence. The Leader of UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage, has called for an EU referendum before the next election.

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Riggs had a stack of other legal problems, including convictions for bank, wire and passport fraud. He aroused such contempt among some pilots that a website — aviationcriminal.com — was devoted to chronicling his misdoings.


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Among the different age groups Gallup polled, only those 65 or older remain in opposition to legalizing the drug. There is also a stark partisan divide, with 65 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of independents favoring legalization, compared to just 35 percent of Republicans.

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Zookeepers made two attempts at examining the cub Saturday, but Mei Xiang was cradling the cub and officials were unable to take it for a closer examination, zoo spokeswoman Pamela Baker-Masson said. They planned to try again Sunday.

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Until the FDA deems there's sufficient evidence "to implicate a specific food," federal confidentiality laws prevent the agency from releasing suspected brand names unless doing so is necessary for a recall, according to an FDA spokeswoman.

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Outlandish though they may seem, such rumours have credibility because of Mr Jammeh's previous track record of blending statecraft with witchcraft, whereby he alternates his Papa Doc persona with that of Witchfinder General.


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Based on Friday's Toronto closing price of C$9.08 a share, the sale netted the two men a combined $22,325.31 more than they would have received had they sold after BlackBerry's warning at about 3:15 p.m. (1915 GMT) on Friday, September 20.

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Dealers are focusing more of their activities on theirlargest clients as they shrink their balance sheets and astrading margins for fixed-income instruments come underpressure, Greenwich said. Smaller funds, as a result, arestruggling more to complete affordable trades.

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Many businesses polled by the NABE said they were holding back on hiring due to the costs imposed by the law. The survey also showed 15 percent of service sector firms planned to shift to more part-time workers due to Obamacare. But that may not be translating into hiring decisions.

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The chair of the Democratic National Committee, Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, told MSNBC that the administration should be willing to extend the open-enrollment period for people to sign up for insurance.

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Any home built before 2007 will require an energy efficiency rating, while those built after this date should already have one. However, industry experts have warned that Spain is rife with unqualified assessors offering cheap certificates while others are “guaranteeing’’ an A-rating which is illegal.


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"Putin has never been responsive to efforts to get him engaged in U.S.-Russian relations, going back to January 2009," Weiss says. "His current motivation for wanting to host Obama is to show the Russian people that he's one of the big boys, that Obama is just one more of a parade of international visitors seeking an audience with him, and that no one questions his legitimacy."

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Miss Stone, who was targeted because of her wealth and her friendship with members of the Royal Family, suggested it was only due to her gratitude to police that she attended the trial of Kevin Liverpool, 35, and his co-conspirator Junior Bradshaw, 32, earlier this year.

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She added: "You cannot muster 100 youths at the drop of a hat, each and every one of them with a hurling bat in their hand. It was orchestrated and organised. They knew what they were doing."

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On Sunday he went further, saying Britain might be forced toabolish the Human Rights Act, which since 2000 has made theEuropean Convention on Human Rights, signed by the 47 members ofthe Council of Europe, enforceable in Britain's courts.

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Being deaf doesn't always mean not being able to hear or produce music – in fact, Beethoven was deaf while composing his most impressive symphonies. Forbes, like other Deaf people, is able to feel the beat of the music vibrating through his body.


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While AngelList already allowed syndicates, they did notdraw much attention until the site could trumpet them startingSept. 23. A mini gold rush followed, as investors scrambled tostart their own and get them featured on the site.

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“We have been studying this issue comprehensively, and based on the agency’s data and analytical work, the FDA is confident in the overall safety of apple juice for children and adults," said FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg.

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About 20 typhoons hit the Philippines every year, often causing death and destruction. A state of national calamity was declared last December after typhoon Bopha killed more than 700 people in the resource-rich south, but most storms make landfall further north.

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The top criminal court's ruling in August also upheld a one-to-three year ban on holding office meted out to Berlusconi by a lower court. The Senate will have to take up that ban separately, after a Milan appeals court eventually determines the exact duration of the ban. In short, the complicated Senate process to decide whether Berlusconi loses his seat will start all over again.


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Out of the ordinary is an understatement for Desamour, an elementary school teacher, who delivered a healthy, 6 lb, 3 oz., baby girl, Arabella Grace Desamour, while her husband drove her to the doctor’s office Tuesday morning.

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The Hong Kong Exchange delayed the start oftrading on both the securities and derivatives markets onWednesday due to Typhoon Utor. It will suspend the morningtrading session if the typhoon signal remains at 8 or higher at9 a.m. Hong Kong time (0100 GMT).

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Publishers were concerned that Amazon had devalued their products by establishing the standard price of ebooks as $9.99, but were able to push prices up to $12.99 and in some cases $14.99 after signing the Apple deal.

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Microsoft's shares have gained almost 30 percent this year,helped by a rally that began in late April when the companyreleased strong revenue and earnings in what was one of theworst quarters for PC sales on record.


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A Los Angeles Police Department investigation into the singer began shortly afterthe woman reported to authorities that he put the drug in her drink as they dined together. The woman told investigators she woke up to find herself naked in a bed with the singer in her hotel room.

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"It's really exciting, because we were able to detect sufficient cobalt and germanium in these beads to confirm they're meteoritic," Rehren said. "We had assumed this was the case for 100 years, but it's nice to be able to put an exclamation mark on the label, rather than a question mark."

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According to a sentencing memorandum released Wednesday, the women were restrained by chains attached to their ankles with access only to plastic toilets in the bedrooms that were rarely emptied. Castro fed the women one meal a day and used the "cold of the basement" and the "heat of the attic" as punishment techniques, according to the memo.


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"I think anyone who saw what happened in Cornell Park the other night was horrified by the violence," Quinn said of Thursday's shootings. "I live on the west side of Chicago. It is an area that has been inflicted with violence, and we've got to protect the people."

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"The FTSE has run into a resistance band between 6,657.38and 6,674.51 ... Given widespread intraday divergence and dailymomentum divergence, a minor corrective dip cannot be ruledout," said Ed Blake, technical strategist at Informa GlobalMarkets, adding that this week's lows around 6,517.38-6,555.38should offer support.

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BAGHDAD -- Nearly 1,000 Iraqis were killed in September, one of the highest monthly death tolls in years, the UN said Tuesday, giving a sombre figure that reflects the militants' determination to rekindle large-scale sectarian conflict.

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The Oakland Athletics were supposed to take the field against the visiting Minnesota Twins for the third game of their series -- with potential playoff implications on the line -- Saturday around 1:05 p.m. local time, but this is what the visitors dugout at the O.Co Coliseum looks like. 

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Police and firefighters used the inflatable boats to ferry all 1,400 passengers a short distance to higher ground. It took until about 12:30 a.m. to complete the rescue operation, about seven hours after it began. Passengers were transported to a nearby subway station to resume their trip home.


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Others disagree, including Kate Mitchell, who chaired theIPO Task Force, a private-sector group whose work advised theTreasury Department and lawmakers, including Senator CharlesSchumer, a New York Democrat who helped draft the IPO on-rampprovision of the JOBS Act.

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** Aviva PLC is planning to pull out of its Indianinsurance joint venture, valued at more than $500 million, asthe British insurer retreats from less-profitable markets whereit has struggled to grow its business, sources said.

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James and Brinson, 27, have been together since high school and have two sons. James, 28, proposed just after midnight on Jan. 1, 2012 in Miami Beach, flanked then by many of his teammates — just as he was again Saturday night for his wedding.

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Countdown had an attractive woman and an ageing bloke; when the attractive woman began to show signs of ageing, she was axed – replaced by a woman who was, of course, strikingly beautiful.


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But the benefactor of the tumult and now favorite to win the Democratic nomination is New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio, who polling shows is flirting with the 40 percent threshold needed to stave off a runoff election.

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Speculation about the length of the penalties and when they will be announced has dominated American sports media for the past week, even though the MLB has remained silent while the investigation continues.

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Perhaps. It certainly seems pretty clear now that the unrevised AnTuTu benchmark was making Intel's current chips look like better performers in relation to ARM's products than they actually are. But it's also hard to dismiss the fact that Intel has been making some pretty big strides with its mobile chip offerings, given where the company stood in the mobile device market a year ago—with nothing available in its product portfolio to challenge ARM in any meaningful way.


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But Bharara refused to bite when asked several times by the CNBC host, Jim Cramer, about the insider trading investigation into hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors and its founder, Steven A. Cohen. Both have been the subjects for years of federal investigations of insider trading.

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"The FAA is fully committed to preserving the federalinvestment and keeping this airport open and operating," FAAspokeswoman Kristie Greco said. (Reporting by Dana Feldman and Steve Gorman; Writing by SteveGorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Cynthia Osterman)

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Publicly, Mr Obama’s team have deployed a battery of arguments – from the moral case that the Assad regime must be punished for breaking the norms of international behaviour, to the national security pitch that a “signal must be sent” to enemies who might be tempted to use chemical weapons in future. But privately, Team Obama – including the President himself, in calls from Russia – are making a remarkably direct plea to wavering Democrats: that Mr Obama needs them to save him from a defeat that would be humiliating at best and crippling at worst.

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"With the International Energy Agency estimating growth inChinese crude demand from just around 10 million bpd this yearto 12 million bpd by 2020, the decision by Russia, currently theworld's largest crude producer, to make a dramatic eastwardshift in crude exports has a clear rationale," the Eurasiathink-tank said.


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The bearish domestic catalysts came on top of a bad day forU.S. stocks, which had their biggest one-day percentage dropsince late June on Thursday after positive data showed theFederal Reserve could be closer toward trimming its $85 billionmonthly bond-buying program.

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The third big shop you should visit on Strøget is Illum (Østergade 52, 1001 København) – a big, beautiful department shop with a “wow factor”. The store has everything you could possibly need, from a tin of baked beans in its food hall to £1,000 designer dresses. Indeed, one of the highlights is the womenswear department, which showcases the most famous Scandinavian womenswear brands, not least Acne, a Swedish label which has achieved cult-like status among many fashionistas. The off-putting name in fact stands for “Ambition to create novel expression”, and it has championed a distinct Scandi look: sleek and minimal while still being slightly offbeat and grungy. But it is not cheap. On sale last week were £1,680 bomber jackets and a stunning textured apricot silk blouse for £210.

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"We have seen some reduction in western Canada ... whereuncertainty over oil export routes is causing some of ourcustomers to rethink their investment options and to delayprojects," he said on Tuesday.

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Decker deadpanned: 'After twenty-five, it's just throw the ego out the door.' Perhaps taking her own advice, Decker, now 23, married tennis pro Andy Roddick, 28, in April 2009. The swimsuit model was named Esquire's 2010 Sexiest Woman Alive, and was catapulted to near-universal sex symbol status after famously donning (and doffing) a yellow string bikini for SI.

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Proponents of the reform say it will be hollow without aconstitutional amendment to allow risk-sharing contracts.Critics say throwing out article 27 will hand Mexico's oilriches on a platter to foreign companies, a lightning rod ofMexican nationalism.

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The Dow Jones industrial average wavered at the close- initially showing a gain of 3.07 points, or 0.02 percent, at15,525.04 - and then dipping 1.38 points, or 0.01 percent, toend unofficially at 15,520.59. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose just 0.63 of a point, or 0.04 percent, to finishunofficially at 1,685.96. The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced 17.33 points, or 0.48 percent, to close unofficially at3,616.47.

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“Record low mortgage rates, Government interventions and concerns that house prices may see further gains once the second phase of the Help-to-Buy scheme is launched next year have released some pent-up demand. But compared to the past, the rise in mortgage lending has so far fallen well short of the rise in new buyer enquiries.

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No group immediately claimed responsibility for the assault Saturday. Tribal clashes remain common in the region and some former government militias have begun taking up arms again as fighting continues over land and resources.

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The law is part of France's broader regulation of book prices and curbs on discounting, which was passed in 1981 by the Socialist government at the time to protect small bookshops from supermarket chains.


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“I love playing with V,” Wallace said. “I didn’t know he was a good shot-blocker like that, but I know he’s a good passer. I know he ducks in and finds us open and he protects the rim for us. Any time you’re a guard, you like a big that’s going to protect the rim.”

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At the time, Weiner said he had asked a law firm, BakerHostetler, to look into the matter. Records show his campaign paid BakerHostetler $93,350 for “legal services” between January 2010 and December 2012.

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Booming stock markets have encouraged private equity firmssuch as Bain Capital, Blackstone Group LP and ApolloGlobal Management LLC to cash in on their investments bytaking their companies public this year.

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“Shortly before our first disclosure, Mr. Adler entered the hospital very suddenly,” says the letter sent to staff Friday. “We determined not to take action on that day out of concern for him and compassion for his family as we sought to learn the details of his condition.”


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SAN FRANCISCO - Entrepreneur Nicole O'Rourke has a novel idea for raising cash that would have been illegal until this week: smacking a "fund me" sticker on every bottle or can of hair products from her start-up business, Rock Your Hair.

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LEONARD: In a movie, yeah. Yeah, I thought that was a, I was very proud of that one. And also I liked "Valdez is Coming," which Burt Lancaster did. Burt - "Valdez is Coming" is my favorite Western that I wrote. And at the time when I read it now I can see my style beginning to change into what I'm doing now, really not what I'm doing now, but it began to change. And...

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While the level of property sales is now starting to pick up nationwide, years of intense competition between agents against the backdrop of a long stagnation means the recovery has proved too late for some.

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Maybe it’s my Canadian inferiority complex but in these league tables and similar exercises, I’m quite satisfied with “average” because the competition is strong and many of the “top” countries are smaller than any Canadian province (other than PEI) – the most eastern and most western provincial capitals are nearly 8,000 km apart by road/water.

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"I have repeatedly challenged Alex Salmond to publicly debate these issues with me. However, he seems more interested in turning the debate on Scotland's future into a battle between England and Scotland than he is in providing people with details. I will debate him any time, anywhere," he said.


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Protestants tried to block a march on Friday evening along the city's main thoroughfare, Royal Avenue, by the nationalist side of the community and when police moved in to clear them, they threw bricks, bottles and fireworks.

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Victory in Washington state could be a springboard for action in other states or in the U.S. Congress for the labeling movement. Food makers and biotech companies say the drive is misguided and will drive up the cost of food.


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NBC is making sure of that, thanks to unprecedented coverage that will allow fans to watch all 380 EPL games this season, either on its TV networks or online, starting with Saturday’s opener between Liverpool and Stoke City (NBCSN, 7:45 a.m. ET).

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Publishers would face fines of up to £1million for “serious or systemic” wrong-doing. The body would also include a standards and compliance arm with investigative powers and an arbitration service to offer an alternative to the courts.

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That gave the 32-year-old from Glasgow a share of 12th - easily his best finish in a major - and he said: "I'm very delighted. I didn't play great on Thursday but to finish in a major, especially the PGA, with three rounds in the 60s is very pleasing.

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“We put him there because we expect him to compete just like we have a battle at several positions. So we’re putting him out there,” said Ryan. “This is his first opportunity really to be with the ones. We put him out there in the sub with the first team and we’ll see. If he’s healthy I have a feeling that’s where he’ll be, with the subs. Will he beat Kyle out as a starter? I guess we’ll find out.”

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The U.S. economy expanded more quickly than expected in thesecond quarter, with the preliminary read on gross domesticproduct topping expectations. Separately, weekly jobless claimsfell more than anticipated in the latest week, a possible signthat hiring improved in August.


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Kuwait has hired lobbyists to help bring its two remaining prisoners home. British Prime Minister David Cameron personally pressed Obama at the Group of 8 summit last month to release the United Kingdom's final detainee. And the fate of Afghans being held at the U.S. military prison in Cuba has been at the forefront of peace talks between the U.S., Taliban and Afghanistan.

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Some of the lapses have gone on for two years; in at least a couple of cases involving information systems that the audit calls "primary general support systems," the lapses have gone on since 2007. 


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With these sorts of situations, the toothpaste is pretty tough to put back in the tube. You can't fault Nvidia for trying, however. Here's the official statement on the GTA slip-up sent to PCMag by a spokesperson this afternoon:

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"I think that folks here in Washington like to grade on style," Obama said. "And so had we rolled out something that was very smooth and disciplined and linear, they would have graded it well, even if it was a disastrous policy."

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BOSH’S ROLE: On the offensive end, it’s usually quite clear — James is option No. 1, Wade is option No. 2, which leaves Chris Bosh as option No. 3. He made his peace with it long ago, but his stated goal for this season is to not play like a third option. Bosh says he wants this to be the best season of his career.

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When you look at a snow-capped mountain, the line that separates the snow-less lower slopes and the snowy peak is descriptively known as a “snow line.” It’s above this line where you’d want to go with your snowboard or skis. Now, for the first time, astronomers have discovered the snow line for a particularly frosty star system 175 light-years away — but there’s no word on the quality of the snow for slaloming.


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The only more unlikely candidate on the list is Cook, a 15-year Apple veteran handpicked by co-founder Steve Jobs to leadthe company. While his 100-to-1 odds seem daunting, they’reslightly better than the chances of winning $4 with a Powerballlottery ticket. Hey, it could happen.

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Moses said that in May, a motorist tailgated him on a drive from Scarsdale to White Plains, "obviously trying to make me go faster" than the 40- mph limit. Instead, Moses slowed, and the driver passed him and then blocked his path.

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Harris, however, said that employers need to take some of the educational responsibility. When he hears employers complain of months-old job openings, Harris said he responds by asking, "Have you sat down with the local school district?" Harris said he believes employers need to "put some skin in the game" by talking to local grade schools, community colleges, and universities about what skills they need.

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The PMI also showed rising inflationary pressure, with thesub-index measuring input prices rising to 58.2 last month fromJune's 55.0, while the reading for service charges increased to52.4, the highest since May 2011.

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The nail-biting tension throughout the film, they say, doesn’t come from the plot but from the rhetorical question viewers will be asking: “Is this the worst film I’ve seen this year?”


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He thinks, as do I, that the Federal Reserve’s dramatic expansion of its balance sheet is simply a way of financing the government by printing money. The Fed isn’t really “buying” Treasury bonds, it is just letting the government finance its deficit by adding to the money supply.

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Finally, she called on governments to better work togetheron reforming the financial sector, calling progress too slow,partly due to divergences among different countries. She pointedin particular to the "danger zone" of shadow banking, or thenonbanking sector that is not under formal regulation.

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In recent years, the U.S. food industry has begun yielding to pressure from government, parents and consumers seeking to slim down adults and children. Sugary sodas have been yanked from public schools; sugar, sodium and calorie levels have been reduced in products, and calorie counts have been posted on some restaurant menus.

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There are young people who are doing it all the time and think they’re having the time of their lives, but they don’t actually know what they’re doing. When you’re older, you “get it” more, not necessarily more often, but you’re better at it. Experience is VERY important in that department!

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Matthew Holmes, a 24-year-old graduate of Johnson and Wales University, whose student debt is almost $20,000 in principal, says adding in the estimated accrued interest over a 10-year-period hikes his debt to almost $35,000 -- $15,000 more than his current balance.


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"They were the survivors. They were organized. They were feared," said the prosecutor, explaining how members of the Winter Hill Gang followed paramilitary tactics to hunt down targets, using walkie-talkies, an array of weapons and intelligence gathering techniques on prospective extortion victims.

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German prosecutors believe that Mr Ecclestone paid the money to Mr Gribkowsky to steer the sale of F1 to CVC as it had agreed to retain him as F1's boss. They claim that selling to CVC reduced the value of the bank's stake as other buyers could have paid more.

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Mexico's president called for a quick state-by-stateevaluation of damage to be overseen by the country's interiorminister that "will allow us to add resources beyond thosealready budgeted for contingency and disaster funds to rebuildinfrastructure that has sadly been lost."

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But they were unsure of the consequences for the federalagencies they work with, in part because they have not beenbriefed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS),the agency taking the lead in implementing the reform law.


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"When we recite our poems, we remove our pain," says Seeta Habibi, Country Director for the Afghan Women's Writing Project, a group established with the help of writers living in the United States.

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Since the fall of Mubarak as the Arab Spring revolutions took hold more than two years ago, the Arab world's most populous nation has remained in turmoil, arousing concern among allies in the West and in neighboring Israel, with which Egypt has had a peace treaty since 1979.

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Less than half of the original number of his trainees took part in the mission. Of the 23 birds that embarked on it, only 11 made it back - toting six Cohibas. Those cigars are now cast in resin and also on display.

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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran waswilling to open its nuclear facilities to internationalinspections but the United States must end economic sanctions aspart of any deal on Iran's nuclear program.

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Your analysis is wrong. You have overlooked a huge point.  The University of East Anglia (UEA) is a public research university, and the Global warming Policy Foundaion is a private charitable UK foundation. Serious transparency advocates agree that there is no question that UEA's operations and funding should be completely transparent. They would also agree that the GWPF should not be financially transparent. 


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On Friday morning we had buried someone from Alexandria who had died during protests in Cairo. We headed to Smouha and prayed before our protest. It was a very big protest and thugs, sent by the army, began to attack us. No-one was hurt, but we soon heard that the army were on their way.

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And now, we taxpayers are going to have to pay two or three times what we should have paid. We paid once for broken phoodo and again for someone to rework it all and then, if the “lowest price menu resumes” are selected, we may have to pay over and over and over again. We are so screwed…

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Jiang has been her hitting partner and her coach but has always been prepared to step aside when she wanted outside help. He was replaced by the Dane Michael Mortensen before her French Open triumph in 2011, when Li became the first Asian player ever to win a singles Grand Slam title, and by the Argentine Carlos Rodriguez, Justine Henin's former coach, last summer.

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The report declares it "impossible" to create precise estimates of a debt ceiling's effects and therefore contains no specific predictions. In part, predicting is difficult because a default would be unprecedented, and also because the economy is much changed from 2011's showdown. At that time, Europe's sovereign debt crises threatened markets worldwide, and a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating from Standard & Poor's also increased investor worries.

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"We're in playoff baseball right now," he said, adopting his most statesmanlike air. "Every game means the world to us. We're trying to stay very focused and collective in here; stay very united no matter what's thrown at us. Our focus is to win games, and that's the only thing we care about right now."


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Casinos in the city routinely challenge their taxvaluations, and the Borgata decision was the last for the 2010tax year, Stinson said. Boyd and MGM, which co-own the property,have challenged the 2011 and 2012 assessments as well, he said.The decision, if it stands, will impact values for all of thecasinos going forward, Stinson said.

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"Social networking apps have continued to grow rapidly interms of the total amount of time people spend with them, butthe average session is actually pretty small. But when you lookat the amount of time people open these apps over the course ofa month it's huge," he added.

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The NHL already seems wiser these days about prioritizing player safety, and the current trajectory of the rule changes even has players like Rangers right wing Arron Asham, a veteran of 96 NHL fights, convinced that one day fighting could be taken out of the game completely - even though that's not what he wants.

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The European Commission has 25 working days after a deal is filed for a first-stage review. It may extend that by 10 workingdays to 35 working days, to consider either a company's proposedremedies or an EU member state's request to handle the case.

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For Cannings it can take double the amount of time to carry out a simple task, such as typing out a letter on a computer. On a recent trip to the cinema he accidentally brushed his left hand on the wall and, not wanting to draw too much attention to his compulsion, went home. He had to return an hour later.


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Aboushi told The Associated Press in an interview in May that being a Palestinian-American in the NFL was “an honor” and added that for being able to “kind of break that mold and sort of open the door for other people and show them that it is possible, it’s a great feeling.”

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By Sunday morning it was about 230 miles east of Hong Kong and moving west at 12 mph, the Hong Kong Observatory said. It said the storm would retain maximum sustained winds of 88 mph at 5 a.m. Monday after making landfall overnight. The observatory said it would consider raising the No. 8 storm warning signal later Sunday, after issuing the No. 3 standby signal the day before.

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Currently, the research has only used dental tissue obtained from mice, and grown the teeth in mice, and caution should be exercised when trying to generalise the findings from animal research to humans. Also, the experiments were not a complete success, as only a third developed into ‘teeth’ and few had the hardness of human teeth.

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The Dow Jones industrial average was down 49.59points, or 0.32 percent, at 15,608.77. The Standard & Poor's 500Index was down 2.42 points, or 0.14 percent, at1,707.25. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 1.28points, or 0.03 percent, at 3,688.30.

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A Tustin, Calif., woman is suing a veterinary office for $1 million, alleging they used extortion by threatening to report her for animal cruelty when she couldn't pay for a $10,000 surgical procedure for her dog.


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The Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz identified the official heading the project as Danny Seaman, a public diplomacy official who has written posts on his personal Facebook page which Haaretz described as being incendiary and anti-Muslim.

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Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke jolted markets in late May bysaying the central bank planned to ease back on its stimulusefforts once the economy improves. Many economists expect theFed to reduce its bond-buying pace in September.

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The current farm law expires on Sept 30. Congress has 12days of work scheduled before then, mostly because of afive-week summer recess. Without a new law, farm subsidies willrevert to sky-high levels dictated by a 1949 law and the priceof milk at the grocery store could double.


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The debate over immigration underscores the persistence of racial hostility in American society. The racial bias in the fight against immigration reform is palatable. Last year, during a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, one of the candidates said the word "Mexico" and the crowd booed.

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A private equity buyer confident in the company's strategy may be preferred. BlackBerry's market valuation stands at C$5bn (£3.1bn), having stood at more than 10 times that value five years ago.


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"In the regions like Asia-Pacific or Latin America, we areseeing more middle class consumers buying chocolates comparedwith five or six years ago because they have the money to doit," said Francisco Redruello, senior food analyst atEuromonitor International.

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Woodward said the priority for him was to build a "very close relationship" with Moyes: "We will meet every week face-to-face, I'm going to be at every game, I'm going to be around and hopefully we can start building that relationships towards something similar to what David Gill and Sir Alex had.

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In the second quarter, a peculiar sequence of events began when Green Bay’s Ryan Taylor blocked a punt. The ball bounced beyond the line of scrimmage, was touched by John Kuhn of the Packers and recovered by Baltimore at its own 41-yard line. The Ravens subsequently got a first-and-goal at the Green Bay 4, but four straight runs failed to get the ball into the end zone.

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The White House budget director, Sylvia Mathews Burwell,issued a directive to employees minutes after President BarackObama signed legislation that ended the shutdown and raised theU.S. debt ceiling.


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James Dunstan, a veteran space lawyer and a fellow with the think tank TechFreedom noted that the last three Apollo missions deployed lunar rovers that covered “significant amounts of real estate.”

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In the last incident, an apparently homeless 49-year-old woman was struck by a white Chevy Camaro convertible as she crossed 32nd St. between Fifth Ave. and Broadway at 5:05 a.m. Emergency responders brought her to Bellevue hospital, but she could not be saved, cops said.

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Now, Northrup, who teaches money workshops, has written what she calls a “love story” about her relationship with money. Instead of focusing on calculators and interest rates, her book, “Money: A Love Story,” explores how to improve one’s feelings and attitude toward finances. “From my own experience working with women around their money, I found the missing ingredient for most of them is actually love,” Northrup says.

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"We are going to see a massive increase in the use of Tasers when the latest figures are published in September. But there are no statistics to show that police are now in more danger. We ask where is the evidence? It is a hypothetical scenario they are creating which does not exist," she said.


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In our house, however, we got the cartoon in annuals - the perfect way to immerse yourself into the alternative universe of Calvin, a precocious six-year-old with fire-cracker energy, and Hobbes, his soggy stuffed toy tiger, who, as soon are they are alone together, becomes his partner in crime and philosophising best friend. Their names - theologian and philosopher - were of course deliberate.

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GOP leaders are aware of Clinton's strong vote-getting potential and are very sensitive to the massive news coverage that her recent speeches have attracted. So they are trying to define her early and negatively as they remind voters and the media why Clinton was a flawed presidential candidate in 2008, when she lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, and why she has caused so much controversy in the past.

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Wolf’s father, Dr. James Wolf, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2011. He has endured nearly two years of chemotherapy and surgery and his time is running out.  Just days after the Saturday dance, Wolf received what is scheduled to be his final round of chemo and was so exhausted from the ordeal he had the energy for only a few words about the dance.


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The attack occurred at Camp Bastion, a British-run NATO air base in Helmand province that adjoins Camp Leatherneck, a vast U.S. facility that serves as the NATO headquarters for southwestern Afghanistan. Because Leatherneck does not have a runway, the Marines use Bastion as their principal air hub in the country. Several hundred Marines live and work on the British side, and dozens of U.S. helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft are parked there.

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GCL-Poly Energy surged 7.6 percent to its highestsince March 2012, set for a second-straight daily gain afterChina's Ministry of Finance announced on Sunday that it willoffer tax breaks to solar power product manufacturers.

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As for the Sox’s need for a closer, the Seattle Mariners, who continue to seek offense everywhere, have available one of the most effective late-inning relievers (1.39 ERA, 46 K/33.1IP/2-2 in saves) in baseball this year – a 31-year-old hard-throwing lefty who, as a Scott Boras client, they won’t be able to re-sign.


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If the speaker were to move on a stopgap spending bill now, without conservative policy priorities attached, it would most likely pass with Republican and Democratic votes. But the ensuing Republican uproar — on and off Capitol Hill — would ensure that there would be no Republican votes to raise the debt ceiling. “It’s common-sense strategy,” one Republican strategist said. “If you’re going to take a bullet, you want to take just one.”

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The city has struggled for decades with companies moving orclosing, rampant crime, shrinking population and politicalcorruption. The city's revenue failed to keep pace withspending, leading to years of budget deficits and a dependenceon borrowing to stay afloat.

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This braiding of tech-business growth with life-style values and aesthetics—and, from there, the world of art—creeps many people out. Creative enclaves are traditionally thought to arise at the quaky hands of aloof ironists; investment funds, we know, do not actually “stand for” anything except being good investment funds. Why, then, did Johnny Hwin speak so volubly about how his business interests, his life style, and his art helped one another? To him, it wasn’t a puzzle. He was into “creative, mindful living” in part because it helped his business interests. His business interests helped bring people together around underground art. In the process, influential art-and-business people were exposed to creative, mindful living. I had been searching, I realized, for something that didn’t quite add up, but, so far, it all seemed to sum quite tidily.

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"I accept change, but not serious change for the worse. If you are a naval professional, then a Navy without an aircraft carrier and the right aircraft on board is comparable to the Swiss navy.”


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The market impact from a stalemate over the U.S. federalbudget that caused the first partial U.S. government shutdown in17 years was mainly seen at the short-end of the maturity curvewhen a U.S. one-month bill sale got the highest rate sinceNovember.

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Bosch was once a close confidante of the steroid-stained slugger, but the self-styled “biochemist” agreed to cooperate with MLB after baseball lawyers sued him and several associates in Florida state court earlier this year.

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“All offseason, all training camp, people talked bad about us,” Dunbar says. “We were garbage. We were nothing. All of a sudden, we do some good things and now they’re trying to fatten you up for the slaughter. ... So, don’t believe the hype. Keep grinding. Don’t become so enamored with yourself that you stop working.”

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But its figures show the overall impact across the decade has been disastrous. Someone who bought and hold has made an average annual return of 9.11pc on the FTSE 100 from 2003 to 2012. Using the ‘sell in May’ tactic has returned 5.59pc.


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The band's eponymously titled second album sold 116,000 copies in its first week and was the only record in the Billboard 200 this week to break the 100,000 barrier, according to figures from Nielsen SoundScan.


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A study has also revealed that men with larger-than-average testes are also less likely than other men to show an interest in the skills and effort of child rearing, such as changing nappies or bathing a child, suggesting that some men are biologically predisposed to being poor fathers.


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OSX, once expected to be LLX's biggest tenant, will likely be restructured as part of Batista's efforts to slim down the EBX group and pay down debt, selling the vessels owned by its ship leasing business and shuttering the yard before it has built a single ship, a source with knowledge of Batista's plans told Reuters. EBX declined to comment on the restructuring plans.


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"The choice is the following - either we lose capital bypaying out dividends in which case we wouldn't be able to fundRussian economic growth, or we will get different treatment,'Gref told a briefing.


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City Manager Austin Bleess said about 150 volunteers assisted in filling the helium balloons starting Wednesday night. Trappe and his balloons lifted off from a foggy softball field at sunrise Thursday.


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Pressed to say if he stands by his claims about Dr Kelly’s death, Mr Baker declined to give a clear answer, referring instead to his record as a Coalition minister: from 2010, he was a transport minister.


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While there are a few people who would like to see a boycott of the winter Olympic Games in Russia next February, because of that nation’s newly passed laws hostile to LGBT people, most see that idea as an example of the proverbial “throwing the baby out with the bath water.” They don’t want to throw away the precious opportunity for a peaceful gathering of the world’s nations to make clear their distaste for the maltreatment of LGBT people in the host nation.


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The quest to dig up more pearls of knowledge inspired Hanke to christen his startup Niantic, which refers to a whaling vessel that came to San Francisco during the Gold Rush of 1849, only to be abandoned. The ship was briefly converted into a hotel that later burned down. The remains of the original ship were later found buried near a current San Francisco landmark, the Transamerica Pyramid.

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The paper said most were unintended. Many involved failures of due diligence or violations of standard operating procedure. It said the most serious incidents included a violation of a court order and unauthorized use of data about more than 3,000 Americans and green-card holders.

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"The horror of that scene was unimaginable," Yesica said. "People were walking around like zombies. There were bodies lying twisted, some trapped beneath carriages, others at windows trying to get out, all around people were calling out for help. There was blood everywhere."


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This kind of public fawning and headline grabbing by unknown family members, or ex-wives who are riding his name and fame, simply erodes the greatness of a man whose individual sacrifices, endurance, and commitment to a process of fairness as justice set a new standard for heroism in the 20th Century. Report that.

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Other Thanksgivukkah fundraising efforts are more charitably oriented. The SoHo Synagogue in downtown Manhattan will partner with a neighboring Soul Cycle to host two “Chanukah Thanks Spinning” classes. The proceeds will be donated to local charities and the synagogue will host a Thanksgivukkah party afterwards, complete with sweaty Soul Cycle riders.


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In the early hours of the morning, the Soviet Union's early-warning systems detected an incoming missile strike from the United States. Computer readouts suggested several missiles had been launched. The protocol for the Soviet military would have been to retaliate with a nuclear attack of its own.

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Another opposition leader, Syrian National Coalition Secretary General Badr Jamous, said in Istanbul that samples from victims had already been smuggled out of Syria for testing. He declined to say where they were sent.

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The Interior Department’s comments faulted theenvironmental review’s recommendation for noise near pumpstations to meet the level common in communities rather than fora park environment “where many people go to get away from theclamor of everyday life.”

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“Right now we are still negotiating with numerous parties with what we are going to do with our radio outlet,” said Mets COO Jeff Wilpon, who added that he expects a deal to be in place in the next six weeks.


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Setting up shop in Los Angeles' Santa Monica and New York's Nolita brings Intel closer to the major TV networks and production studios that the world's biggest chipmaker must strike deals with to gather content for its live and on-demand service, Intel spokesman Jon Carvill said.

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Mr Walker has denied ­assaulting Ms Traquair in January 1967 in Edinburgh, by punching her on the face. He has also pled not guilty to committing a further assault on her in December 1969 in the city by slapping her on the face.

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A “Wrap-Up” meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 9, at MAC’s North College Center. At the meeting Gann said the team awards will be presented and the final amount of funds raised will be announced.

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If considered in the neoadjuvant setting under the pCR pathway, an approval could come four years earlier than if the company were forced to wait for data from an ongoing trial expected in 2016, said Dietmar Berger, vice president of clinical development at Roche's Genentech unit.


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No other city in Brazil felt Mr Batista's influence more than Rio de Janeiro. He carried out refurbishments on many landmarks in the city, and recently won a bid for the administration of the iconic Maracana stadium, where the 2014 World Cup final will be held.

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“We'd been to see Burn After Reading, the Coen Brothers film, and we both really liked it and found it very funny and thought, oh maybe we should have a go at doing this,” said Corden. “We had this idea of doing the crash and the phone.”

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“I like to share the messages of optimism and hope and that underdog kinda feeling that we have always seemed to have felt and felt a part of,” he said. “That message is both timeless and classic. And it’s universal in its appeal.

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Firefighter Brandon Wenger stands along Highway 120 while monitoring a backburn during the Rim Fire near Yosemite National Park, Calif., on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013. Unnaturally long intervals between wildfires and years of drought primed the Sierra Nevada for the explosive conflagration chewing up the rugged landscape on the edge of Yosemite National Park, forestry experts say. The fire had ravaged 282 square miles by Tuesday, the biggest in the Sierra's recorded history and one of the largest on record in California. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)


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"This morning's employment report showing a jobs gain of 195,000 is good news that the recovery may now be on a sustained path," he said. "Combined with revisions to the two previous months gains totaling 70,000 additional jobs, the latest number certainly is reassuring. But the job gain merely kept pace with the rise in the labor force, so that the number of unemployed, at 11.8 million, was essentially unchanged. Greater gains in jobs will be needed to push unemployment down significantly over the next year."

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The family survived, though they now find themselves in different worlds. Livio Carpino has gone back to his job as pilot for Kenya Airways, while his wife is afraid to leave the house. Even though both her children were smothered, her baby appears unaffected, while Azzurra struggles with tasks as simple as getting dressed.

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The Federal Reserve's policy committee will start a two-day meeting today. And this one is particularly significant. The central bank could announce Wednesday that it will finally slow the pace of its $85 billion in monthly purchases of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities.

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Verizon is nearing the end of a legal battle that could render the FCC’s net neutrality rules a thing of the past. Today, the two groups presented oral arguments to a DC circuit court, hoping to respectively strike down or uphold the Open Internet framework —a set of rules meant to stop internet providers from making companies pay to play on their networks or shut out services they don’t like. To supporters of the Open Internet framework, net neutrality is vital to a healthy internet, a way to keep powerful telecoms from controlling what we see. To Verizon and other opponents, it’s an unnecessary and burdensome regulation, making it harder to explore new business models. Beyond these pragmatic arguments, the central issue is simple: has Congress even given the FCC power to make these rules?

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STAFFORD, England, July 11 (Reuters) - Grids around theworld are likely to spend about 50 billion euros ($64.3 billion)by 2020 on new equipment to transport power over long distances,including connections to remote renewable energy projects,Alstom estimated.

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Tull, a former investment banker, started LegendaryEntertainment in 2000 with $500 million from private equityinvestors and in 2005 signed a seven-year deal with WarnerBrothers to jointly produce up to 40 films.

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It is often said that the party conference speech is the most important in a politician’s year, the one into which all their reserves of rhetoric and energy are poured. Yet in the next two days, George Osborne and Ed Miliband are to give speeches to which just as much attention will be paid. For their contents not only reflect the transformation of Labour and the Conservatives’ fortunes in recent months, but will do much to shape the political debate as the 2015 election approaches.


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The study also found that men who admitted to eating late at night - i.e. eating after they had gone to bed - also had a 55% increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. However, the scientists said they were not overly concerned about this as few men ate this late.

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However, this was not the end of the story for the dust. Three months later the scientists were still able to detect signs of it. Atmospheric models supported their observations of the plume’s journey. Paul Newman, chief scientist for Goddard’s Atmospheric Science Lab, extolled scientific advances for allowing the team to study the dust’s path so precisely. Thirty years ago, he explained, such precision would have been impossible, and all the team would have been able to do would have been to state that the dust was caught in the stratospheric jet stream. Thanks to new technology and a successful experiment, scientists will now be able to embark on a whole new era of high-altitude atmospheric physics study.


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“I watched tape, sometimes in bitterness,” Smith said Monday. “(I’m) kind of mad at myself for some of the plays that I know I can easily make (and) some of the decisions that I made that ultimately cost us the game.”

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Baron Ambrosia, the host of culinary adventure show "Bronx Flavor," successfully swam the Bronx River Saturday, becoming the first person in recorded history to swim the borough’s namesake sluice from end to end.

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Along the coast of Guangdong, authorities were calling fishing boats to port and securing buildings and equipment at aquaculture farms. The storm was expected to make landfall near the city of Maoming in the afternoon before traveling northwest into Guangxi province.

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Shanghai set its record high temperature of 105 degrees F on July 26, and Thursday's heat marked the city's 28th day above 35 C. At least 10 people died of heat stroke in the city over the past month, including a 64-year-old Taiwanese sailor, the official Xinhua News Agency said.


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It’s not just his public outings and repeated brushes with the legal system that have kept Zimmerman in the spotlight. Martin’s parents were prominent participants in last month’s 50th anniversary commemoration of the March on Washington, and several civil rights leaders have called for the repeal of “stand-your-ground” laws, which generally remove a person’s duty to retreat if possible in the face of danger.

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"This is a sad day in the House of Representatives, I want you to know that. This is the people's house, and to separate the Farm Bill from the elderly, from the children, this is a shame," said Rep. Corrine Brown, D-Fla. "Mitt Romney was right, you all do not care about the 47 percent." 

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"This is exactly where my job leads me in the future," said Ho, with neatly cropped black hair and dressed in a maroon collared blouse. Apart from her business interests, Ho sits on several political committees in China and the Macau government's tourism development committee.


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Along with eschewing cars and many other moderntechnologies, the descendants of 18th-Century German immigrantswho practice the Amish and Old Order Mennonite religions, haveeffectively opted out of Obamacare, along with most federalsafety net programs.

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A trial date was announced Sunday for Muslim Brotherhood leaders accused of inciting murder in the days before former President Mohamed Morsi was ousted as efforts to resolve Egypt's growing political crisis ramped up.


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Bankers have also suggested that U.S. group Emerson Electric, which was in talks to buy Invensys a year ago, might beinterested, while Germany's Siemens and Switzerland'sABB have also been touted as potential bidders.


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And as if to demonstrate that the criticism had fallen on deaf ears, the Ryanair feed appeared to ignore the question: “Will you be looking for a new social media manager tomorrow?” only to later ask for views on a future Twitter chat.


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The night got worse for the Cardinals in the second as Wainwright and catcher Yadier Molina watched Stephen Drew’s leadoff pop up fall between them for a leadoff hit. David Ross followed with a single, then one out later Kozma committed his second error of the night, loading the bases.


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Labour's shadow defence minister Kevan Jones accused minsters of breaking their promise to tackle waste by allowing "thousands of taxpayer pounds" to be "squandered on costly calls".


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Among sectoral decliners, miners were hit hard. The UKmining index fell 1.5 percent to feature among thetop decliners on the back of poor earnings and concerns aboutglobal demand for industrial metals such as copper.


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"It rests on a premise that low income people are presumed to be wrong doers," says Ellen Vollinger, the legal director at Food Research Action Council. "It would lead to increased stigma in the program and increase the complexity and the administrative costs of the program."


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The 39,000-year-old female mammoth named Yuka was discovered last April encased in ice with permafrost over her shoulders. Her body and tissues were largely preserved by the region's subzero temperatures.


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Cole shares were up 8.1 percent at $13.86 on Wednesdayafternoon, off an earlier high at $14.65. American Realty shareswere down 1.9 percent at $13.09. (Reporting by Ilaina Jonas in New York and Mridhula Raghavanand Sagarika Jaisinghani in Bangalore; editing by Matthew Lewis)


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ABOUT THE MAPLE LEAFS (2012-13: 26-17-5, 5th East): The acquisition of Jonathan Bernier in an offseason trade with the Los Angeles Kings gave Toronto a legitimate netminder to challenge incumbent James Reimer for the starting role. While head coach Randy Carlyle hasn't yet named a No. 1 goalie - or even a starter for the season opener - Reimer looks to have the edge. He posted a .925 save percentage and a perfect mark in the shootout during the preseason, while Bernier had an .891 save percentage and was remembered most for scrapping with Buffalo's Ryan Miller.


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"The technologies are different, the challenges are different, and for teams that have done it on mobile, probably there's a higher premium," said Kabam's Li, referring to the price of buying game developers.


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The Chinese shipping industry has long suffered fromovercapacity and shrinking orders amid a global shippingdownturn. China's largest private shipbuilder, China RongshengHeavy Industries Group, became the latest casualtyearlier this month when it sought financial help from theChinese government.


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News of the investigation follows another brush with the US authorities last week, when two JP Morgan Chase traders were charged with fraud in connection to the $6.2bn "London whale" trading losses.


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One alternative strategy, MacMahon et al propose, is comprehensive central statistical monitoring – ideally by an independent body – for real-time assessment of data quality from clinical trials in both emerging and established markets.


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Analysts said global bond yields were also lifted by signsof improvement in Europe. Data showed on Wednesday the eurozone's two largest economies, German and France, grew fasterthan expected in April-June, which helped to pull the entireeuro zone out of recession.


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The eastern port city of Tianjin and Zhoushan Islands nearNingbo, the third-largest port of China, have also submittedproposals to Beijing to establish free-trade zones, the firstsource with knowledge of the policy said.


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The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a pro-opposition group, said that three children and one woman were among those killed in the morning blast in Darkush. There were numerous serious injuries and the number of dead was expected to rise.


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According to another Reuters report, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is busy to finalize a free trade agreement with China within 12 months. Maybe he thinks this is more important than Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership.


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The comments that he would "never" do an ad "with ahomosexual family" to a station that has barely more than 2million daily listeners spread like wildfire on Twitter andFacebook, sparking worldwide calls to boycott products by theworld's biggest pasta maker on Thursday.


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TORQ Chief Executive Jarrett Zielinski said the location ofthe terminal in the southeast end of the oil sands region meansshippers will be able to save about $5 a barrel on transportingcrude to the U.S. Gulf Coast and to the East Coast, comparedwith shipping crude by rail out of northern Alberta, the centerof the oil sands region.


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The airline - whose initials for critics stand for "AlwaysLate in Takeoff, Always Late in Arrival" - has improved itspunctuality and in September fared better than British Airwaysand Germany's Lufthansa, according to FlightStats.


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"We have to attack that because, frankly, we want increased, unrestricted reporting," said Lieutenant General Curtis Scaparrotti, director of the Joint Staff. "And we can only get that if we (have) the trust of our victims."


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On the eve of the release of a landmark climate change report Friday, U.S. officials said Thursday that the nation is making progress in cutting its heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions but still has "more work to do."


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Born John Weldon Cale in Oklahoma City, he cut a wide path through 1970s rock `n' roll, influencing some of the most famous musicians at the time with songs that were laid back and mellow, yet imbued with a driving groove.


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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has offered asylum to Snowden and says his country received a request from the former NSA systems analyst. But Snowden, who is believed to be in a Moscow airport's transit zone, has applied for asylum in other countries as well, and it is not clear how easy it would be for him to travel to the Latin American country.

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The snag is that subsidiarity and proportionality are highly subjective, says José de Areilza, law professor at Spain’s Esade University. It is, therefore, extremely hard to use them to bring a successful court action against EU institutions for overstepping their authority.

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Professor David Vaughan, ice2sea coordinator based at the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge who was one of the authors of the study, said: "A discovery of this nature shows that the Earth has not yet given up all its secrets.


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A small number, such as establishing threat-management units, were still in the planning stages. They said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel sent out a directive in March urging completion of the measures quickly.


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A one-line statement published on the Heshan citygovernment's website said that "to respect people's desire, theHeshan government will not propose the CNNC project". State-runChina National Nuclear Corporation had planned to build the 37billion yuan ($6 billion) project.

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Sadeq Larijani, who heads Iran's judiciary, said nuclear negotiations could achieve "positive results" but he told the Mehr news agency that Iran would not relinquish its right to enrich uranium and use nuclear energy.

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European Climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard said it was time to treat the Earth's health. "If your doctor was 95 percent sure you had a serious disease, you would immediately start looking for the cure," she said.


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“They are solid on the drug stuff,” one source countered, adding that it is believed that Bosch says Rodriguez sometimes used code words such as “meds” or “food” in place of the actual banned substances in his text messages to Bosch, among even more damaging testimony.

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Sitting on the boards of several companies, Bach is also the chairman of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and his involvement with the Olympic movement stretches back to the milestone Olympic congress in Baden-Baden where he became a representative of the athletes.

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When just starting his research, in the early 1960s, Mechoulam found some unlikely allies: the narcs. He had a few friends who were cops: "Someone would say 'hey, could you give him 5 kilos of hash? I know the guy.'"

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Within a few months, Klayman said, the court will likely define the "class" the suit seeks to represent by ruling that "everyone's in" or by allowing Verizon customers to either opt-in or out-out of the class. Currently the suit only represents a Pennsylvania couple.


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Sadly, said Ganz, little progress has been made since 1999, the last time the IOM examined the issue, in the quality of care cancer patients receive. That report's recommendations for implementing evidence-based care and making other changes, she said, "have had limited uptake."

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Jerry Reese was so crystal clear on the first day of training camp when he marched to the podium and drew his red line. Anything besides a playoff berth “really is not acceptable,” he said. And he “put everybody on notice” that the Giants' high standards had not recently been met.

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One car on display at the show, the new Mercedes S-Class luxury sedan, can already drive on its own in stop-and-go traffic to reduce driver fatigue _ although it quickly reminds drivers to put their hands back on the wheel. Other carmakers are aiming for similar levels of driver assistance, but technological and legal barriers remain.

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In June, Google donated around 3 million pounds ($4.6million) to combat the problem, including 1 million pounds tothe Internet Watch Foundation, a group committed to ridding theInternet of child pornography.


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This isn't the first time North Carolina has had an E. coli outbreak caused by a contaminated petting zoo. In 2004, 108 visitors to the North Carolina State Fair reported getting sick from an E. coli 0157:H7 infection that was later traced back to the fair's petting zoo. The following year, the state passed "Aedin's Law" in honor of 2-year-old Aedin Grey who died during the outbreak.

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The day before it happened had been really good because it was July 4th, Independence Day . I’d stayed up all night partying and woke up late, but I had to go from Brooklyn to Manhattan to help a friend move house.

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Birch holds no truck with the view that the sheer number of Facebook users (believed to be about 900m) makes the site’s position unassailable. Far from it. “I’m honestly not entirely decided myself on whether Facebook is going to be around in 10 or 20 years’ time. I don’t think it’s going to fall off a cliff in the way Myspace and Bebo did.”

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U.S. President Barack Obama pledged on Tuesday to explore adiplomatic plan from Russia to take away Syria's chemicalweapons, although he voiced scepticism about it and urgedAmericans to support his threat to use military force if needed.


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According to the National Bariatric Surgery Registry, which studied 8,700 operations, diabetes alone costs the NHS £3,000 per patient a yearfor life. By contrast, the £8,000 cost of bariatric surgery is recoupedwithin three years.

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The selective spending plan appeared to temporarily unite Republicans, heading off a split between Tea Party conservatives who pushed for the government funding confrontation and moderates who appear to be losing stomach for the fight.

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July’s foreclosure sales — homes foreclosed on in the prior 12 months — accounted for 7.8 percent market share, down from 9 percent in June and down from 20.7 percent a year earlier. Last month’s foreclosure share was the lowest since it was 7.3 percent in June 2007. In the current cycle, foreclosure resales peaked at 56.7 percent in February 2009.

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According to a source familiar with Snee's thinking, he hasn't given much thought to his long-term future yet. He is signed through the 2014 season, though. It's unclear if the Giants would welcome him back, though if they did it would likely be at a drastic reduction of the $7.2 million salary he's currently scheduled to earn.


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The "Home Improvement" actor, 60, spoke about how he feels that the euphemism "N-word" is more offensive than the slur it's supposed to soften in a recent interview, touching on the recent controversy over Paula Deen's prejudicial language.

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She overturned her squeaky-clean image once before with her Oscar-winning portrayal of a vengeful prostitute in "Elmer Gantry" (1960) opposite Burt Lancaster, and the role that she considers her most important. It also brought backlash from her admirers.

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A major supporter of the pipeline, Gerard said the delay in approving the deal was damaging U.S. relations with Canada. He said Canadian officials were not only anxious, but "irritated" that the process has taken so long.

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"The most visible risk at the moment is the learning curveassociated with new central bank procedures. The process oftheir learning how to talk to us and our learning how to listento them is fraught with risks to financial stability," theCredit Suisse report said.

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The more mundane reasons for marriage misgiving include fully realizing (only after vows are exchanged) that one’s freedom, socially and romantically, is now much more limited. They include intuiting that new responsibilities—perhaps for home ownership and for children—are now closer than ever. They include dwelling on a past romantic partner and wondering whether closing the door—forever—on that relationship really was wise. Only at the instant when years of dating or even years of being engaged turn into wedding bands, do many people actually consider the enormity of what they have agreed to. And, for many people, the weight of that reality makes them wish they had backed out.


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The information the report gives about the job market reflects the effects of budget cutbacks in Washington, said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, which co-produces the ADP report, in a Wednesday morning call with journalists.


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Nigel Farage, head of the anti-mass immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP), said it would overturn decades of dominance by Britain's main three parties, the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats.


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On this week's Daily News Fifth Yankees Podcast, Mark Feinsand sits down with Yankees outfielder Vernon Wells to discuss the current state of the team, the Ryan Braun and Alex Rodriguez controversies and much more.


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A recent executive order overturning the Supreme Court ban is likely to be withdrawn after Rahul Gandhi, senior leader of the ruling Congress party, said the move by his government to protect convicted MPs was "complete nonsense".


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“My ill-advised attack on George Stark of the Daily Mail had absolutely nothing to do with issues of anyone’s sexual orientation,” Baldwin wrote Friday. “My anger was directed at Mr. Stark for blatantly lying and disseminating libelous information about my wife and her conduct at our friend’s funeral service.”


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Walker blamed the “media onslaught” for his decision on Saturday night to resign as the MSP for Dunfermline. He had initially refused to stand down despite being convicted of 23 charges of assault against three former wives and a stepdaughter.


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The material isn’t quite so individual. The disco songs, while danceworthy, miss the clubby genius of “Believe.” The ballads all dream of being “If I Could Turn Back Time” in their next lives.


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Following FedEx’s founder and chief executive, the next 10 largest shareholders own 43.3% of the company. Mr. Wadewitz noted several of these positions have been held for many years, so these shareholders may be inclined to support the existing management team.


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Fabian Picardo, Gibraltar’s chief minister, thanked the British authorities for their help. Mr Picardo, who has been the target of a campaign of online abuse because of his staunch opposition to Spain’s sovereignty claim, wrote on Twitter: “Big thank you also to Royal Navy, Gib Defence Police, HM Customs and Port Authority for their deployment too.

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An "anti-incumbent" wave would crash differently in the Senate. It would likely hit incumbent Democrats hard in places like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina, and hurt their candidates in the open seats in "red states" (West Virginia, Montana and South Dakota). It might be large enough for Republicans to win the six seats they will need to take the majority.

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Inflows of $1.13 billion into funds that hold non-U.S. stocks accounted for the overall inflows into stock funds. Those cash gains were down, however, from inflows of $2.44 billion into the funds the prior week.

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This echoed a Democratic theme last week when the U.S.-Russian talks had begun, essentially that by threatening the use of force and then asking Congress for approval, Obama had forced Syria and Russia to the bargaining table for a non-military solution to eliminating Syrian chemical weapons.

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** Dutch cable firm Ziggo said it received atakeover offer from U.S. cable group Liberty Global,but that it considered the offer inadequate. It did not disclosehow much Liberty Global, controlled by U.S. tycoon John Malone,had offered to pay for the rest of the company. Liberty alreadyholds 28.5 percent of Ziggo.


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James Mercante, a civil lawyer representing John, said Tuesday he hadn't received the official toxicology results but wouldn't be surprised if they showed John had alcohol in his system. He thinks authorities probably had evidence when they initially charged John in the hospital.

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On a day when Rodriguez was not in the lineup — “just a day (off),” Joe Girardi said — what passed for atmosphere was Yankee fans booing Phil Hughes after another dreadful outing. That and when the wave got started in the bottom of the seventh inning were about the only times any of the poor souls in the stands woke up on a humid day.


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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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Ghodsi, whose clients have roughly 40 percent to 60 percent of their assets in fixed-income, is shifting them into bonds with average maturities of one to two years, from average maturities of 10 years to 12 years back in 2010. He is also cutting their bond allocations, replacing them with dividend-paying stocks, such as regional banks or insurers.


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A Muslim woman was slashed to death as Buddhist gangs attacked three villages around Thandwe township, testing police and soldiers deployed on Sunday to disperse crowds that had set homes on fire and surrounded a mosque.


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A quick resolution to this month's strike by gold workerswith several companies suggests that any stoppage in the coalsector is unlikely to be protracted. The gold dispute wassettled by the NUM's acceptance of a salary increase of about 8percent.


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He said that the comments were “wrong” but questioned why Sinn Fein figures had not been arrested for provocative comments and asked why Mr McGuinness had not been questioned over his past IRA role.


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"The government has a very good argument" because the cost of air travel has not come down, said David Newman, a partner at the New York law firm Day Pitney, which has represented international airlines.


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The affluent greys are moving into £2 million apartments in Knightsbridge, but the seriously wealthy are buying a number of smaller urban properties dotted around the world, too. The emergence of this new wave of "urban retirees" has not been missed by estate agents, who all have different theories to explain it.


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The office of South African President Jacob Zuma said Saturday that doctors are working hard for a "turnaround" in the condition of 95-year-old Mandela, who was admitted to a hospital on June 8 with what officials said was a recurring lung infection.

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Peter Siddle edged a reverse-awayswinger to Matt Prior, who had just missed Siddle off Swann. In this mad half-hour England dropped two chances – Swann, at second slip, the other off Mitchell Starc – besides taking five wickets.

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Yet the think tank report is a call to arms. It finds that seven out of 20 areas in Britain with the highest welfare dependency are in coastal towns; that Blackpool – with high rates of teenage pregnancy – has three times the national average of numbers of children in care; that up to two thirds of working-age people in one area of Rhyl on the North Wales coast are dependent on out-of-work benefits.

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Zhang Zefang, a 94-year-old woman who sued her own children for not taking care of her, sits on her bed in her house in Fusheng Village, east of Chongqing City, China on March 19, 2013. Zhang is among a growing group of elderly Chinese who have resorted to suing their children in a desperate bid for care. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)


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Jolla Mobile has issued a press release regarding the Sailfish and Android compatibility today. This means that apps made for Android can now run on the Sailfish operating system without the need for additional modifications to be made. Sailfish has also stated that it is communicating with the various Android app stores to make the downloading of apps on Sailfish OS-based devices easy and seamless. Some apps that will directly run on Sailfish, according to Jolla Mobile, include Instagram, Whatsapp, Spotify, and WeChat.

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Eighty-five per cent of KNDL’s employees voted in favour of the strike, which is due to begin at 10am on 11 September. Unite claims that the firm is ignoring the terms and conditions of the workforce, bringing the prospect of job losses.

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Unfortunately for Fewell, his deck isn’t exactly stacked with less than three weeks to go now before the start of the regular season. He has a complement of average-at-best linebackers, an aging front line and a top safety with a sprained ankle, and he may have to start the season without his best player, defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul.

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Consultant paediatric surgeon Ed Kiely, who was part of the team who operated on the girls, said: "We see perhaps one set of twins a year on average. They're not that rare but because of antenatal diagnosis they don't always get born." He said the hospital is "happy" with the progress the girls have made and is "delighted" they are now celebrating their first birthday.

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Boston Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz is greeted by teammates after scoring in the ninth inning against Baltimore Orioles relief pitcher Jim Johnson during their MLB American League baseball game in Baltimore, Maryland September 29, 2013.


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"Time is the best budget analyst. If you wait longer, you'll know more," said one official. "There were a whole bunch of things that broke in our favor, but three months ago, with $11 billion short, I don't think we had a lot of choice."

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Sale (7-11) held the Yankees to one run on five hits and four walks over 7.1 innings for the win. Addison Reed picked up his 27th save despite giving up a run as Soriano struck out to end the game with the tying run at first base and A-Rod on deck.

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Critically, Holloway said Bloomberg “has also asked her to look at the processes inside EMS. Are there sufficient processes in place to ensure that . . . information is being acted upon as quickly as it can possibly be acted upon?”


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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.

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Emerging markets bonds, which tend to be much more volatilethan the balanced approach, should be considered "satellite"holdings for the income portion of your portfolio.Dividend-payers, in contrast, can be held long-term and be partof a growth-and-income strategy.

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For the new analysis, the researchers used an existing study of mothers and their 2,929 children from 20 large U.S. cities. The mothers and children were first recruited between 1998 and 2000 to be periodically interviewed and evaluated.


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In 1964, he landed a job working in the Trade Department of Mills Music. He was a "good packer of sheet music" and loved meeting his friend Davie Jones (David Bowie), at Soho's Giaconda Cafe, to talk about music. He was also immensely pleased by the fact that Chelsea's star players used to come to the office Christmas parties.

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Two months after National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden sparked a public debate about government surveillance, President Obama today vowed to "put the whole elephant out there" when it comes to the controversial programs and unveiled steps to increase transparency and accountability at the NSA.

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Hyundai is facing fierce competition in its home market ofSouth Korea. Free trade deals opened the door for U.S., Japaneseand European rivals, who are chipping away at its share in amarket where it is accustomed to dominating.

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It was truly a remarkable span; Rex Ryan’s clipboard had come directly to life. Smith wasn’t just running the offense by rote, either. He demonstrated maturity with his decisions and with his aim, making life easier for receivers with passes that were purposefully low and placed out of danger.

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When we arrived at our dorm, Jennifer took out her tools before we had even unpacked our bags. She drilled a hole in our window sash, and I inserted small but strong metal bars through the wood, so it couldn’t be opened from the outside even if the glass was broken. We got special permission from campus security to add a deadbolt lock to our door. As a final touch, Jennifer gingerly hung the Never List on the wall between our beds, and we surveyed the room with satisfaction.


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The Spanish company's acquisition of KPN's E-Plus wouldbroadly put it on an equal footing with leaders Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone in Europe's biggest mobilemarket and reduce the number of operators to three from four.

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It added that a “lack of good planning” led to “unacceptable delays” in payments, with only £168m paid out by March 2012, rather than the expected £500m. By the end of March this year, some £577m had been paid out to 407,000 policyholders, with a further 664,200 payments totalling £370m due to be made by the time the scheme winds up in March 2014.

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The agency also recently upgraded its 30-year-old computer system with a new software program designed by Deloitte Consulting. The contract cost the state $62.4 million and aims to process new jobless claims more efficiently.

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One of BBC Three’s best original drama commissions, the series about a ghost, a werewolf and a vampire house-sharing in Bristol was beset by a rare problem: a cast so talented it was impossible to hang on to them for long. Eventually the churn took its toll and after five shape-shifting seasons Being Human succumbed to the inevitable earlier this year.


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The son of a Greek immigrant who ran a cleaning and shoeshine business in Galveston, Mitchell became one of the wealthiest men in the U.S. While his technological breakthrough transformed economies in states like North Dakota, Texas and Pennsylvania and is expected to migrate around the world, many environmentalists have attacked the practice over concerns about air and water pollution.


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The first two months have been a mix of good, bad and ugly for Smith, who has been chasing consistency from the moment he became the starter. He’s the first quarterback since the 1970 merger to have four fourth-quarter or overtime game-winning drives in his first seven games. He has a better completion percentage than Tom Brady, Eli Manning, Michael Vick and Colin Kaepernick.


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Republican Representative Tom Cole of Oklahoma said it wasimportant to get negotiations underway with Democrats. "If wehave a negotiation and a framework set up, we can probably reacha way to raise the debt ceiling while the negotiation is inprogress. But nobody is going to raise it before there is anegotiation," he said.


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Tsarnaev's mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, told ABC News today that anyone angry with her son is only angry because they do not know he is innocent. One supporter of Tsarnaev's said before the hearing that he believed Tsarnaev was framed.


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What will Michelle Obama do next? Parade Magazine talked to the First Lady and found out: taking her fight against childhood obesity to the next level, gearing up for teenage daughters and taking her life in the White House in graceful stride.


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BART management on Wednesday told a panel appointed by Brownto investigate the dispute. Management has offered a 9 percentpay raise over four years. The unions said they want raises of 5percent per year over three years and that additional payincreases would be needed to offset higher benefit contributionsworkers are being asked to take on.


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Louay al-Mokdad, political and media coordinator for the Free Syrian Army, an umbrella coalition that groups together some of the armed militias fighting Assad, says the push to disarm the Syrian leader is a “trick” designed to buy his regime more time to continue his military campaign.


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In the very near term though, he said, the Aussie couldsqueeze a bit higher. That was primarily because plenty ofinvestors and speculators had built large bets against thecurrency and needed to book profits, analysts said.


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The judges this year were most impressed with Ven, a19-month-old local Phu Quoc ridgeback. With 50 well-trained andimmaculately groomed foreign breeds in the competition, Ven'svictory came as a big shock to his owner.


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Councilor John Connolly had the support of 41 percent of likely voters, ahead of the 34 percent who support Representative Martin Walsh in the first poll since the two candidates, both Democrats, emerged as the leading contenders following last month's primary.


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After that, an MBA can't hurt, although it comes at a great expense. The average per-year cost of the top 20 MBA programs in the United States, as ranked by the US News & World Report in 2013, was nearly $54,000 per year full-time (when using out-of-state tuition at the public schools).


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Said Sanchez: “The rookie made an awesome play.” Sanchez finished with 10 of his 13 pass attempts completed for 125 yards. That included an 80-yard drive capped by a 26-yard touchdown pass to receiver Jeff Cumberland.


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But Franz, who has been chief executive officer and chairmanat Lufthansa since January 2011, is in the middle of a strategicoverhaul at the German airline, which could complicate anydeparture. His contract is due to expire in March 2014. (Reporting by Caroline Copley in Zurich and Marilyn Gerlach inFrankfurt; Editing by Robert Birsel/Ruth Pitchford)


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Noting that Miami was already under a cease-and-desist orderfor similar misconduct in 2003, the regulators said in a writtenstatement that starting in 2008 Boudreaux had moved $37.5million among city funds to disguise financial weaknesses frominvestors looking at three 2009 bond deals worth $153.5 million.


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Native small mammals on forest islands created by a large hydroelectric reservoir in Thailand faced extinction and a new paper says species living in rainforest fragments could be far more likely to disappear than was previously thought.


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The Pew Research Center, a Washington-based think tank known for its surveys into political and social trends, published a report on Tuesday exploring views about "radical life extension" and its effects in the United States.


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The words, ascribed by the poet Emma Lazarus to Liberty herself, could be called our national hymn on immigration: “ ‘Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!’ cries she, with silent lips. ‘Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.’ ”


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"I called Miranda and she liked the song and she came in and sang it," Urban said. "Then people started saying I couldn't have Miranda sing first. I was like, 'Why not? It sounds fine.' It's a duet. She's not a backing vocalist."


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David Zweig, a China politics expert at the University of Science and Technology in Hong Kong, says that "clearly, the driving force behind it all is anti-corruption. The second force behind it would be the weakening of the state-owned enterprises." 


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"To describe [the evidence] as voluminous would be rather an understatement," said Mukul Chawla, counsel for the Serious Fraud Office. The SFO have been instructed to serve their prosecution papers in relation to Mr Hayes by September 30.


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A@barfle: and that is exactly what the Republican Party has not wanted to happen because they want the government barefoot and prone, and would very much prefer that all those who depend on it drop dead as long as they get theirs. Am I too unkind? The biggest pigs at the Federal trough are always the rich and the well funded. Everyone else needs the government as the most reliable and usually most legally accountable and disinterested party available for long term concern for the general welfare. Most buisnesses – and especially the ever changing place names of the major international corporations – seem to be fly by night outfits, actually, however lush their corporate quarters. Every decade or so they seem to have name changes and identity crisis and rack up huge debts in merger and acquisition costs. It keeps people in money and I appreciate the value of negative numbers on a balance sheet.


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Officials have described the military offensive that started Saturday as the biggest sweep of the region in recent years, aiming to weed out al-Qaeda-inspired groups who have taken hold in villages in northern Sinai.


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Following the debate John Baron, one of the Tory rebels, said: “I think this is a result which will hopefully encourage the Prime Minister to think again about intervening in what is vicious civil war.”


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"Indeed, the court cannot fathom having to decide this multi-billion-dollar claim without the testimony of such a key government decision-maker," Wheeler wrote. "These facts constitute 'extraordinary circumstances' for the taking of Mr. Bernanke's deposition," which the judge said he plans to attend.


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"The Verizon Wireless Network Extender remains a very secure and effective solution for our customers," Samberg said in a statement. He said there have been no reports of customers being impacted by the bug that the researchers had identified. The company is a joint venture between Verizon Communications Inc and Vodafone Group Plc.


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In Sunday's final, Djokovic raced through the first set as his opponent failed to find any rhythm with his first serve, winning just eight points from 14. The figures were worse on his second serve - three from 11.


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Pryor ran for 50 yards and threw for 126 in his first home start for the Raiders (1-1), and Marcel Reece scored on an 11-yard run to help Oakland bounce back from last week's late loss in Indianapolis. Sebastian Janikowski added four field goals.


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The couple normally reside in California, where same sex marriage is now legal, following the Supreme Court’s ruling, which deemed the infamous California Prop 8 unconstitutional. However, even before Prop 8 was overturned, the pair had reportedly made plans to get hitched in New York, “because that’s where it was legal, ” as Ferguson explained during a recent appearance on The View.


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In a slightly embarrassing, stalker-ish way, I intercepted Martha en route for her dressing room after the show. I could see in her steely eyes: "Here comes another heartfelt thank-you for that pumpkin pie recipe …" But when I told Martha I wanted to thank her for writing The Martha Rules, she visibly warmed, and we chatted for a while. I told her that I’d given it to dozens of female entrepreneurs, and hoped it was helping to keep it in print. Before she swept away, trailing her entourage, I got the sense she was pleased.


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“An absolute ban on the Russian Winter Olympics of 2014 in Sochi is simply essential,” Fry writes. “Stage them elsewhere in Utah, Lillehammer, anywhere you like. At all costs, Putin cannot be seen to have the approval of the civilized world.”


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Among those attending events in Birmingham were former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who was a childhood playmate of one of the victims, former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, filmmaker Spike Lee and Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King.


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The mass of data allowed the US to monitor what was happening in the surrounding area as commandos went from floor to floor, killing three of bin Laden's guards and then the terror leader himself.


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U.S. home prices rose 0.6 percent in July on a seasonally adjusted basis, the S&P/Case Shiller composite index of 20 metropolitan areas showed. That was a slightly slower pace than forecast but a separate report from the U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency showed U.S. home prices rose 1 percent.


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“It’s been a frustrating, tough year, honestly,” he told reporters Monday while sitting next to general manager Ned Colletti during an awkward press conference. “It puts me in a spot that everything I do is questioned because I’m basically trying out and auditioning, can you manage or can’t you manage? That’s not a great position for me as a manager.”


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Will questions be asked about Sir Paul Judge’s suitability to become a Sheriff of the City of London this month, after his acrimonious legal battle with ENRC this week took another twist?


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Mr Gamble added: “We've got to get the balance right. And the balance is attack the root cause, invest with new money, real investment in child protection teams, victim support and policing on the ground.


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2019-05-31 09:23:34

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I'm sorry, I'm not interested http://apetitmascotas.com/ nizagara pills review Mr Devillers is believed to have met Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai in the 1990s while living in Dalian and reportedly helped design street grids in the port city while Mr Bo was mayor. French documents quoted by the Wall Street Journal and New York Times said he also oversaw the running of a villa in the South of France - allegedly belonging to Mr Bo - between 2001 to 2007. He was detained in Cambodia, where he lives, before voluntarily flying to China in July 2012. Reports say Chinese authorities wanted to talk to him as a witness in the Neil Heywood case.


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2019-05-31 10:18:43

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2019-05-31 10:18:49

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Azeri state oil company SOCAR and the French oil companyeach hold 40 percent of the project to develop Absheron, ashallow-water offshore field on the Caspian Sea, underproduction-sharing agreements. The remainder is held by GDF Suez.


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2019-05-31 10:19:00

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ISTANBUL—A Turkish warplane shot down a Syrian helicopter that had violated Turkish airspace Monday, underlining the regional combustibility of Syria’s conflict despite a week of frenzied international diplomacy.


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The malleable perception of time, ancient memories rediscovered, reimagined and reconstructed – Summerfest covered all these during Saturday evening’s concert in the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s White Hall.


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"To truly address violence for the long-term we need state and federal laws that keep illegal guns out of our communities and provide real punishment for the criminals who use them," McCarthy said. He said the shooting highlighted a need for a three-year mandatory minimum sentence for illegal gun possession and truth in sentencing for gun crimes in Illinois.


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Reverend Shazad Murad told the Telegraph he believed the terrorists had intended to bomb the church again but had instead attacked the Khan Raziz police station, 500 yards away, when they were unable to get through security posts. "It took 20 minutes for the bishop to calm people down," he said.


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Joanne Peters, a spokeswoman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said earlier Monday that "we fully intend for the secretary and other HHS officials to testify before Congress as early as next week, as they have numerous times in the past."


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The young man, he was an adult, placed himself in harm’s way when he chose to break the law on a public street. He knew he was breaking the law because he chose to run to avoid arrest, or citation. The officer acted within standard operating procedures to stop a fleeing criminal. The death was an unintended consequence of a crime. The officer was not wrong for being present, being a witness, stopping a crime, and forcibly arresting a suspect.


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Last year, the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges sounded the alarm over the London Olympics Committee selling the exclusive rights to peddle brand-name food and non-alcoholic beverages at the Games to McDonald’s and Coca-Cola.


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Under Marchionne, Chrysler has mounted an unlikely comebackthat has pushed its valuation to around $10 billion, accordingto some analyst estimates. The U.S. automaker is now propping upFiat's bottom line, rather than the other way around.


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Women often have an emotional attachment to the family home, especially when there are children involved. However, taking on the whole mortgage can have disastrous financial consequences if it is not affordable. Mary Waring, a financial adviser at Informed Choice Financial Planning, said women are often better off downsizing to a smaller property and taking a share of their partner's pension. Ms Waring said: "Wives often ignore pensions and focus on the house but in many cases that is not the right thing to do. It is important to ensure you have something to support your retirement, especially if you have been a stay at home mum."


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Styling is strong but rather subdued. There is no question what this truck is, but the smoothed edges and simple headlight cluster don’t dazzle the way the older Range Rover or Sport model have in the past. The boxy shape has been modified; even the side windows have a slight taper to them, something learned from the success of the Sport model. The floating roof design helps to visually diminish the overall size of this truck and it helps to a point. The rear cargo area is still a clam design, with a power lift gate and a power tailgate that meet in the middle to secure the back. The size of the cargo space is impressive, but reaching the back seat can be a stretch due to the tailgate feature. The front and rear overhangs are still designed with off-roading in mind; the approach and departure angles are designed to let the Range Rover enter and exit ditches or gullies without scratching the bodywork.


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More jobs are still leaving France than coming home. Figuresfrom March showed that for 44 companies which had returnedproduction to France since 2009, 267 had outsourced activities,according to the Observatoire de l'Investissement.($1 = 0.7518 euros) (Editing by Mark John and Catherine Evans)


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Chancey Luna, 16, who allegedly pulled the trigger, has been charged with first-degree murder. Michael Jones, 17, the alleged driver of the car, has been charged with use of a vehicle in the discharge of weapon and being an accessory after the fact to first-degree murder.


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Gains in the U.S. semiconductor index, fueled by a 9percent price rise in DRAM memory chips since late August,lifted memory chip maker SK Hynix Inc 3.2 percent,while Samsung Electronics Co Ltd also rose 2.2percent.


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NEW YORK, July 14 (Reuters) - The average price of U.S.gasoline dipped slightly over the past three weeks due toplentiful supplies, but prices are expected to jump soon asretailers pass on the higher cost of wholesale gasoline toconsumers, the Lundberg survey said on Sunday.


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2019-06-05 00:32:47

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Meanwhile, the Sboui affair escalated. The Tunisian authorities arrested her in May after she wrote “Femen” on a cemetery wall. Prosecutors announced a number of charges against her, including “desecrating a cemetery” and “undermining public morals,” according to the human rights group Amnesty International.


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On Friday, the jury sent a note to the judge asking for a full inventory of evidence in the case, which has dominated U.S. media, sparked street demonstrations and raised questions about race and guns in America.


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"I've experienced his sexual innuendos with me at various events that again, have left me in that strange feeling of `this is inappropriate, this is unwanted and this shouldn't be happening,"' Gattas said.


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In this June 9, 2011 photo provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Honey Prairie fire is seen burning in the Okefenokee Swamp in southeast Georgia. A wildfire started by lightning in the Okefenokee Swamp is still smoldering and sputtering six months after it started. (AP Photo/ US Fish and Wildlife Service, Howard McCullough)


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Hopes of an imminent release dimmed by the evening when President Juan Manuel Santos rejected Jackson's intervention via Twitter, reiterating he would deny the FARC an ostentatious liberation it has called a "humanitarian" gesture.


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The British group, which has been battling regulator-orderedprice cuts, economic pressures and competition throughout itsEuropean markets, said on Friday it expected the next threemonths to follow broadly the same trends after reporting yetanother sharp drop in its key revenue measurement.


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"This would be a turning point for these companies," the official said, naming Facebook, Google Inc and Microsoft Corp as examples, although they would not be the only companies affected. "If you want to work here, you will have to obey our rules."


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2019-06-05 06:02:15

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CBS News reports retired Navy lieutenant commander Kelly Weaverling, 41, went under the knife Wednesday to donate the kidney needed to save Jimmie Sue Swilling’s life. The surgery was reportedly a success.


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As his speech neared its sixth hour, Cruz took an odd turn by reading his young daughters a bedtime story via the Senate floor cameras. Cruz said his book of choice, Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham," was a favorite of his as a child. 


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2019-06-05 06:34:27

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Are the Republicans deliberately trying to hurt the U.S. economy in order to maintain the Q.E. program which would need to continue if the economy was tanking again???? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark….


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2019-06-05 07:49:53

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2019-06-05 08:09:31

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A whopping 84% of the 500 Hebrew-speaking Israelis polled said they do not believe diplomacy will deter Iran from developing nuclear weapons; 7% do believe in the diplomatic process while 9% had no opinion.


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Yes, every team has injuries to deal with. But the Giants were clearly trying to hold an old, aging team together for one last championship run before pondering a rebuilding job. Losing six key starters before Week 4 was pretty close to their worst-case scenario.


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"I think the first time I played him at the US Open I didn't feel ready. The Wimbledon final was a good one – it was a very close match and it could have gone the other way. And the final here, again I had quite a few chances in that match too. Maybe I've just not converted as many chances as I needed to against him in the Slams and that's where his experience has probably told."


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2019-06-05 12:44:56

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And two years ago, New York State made Collaborative Drug Therapy Management the law, permitting pharmacists to analyze a patient’s medication therapy and make recommendations to optimize health and economic outcomes.


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Additionally, David Doss has been named senior vice president for news programming; Marcy McGinnis has been appointed senior vice-president, newsgathering; and Shannon High-Bassalik will serve as senior vice-president, documentaries and programs.


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Experts say the removal of up to 1,000 metric tons of chemical agents will be highly problematic in the middle of Syria's civil war, although they assume that the dozens of chemical weapons sites remain under government control.


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He said in his speech to the National Children and Adults Services Conference: “Woodside has a scheme where GPs make regular, proactive visits. This provides great reassurance and has reduced hospital admissions by 40 per cent.


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On another call http://silverdaddies.fun/ silver daddies Kevyn Orr, the state-appointed emergency manager who has been running the city since March, first warned bondholders on June 14 that he was labeling nearly $641 million of unlimited tax and limited tax general obligation debt outstanding as unsecured.


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Have you read any good books lately? http://highlightconseil.com/ pthc loli bbs tgp NPT is a voluntary treaty that countries enter so that they can get nuclear expertise from nuclear-weapons countries for peaceful use of nuclear technology. For example, Iran as member of NPT got help from Russia to build it Busher nuclear plant. As a part of NPT, these countries agree to inspections to make sure they don’t have nuclear weapons program. Since Israel (as well as India and Pakistan) are not part of NPT they’re not subject to inspections. Again, just to repeat – this is voluntary treaty. Iran was also free not to join NPT and in that case they would have had to completely rely on their own means to develop nuclear energy. What Iran has apparently been doing instead is relying on NPT to get nuclear technology from the West and Russia and using it to develop it for their own military uses. That is clearly prohibited under NPT.


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2019-06-05 16:12:00

The manager http://9taxi.in.net/ 9 taxi The unit that distributes the NSA’s information is called the Special Operations Division. The SOD is made up of two dozen partner agencies and was initially created to battle Latin America drug cartels. Reuters wrote that the SOD distributes tips to DEA officials, who then have to conceal the source of their information. They do this by “recreating” an investigative trail through a process called “parallel construction” in an alarming violation of Constitutional rights and privacy.  


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2019-06-05 18:09:06

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NEW YORK, Sept 18 (IFR) - Hilton Worldwide will beginmarketing a USD3.25 billion high-yield bond on Thursday as partof a multi-billion refinancing ahead of its initial publicoffering, one of the banks managing the deal said on Wednesday.


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2019-06-05 18:09:29

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2019-06-05 18:09:36

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2019-06-05 18:09:51

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2019-06-05 18:10:00

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2019-06-05 19:25:57

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Western Power Distribution said its engineers were attempting to restore electricity to more than 500 properties in the St Teath area of north Cornwall, while the flooding also caused the closure of the minor injury department at Newquay Community Hospital.


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The ruling AK Party recruited thousands of volunteers and paid workers to join Twitter, two party sources told Reuters. The pro-government volunteers have employed tactics such as reporting their political rivals as spammers, leading to their accounts' suspension.


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The problem with Icahn’s approach buy constantly making a lot of noise of getting Apple doing such large buy back is that it might end up driving the share prices high enough that the share buy back is no longer worthwhile. So what Apple needs to do is to continue to repurchase their stocks back whenever it is below $500/share; but they should do it as quietly as possible under the radar. If Icahn constantly putting a spotlight on the whole buy back. Apple might end up repurchasing the shares at a much higher level.


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The very public infighting between the two leaders that has dominated headlines for the past year has raised concerns about the country’s stability. But the uncertainty of who will fill the void after both are gone is raising even more questions about the future.


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HBO has released the photo of a white-haired Ed Harris as McCain, and the resemblance is pretty uncanny. 'Game Change' follows McCain's 2008 presidential campaign and is based on the bestselling book by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. Take a look at McCain's running mate ...


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2019-06-06 01:07:15

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Insurgents often increased attacks during Ramadan in the years following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion. Pious Muslims go without food, drink, smoking and sex in the daytime during the holy month, when feelings of spiritual devotion are high.


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"I am personally the victim of deferred dreams … but in spite of that, I close today by saying I still have a dream, because, you know, you can't give up in life. If you lose hope, somehow you lose that vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream."


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The European Union's biggest ex-communist country has beenviewed by many investors in recent years as the star of the newEU members, with 10-year bond yields - the mostpopular paper among foreigners - roughly halving since joiningthe bloc in 2004.


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Villaraigosa left the mayor's post in June after eight years in office. He says Herbalife has been a solid member of the Los Angeles business community, a supporter of local charities and a strong presence in the Latino community.


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Villaraigosa left the mayor's post in June after eight years in office. He says Herbalife has been a solid member of the Los Angeles business community, a supporter of local charities and a strong presence in the Latino community.


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Villaraigosa left the mayor's post in June after eight years in office. He says Herbalife has been a solid member of the Los Angeles business community, a supporter of local charities and a strong presence in the Latino community.


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Vaughters also said the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which has the power to add or withdraw sports from the Olympic Games, would take notice if relationships were better with all the anti-doping bodies.


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2019-06-06 21:45:59

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Spain's government has said that changes to refinanced loanswould at most create an extra 2 billion-euro capital shortfallacross the sector, although it is unclear whether that takesinto account potential further rises in coverage levels.


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"The plant should now start the return to full production and there is no excuse for this not happen," the union said, accusing Ineos of running the Grangemouth refinery and petrochemical sites into a "damaging cold shutdown".


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That is just one of the many inspirational stories of  Vested Interest in K-9s donors. In September, 10-year-old Allison Henry from Holyoke, Mass., asked for donations for her birthday instead of presents. She raised $1,000 for a local K-9 named Ryker to get a vest.


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2019-06-06 22:08:03

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2019-06-06 22:08:06

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2019-06-06 22:08:12

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"He's been in rehab (for ill health) for almost a year … and early this afternoon, he passed away," Tenore told Reuters. "He was not only a tremendous boxer, but also the most righteous, polite, generous human being."


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2019-06-06 22:08:25

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2019-06-06 22:08:29

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2002 - RIM adds voice calls to the BlackBerry.2004 - RIM's surpasses 1 million BlackBerry users.2007 - Apple launches first iPhone. RIM passes 10 millionsubscribers, briefly becomes most valuable company in Canada.Google's open source Android platform is unveiled. It launchesin October 2008.2008 - RIM launches BlackBerry Storm, its first touchscreen andkeyboard-less device. The screen uses a tactile feedbacktechnology known as haptics, allowing a user to click down toselect actions. The model bombs.2010 - RIM buys QNX Software Systems for C$200 million. It willlater use its software for its BlackBerry 10 devices.


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Other software changes include the addition of Moments, Collections and Years for the Photo app – automatic groupings of your photos that will create albums that match, say, a day and a location so you get all the pics from your weekend trip to Brighton in one place.


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2019-06-06 22:33:54

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2019-06-06 22:33:56

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2019-06-06 22:34:00

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Moody's also said there is uncertainty over what BP's final bill will be from a settlement agreement reached last year with the Plaintiffs' Steering Committee (PSC) - an uncapped system funded by BP that pays out money to tens of thousands of people and business affected by the spill.


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In fact, the number of births that took place in 2012 leveled off with years of huge drops. Approximately 3.5 million were born last year, which was 1,000 fewer than in 2011. More significant declines can also be noted via 2011, with 50,000 less babies and a drop of 100,000 in 2009 and 2010.


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2019-06-07 02:12:08

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Even more amazing is that Quinn came in third. She was endorsed by all the city big press (NYT, POST, Daily News, etc.). She had the backing of all the big real estate interests and Wall Street. Plus she tried to get the gay community to vote as a block which they didn’t.


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2019-06-07 03:18:56

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"The Wolverine" shows that, while originality would be nice, a little novelty and enthusiasm in the presentation of the familiar can be quite enough. The bottom line is that audiences aren't stupid and will not settle for just anything, as the anemic box office for recent blockbusters is showing. "The Wolverine" deserves to break out from the pack.


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Observatory director Rami Abdul Rahman said the army's latest offensive on Saraqeb could be a push to set the stage for an eventual offensive on Aleppo. But the rebels have kept their ground at least 15 kilometers (9 miles) from Saraqeb, forcing the regime to rely on its air power.


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On a cautionary note, the prices Twitter can get for adshave fallen over the past five quarters. The company said thatdecline was the result of a deliberate effort to expand itsinventory and frequency of ads, which in turn drives volumedemand from marketers.


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No sooner had he returned from Marcoussis [a village south of Paris] than Paul came to see me, more affectionate than ever; since then, we’ve been together six hours a day; our meeting place is his little room; there, he’s doing my portrait, during which time I read or we chat together, then, when we’ve had enough of work, we usually go and smoke a pipe in the Luxembourg [gardens]. Our conversations ramble over everything, especially painting; our recollections also loom large; as for the future, we touch lightly on it, in passing, either to wish for our complete reunion or to pose for ourselves the terrible question of success.


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In an indication that traffic alone may not be the only problem, a government official with knowledge of the matter said that technicians at HealthCare.gov had not only added more servers but had also "improved system configurations." The official did not elaborate.


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The U.S. and China introduced a new round of sanctions against North Korea at the United Nations that the U.S. said would significantly impede the development of Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs, in response to its test last month of an atomic bomb.


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2019-06-11 02:49:58

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Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, a prominent figure in the liberal-leaning Reform synagogue, urged Rabbi Mirvis to break with tradition and abandon the title of Chief Rabbi as a symbol of reconciliation with the growing progressive congregations.


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Fonterra, the world’s largest dairy exporter, said Aug. 3that three batches of a whey protein made at a New Zealand plantlast year may contain bacteria that can cause botulism. Dairyproducts make up about a quarter of the South Pacific nation’stotal overseas sales.


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"This is now back on track," Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp told CNN late on Tuesday, after a day of chaotic developments that frayed the nerves of many members of Congress and global financial markets.


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Steady streams of gawkers — alerted to the latest sighting via social media — came to survey the graffiti maven’s piece along 38th Ave. in Woodside, snapping pictures and posing next to the piece of spontaneous urban art.


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Developer TF Cornerstone got permission to build its 24-story rental tower at 455 West 37th St. larger than the area’s zoning rules would have otherwise allowed in exchange for designating 20% of the units affordable. But the extra floor space was hardly enough enticement on its own.


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Flood is popular with North Jersey coaches, and the Knights have created a solid pipeline of young talent, signing three straight good classes, as well as the best prospect in the state — Huggins and defensive tackle Darius Hamilton — in two of the previous three years. Rutgers already has commitments from 20 prospects, including wide receiver Adonis Jennings of Timber Creek, Kiy Hester of DePaul Catholic, and seven of the Top 20 prospects in the state as well as quarterback Tyler Wiegers of Detroit Country Day, a Top 7 prospect in Michigan. It’s early, but the class is ranked 19th by Rivals.com, behind only Ohio State and Michigan in the Big Ten. But despite this recruiting success, the program has struggled to produce significant wins in the last six years.


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Firstly, they put in false personal injury claims for whiplash, sometimes including claims for people who were not even in the car. Added to that, they might charge the insurance company for loss of earnings, then they put in fake bills for vehicle storage, recovery, repairs, and replacement car hire.


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There had been expectations that slowing growth in sales of high-end smartphone in rich countries would dent the South Korean company's profit, but the latest result underlined the success of Samsung's expansion in the mobile-phone market in developing countries.


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The New York Times reported on Friday that the league had expressed its displeasure with the direction of the "Frontline" documentary at a lunch last week attended by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, NFL Network President Steve Bornstein, ESPN President John Skipper and ESPN Executive Vice President for Production John Wildhack.


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The arrest took place after College station police saw Manziel and another man participating in "mutual combat," according to police reports. After stopping the fight, police asked Manziel for identification. Manziel showed officers a Louisiana driver license showing a birthday in 1990; police then searched Manziel and found his real license with a birthday in 1992.


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Beblawi's challenge is setting up a government that willappear inclusive without the biggest Islamist party. TheBrotherhood has said it will have no dealings whatsoever with aregime it says was imposed on Egypt after a "fascist coup".


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In other words, the "cover story" they put out for Snowden will change, if necessary, to be whatever it has to be until they get everything he has - or knows - about U.S. intelligence operations. In short, he's – in a very practical sense – a political prisoner, whether he has figured it out yet or not. This is because the Russians, just like the Soviets were, are obsessed with what we know about them and how we know it, and more than anything else they seek to prevent anyone from finding out what they are doing.


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Some of the equipment along that line dates back to 1914 and is particularly susceptible to heat-related problems, said Schumer, who wants the proposed changes to be finalized before next year's transportation bill is taken up by Congress.


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The U.S. government directed federal agencies to cut backservices after lawmakers could not break a political stalematethat sparked new questions about the ability of a deeply dividedCongress to perform its most basic functions.


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Not only are young people putting off getting married, but when they do, they are more likely to get divorced and remarried, a cycle Qian calls the "marriage-go-round." Among currently married men, Qian found the percentage of those who were married more than once increased from 17 percent in 1980 to 25 percent in 2008 to 2010.


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“I think it’s a fantastic opportunity to do great storytelling around serious journalism,” says O’Brien, the tough-as-nails former CNN star who left the Atlanta-based network less than a year ago.


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St. Landry Parish President Bill Fontenot said evacuated residents could go to a theater the local government owns if they needed a place to stay. The Delta Grand Theater has no fixed seating, so cots can be easily set up, he said.


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While on a trip to the Bahamas, the “Project Runway” host, 40, got her hair braided, and showed off the Bo Derek-inspired look on Instagram July 6. However, it was short-lived: Two days later, she posted another selfie, this time, of her “post-vacation” hair.


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2019-06-22 04:38:46

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Last summer, satellite operator DirecTV's 20 million customers were unable to see more than 20 of Viacom's cable networks, including Nickelodeon and MTV, for 10 days after those companies failed to strike a new deal.


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While the complaint alleges that the NSA and FBI bear the bulk of responsibility in setting up Prism, it suggests the U.S. companies may have provided them with the technical means to access their servers and collect personal data and content.


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For many Bulgarians, the move symbolized all the evils of politics in their country: corruption, favoritism and links to organized criminal groups, traits generally seen as inherited from the old communist regime.


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He also told officers that Miss Berry was finally able to escape his house after a decade of captivity only because he responded to the pleading of the six-year-old daughter whom he fathered with her and left her bedroom door unlocked.


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“The bunker is special; it is a part of us,” said Christoph Schulten, a professor of building construction and preservation and one of the men spearheading the campaign to save the bunker. “It’s a reminder of the war. The young generation is far removed from the war so they have to have something to remind them and to ensure it never happens again.”


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This has certainly helped keep Ramanujan's memory alive, but it is probably not the sort of immortality that Hardy had in mind when he wrote: "Archimedes will be remembered when Aeschylus is forgotten, because languages die and mathematical ideas do not. Immortality may be a silly word, but probably a mathematician has the best chance of whatever it may mean."


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Based on Lew's latest estimate, the Congressional Budget Office now projects Treasury may exhaust its cash balance and therefore no longer be able to pay all the country's bills in full and on time sometime between Oct. 22 and Oct. 31. The CBO, however, also said the "x" date -- as it's known -- could "fall outside that range."


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"The government has discussed the option of arming the rebels. This would be a major policy change. This debate allows us to mark the government's card," said John Baron, a Conservative lawmaker who secured Thursday's vote.


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"An incremental step forward that addresses only a narrow subset of the problem and places a disproportionate amount of the burden on rights holders is not sufficient. Absent meaningful proactive steps by players in every sector – advertisers, ad agencies, ad placement services, online ad exchanges and rights holders – the results will be similarly incremental. It is our hope that all parties will work together and build upon today's announcement. We encourage the Administration to continue its leadership and convene a meaningful and transparent multi-stakeholder process, with a goal of developing a comprehensive and effective response to significantly reduce the presence of legitimate advertising on illegal Internet sites."


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Rimes piqued our interest when she tweeted that she would be in "big hair, minimal wardrobe!" for the role, but she didn't mention anything about how she would play someone who's been to prison and has a bunch of skeletons in her closet... literally.


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Accompanied by Dr. Jill Biden, the vice president is scheduled to meet with India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Pranab Mukherjee for what the White House has billed as discussions including the economy, energy, and security concerns. He also plans to deliver remarks to the Bombay stock exchange and women teaching at the India Institute of Technology in separate events.


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"I think the markets are hoping (Fed Chairman Ben) Bernankedoesn't rock the boat with comments that are different than he'sgiven over the last month or so," said Michael Sheldon, chiefmarket strategist at RDM Financial in Westport, Connecticut.


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The Government's ongoing involvement does represent a source of concern, however. Royal Mail will remain the UK's main postal provider, and its public responsibilities will continue to dictate the way it is run, as will its commercial agreement with the Post Office, which lasts until 2022.


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"It does leave a bigger job for the next chairman," said Scott Anderson, an economist at Bank of the West in San Francisco. "I think there's a good chance that the Fed hasn't even started the taper when the new chairman comes in."


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Oct. 10 - Boeing delays first flight and deliveries of the787 due to challenges in assembling the passenger jet.Deliveries are now slated to begin in late November or December2008, versus an original target of May 2008. ()


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Its title notwithstanding, Joshua Oppenheimer's film, shot in Indonesia, never shows a single moment of actual violence—only the spectacle of former gangsters and death-squad assassins recounting in interviews, then simulating in surreal re-enactments, how they helped to perpetrate wholesale slaughter in the mid-1960s, when a military dictatorship killed more than a million supposed communists, intellectuals and ethnic Chinese in the course of a single year. Why, at this late date, would these men be willing to come before the cameras? Because, as inveterate movie lovers, they like the idea of being in their own movie; because they're still hailed in some quarters of their nation as heroes, and because they're proud of what they did when they were young and feel their story needs to be told.


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After taking into account habits that may have influenced the results - such as how much TV the kids watched, how much candy they ate and their mother's race and education - the researchers still found that drinking two or four or more servings of soda per day was tied to higher aggression scores.


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"Once we have [a] time-frame and understand what can get down to Antarctica (numbers of people and amounts of science cargo) and what logistics will be possible while we are down there, then we can select which scenario we can follow for our expedition this year," Powell, a geologist at Northern Illinois University, told LiveScience by email.


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Stepping in where Watts left off was Ravenswood native David Ricks, who would serve a short time in which few upgrades were made to the church, but everyone enjoyed the worship and services regardless.


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A somewhat similar Senate provision would link price supports to historical plantings, an approach less likely to draw a challenge, said the analysis, but its high support prices could trigger payments that exceed WTO parameters.


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John Longworth, BCC director-general, said the government should not use the improving picture as an excuse to neglect the economy: "The recovery is not yet secure. We have had false dawns in recent years and although this upturn appears to be on stronger ground, we must be aware that complacency could lead to setbacks. Many external factors, such as the eurozone, the Middle East, and the Chinese economy, could halt our progress."


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Australia went one-up in the third, the only Test played at Bramall Lane, Sheffield, and there was controversy before the fourth, at Old Trafford, when the dictatorial chairman of selectors Lord Hawke, from Yorkshire, and the captain Archie MacLaren, a Lancastrian, fell out over selection. On the morning of the match a piqued MacLaren left out England’s best all-rounder, George Hirst, and selected Sussex’s Fred Tate, who had never played for England. It has become known as Tate’s match, though for all the wrong reasons.


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"There's more than enough evidence to support our claim," said Aziz, citing what he says are facts established by the coroner's report, pharmacy records that reflect the dosage discrepancy and tests on the remaining contents of the morphine bottle. "Frankly, I'm surprised it had to come to this."


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The IMF also sounded a note of caution on how much could be achieved through aggressive stimulus measures undertaken by the Bank of England, a key part of the Government's strategy for getting the economy back on track.


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At the same time, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., the co-author of a bill to expand background checks to more gun purchasers, acknowledged the bill remains stalled in the Senate. He told CBS he has no intention of renewing his effort to pass the measure in light of the Navy Yard shootings unless he seems movement on the part of the opponents of the bill.


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Now the pendulum’s swung hard, perhaps too hard, the other way. I have two children of my own, and everywhere I look I see the children first. Children joyous at the playground or up too late on the subway, sagging against their parents. Children telling themselves stories, guzzling tooth-rotting sodas, encouraging or taunting each other. I’m fascinated, even riveted, by their lives, and the way those lives tangle with or run free from those of us grown-ups.


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You remember that infamous toast from a few years ago, right? Anthony, Paul and Amar’e Stoudemire were plotting to become the Knicks’ answer to LeBron, Wade and Bosh. That’s what Paul hinted at before the Knicks went all in on Tyson Chandler, essentially eliminating them from having a chance to sign Paul when he became a free agent three week ago.


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"We found phages that could attack and kill this disease," he says. "In the most recent study, we found that we could protect against inception and prevent the spread and severity of the disease.


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She was still at the crime scene, zonked, when police arrived. Knight pled guilty to murder and was sent to prison for life, without hope of parole, the first Australian woman to earn such a punishment.


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"The vast majority of violent acts that occur are done by individuals who are not associated with mental illness," says Pollack. "And a vast majority of people with mental illness do not conduct violent acts."


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2019-07-07 14:02:26

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Obamacare has been molded into something horrible, a stealthy socialist monstrosity (even though it relies on private insurers) which will devour little children, probably on their way to church. (Imagine if Social Security was called Roosevelt Retirement.) You would think that the program replaces some wonderful health care system, instead of the Western world’s most expensive and dysfunctional one. It is admirable to die for America. It is very expensive to die in it.


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2019-07-07 17:38:15

Jonny was here http://xvideos.doctor/ x video.com Spierer then left with Rossman, whom she had met a week prior at the Indianapolis 500, and walked to Kilroy's Sports Bar at 1:46 a.m. Spierer, who was not of legal drinking age, entered the popular hangout, which has a sandy, outdoor beach-like area where students often walk barefoot. At 2:27 a.m., Spierer was seen on camera leaving the bar without her shoes or cell phone and heading, with Rossman, back to her apartment complex.


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2019-07-07 17:38:25

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2019-07-07 20:10:18

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From niche meetings for fans, comic cons have become sprawling affairs. New York Comic Con at the Javits Center expects to attract more than 120,000 fans to the four-day event that ends on Sunday, a steep rise from the first edition of the con, in 2006, which drew 33,000 people.


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Similarly, a memo that leaked out from teen and young adult retailer Forever 21 last week showed it was reducing a number of full-time staff to positions where they will work no more than 29.5 hours a week, just under the Obamacare threshold.


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It's not clear whether big Internet companies have seen changes in how their products are used. An analysis released this month by comScore Inc. said Google sites accounted for two-thirds of Internet searches in June — about 427 million queries per day.


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A law firm http://beeg.in.net/ beeg free Rowhani, who met with Russian President Vladmir Putin Friday in Kyrgyzstan's capital, Bishkek, for a regional security summit, said it was an opportune time to take new action regarding the West's contentions over the Iranian regime's nuclear program. 


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Whilst it is right that JWST should account for its mistakes, it is worth remembering also that Hubble's full life-cycle costs are probably double that projected for the new telescope, even after the overruns.


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Ah, the infamous Jeffrey Maier game: In 1996 the young man pulled in Derek Jeter's fly ball just over the head of Orioles outfielder Tony Tarasco. The Captain is awarded a home run, but there is no way the call would stand had a replay challenge system been around back then.


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Some climbed up walls covered in graffiti reading "martyrs" and "Sisi is a killer", referring to Egypt's army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who overthrew Mursi on July 3 following mass protests against his rule.


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Also on Friday, Judge Yvettte Palazuelos ruled that Katherine Jackson was financially dependent to at least some extent on her son for necessities of life, and the family matriarch is entitled to damages if jurors find AEG Live liable for her son's death.


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The signs of stabilization come a year after European Central Bank head Mario Draghi did much to halt the financial market crisis in Europe with a forceful statement on July 26, 2012 at a London investor conference that the bank would "do whatever it takes" to save the euro and that "believe me, it will be enough."


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Washington has become a beehive of activity regarding potential responses to the Detroit crisis: Two weeks ago, officials held a meeting with leaders of business and charitable organizations; on Wednesday, a group of Baptist pastors from the city met with U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Rep. John Conyers, a Detroit Democrat, seeking support for the city.


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Equally irrelevant is that the world is seeing the largest outflow of refugees in a decade and that both state and non-state actors from around the region are deeply unmeshed. It is enough that Syria has brazenly violated these firmly established legal norms to compromise “international peace and security.” Syria's actions compel the Security Council to restore that security.


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'We are not thinking of sacking David,' said Sir Bobby. Stating the obvious, rather, but the words and the sentiment will have been appreciated by Moyes as he looks ahead to tomorrow’s home game against West Brom. Sir Bobby also referred to Sir Alex Ferguson’s reign, calling the former United boss 'the flower in the United garden'.


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Police say Sargent, 43, brought Williams back to his Strawberry Mansion-area home. After sex, Sargent used a screwdriver and hatchet to dismember Williams, police say. As he did, his girlfriend stumbled upon the scene, police say.


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Though Woods felt his ball had only oscillated before he ran up a double-bogey six there, video footage later showed that it had slightly shifted its position and his score was amended to a quadruple bogey eight.


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Barroso told Martin Callanan, a Tory member of the EuropeanParliament and head of its Conservatives and Reformists group,that he faced the threat of defeat at the hands of the U.K.Independence Party. UKIP’s leader is Nigel Farage, a prominentopponent of the EU.


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The influential consumer magazine said the redesigned 2014Impala was not only the top large sedan, with a score of 95 of apossible 100 points, but also among the top-rated vehicles ithas tested. Only Tesla's Model S hatchback (99 points)and BMW's 135i coupe (97) scored higher.


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However, it contrasts with the claims of Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary, that shale gas is "unlikely" to bring down household bills. He has said higher gas prices are probable regardless of the discovery of Britain's shale reserves and used this argument to justify spending billions on wind farms and nuclear power stations.


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Yet with Italy's dire recession having pushed asset pricesto the lowest level in a decade and with the country's corporatefabric desperately seeking fresh capital, efficiency and verve,this may be a window of opportunity for interested outsiders,economists say.


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BOSTON — Attorneys for James "Whitey" Bulger have this summer borne a task that could have easily made them pariahs. They've defended a notorious gangster described by prosecutors as "one of the most vicious, violent and calculating criminals that ever walked the streets of Boston."


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Fueling a push into the immigration detention business, Esmor brought on Richard P. Staley, a former acting director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s central office in Washington, D.C., and added to its board Stuart M. Gerson, a former U.S. attorney general. At the time, the Justice Department oversaw both the INS and the Bureau of Prisons — two of Esmor’s biggest customers. The company also hired James C. Poland, who had worked in the Texas prison system, where Esmor was angling for new contracts.


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2019-07-19 08:25:35

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If Boehner wanted to, he could cut deals to pass comprehensive immigration reform, a grand bargain on the budget and the permanent end of the debt ceiling. All that might mean that is he's not speaker in 2015 and is, instead, a rich lobbyist, or a well-paid university professor, or a member of multiple corporate boards, or maybe even just a member of the House of Representatives. It's not such a horrible fate.


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** Italy is in talks to create a national rail group andbring in General Electric or another foreign firm as amajority investor, in the latest intervention by the governmentto help recession-hit businesses, trade unions said.They added that the plan would involve a state-owned holdingcompany taking large minority stakes in train maker AnsaldoBreda and rail signalling firm Ansaldo STS, which arebeing sold by defence group Finmeccanica.


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Attorney General Michael Geraghty, in a letter also signed by 39 other attorneys general, says he wants the federal agency to make sure the products often marketed for tobacco cessation are not being sold to children and to label ingredients.


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The Tabasco state government said at least 250 Honduran migrants were on the train heading north from the Guatemala border. Heavy rains had loosened the earth beneath the tracks and shifted the rails, officials said.


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Though he had originally intended to come to London 'incognito', he also emerged on stage at the end of Monday's performance of Jewels to rapturous applause. Wearing dark glasses he was led out on stage by two of his protégées, Olga Smirnova and Semyon Chudin, who had just performed the final section of the Balanchine ballet.


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"Dollar buying will continue. With rising Treasury yields,there is no incentive to sell the dollar, particularly againstthe euro," said Masashi Murata, senior currency strategist atBrown Brothers Harriman in Tokyo.


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2019-07-19 22:03:47

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“[This] has nothing to do with freedom of the press and everything to do with criminal harassment, abuse and authorizing the intimidation and stalking of one group in our society while protecting the basic rights of all others,” he wrote.


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"In a way you can say this is good news," said Gallagher-Thompson, who was not involved in the study. "If you‘re caring for someone with long-term (illness or disability in some cases), it may actually provide you with some health benefits."


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It's hard to believe that Kris Jenner doesn't use her kids for fame, when it's obvious all the momager wants is attention. The head of the Kardashian klan is known to tweet racy photos of herself, but a recent Halloween-inspired pic may have been crossing the line. Jenner posted a Twitter photo of herself in a Wonder Woman costume, complete with a glaring wardrobe malfunction. Was it a fashion faux pas or a plea for attention? You be the judge.


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2019-07-20 16:13:21

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John Gearity, 21, (left) and Richard McDonald, 32, (right) were honored by state Sen. Martin J. Golden (center) for rescuing a man from the tracks of the Bayridge Ridge 77th St. R train station last week.


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2019-07-20 17:19:07

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MARIETTA, Ga. — An 18-year-old man accused of fatally shooting a baby in a stroller during a robbery attempt in coastal Georgia twice counted down from five and threatened the baby before the deadly shot, his teenage co-defendant testified Thursday.


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Senate passage all but ends Washington’s summer dispute over how to address student-loan rates, which doubled automatically. Interest rates on subsidized undergraduate loans jumped from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1.


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If you doubt that the genius of the political system involves adaptability and flexibility, then consider the still-nebulous 2016 presidential field and ask how many of the 2016 White House wannabes could the founders have even conceived of holding that office? It's important to remember how astonishingly few. (And do we even need to point out that a black president would have been impossible in their lifetimes?)


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2019-07-21 02:26:43

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BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.


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carb-loading and refuelling. I have never cycled more than about 65 miles. I’ve cycled from London to Southend and London to Brighton (the long way) as part of more “fun” charity rides. So I have no idea how long 100 miles, with a big hill in the middle, would take me. It still took me five hours to get to Brighton. Sally Gunnell has nothing to worry about.


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While much of the discussion has surrounded tax reform and cuts to the Medicare and Social Security benefits programs for the elderly, Obamacare funding is quickly gaining prominence in the list of demands.


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In Europe, roll out of the new vaccines will be slower as several products - including Sanofi's four-strain Vaxigrip - are still awaiting approval, although GSK's quadrivalent has a green light in Britain, Germany and France.


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Morgan’s meltdown occurred Tuesday after Nuzzi penned a tell-all in the Daily News, writing that some Weiner staffers worked on the campaign to get close to his wife, a top aide to Hillary Clinton.


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Was there any purpose to the speech, other than to rubbish Mr Miliband? Mr Gove insisted his motives were noble. “I’m speaking out,” he said, “because I believe there is an honoured place for trade unions.” I’m not quite sure where that honoured place is, but I have a feeling it’s under Mr Gove’s thumb.


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"We are aggressively working to incorporate these into ourmodels, including our small cars like the Chevrolet Sonic andCruze, where technically feasible," GM spokeswoman Sharon Baselsaid in an email.


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Mr O'Brien, spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: "With the first baby, you usually dilate about a centimetre an hour and you've got to get from closed to 10 centimetres - which is fully dilated - so that's about 10 hours.


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2019-07-22 08:51:33

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2019-07-22 09:58:39

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Cote said the U.S. Justice Department showed in the trial that publishers conspired with each other to eliminate price competition for e-books and that Apple played a central role in that conspiracy. A trial for damages against Apple will follow, though Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said his company would appeal the verdict.


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2019-07-22 18:05:17

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2019-07-22 21:23:46

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2019-07-22 21:23:50

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"I've got to check my shoes and check my ability to hold my water and we'll see; I haven't made a decision on that," Paul said on a press call following the hearing. "I don't think anybody really doubts that there was a chemical attack. … We just differ exactly on what the response should be."


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2019-07-23 04:10:27

Is there ? http://livejasmin.in.net/ livejasmine Over the past several quarters, energy majors had relied on the diversity of their business model to offset weakness elsewhere.  In the second quarter, though, Exxon’s downstream operations fared even worse.  Earnings fell off a cliff, going from $6.65 billion a year ago to a meager $396 million, mainly due to a $5.3 billon gain due to the restructuring of Exxon’s Japanese refining assets.  Exxon was also forced to take a major write-down on its Dartmouth facility, worth about 25 cents in an EPS basis, according to Citi.  Weaker margins, mainly in refining, along with volume, mix, and longer than expected maintenance costs hurt downstream.


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"Why isn't the DOJ forcing Amazon to play fairly? This isthe question the publishing industry wants answered," said MarkCoker, founder of Smashwords, an e-book publisher anddistributor that works with Apple, Barnes & Noble and othercompanies. "Apple brought much-needed competition to the e-bookmarket and now the government is trying to undermine them."


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2019-07-23 18:05:01

Until August http://cam4.in.net/ www.cam4 NOAA told PIX 11 24 bottleneck dolphins have died in New York during July and August, along with 59 in New Jersey.  For comparison purposes, consider that New York only had one dolphin death in July 2011 and one death in July 2012.


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2019-07-23 19:10:09

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The girl was offered a wheelchair belonging to the museum, but it didn't have straps necessary to hold Lexi upright, he said. The staffer said Lexi could sit outside and watch a video about the museum while her family toured the site.


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2019-07-23 19:10:27

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2019-07-23 20:15:22

A law firm http://tnaflix.in.net/ tnaflix com Or we hear Richards speak about the Stones’ experience recording key parts of “Sticky Fingers” at the studio. He claims that, were it not for the small matter of a drug charge banning him from the States at the time, the band would have recorded “Exile on Main Street” there as well. Richards’ speculates about how various Stones classics might have sounded had they been cut in this special place. “I think they might have been a bit funkier,” he says.


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2019-07-23 21:21:01

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2019-07-23 21:21:13

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The whole bash cost him a jaw-dropping £7,000 – but that’s OK, because he earned “most of the money” himself: well, three thousand of it, to be precise, working for the family firm; his parents paid for the rest. Toby met “loads of great people” – most of whom just happened to be from similar schools spread across southern England. By his own admission, he also “got trashed every night”. Even allowing for teenage exaggeration, I find this rather depressing.


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The bill, expected to pass easily in the House, would not become law immediately as no companion legislation has yet passed in the Senate. The Senate Banking Committee could consider its version of a bill in September and then the legislation would move to the full chamber for a vote.


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“I got into this because of music, just to be around it, because I don’t possess the talent that [talk show hosts] do,” he said. Pressed on whether he ever planned to be the second Carson to host “The Tonight Show,” after Jay Leno announced he was vacating the spot, Daly said, “No, of course not.”


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Hospitals “don’t have them at the moment,” Haroun said of the antidotes and protective clothing, including masks, used in dealing with chemical agents. Nor have staff conducted regular drills on how they would respond to a chemical attack on Lebanese soil.


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SIR – Before the world rushes to save the “sinking” Republic of Kiribati (report, September 15), has anyone considered that it could be the land mass that is sinking and not the ocean level rising due to climate change?


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Without the banned Tyson Gay and Asafa Powell around, and with his training partner Yohan Blake injured, it has looked too simple for him. He admits he needs Blake back to keep him sharp and motivated, to help him remain the sport’s greatest attraction. “The rest of the athletes have just got to step up,” he said.


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In Ankara, protesters have also been turning out to vent their anger over the construction of a new cultural centre. It is set to house a Sunni mosque alongside a prayer house for the minority Alevi community – who are Shiite Muslims.


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Earlier in the day, House Speaker John Boehner told his caucus in a closed-door meeting that he and the president still have no deal. The White House rejected a House plan to open the government for just six weeks.


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The wide out seemed to take some solace back on the field, even catching a lengthy touchdown pass from quarterback Nick Foles. While it’s clear that some of the Eagles who know Cooper best have forgiven, or at least tried to accept his gaffe, Kelly knows it will take patience for everyone to jump onboard.


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What appears unlikely is any large gains in the price. Western economies are showing signs of a tentative recovery at a time when developing markets are starting to slow. This is likely to lead to further gains in the dollar, something which is negative for the price of gold. The US Federal Reserve will probably end its asset purchase programme sooner rather than later, which is another negative.


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SolarCity's stock has been on a tear since its initialpublic offering at $8 a share in December. Itwas up 1.3 percent at $38.60 near midday on Tuesday. The companyhas grown rapidly thanks to a business model that allowshomeowners to pay a monthly fee to lease solar panels,eliminating the need for a large up-front investment.


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The Mexican company, which has lost about 2 billion euros onits KPN investment since last year, around half of its totalinvestment, declined to comment on Monday, except to say that itwould keep its two seats on KPN's board.


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Using reports from governments and non-profit organizations as well as statistical estimates, the charity said that Mauritania has the highest proportion of people in slavery, with many people inheriting slave status from their ancestors. About 140,000 to 160,000 people are enslaved in the west African nation, which has a population of just 3.8 million, the report said.


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2019-07-26 20:36:54

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2019-07-26 23:57:58

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2019-07-29 07:43:44

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Keith Brooks, program director at Citywide Disaster Services, a nonprofit organization that provides emergency communication services via specialized radio programs, told FoxNews.com that the truck scoured the Long Island City section of Queens on Wednesday and will again on Thursday.


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2019-07-29 10:03:11

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2019-07-29 11:15:58

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2019-07-29 11:16:03

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2019-07-29 11:16:05

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More than 4,500 factories have shut, swelling by hundreds of thousands the ranks of unemployed in a nation where two-fifths of people live on or around the poverty line. The official unemployment rate is about 13 percent but private analysts believe the actual rate is much higher.


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Like Facebook, Twitter enjoys strong brand recognition, which typically translates to outsized retailinvestor interest. That was one of the reasons Facebook was ableto raise its IPO price to $38 a share, giving the company avaluation of $100 billion, or about 99 times its 2011 earnings.


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A leaked opinion from the European Union’s legal service contains warnings that the flagship policy is “not compatible” with existing laws and is also “discriminatory”.


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The attorneys, Michael Orkavi and Anat Yaari, said their client had been denied access to a lawyer for nine days. They added that a more complex picture exists than the one being presented by security forces, and that the full details would emerge in court after Mansouri is charged.


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Tyson said it decided to stop buying cattle fed Zilmax effective Sept. 6, after receiving animals at some of its plants that had difficulty walking or couldn’t move. Merck said Thursday it is confident in the safety of the product, which was approved for cattle by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2006.


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He recalls being in 4th and 5th grades at an elite West Side private school and nervous about walking around the city. Later, well into the Giuliani years, “I’d get on the 7 train and go to a Mets game by myself. . . . It was clear Rudy did something that made the city work. There was a sea change and I saw the way ideas can have influence.”


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"I think politicians are afraid of the multinationals, saidPearse Doherty of the left-wing Sinn Fein opposition party, wholed calls for multinational bosses to face parliamentarygrillings similar to those in the United States and Britain.


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In a fitting twist for Twitter, known for its blue birdmascot, Fry also has avian expertise. His postdoctoralfellowship at the University of California, Berkeley, focused onthe auditory cortex of zebra finches.


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In his third year out of South Florida, Williams believes every defensive position is up for grabs. “There’s no veterans for the New York Giants, so we’re going to stick together; there’s an opportunity for everybody,” Williams added. With respect to the eight other linebackers present on the fourth day of practice (the first with shoulder pads), Williams said he’ll do “whatever it takes to be that guy.”


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Analysts said Citigroup, which required three U.S. bailouts in 2008 and 2009, is getting its house in order after years of management problems. Chief Executive Michael Corbat is continuing many of the strategic changes started under predecessor Vikram Pandit, and the initiatives appeared to be bearing fruit in businesses like investment banking.


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The United States and its allies remain skeptical about the Russian proposal and President Barack Obama sought to keep the pressure on Syria by maintaining his drive for congressional backing for a possible military strike while exploring a diplomatic alternative.


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Lily Allen wore a monochrome vintage-style dress to attend the wedding of Millie Mackintosh and Professor Green that was quintessentially her quirky style. But ever the modern day style maven, she contrasted it with a most up-to-the-minute bag.


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Wearing an Ortiz jersey of his own, the kid laced an Ortiz-like line drive right back where it came from. The ball screamed at Ortiz and appeared to hit him square in the groin. The hit sent Ortiz to the ground, a brief moment of fear that all men could certainly relate to.


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2019-08-09 02:48:58

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2019-08-09 05:03:15

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2019-08-09 05:03:18

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2019-08-09 05:03:28

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Christian is a small-time producer, and has just cast Ryan as an actor in a flick, though he’s in the dark about a deeper history between Ryan and Tara. Since Christian and Tara have sex-capades with strangers, it shouldn’t matter. Yet after Tara’s duplicity is discovered, Christian leads her and Ryan down a rabbit hole of desire and trickery.


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2019-08-09 13:01:19

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Obama plans to meet at the White House at 5:30 p.m. (2130GMT) with the four top leaders in Congress - House ofRepresentatives Speaker John Boehner, House Democratic LeaderNancy Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and SenateRepublican Leader Mitch McConnell.


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So, in order to obviate an attack on a country that Americans evidently care about not at all, Vladimir Putin, the State Department's new Syria desk officer, working in concert with President Barack Obama and his intermittently slap-happy secretary of state, has come up with a fake solution to a real problem.


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The planned campaign, which has yet to get a final greenlight, will focus on how Verizon's entry into Canada could openthe door to overreaching surveillance and a loss of privacy forCanadians, said the sources, who declined to be named as theplans are not yet public.


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When Sir Richard Rich, of Rich Pickings Plc, is awarded an incentive scheme stipulating he will be given many millions of pounds of shares so long as Rich Pickings hits certain fashionable targets - normally some measure of how the company performs for the owners relative to its peer group - hitherto he would not be able to pocket any of those shares for three years after the date of award.


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2019-08-09 21:09:06

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Second, Iowa law restricts the state from releasing such information if there is no public health benefit. "If we still had people getting ill, if the product were still on the shelf," the name would be released, Mandernach said. "But in this case, we're now 40 days out from the last of that product being consumed, so there's no benefit to naming it."


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She added, “Someday, if either of those weren’t true, and I thought I could make more of a difference in the public sector, or if I didn’t like how my city or state or country were being run, I’d have to ask and answer that question.”


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An Indonesian regulatory official last month said that tintrading rules were designed to boost prices, but some traderssaid because Indonesia's physical tin contract did not havefutures it was tough to hedge and lacked sufficient trade.


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2019-08-10 02:52:12

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2019-08-10 02:52:31

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2019-08-10 02:52:34

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2019-08-10 04:01:42

Do you know each other? http://wifelovers.in.net/ angel wife lovers It should not have come to this. The moment President Obama drew a red line last year was the time to begin preparing for the “what if” and for making our determination clear. It was the time to begin exerting U.S. leadership in crafting a response. Yet it was never quite clear exactly we would do. While it is useful to leave the enemy guessing at the means of his punishment, it is less so not to have thought it through yourself. The administration rightly, if belatedly attempted to lay the groundwork for a multilateral approach. But a reliable and timely multilateralism requires longtime cultivation and consultation. This is what allies and partners are supposed to do, and what they expect of leadership – American leadership. We botched building a coalition through poor diplomatic preparation including at the United Nations, and we now see the price of neglecting allies and partners – or even snubbing them.


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2019-08-10 04:01:55

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2019-08-10 05:10:10

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2019-08-10 05:10:13

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For their study, Aliyah Mawji from Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, and her colleagues examined the heads of 440 healthy infants seen for their two-month well-child visit at one of four clinics.


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But she isn’t just a fan. The actress also revealed some of her gridiron tricks, learned during a “Friday Night Lights” powder-puff game. “I think I’m a pretty tough girl — I like to get down and dirty.”


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“As the nights start to draw in and the weather deteriorates, it’s essential that drivers ensure that their tyres are safe and fit for the winter ahead,” explains Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe. “The most basic inspection which should be carried out at least once a month, is simply checking that your tyres are properly inflated. Of course, tread depth and tyre condition are also important but to help drivers make these assessments, thousands of garages will be offering free safety checks throughout the month.”


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At the show’s start, Cyrus said she wouldn't apologize for that buzz-making performance, though she did promise to refrain from twerking. "Now that white people are doing it,” she said, “it's kinda lame."


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After New Zealand narrowly avoided catastrophe on Saturday with a near-capsize that cost it the race, Sunday's matches were among the most thrilling in yacht-racing history. The two supercharged AC72s dueled neck and neck in the second race, changing leads four times, an America's Cup record, before New Zealand eked out a 17-second victory.


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Kenya's action follows measures in Tanzania, Africa'sfourth-largest gold producer, which passed new mininglegislation in 2010 to raise royalty payments on gold exports to4 percent of gross value from 3 percent of netback value.


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Christian Ponder threw just two passes while another first round pick Sharrif Floyd left the game with a knee injury. DeAndre Hopkins caught a Hollywood touchdown pass for the Texans that he has been specialising in during practice.


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"Never was anything requested of me by Jonnie and they never got anything," Cuccinelli said. "I have said I would support any gift cap or ban that the general assembly would agree to."


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"The central authorities will continue to coordinate the multiple tasks of stabilizing growth, restructuring the economy and promoting reforms," the official Xinhua news agency said, citing a statement released after the politburo meeting.


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Danthine said the SNB's policy action on the exchange ratelimited its capacity to act on interest rates. "The opposite isalso true: we're intervening on exchange rates because interestrates are at zero," he said.


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There on the mound in the final moments of 2013 was a symbol of Met debacles. “The season didn’t go the way we would have liked, but it’s good to end on a positive note,” Mets captain David Wright said. “With such a bright future, a bright outlook for this organization is important. Throughout this year, you can take away a ton of negative, but the emergence of some of these younger players, especially the pitchers, gives the fans, and gives me just a feeling that things are going to be just fine.


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The MLB Players Association also brokered discussions between Rodriguez’s camp and MLB, as The News has reported. But Cornwell said it was unlikely that he would have been unaware that other A-Rod representatives were trying to work out a settlement.


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2019-08-14 12:07:17

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"For Pyongyang's part, its security concerns are understandable and should be addressed properly, but violating U.N. Security Council resolutions is not helpful. It has to keep its end of the bargain," Xinhua said.


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Schneiderman didn't call the $350,000 collected a"shakedown" in his press release. Rather, he called it an"agreement" with 19 New York firms in exchange for their promiseto stop flooding such websites as Yelp, Google Local, andCitysearch with fake online consumer reviews. The fake reviews,written for pay by freelancers both here and abroad, werepurchased for as little as $1 a pop, and sang the praises of acharter bus company, a teeth-whitening emporium, a strip club,and a hair-removal service, among other companies. Both"reputation management" companies procuring the fake reviews andcompanies that purchased the fake reviews entered into theagreement with the attorney general.


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The move comes days after Canadian food processor Maple Leaf said it might sell its controlling stake in Canada Bread as it decides whether to exit the bakery goods business and focus on meat products.


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Blackstone invested a minimum of $5.5 billion as equity inthe acquisition of Hilton, according to a 2007 regulatoryfiling. It participated in the deal through two of its realestate funds, Blackstone Real Estate Partners VI and BlackstoneReal Estate Partners International II, and one private equityfund, Blackstone Capital Partners V.


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Legere told Reuters he expects the offer to improve customer loyalty and to increase the number of new customers T-Mobile lures from other carriers each quarter without having a big financial impact on the company.


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The deal is a natural fit for Exxon, which has invested $11billion in its Kearl oil sands project in northwest Alberta, andgives it access to even more oil to boost its global dailyproduction, which has slid in recent quarters.


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In many cases, Christian stories, particularly miracles, were reduced to little more than asking pupils to “reflect on their own experience without any opportunity to investigate the stories’ significance within the religion itself”, it emerged.


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Still, unlike Japan, the South Korean government has not formally recognized this chapter of its history as regrettable. “Such intentional, organized and systemized civilian massacres by the Korean army is impossible,” defense ministry spokesman Kwon Kihyeon told GlobalPost. “If such an incident did exist, it would have been exposed and made public a long time ago.”


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2019-08-17 21:37:10

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Italy has had 61 different governments since 1946 and is about to try for a 62nd. While the financial press is attempting to whip everyone into a state of frenzy over the “crisis”, this situation is fairly typical of Italian politics. Governments in Italy only last about 13 months on average, and this one is already six months old. Usually Italy can get by without anyone ruling the country because the civil service is running the country. This time is different because Italy requires its duly elected government to enact budgetary and economic reforms.


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2019-08-18 19:52:52

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With sloppy play dictating the pace for much of the first two periods (the Bruins had just 10 shots in the first 35-plus minutes), the home team got the go-ahead goal by Lucic with a minute to go in the second, then turned up the heat and played their best period over the final 20 minutes.


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The soldiers are from Australia's North West Mobile Force, known as NORFORCE, a surveillance unit that employs ancientAboriginal skills to help in the seemingly impossible task ofpatrolling the country's vast northwest coast.


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McCluskey has made no secret of his desire to steer clear of a trial and the death penalty. He agreed to plea negotiations earlier this year, but federal prosecutors said they were intent on moving toward trial.


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"Evictions have often led to the social exclusion of the evicted persons, including children, given that evicted families sometimes refrain from requesting assistance from social services for fear of being deprived of the custody of their children."


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Since the act of pumping sea water, sand and a cocktail of chemicals deep into rock formations to recover oil occurs more than three miles offshore, oversight falls to various federal agencies. But the state can step in if the work jeopardizes marine mammals or water quality.


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2019-08-20 10:42:32

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There is a suspicion at the England and Wales Cricket Board that this may be a ploy to deny Andy Flower’s team high-quality match practice against hardened state cricketers, an important factor in their successful tour to Australia three years ago. Then England won all three warm-up matches before the first Test against state opponents to enter the series confident and attuned with conditions. There was no other first-class cricket being held during England warm-up matches in 2010-11 so state sides picked could pick their best teams.


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The White House said Obama would be happy to talk about health care — but only after Congress moves to reopen the government “and stop the harm this shutdown is causing to the economy and families across the country.”


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2019-08-21 07:55:43

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2019-08-22 00:24:06

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Maja Kocijancica, a spokesperson for the EU Commission, defended their position: “Israeli settlements are illegal under international law and also with the position that I already mention, with the non-recognition by the European Union of Israel sovereignty over the occupied territories,” she said.


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As a Catholic physician who has met many who have been sexually abused by priests, I believe it is tragic that Pope Benedict XVI lacks insight into the great harm that he has done to victims and their families, by continuing the policies of secrecy and denial that have been part of the Vatican strategy for centuries. When known as Cardinal Ratzinger, Benedict was head of the office that dealt with clergy sex abuse cases for 24 years and then became Pope in 2005. He did nothing of any consequence to make any sexual predator clergy accountable.


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2019-08-22 19:23:17

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2019-08-22 19:23:24

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Since then the government has called for major investment tomodernise the network and harness new renewable energy sources.At the same time the energy regulator has offered attractivereturns and regulations to encourage development.


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2019-08-22 19:23:33

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2019-08-22 19:23:36

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2019-08-22 20:32:15

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2019-08-22 21:41:00

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“It’s tough to put a date, a time limit on it,” Tortorella said. “I think we’ve made strides. When you get into late November, December, the way you want to play should be instinctive. We’re still going through the process. Hopefully by early December you start backing off and allow them to play.”


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2019-08-23 03:28:27

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2019-08-23 04:36:49

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2019-08-23 04:36:59

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2019-08-23 05:46:07

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2019-08-23 05:46:10

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2019-08-23 05:46:13

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2019-08-23 13:55:23

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He sprained his left knee about midway through Wednesday's practice when Tampa Bay defensive end Adrian Clayborn knocked New England left tackle Nate Solder into him. Brady fell down and left the field briefly. He returned for several more plays before walking off under his own power.


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The yen was weak across the board after a report in businessdaily Nikkei, which said Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe isconsidering a corporate tax cut as a way to offset the potentialeconomic drag of a planned hike in sales tax.


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2019-08-23 18:41:39

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2019-08-23 19:49:18

I'd like to transfer some money to this account http://pornmd.in.net/ mdporn The first twist is how risk retention became risk liberation. The housing-industrial complex went to work. Into Dodd-Frank went a provision that certain "safe" mortgages, called qualified residential mortgages, or QRMs, would be exempt from the risk retention requirement. "Safe" was left to the regulators to define. Cue more lobbying. The rules finally proposed in late August would exempt, according to a Wall Street Journal piece by Alan Blinder, some 95 percent of mortgages from the risk retention requirement. In other words, the very asset that most people believed led to the credit crisis is also the asset that is pretty much exempt from the new rules! Classic. In the joint announcement on August 28, the regulators wrote, "The Commission acknowledges that QM does not fully address the loan underwriting features that are most likely to result in a lower risk of default. However, the agencies have considered the entire regulatory environment, including regulatory consistency and the possible effects on the housing finance market." (That last bit is super scary.)


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2019-08-23 19:49:21

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2019-08-23 19:49:26

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2019-08-24 04:45:05

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2019-08-24 04:45:11

A company car livejasmine Other lawmakers said even that approach raised concerns. Dealing with border security, they said, could lead to negotiations with the Senate that could morph into a compromise granting citizenship for some of the immigrants in the country illegally. They sought and received assurances from Boehner that he wouldn’t let that happen, according to Rep. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota.


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2019-08-24 04:45:22

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2019-08-24 05:53:17

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2019-08-24 05:53:28

A law firm cliphunters.com "We have yet to see the U.S. economy move at a pace that would let the Fed take the crutches away," he added. "Crutches won't fix a broken leg but they do help you to walk, and right now, (the bond purchases) are still the economy's crutches."


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2019-08-24 05:53:40

A book of First Class stamps livejasmin trans The museum has been in a leased site in downtown Washington for 11 years. It draws from 600,000 to 700,000 visitors a year even though it charges admission - now $20.95 - in a city where many museums are free.


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2019-08-24 07:01:37

Incorrect PIN kraken kratom Auction house Sotheby's said on Tuesday that"important English furniture from some of the most notablecabinet makers, along with European porcelain and decorations"would be auctioned next month in a sale devoted to thecollection of Gregory and his wife, Niki.


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2019-08-24 07:01:45

Your cash is being counted xnxx stories Private nonfarm employment rose moderately in April and May, while total government employment continued to decline somewhat. The unemployment rate was 7.6 percent in May, little changed from its level in April. The labor force participation rate edged up in May, but was still slightly below its first-quarter average, and the employment-to-population ratio increased a bit in recent months. The rate of long-duration unemployment declined slightly, while the share of workers employed part time for economic reasons was little changed; both of these measures remained well above their pre-recession levels. Forward-looking indicators of near-term labor market activity were mixed but generally pointed to some further improvement in labor market conditions in the coming months: Household expectations of the labor market situation improved; initial claims for unemployment insurance were little changed, on net, over the intermeeting period; and firms' hiring plans edged up. However, measures of job openings and the rate of gross private-sector hiring were about flat, on balance, in recent months and remained near their levels of a year ago.


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2019-08-24 07:01:53

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2019-08-24 07:01:56

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2019-08-24 10:27:23

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A financial advisor aloha sex tube Bank of America's case was the first to go to trial, ararity given that banks more typically choose to settlegovernment claims instead of face a jury. But Bank of Americahad said that it "can't be expected to compensate every entitythat claims losses that actually were caused by the economicdownturn."


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2019-08-24 11:36:05

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2019-08-24 11:36:18

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2019-08-24 12:43:58

I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh www.xnxx.com For Prof Ashworth's recommendations to command public confidence, some aspects of the criminal justice will have to change beyond all recognition. In particular, he wants to help victims of thieves and vandals by forcing those offenders to pay them greater compensation.


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Barcelona city council's chief information officer, Manel Sanroma, made the bold statement last year that the cities of the future may become more powerful than nation states. Barcelona is determined to be one of the leaders: It has created more efficient bus routes, streamlined rubbish collections using sensors, introduced smart street lights and is developing contactless payments across all public transport.


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2019-08-24 12:44:12

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2019-08-24 13:52:24

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Officials in the United Arab Emirates, however, stand by the sentences. They say the decisions were in line with local laws after Dalelv withdrew the rape allegation in the apparent belief that she could then simply reclaim her police-confiscated passport and leave the country.


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2019-08-24 13:52:49

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2019-08-24 13:52:52

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2019-08-24 14:59:37

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2019-08-24 16:06:38

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2019-08-24 20:44:50

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Nine months before that public declaration by the Fed, Mr. Summers had advocated such a stance. "It might be appropriate for the Federal Reserve to commit to maintain the current fed funds rate until some threshold with respect to unemployment or expected inflation is crossed," he wrote in the Financial Times and Washington Post. The fed funds rate is the rate at which banks lend to each other overnight.


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Layoffs are all too familiar to many at the bank. Goldman had been cutting jobs almost consistently since the end of 2010. The bank added 900 workers to its payroll in the third quarter, even as it cut the amount of money it set aside for compensation. But the drop in revenue and bleak outlook for the fourth quarter suggested job cuts might be on the table again, one Goldman trader said.


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2019-08-25 10:13:43

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2019-08-26 06:56:38

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2019-08-26 06:56:42

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2019-08-26 08:03:17

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2019-08-26 09:10:51

I'm not sure http://xnxx-xnxx.in.net/ xnxx. In order to have insight into and validate a mantra for ourselves, it must be experienced and felt through introspection. Let's take the mantra Om, or Aum, one of the most common in Sanskrit and Tibetan. If Aum is indeed onomatopoeic, then performing it can create an event inside the nervous system, which can then become an object of concentration and meditation, and thereby a focal point for expanding physical and emotional awareness. In terms of phonemes, we notice that it does not have any plosives or fricatives, only sonorants. From the types of solid-object physical events that the brain evolved to perceive, this respectively corresponds to an absence of hits and slides, and the presence of only rings. A, U and M are sonorants or rings, so this particular mantra qualifies an object that inherently has no interactions (hits or slides). In terms of physics, this means our object is formless. Try resonating the mantra aloud, allowing air to flow through the nasal passage, smoothly transitioning between the three sounds. If you do not wish to disturb anyone that may be around you, you can whisper the sounds subvocally. The A (pronounced ä, as in "car") can feel like a wide opening and has a broader vibratory effect on the physical body, approximating the gross consciousness of the waking state. The U (pronounced o͞o, as in "soup"), has a funneling effect, narrowing the consciousness into subtler sensations such as thoughts and impressions, approximating the dream state. The more nasal M sound is like the drone of a bee; it makes the cranium vibrate in a kind of undifferentiated and ubiquitous earthquake over the convolutions or valleys in the cerebral cortex, approximating the deep dreamless sleep state of consciousness. Traditionally, Aum represents and has the capacity to progressively open up the practitioner to the ever-present formless and timeless reality, the background radiation of the cosmos that echoes the Big Bang. Aum is found in the form of Amen in Christianity, Judaism and ancient Egyptian, where it also codes for the immutable eternal aspect of consciousness.


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2019-08-26 09:10:56

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After Monday night's disaster, many fans are wondering what crazy thing could happen next. Wednesday's announcement that Christian Ponder may be starting on Sunday created another episode of quarterback whiplash for fans.


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2019-08-26 15:57:27

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2019-08-26 15:57:46

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Roberto Briceno-Leon, a sociology professor and head of the Venezuelan Violence Observatory, a nonprofit that researches violent crime, told GlobalPost that the real numbers could be as much as 40 percent higher.


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Lewthwaite, the widow of Germaine Lindsay, one of the July 7 suicide bombers, wrote that her love for the al-Qaeda leader was “like no other”, and described him as “my father, my brother”.


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2019-08-27 03:15:16

In a meeting http://freeones.in.net/ freeones cams It is unclear whether such a timetable can be followed, butthe installation of an interim government could allow Egypt tobegin addressing its economic problems and negotiate aidpackages with the International Monetary Fund and Gulf donors. Adelegation from the United Arab Emirates is expected to arrivein Cairo for talks on aid within a day or two. (Reporting by Nadia Saleem; Editing by Andrew Torchia)


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2019-08-27 03:15:27

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Rowe said Dr. Klein and Jackson's plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Hoefflin were "competing" for favor at this time, and she claimed she was at Jackson's Century City residence on one occasion when she had to confiscate a prescription of Dilaudid, a powerful narcotic.


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2019-08-27 10:01:43

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Eviscerating the interest income of savers is the undeniable result of a long-running Federal Reserve policy to reduce interest rates, especially since December 2008. The Fed reiterated on Aug. 1 that it plans to keep interest rates low through late 2014. It says this helps to promote stronger economic growth and bring down the jobless rate.


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2019-08-27 11:10:41

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2019-08-27 11:10:53

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2019-08-27 15:41:54

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The horror that follows is King at his best, perhaps not as shrill as in “The Shining,” but thoroughly terrifying. There’s also the extra satisfaction of finally knowing what ever became of little Danny. Best of all, is the introduction of Abra, she of the unparalleled powers and, presumably, a long future.


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Ahead of Barrick's annual meeting in April, proxy advisoryfirm Glass Lewis told investors not to vote for three directors:Anthony Munk, Peter Munk's son and a board member for 17 years;William Birchall, a member for 29 years; and former CanadianPrime Minister Brian Mulroney, who has been a board member since1993.


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ROME, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Fresh from surviving a politicalcrisis, Prime Minister Enrico Letta must return rapidly toItaly's daunting economic problems but much depends on the fateof the man who tried to bring him down, Silvio Berlusconi.


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"Regardless, improperly configured components are not acceptable and this issue is being addressed promptly. Boeing will follow standard disciplined procedures to understand how this discrepancy occurred and ensure it is not repeated," the WSJ reported, citing Boeing statement.


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Molycorp also announced a deal with its largest shareholder,Chilean molybdenum processor Molibdenos y Metales S.A. - or Molymet - under which, at Molycorp's request, Molymet couldpurchase up to $50 million worth of common stock.


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2019-09-05 16:04:28

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A German magazine earlier reported CEO Kaeser was also planning a major corporate revamp that would see him dismantle the Infrastructure & Cities (I&C) division and review the other three main businesses.


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